434 lines
14 KiB
434 lines
14 KiB
var placeholderUrls = {
cloud: "https://cloud2.influxdata.com",
oss: "http://localhost:8086"
var defaultUrls = {
cloud: "https://us-west-2-1.aws.cloud2.influxdata.com",
oss: "http://localhost:8086"
var elementSelector = ".article--content pre:not(.preserve)"
// Return the page context (cloud, oss/enterprise, other)
function context() {
if (/\/influxdb\/cloud\//.test(window.location.pathname)) {
return "cloud"
} else if (/\/(enterprise_|influxdb).*\/v[1-2]\.[0-9]{1,2}\//.test(window.location.pathname)) {
return "oss/enterprise"
} else {
return "other"
///////////////////////// Session-management functions /////////////////////////
// Retrieve the user's InfluxDB preference (cloud or oss) from the influxdb_pref session cookie
// Default is cloud.
function getPreference() {
return Cookies.get('influxdb_pref') || "cloud"
// Set the user's selected InfluxDB preference (cloud or oss)
function setPreference(preference) {
Cookies.set('influxdb_pref', preference)
// Set the user's programming language (client library) preference.
function setApiLibPreference(preference) {
Cookies.set('influx-docs-api-lib', preference)
// InfluxDB URL-Related Session keys
// influxdb_oss_url
// influxdb_cloud_url
// influxdb_prev_oss_url
// influxdb_prev_cloud_url
// influxdb_pref (cloud | oss)
// influxdb_custom_url
// Store the InfluxDB URL session cookies – influxdb_url and influxdb_prev_url
function storeUrl(context, newUrl, prevUrl) {
Cookies.set('influxdb_prev_' + context + '_url', prevUrl)
Cookies.set('influxdb_' + context + '_url', newUrl)
// Store custom URL session cookie – influxdb_custom_url
// Used to populate the custom URL field
function storeCustomUrl(customUrl) {
Cookies.set('influxdb_custom_url', customUrl)
// Remove custom URL session cookie – influxdb_custom_url
// Used to clear the form when custom url input is left empty
function removeCustomUrl() {
//////////////////////// InfluxDB URL utility functions ////////////////////////
// Preserve URLs in codeblocks that come just after or are inside a div
// with the class, .keep-url
function addPreserve() {
$('.keep-url').each(function () {
// For code blocks with no syntax highlighting
// For code blocks with syntax highlighting
// For code blocks inside .keep-url div
// Special use case for codeblocks generated from yaml data / frontmatter
// Retrieve the previously selected cloud and oss URLs from the
// influxdb_cloud_url and influxdb_oss_url session cookies.
function getUrls() {
var currentCloudUrl = Cookies.get('influxdb_cloud_url') || defaultUrls.cloud
var currentOSSUrl = Cookies.get('influxdb_oss_url') || defaultUrls.oss
var urls = {
cloud: currentCloudUrl,
oss: currentOSSUrl
return urls;
// Retrieve the previously selected cloud and oss URLs from the
// prev_influxdb_cloud_url and prev_influxdb_oss_url session cookies.
// This is used to update URLs whenever you switch between browser tabs.
function getPrevUrls() {
var prevCloudUrl = Cookies.get('influxdb_prev_cloud_url') || defaultUrls.cloud
var prevOSSUrl = Cookies.get('influxdb_prev_oss_url') || defaultUrls.oss
var prevUrls = {
cloud: prevCloudUrl,
oss: prevOSSUrl
return prevUrls;
///////////////// Preferred Client Library programming language ///////////////
function getVisitedApiLib() {
const path = window.location.pathname.match(/client-libraries\/([a-zA-Z0-9]*)/)
return path && path.length && path[1]
var selectedApiLib = getVisitedApiLib()
Cookies.set('influx-docs-api-lib', selectedApiLib)
//selectedApiLib && setApiLibPreference(selectedApiLib);
// Iterate through code blocks and update InfluxDB urls
// Requires objects with cloud and oss keys and url values
function updateUrls(prevUrls, newUrls) {
var preference = getPreference()
var prevUrlsParsed = {
cloud: {},
oss: {}
var newUrlsParsed = {
cloud: {},
oss: {}
Object.keys(prevUrls).forEach(function(k) {
try {
prevUrlsParsed[k] = new URL(prevUrls[k])
} catch {
prevUrlsParsed[k] = { host: prevUrls[k] }
Object.keys(newUrls).forEach(function(k) {
try {
newUrlsParsed[k] = new URL(newUrls[k])
} catch {
newUrlsParsed[k] = { host: newUrls[k] }
* Match and replace <prev> host with <new> host
* then replace <prev> URL with <new> URL.
var cloudReplacements = [
{ replace: prevUrlsParsed.cloud, with: newUrlsParsed.cloud },
{ replace: prevUrlsParsed.oss, with: newUrlsParsed.cloud },
var ossReplacements = [
{ replace: prevUrlsParsed.cloud, with: newUrlsParsed.cloud },
{ replace: prevUrlsParsed.oss, with: newUrlsParsed.oss },
if (context() === "cloud") { var replacements = cloudReplacements }
else if (context() === "oss/enterprise") { var replacements = ossReplacements }
else if ( preference === "cloud" ) { var replacements = cloudReplacements }
else { var replacements = ossReplacements }
replacements.forEach(function (o) {
if (o.replace.origin != o.with.origin) {
$(elementSelector).each(function() {
$(this).html().replace(RegExp(o.replace.origin, "g"), function(match){
return o.with.origin || match;
.map(function(o) {
return {replace: o.replace.host, with: o.with.host}
.forEach(function (o) {
if (o.replace != o.with) {
$(elementSelector).each(function() {
* Hostname pattern
* 1. Lookbehind (?<!) matches if o.replace is not preceded by :[/.].
* 2. Match 1 or no slashes following the hostname.
* 3. Negative lookahead (?!) matches if not followed by word char, dash, or dot.
var hostnameOnly = new RegExp("(?<![/.])" + o.replace + "\/?(?![/w/-/.])", "g")
$(this).html().replace(hostnameOnly, function(match) {
return o.with.host || o.with;
// Append the URL selector button to each codeblock with an InfluxDB Cloud or OSS URL
function appendUrlSelector() {
var appendToUrls = [ placeholderUrls.cloud, placeholderUrls.oss ]
if (context() === "cloud") {
var selectorText = "InfluxDB Cloud Region"
} else if (context() === "oss/enterprise") {
var selectorText = "Change InfluxDB URL"
} else {
var selectorText = "InfluxDB Cloud or OSS?"
$(elementSelector).each(function() {
var code = $(this).html()
if (code.includes(url)) {
$(this).after("<div class='select-url'><a class='url-trigger' href='#'>" + selectorText + "</a></div>")
///////////////////////////// Function executions //////////////////////////////
// Add the preserve tag to code blocks that shouldn't be updated
// Append URL selector buttons to code blocks
// Update URLs on load
updateUrls(placeholderUrls, getUrls())
// Set active radio button on page load
// Update URLs whenever you focus on the browser tab
$(window).focus(function() {
updateUrls(getPrevUrls(), getUrls())
////////////////////////// Modal window interactions ///////////////////////////
// Toggle the URL selector modal window
function toggleModal() {
// Set the selected URL radio buttons to :checked
function setRadioButtons() {
currentUrls = getUrls()
$('input[name="influxdb-cloud-url"][value="' + currentUrls.cloud + '"]').prop("checked", true)
$('input[name="influxdb-oss-url"][value="' + currentUrls.oss + '"]').prop("checked", true)
// Toggle modal window on click
$("#modal-close, .modal-overlay, .url-trigger").click(function(e) {
// Update URLs and URL preference when selected/clicked in the modal
$('input[name="influxdb-cloud-url"]').change(function() {
var newUrl = $(this).val()
storeUrl("cloud", newUrl, getUrls().cloud)
updateUrls(getPrevUrls(), getUrls())
$('input[name="influxdb-cloud-url"]').click(function() {setPreference("cloud")})
$('input[name="influxdb-oss-url"]').change(function() {
var newUrl = $(this).val()
storeUrl("oss", newUrl, getUrls().oss)
updateUrls(getPrevUrls(), getUrls())
$('input[name="influxdb-oss-url"]').click(function() {setPreference("oss")})
// Toggle preference tabs
function togglePrefBtns(el) {
preference = el.length ? el.attr("id").replace("pref-", "") : "cloud"
prefUrls = $("#" + preference + "-urls")
// Select preference tab on click
$('#pref-tabs .pref-tab').click(function() {
// Select preference tab from cookie
function showPreference() {
var preference = Cookies.get("influxdb_pref")
prefTab = $("#pref-" + preference)
// Toggled preferred service on load
///////////////////////////////// Custom URLs //////////////////////////////////
// Validate custom URLs
function validateUrl(url) {
var validProtocol = /^http(s?)/
var invalidDomain =/[A-Z\s\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\_\+\=\[\]\{\}\\\|\;\'\"\,\<\>\/\?]/
var protocol = url.match(/http(s?):\/\//) ? url.match(/http(s?):\/\//)[0] : "";
var domain = url.replace(protocol, "")
if (validProtocol.test(protocol) == false) {
return {valid: false, error: "Invalid protocol, use http[s]"}
} else if (domain.length == 0 || invalidDomain.test(domain) == true) {
return {valid: false, error: "Invalid domain"}
} else {
return {valid: true, error: ""}
// Show validation errors
function showValidationMessage(validation) {
$('#custom-url').attr("data-message", validation.error)
// Hide validation messages and replace the message attr with empty string
function hideValidationMessage() {
$('#custom-url').removeClass("error").attr("data-message", "")
// Set the custom URL cookie and apply the change
// If the custom URL field is empty, it defaults to the OSS default
function applyCustomUrl() {
var custUrl = $('#custom-url-field').val()
let urlValidation = validateUrl(custUrl)
if (custUrl.length > 0 ) {
if (urlValidation.valid) {
storeUrl("oss", custUrl, getUrls().oss)
updateUrls(getPrevUrls(), getUrls())
} else {
} else {
$('input[name="influxdb-oss-url"][value="' + defaultUrls.oss + '"]').trigger('click')
// Trigger radio button on custom URL field focus
$('input#custom-url-field').focus(function(e) {
// Update URLs and close modal when using 'enter' to exit custom URL field
$("#custom-url").submit(function(e) {
let url = $('#custom-url-field').val() ? $('#custom-url-field').val() : ""
let urlValidation = validateUrl(url)
if (url === "" | urlValidation.valid) {
} else {
// Store the custom InfluxDB URL when exiting the field
$('#custom-url-field').blur(function() {
// When in erred state, revalidate custom URL on keyup
$(document).on("keyup", ".error #custom-url-field", function() {
console.log("keyed up")
let url = $('#custom-url-field').val()
let urlValidation = validateUrl(url)
if (urlValidation.valid) {
} else {
// Populate the custom InfluxDB URL field on page load
if ( Cookies.get('influxdb_custom_url') != undefined ) {
/////////////////////////// Dynamically update URLs ////////////////////////////
// Extract the protocol and hostname of referrer
referrerMatch = document.referrer.match(/^(?:[^\/]*\/){2}[^\/]+/g)
referrerHost = referrerMatch ? referrerMatch[0] : "";
// Check if the referrerHost is one of the cloud URLs
// cloudUrls is built dynamically in layouts/partials/footer/javascript.html
if (cloudUrls.includes(referrerHost)) {
storeUrl("cloud", referrerHost, getUrls().cloud)
updateUrls(getPrevUrls(), getUrls())