
180 lines
8.8 KiB

{{ $scratch := newScratch }}
{{ $productPathData := findRE "[^/]+.*?" .RelPermalink }}
{{ $product := index $productPathData 0 }}
{{ $currentVersion := index $productPathData 1 }}
{{ $pageRoot := print $product "/" $currentVersion }}
{{ $isOSSv2 := in $pageRoot "influxdb/v2" }}
{{ $isCloud := eq $pageRoot "influxdb/cloud" }}
{{ $isServerless := eq $pageRoot "influxdb/cloud-serverless" }}
{{ $isDedicated := eq $pageRoot "influxdb/cloud-dedicated" }}
{{ $isClustered := eq $pageRoot "influxdb/clustered" }}
{{ $altLinks := .Page.Params.alt_links | default dict }}
{{ $sortedProducts := sort .Site.Data.products "list_order" "asc"}}
{{/* //////////////////// INFLUXDB PRODUCT DICTIONARIES /////////////////// */}}
{{ $ossInfo := dict $ (dict "path" (print "influxdb/" (index $.Site.Data.products.influxdb.versions 0)) "key" "oss") }}
{{ $cloudInfo := dict $ (dict "path" "influxdb/cloud" "key" "cloud") }}
{{ $serverlessInfo := dict $ (dict "path" "influxdb/cloud-serverless" "key" "cloud-serverless") }}
{{ $dedicatedInfo := dict $ (dict "path" "influxdb/cloud-dedicated" "key" "cloud-dedicated") }}
{{ $clusteredInfo := dict $ (dict "path" "influxdb/clustered" "key" "clustered") }}
{{ $influxdbInfo := merge $ossInfo $cloudInfo $serverlessInfo $dedicatedInfo $clusteredInfo }}
<div class="dropdown">
{{ if or (eq $product nil) (eq $product "platform") (eq $product "resources") }}
<p class="selected">Select product</p>
{{ else }}
{{ $scratch.Set "displayName" "" }}
{{ if $isCloud }}{{ $scratch.Set "displayName" $}}
{{ else if $isServerless }}{{ $scratch.Set "displayName" $ }}
{{ else if $isDedicated }}{{ $scratch.Set "displayName" $ }}
{{ else if $isClustered }}{{ $scratch.Set "displayName" $ }}
{{ else }}
{{ $productData := (index .Site.Data.products $product) }}
{{ $scratch.Set "displayName" (cond (isset $productData "altname") $productData.altname $ }}
{{ end }}
{{ $displayName := $scratch.Get "displayName" }}
<p class="selected">{{ $displayName }}</p>
{{ end }}
<ul class="item-list products" data-category="Managed">
{{ range $sortedProducts }}
{{ if eq .menu_category "managed" }}
{{ $isCurrentProduct := and (eq .namespace $product) (in .versions $currentVersion) }}
{{ if not $isCurrentProduct }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" (print "/" .namespace "/" (index .versions 0) "/") }}
{{ if eq $product "influxdb" }}
{{ $replacementPath := index (index $influxdbInfo .name) "path" }}
{{ $altProductPage := $.GetPage ((replaceRE $pageRoot $replacementPath $.Page.RelPermalink) | replaceRE `\/$` "") }}
{{/* ////////////// GET ALT LINKS FROM FRONTMATTER ////////////// */}}
{{ if (gt (len $altLinks) 0) }}
{{ $productKey := index (index $influxdbInfo .name) "key" | default "" }}
{{ if isset $altLinks $productKey }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" (index $altLinks $productKey) }}
{{ else if gt (len $altProductPage.Title) 0 }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" $altProductPage.RelPermalink }}
{{ end }}
{{/* ///////////// GET DEFAULT ALT PAGE AT SAME PATH //////////// */}}
{{ else if gt (len $altProductPage.Title) 0 }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" $altProductPage.RelPermalink }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" "" }}
{{ end }}
{{ $link := $scratch.Get "link" }}
<a href='{{ $link }}' {{ if $isCurrentProduct }}class="active"{{ end }}>{{ .name }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<ul class="item-list products" data-category="Self-managed">
{{ range $sortedProducts }}
{{ if eq .menu_category "self-managed" }}
{{ $isCurrentProduct := and (eq .namespace $product) (in .versions $currentVersion) }}
{{ if not $isCurrentProduct }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" (print "/" .namespace "/" (index .versions 0) "/") }}
{{ if and (eq $product "influxdb") (gt (len (findRE `^influxdb` .namespace)) 0) }}
{{ $replacementPath := index (index $influxdbInfo .name) "path" }}
{{ $altProductPage := $.GetPage ((replaceRE $pageRoot $replacementPath $.Page.RelPermalink) | replaceRE `\/$` "") }}
{{/* ////////////// GET ALT LINKS FROM FRONTMATTER ////////////// */}}
{{ if (gt (len $altLinks) 0) }}
{{ $productKey := index (index $influxdbInfo .name) "key" | default "" }}
{{ if isset $altLinks $productKey }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" (index $altLinks $productKey) }}
{{ end }}
{{/* ///////////// GET DEFAULT ALT PAGE AT SAME PATH //////////// */}}
{{ else if gt (len $altProductPage.Title) 0 }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" $altProductPage.RelPermalink }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" "" }}
{{ end }}
{{ $link := $scratch.Get "link" }}
<a href='{{ $link }}' {{ if $isCurrentProduct }}class="active"{{ end }}>{{ if .altname }}{{.altname}}{{ else }}{{ .name }}{{ end }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<ul class="item-list products" data-category="Other products">
{{ range $sortedProducts }}
{{ if eq .menu_category "other" }}
{{ $isCurrentProduct := and (eq .namespace $product) (in .versions $currentVersion) }}
{{ if not $isCurrentProduct }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" (print "/" .namespace "/" (index .versions 0) "/") }}
{{ if and (eq $product "influxdb") (gt (len (findRE `^influxdb` .namespace)) 0) }}
{{ $replacementPath := index (index $influxdbInfo .name) "path" }}
{{ $altProductPage := $.GetPage ((replaceRE $pageRoot $replacementPath $.Page.RelPermalink) | replaceRE `\/$` "") }}
{{/* ////////////// GET ALT LINKS FROM FRONTMATTER ////////////// */}}
{{ if (gt (len $altLinks) 0) }}
{{ $productKey := index (index $influxdbInfo .name) "key" | default "" }}
{{ if isset $altLinks $productKey }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" (index $altLinks $productKey) }}
{{ end }}
{{/* ///////////// GET DEFAULT ALT PAGE AT SAME PATH //////////// */}}
{{ else if gt (len $altProductPage.Title) 0 }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" $altProductPage.RelPermalink }} true
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" "" }}
{{ end }}
{{ $link := $scratch.Get "link" }}
<a href='{{ $link }}' {{ if $isCurrentProduct }}class="active"{{ end }}>{{ if .altname }}{{.altname}}{{ else }}{{ .name }}{{ end }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<ul class="item-list products" data-category="Languages">
{{ range $sortedProducts }}
{{ if eq .menu_category "languages" }}
{{ $isCurrentProduct := and (eq .namespace $product) (in .versions $currentVersion) }}
{{ if not $isCurrentProduct }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" (print "/" .namespace "/" (index .versions 0) "/") }}
{{ if and (eq $product "influxdb") (gt (len (findRE `^influxdb` .namespace)) 0) }}
{{ $replacementPath := index (index $influxdbInfo .name) "path" }}
{{ $altProductPage := $.GetPage ((replaceRE $pageRoot $replacementPath $.Page.RelPermalink) | replaceRE `\/$` "") }}
{{/* ////////////// GET ALT LINKS FROM FRONTMATTER ////////////// */}}
{{ if (gt (len $altLinks) 0) }}
{{ $productKey := index (index $influxdbInfo .name) "key" | default "" }}
{{ if isset $altLinks $productKey }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" (index $altLinks $productKey) }}
{{ end }}
{{/* ///////////// GET DEFAULT ALT PAGE AT SAME PATH //////////// */}}
{{ else if gt (len $altProductPage.Title) 0 }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" $altProductPage.RelPermalink }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ $scratch.Set "link" "" }}
{{ end }}
{{ $link := $scratch.Get "link" }}
<a href='{{ $link }}' {{ if $isCurrentProduct }}class="active"{{ end }}>{{ if .altname }}{{.altname}}{{ else }}{{ .name }}{{ end }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}