{{- $productPathData := findRE "[^/]+.*?" .Page.RelPermalink -}} {{- $version := replaceRE "v" "" (index $productPathData 1) -}} {{- $patchVersions := .Site.Data.products.telegraf.latest_patches -}} {{- $latestPatch := print $version "." (index $patchVersions $version) -}} ### Verify the authenticity of downloaded binary (optional) InfluxData cryptographically signs each Telegraf binary release. For added security, follow these steps to verify the signature of your download with `gpg`. (Most operating systems include the `gpg` command by default. If `gpg` is not available, see the [GnuPG homepage](https://gnupg.org/download/) for installation instructions.) 1. Download and import InfluxData's public key: ``` curl -sL https://repos.influxdata.com/influxdata-archive_compat.key | gpg --import ``` 2. Download the signature file for the release by adding `.asc` to the download URL. For example: ``` wget https://dl.influxdata.com/telegraf/releases/telegraf-{{ $latestPatch }}_linux_amd64.tar.gz.asc ``` 3. Verify the signature with `gpg --verify`: ``` gpg --verify telegraf-{{ $latestPatch }}_linux_amd64.tar.gz.asc telegraf-{{ $latestPatch }}_linux_amd64.tar.gz ``` The output from this command should include the following: ``` gpg: Good signature from "InfluxDB Packaging Service " [unknown] ```