{{ $productPathData := findRE "[^/]+.*?" .RelPermalink }} {{ $latestV2 := .Site.Data.products.influxdb.latest }} {{ .Scratch.Set "product" (index $productPathData 0) }} {{ if in (.Scratch.Get "product") "influxdb" }} {{ .Scratch.Set "product" "influxdb" }} {{ end }} {{ $product := .Scratch.Get "product" }} {{ $productName := (index .Site.Data.products $product).name }} {{ $supportBlacklist := slice "chronograf" "kapacitor" }} {{ if .File }} {{ .Scratch.Set "pageGithubLink" (print "https://github.com/influxdata/docs-v2/edit/master/content/" .File.Path) }} {{ if .Page.HasShortcode "duplicate-oss" }} {{ .Scratch.Set "pageGithubLink" (replaceRE "/cloud/" (print "/" $latestV2 "/") (.Scratch.Get "pageGithubLink")) }} {{ end }} {{ else }} {{ .Scratch.Set "pageGithubLink" (print "https://github.com/influxdata/docs-v2/edit/master/content/") }} {{ end }} {{ .Scratch.Set "productGithubLink" (print "https://github.com/influxdata/" $product "/issues/new/choose/") }} {{ $pageGithubLink := .Scratch.Get "pageGithubLink" }} {{ $productGithubLink := .Scratch.Get "productGithubLink" }} {{ $docsIssueLinkBody := print `_Describe the issue here._ %23%23%23%23%23 Relevant URLs - ` (.RelPermalink | absURL) ` - _Provide other relevant URLs (project issues, community threads, etc.)_ ` }} {{ $pageGithubIssueLink := print "https://github.com/influxdata/docs-v2/issues/new?body=" $docsIssueLinkBody }}
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Thank you for being part of our community! We welcome and encourage your feedback and bug reports for {{ $productName }} and this documentation. To find support, use the following resources:
{{ if not (in $supportBlacklist $product) }}InfluxDB Cloud{{ if eq $product "influxdb" }} and InfluxDB Enterprise{{ end }} customers can contact InfluxData Support.
{{ end }}