--- title: Variables description: Flux variables hold values. A variable can only hold values defined by its type. menu: flux_v0_ref: parent: Flux specification name: Variables weight: 104 aliases: - /influxdb/v2/reference/flux/language/variables/ - /influxdb/cloud/reference/flux/language/variables/ related: - /flux/v0/get-started/syntax-basics/#variables, Flux syntax basics - assign variables --- A **variable** represents a storage location for a single value. Variables are immutable. Once a variable is given a value, it holds that value for the remainder of its lifetime. Any [Flux type](/flux/v0/spec/types/) can be assigned to a variable. Use the assignment operator (`=`) to assign a value to a variable identifier. ```js var1 = "string value" var2 = 1234 var3 = {firstname: "John", lastname: "Doe"} ``` {{< page-nav prev="/flux/v0/spec/lexical-elements/" next="/flux/v0/spec/options/" >}}