--- title: Install Chronograf description: Download and install Chronograf. menu: chronograf_v1: name: Install weight: 20 parent: Introduction --- This page describes how to download and install Chronograf. ### Content * [TICK overview](#tick-overview) * [Download and install](#download-and-install) * [Connect to your InfluxDB instance or InfluxDB Enterprise cluster](#connect-chronograf-to-your-influxdb-instance-or-influxdb-enterprise-cluster) * [Connect to Kapacitor](#connect-chronograf-to-kapacitor) ## TICK overview Chronograf is the user interface for InfluxData's [TICK stack](https://www.influxdata.com/time-series-platform/). ## Download and install The latest Chronograf builds are available on InfluxData's [Downloads page](https://www.influxdata.com/downloads/). 1. On the Downloads page, scroll to the bottom and click **Are you interested in InfluxDB 1.x Open Source?** to expand the 1.x options. Scroll to the **Chronograf** section and select your desired Chronograf version and operating system. Execute the provided download commands. {{% note %}} If your download includes a TAR package, save the underlying datastore `chronograf-v1.db` in directory outside of where you start Chronograf. This preserves and references your existing datastore, including configurations and dashboards, when you download future versions. {{% /note %}} 2. Install Chronograf, replacing `` with the appropriate version: {{% tabs-wrapper %}} {{% tabs %}} [macOS](#) [Ubuntu & Debian](#) [RedHat & CentOS](#) {{% /tabs %}} {{% tab-content %}} ```sh tar zxvf chronograf-{{< latest-patch >}}_darwin_amd64.tar.gz ``` {{% /tab-content %}} {{% tab-content %}} ```sh sudo dpkg -i chronograf_{{< latest-patch >}}_amd64.deb ``` {{% /tab-content %}} {{% tab-content %}} ```sh sudo yum localinstall chronograf-{{< latest-patch >}}.x86_64.rpm ``` {{% /tab-content %}} {{% /tabs-wrapper %}} 3. Start Chronograf: ```sh chronograf ``` ## Connect Chronograf to your InfluxDB instance or InfluxDB Enterprise cluster 1. In a browser, navigate to [localhost:8888](http://localhost:8888). 2. Provide the following details: - **Connection String**: InfluxDB hostname or IP, and port (default port is `8086`). - **Connection Name**: Connection name. - **Username** and **Password**: If you've enabled [InfluxDB authentication](/influxdb/v1/administration/authentication_and_authorization), provide your InfluxDB username and password. Otherwise, leave blank. {{% note %}} To ensure distinct permissions can be applied, Chronograf user accounts and credentials should be different than InfluxDB credentials. For example, you may want to set up Chronograf to run as a service account with read-only permissions to InfluxDB. For more information, see how to [manage InfluxDB users in Chronograf](/chronograf/v1/administration/managing-influxdb-users/) and [manage Chronograf users](/chronograf/v1/administration/managing-chronograf-users/). {{% /note %}} - **Telegraf Database Name**: _(Optional)_ Telegraf database name. Default name is `telegraf`. 3. Click **Add Source**. ## Connect Chronograf to Kapacitor 1. In Chronograf, click the configuration (wrench) icon in the sidebar menu, then select **Add Config** in the **Active Kapacitator** column. 2. In the **Kapacitor URL** field, enter the hostname or IP of the machine that Kapacitor is running on. Be sure to include Kapacitor's default port: `9092`. 3. Enter a name for your connection. 4. Leave the **Username** and **Password** fields blank unless you've specifically enabled authorization in Kapacitor. 5. Click **Connect**. {{% note %}} **Note:** Using [Kapacitor](/kapacitor/v1/) is optional and not required to use Chronograf. {{% /note %}}