{{ $influxdbVersionV2 := (index (last 1 (findRE `v2\.[0-9]{1,2}` (delimit .Site.Data.products.influxdb.versions " "))) 0) }} {{ $influxdbVersionV1 := (index (last 1 (findRE `v1\.[0-9]{1,2}` (delimit .Site.Data.products.influxdb.versions " "))) 0) }} {{ $enterpriseVersion := .Site.Data.products.enterprise_influxdb.latest }} {{ $telegrafVersion := .Site.Data.products.telegraf.latest }} {{ $chronografVersion := .Site.Data.products.chronograf.latest }} {{ $kapacitorVersion := .Site.Data.products.kapacitor.latest }} {{ partial "header.html" . }} {{ partial "topnav.html" . }}
The most powerful time series database. Designed to handle high write and query loads. Run in the cloud with InfluxDB Cloud or on your own hardware with InfluxDB OSS {{ replaceRE "v" "" $influxdbVersionV2 }}.
The leading modern time series platform, built for metrics and events.
Collect metrics from stacks, sensors and systems.
Write and query time series data.
Visualize and manage time series data.
Process and alert on time series data.
Enterprise tools to meet your business needs.
A scalable InfluxDB cluster designed for heavy workloads. Run InfluxDB Enterprise on your own infrastructure—on-premises, private cloud, public cloud, or at the edge.
A high availability Kapacitor cluster with alert deduplication and backend authentication. Run Kapacitor Enterprise on your own infrastructure—on-premises, private cloud, public cloud, or at the edge.