--- title: Using reduce() to construct a JSON. description: > Learn how to send multiple points with `http.post()` by creating a JSON object with `reduce()`. menu: resources: parent: How-to guides weight: 105 --- ## Send data in JSON body with `http.post()` Use the [reduce()](/flux/v0.x/stdlib/universe/reduce/) function to create a JSON object to include as the body with `http.post()`. 1. Import both the [array](/flux/v0.x/stdlib/array/) package to query data and construct table(s), and the [http package](/flux/v0.x/stdlib/http/) to transfer JSON over http. 2. Use `array.from()` to query data and construct a table. Or, use another method [to query data with Flux](/influxdb/v2/query-data/flux/). 3. Use the `reduce()` function to construct a JSON object, and then use `yield()` to store the output of reduce. This table looks like: | field | tag | | :-------------------- | :----------------------------- | | example-field:["3"4"1 | {example-tag-key:["bar"bar"bar | 4. Use the [map()](/flux/v0.x/stdlib/universe/map/) function to combine the two components together into a JSON object, and then use a second `yield()` function to store this object as `final JSON`. This table looks like: | field | tag | final | | :-------------------- | :----------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------- | | example-field:["3"4"1 | {example-tag-key:["bar"bar"bar | {example-tag-key:["bar"bar"bar] , example-field:["3"4"1]} | 5. Use the `findRecord()` function to extract the value from the final column, the JSON. 6. Use `http.post()` to specify a URL to sent the JSON to. In this example, we use [Post Test Server](https://ptsv2.com/) as URL to send the JSON to, and test the `http.post()` function. ```js import "array" import "http" data = array.from( rows: [ {_time: 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z, _field: "example-field", _value: 3, foo: "bar"}, {_time: 2020-01-01T00:01:00Z, _field: "example-field", _value: 4, foo: "bar"}, {_time: 2020-01-01T00:02:00Z, _field: "example-field", _value: 1, foo: "bar"}, ], ) |> reduce( fn: (r, accumulator) => ({tag:accumulator.tag + "\"" + r.foo, field : accumulator.field + "\"" + string(v:r._value) }), identity: {tag: "{example-tag-key:[", field: "example-field:[" } ) |> yield(name: "output of reduce") |> map(fn: (r) => ({ r with tag: r.tag + "]" })) |> map(fn: (r) => ({ r with field: r.field + "]}" })) |> map(fn: (r) => ({ r with final: r.tag + " , " + r.field})) |> yield(name: "final JSON") |> findRecord( fn: (key) => true, idx: 0, ) http.post( url: "https://ptsv2.com/t/c4x38-1656014222/post", headers: {"Content-type": "application/json"}, data: bytes(v: data.final), ) ```