--- title: Use Chronograf with InfluxDB OSS description: > Chronograf is a data visualization and dashboarding tool designed to visualize data in InfluxDB 1.x. It is part of the [TICKstack](/platform/) that provides an InfluxQL data explorer, Kapacitor integrations, and more. Continue to use Chronograf with **InfluxDB Cloud** and **InfluxDB OSS 2.x** and the [1.x compatibility API](/influxdb/v2.1/reference/api/influxdb-1x/). menu: influxdb_2_1: name: Use Chronograf parent: Tools & integrations weight: 103 related: - /{{< latest "chronograf" >}}/ --- [Chronograf](/{{< latest "chronograf" >}}/) is a data visualization and dashboarding tool designed to visualize data in InfluxDB 1.x. It is part of the [TICKstack](/platform/) that provides an InfluxQL data explorer, Kapacitor integrations, and more. Continue to use Chronograf with **InfluxDB Cloud** and **InfluxDB OSS {{< current-version >}}** and the [1.x compatibility API](/influxdb/v2.1/reference/api/influxdb-1x/). ## Create an InfluxDB connection 1. In Chronograf, click **Configuration** in the left navigation bar, and then click **{{< icon "plus" >}} Add Connection**. 2. Toggle the **InfluxDB v2 Auth** option at the bottom of the form. {{< img-hd src="/img/influxdb/2-0-tools-chronograf-v2-auth.png" alt="InfluxDB v2 Auth toggle" />}} 3. Enter your InfluxDB connection credentials: - **Connection URL:** InfluxDB URL _(see [InfluxDB Cloud regions](/influxdb/cloud/reference/regions/) or [InfluxDB OSS URLs](/influxdb/%762.1/reference/urls/))_ ``` http://localhost:8086 ``` - **Connection Name:** Name to uniquely identify this connection configuration - **Organization:** InfluxDB [organization](/influxdb/v2.1/organizations/) - **Token:** InfluxDB [API token](/influxdb/v2.1/security/tokens/) - **Telegraf Database Name:** InfluxDB [bucket](/influxdb/v2.1/organizations/buckets/) Chronograf uses to populate parts of the application, including the Host List page (default is `telegraf`) - **Default Retention Policy:** default [retention policy](/{{< latest "influxdb" "v1" >}}/concepts/glossary/#retention-policy-rp) _**(leave blank)**_ {{% note %}} #### DBRPs map to InfluxDB buckets In InfluxDB Cloud and InfluxDB OSS {{< current-version >}}, database/retention-policy (DBRP) combinations are mapped to buckets using the `database-name/retention-policy` naming convention. **DBRP mappings are required to query InfluxDB OSS 2.x or InfluxDB Cloud using InfluxQL.** For information, see [DBRP mapping](/influxdb/v2.1/reference/api/influxdb-1x/dbrp/) and [Map unmapped buckets](/influxdb/v2.1/query-data/influxql/#map-unmapped-buckets). {{% /note %}} 3. Click **Add Connection**. 4. Select the dashboards you would like to create, and then click **Next**. 5. To configure a Kapacitor connection, provide the necessary credentials, and then click **Continue**. Otherwise, click **Skip**. _For information about using Kapacitor with InfluxDB Cloud or InfluxDB OSS {{< current-version >}}, see [Use Kapacitor with InfluxDB](/influxdb/v2.1/tools/kapacitor/)._ 6. Click **Finish**. ## Important notes - [Update upgraded InfluxDB connections](#Update-upgraded-InfluxDB-connections) - [No administrative functionality](#No-administrative-functionality) - [Limited InfluxQL support](#Limited-InfluxQL-support) ### Update upgraded InfluxDB connections If using Chronograf with an InfluxDB instance that was upgraded from 1.x to 2.x, update your InfluxDB connection configuration in Chronograf to use the **InfluxDB v2 Auth** option and provide an organization and a token. **Without an organization, Chronograf cannot use Flux to query InfluxDB.** ### No administrative functionality Chronograf cannot be used for administrative tasks in InfluxDB Cloud and InfluxDB OSS {{< current-version >}}. For example, you **cannot** do the following: - Define databases - Modify retention policies - Add users - Kill queries When connected to an InfluxDB Cloud or InfluxDB {{< current-version >}} database, functionality in the **{{< icon "crown" >}} InfluxDB Admin** section of Chronograf is disabled. To complete administrative tasks, use the following: - **InfluxDB user interface (UI)** - [InfluxDB CLI](/influxdb/v2.1/reference/cli/influx/) - [InfluxDB v2 API](/influxdb/v2.1/reference/api/) ### Limited InfluxQL support InfluxDB Cloud and InfluxDB OSS {{< current-version >}} support InfluxQL **read-only** queries. For more information, see [InfluxQL support](/influxdb/v2.1/query-data/influxql/#influxql-support).