--- title: Monitor HAProxy description: > Use the [HAProxy for InfluxDB v2 template](https://github.com/influxdata/community-templates/tree/master/haproxy) to monitor your HAProxy instance. menu: influxdb_2_0: parent: Monitor networks name: HAproxy weight: 201 --- Use the [HAProxy for InfluxDB v2 template](https://github.com/influxdata/community-templates/tree/master/haproxy) to monitor your HAProxy instances. First, [apply the template](#apply-the-template), and then [view incoming data](#view-incoming-data). This template uses the [HAProxy input plugin](/{{< latest "telegraf" >}}/plugins//#haproxy) to collect metrics stored in an HAProxy instance and display these metrics in a dashboard. The HAProxy for InfluxDB v2 template includes the following: - one [dashboard](/influxdb/v2.0/reference/glossary/#dashboard): **HAProxy** - one [bucket](/influxdb/v2.0/reference/glossary/#bucket): `haproxy` - label: `haproxy` - one [Telegraf configuration](/influxdb/v2.0/telegraf-configs/): HAProxy input plugin, InfluxDB v2 output plugin - one variable: `bucket` ## Apply the template 1. Use the [`influx` CLI](/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/) to run the following command: ```sh influx apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/influxdata/community-templates/master/haproxy/haproxy.yml ``` For more information, see [influx apply](/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/apply/). > **Note:** Ensure your `influx` CLI is configured with your account credentials and that configuration is active. For more information, see [influx config](/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/config/). 2. [Install Telegraf](/{{< latest "telegraf" >}}/introduction/installation/) on a server with network access to both the HAProxy instances and [InfluxDB v2 API](/influxdb/v2.0/reference/api/). 3. In your [Telegraf configuration file (`telegraf.conf`)](/influxdb/v2.0/telegraf-configs/), do the following: - Set the following environment variables: - INFLUX_TOKEN: Token must have permissions to read Telegraf configurations and write data to the `haproxy` bucket. See how to [view tokens](/influxdb/v2.0/security/tokens/view-tokens/). - INFLUX_ORG: Name of your organization. See how to [view your organization](/influxdb/v2.0/organizations/view-orgs/). - INFLUX_HOST: Your InfluxDB host URL, for example, localhost, a remote instance, or InfluxDB Cloud. 4. [Start Telegraf](/influxdb/v2.0/write-data/no-code/use-telegraf/auto-config/#start-telegraf). ## View incoming data 1. In the InfluxDB user interface (UI), select **Boards** (**Dashboards**). {{< nav-icon "dashboards" "v2" >}} 2. Open the **HAProxy** dashboard to start monitoring.