--- title: InfluxDB Enterprise startup process description: > On startup, InfluxDB Enterprise starts all subsystems and services in a deterministic order. menu: enterprise_influxdb_1_9: weight: 10 name: Startup process parent: Concepts --- On startup, InfluxDB Enterprise starts all subsystems and services in the following order: 1. [TSDBStore](#tsdbstore) 2. [Monitor](#monitor) 3. [Cluster](#cluster) 4. [Precreator](#precreator) 5. [Snapshotter](#snapshotter) 6. [Continuous Query](#continuous-query) 7. [Announcer](#announcer) 8. [Retention](#retention) 9. [Stats](#stats) 10. [Anti-entropy](#anti-entropy) 11. [HTTP API](#http-api) A **subsystem** is a collection of related services managed together as part of a greater whole. A **service** is a process that provides specific functionality. ## Subsystems and services ### TSDBStore The TSDBStore subsystem starts and manages the TSM storage engine. This includes services such as the points writer (write), reads (query), and [hinted handoff (HH)](/enterprise_influxdb/v1.9/concepts/clustering/#hinted-handoff). TSDBSTore first opens all the shards and loads write-ahead log (WAL) data into the in-memory write cache. If `influxd` was cleanly shutdown previously, there will not be any WAL data. It then loads a portion of each shard's index. {{% note %}} #### Index versions and startup times If using `inmem` indexing, InfluxDB loads all shard indexes into memory, which, depending on the number of series in the database, can take time. If using `tsi1` indexing, InfluxDB only loads hot shard indexes (the most recent shards or shards currently being written to) into memory and stores cold shard indexes on disk. Use `tsi1` indexing to see shorter startup times. {{% /note %}} ### Monitor The Monitor service provides statistical and diagnostic information to InfluxDB about InfluxDB itself. This information helps with database troubleshooting and performance analysis. ### Cluster The Cluster service provides implementations of InfluxDB OSS v1.8 interfaces that operate on an InfluxDB Enterprise v1.8 cluster. ### Precreator The Precreator service creates shards before they are needed. This ensures necessary shards exist before new time series data arrives and that write-throughput is not affected the creation of a new shard. ### Snapshotter The Snapshotter service routinely creates snapshots of InfluxDB Enterprise metadata. ### Continuous Query The Continuous Query (CQ) subsystem manages all InfluxDB CQs. ### Announcer The Announcer service announces a data node's status to meta nodes. ### Retention The Retention service enforces [retention policies](/enterprise_influxdb/v1.9/concepts/glossary/#retention-policy-rp) and drops data as it expires. ### Stats The Stats service monitors cluster-level statistics. ### Anti-entropy The Anti-entropy (AE) subsystem is responsible for reconciling differences between shards. For more information, see [Use anti-entropy](/enterprise_influxdb/v1.9/administration/anti-entropy/). ### HTTP API The InfluxDB HTTP API service provides a public facing interface to interact with InfluxDB Enterprise and internal interfaces used within the InfluxDB Enterprise cluster.