influxdb3_core: name: InfluxDB 3 Core altname: InfluxDB 3 Core namespace: influxdb menu_category: self-managed versions: [core] list_order: 2 latest: core placeholder_host: localhost:8181 ai_sample_questions: - How do I install and run InfluxDB 3 Core? - How do I write a plugin for the Python Processing engine? - How do I write data using the HTTP API for InfluxDB 3 Core? influxdb3_enterprise: name: InfluxDB 3 Enterprise altname: InfluxDB 3 Enterprise namespace: influxdb menu_category: self-managed versions: [enterprise] list_order: 2 latest: enterprise placeholder_host: localhost:8181 ai_sample_questions: - How do I install and run InfluxDB 3 Enterprise? - Help me write a plugin for the Python Processing engine? - How do I start a read replica node with InfluxDB 3 Enterprise? influxdb3_cloud_serverless: name: InfluxDB Cloud Serverless altname: InfluxDB Cloud namespace: influxdb menu_category: managed versions: [cloud-serverless] list_order: 2 latest: cloud-serverless placeholder_host: ai_sample_questions: - How do I migrate from InfluxDB Cloud 2 to InfluxDB Cloud Serverless? - What tools can I use to write data to InfluxDB Cloud Serverless? influxdb3_cloud_dedicated: name: InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated altname: InfluxDB Cloud namespace: influxdb menu_category: managed versions: [cloud-dedicated] list_order: 3 latest: cloud-dedicated link: "" latest_cli: 2.9.9 placeholder_host: ai_sample_questions: - How do I migrate from InfluxDB v1 to InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated? - What tools can I use to write data to Cloud Dedicated? - How do I use SQL and parameterized queries with Cloud Dedicated? influxdb3_clustered: name: InfluxDB Clustered altname: InfluxDB Clustered namespace: influxdb menu_category: self-managed versions: [clustered] list_order: 3 latest: clustered link: "" placeholder_host: ai_sample_questions: - How do I use a Helm chart to configure Clustered? - What tools can I use to write data to Clustered? - How do I use SQL and parameterized queries with InfluxDB Clustered? influxdb: name: InfluxDB altname: InfluxDB OSS namespace: influxdb menu_category: self-managed list_order: 1 placeholder_host: localhost:8086 versions: - v2 - v1 latest: v2.7 latest_patches: v3: 3.0.0alpha v2: 2.7.11 v1: 1.11.8 latest_cli: v2: 2.7.5 ai_sample_questions: - How do I write and query data with InfluxDB v2 OSS? - How can I migrate from InfluxDB v2 OSS to InfluxDB 3 Core? - How do I manage auth tokens in InfluxDB v2 OSS? influxdb_cloud: name: InfluxDB Cloud (TSM) altname: InfluxDB Cloud namespace: influxdb menu_category: managed versions: [cloud] list_order: 1 latest: cloud placeholder_host: ai_sample_questions: - How do I write and query data with InfluxDB Cloud 2? - How is Cloud 2 different from Cloud Serverless? - How do I manage auth tokens in InfluxDB Cloud 2? telegraf: name: Telegraf namespace: telegraf menu_category: other list_order: 6 versions: [v1] latest: v1.33 latest_patches: v1: 1.33.0 ai_sample_questions: - How do I install and configure Telegraf? - How do I write a custom Telegraf plugin? - How do I use Telegraf for MQTT? chronograf: name: Chronograf namespace: chronograf menu_category: other list_order: 7 versions: [v1] latest: v1.10 latest_patches: v1: 1.10.6 ai_sample_questions: - How do I configure Chronograf for InfluxDB v1? - How do I create a dashboard in Chronograf? - How do I use Grafana to visualize data stored in InfluxDB 3? kapacitor: name: Kapacitor namespace: kapacitor menu_category: other list_order: 7 versions: [v1] latest: v1.7 latest_patches: v1: 1.7.6 ai_sample_questions: - How do I configure Kapacitor for InfluxDB v1? - How do I write a custom Kapacitor task? - How do I create tasks using InfluxDB 3 Core? enterprise_influxdb: name: "InfluxDB Enterprise" namespace: enterprise_influxdb menu_category: self-managed list_order: 5 versions: [v1] latest: v1.11 latest_patches: v1: 1.11.8 ai_sample_questions: - How can I configure my InfluxDB v1 Enterprise server? - How do I replicate data between InfluxDB v1 Enterprise and OSS? - How do I query data stored in InfluxDB v1? flux: name: Flux namespace: flux menu_category: languages list_order: 8 versions: [v0] latest: v0.x ai_sample_questions: - How do I write a Flux query for InfluxDB v2 (TSM)? - How do I use Flux to transform data stored in InfluxDB v2? - How do I join data with Flux?