#!/bin/bash -e # Use this script to retrieve the following InfluxData API specifications: # - the latest, fully resolved openapi (OAS, OpenAPI Specification) contract files from the influxdata/openapi repo # # Specify a product to retrieve (cloud-serverless, cloud-dedicated, clustered, cloud, v2, v1-compatibility, all). # Optionally specify: # - an OSS version as the second argument or using the -o flag. # The version specifies where to write the updated openapi. # The default version is the latest OSS version directory in the api-docs directory. # - a base URL using the -b flag. # The baseURL specifies where to retrieve the openapi files from. # The default baseUrl (used for InfluxDB Cloud) is the master branch of influxdata/openapi. # The default baseUrl for OSS is the docs-release/influxdb-oss branch of influxdata/openapi. # For local development, pass your openapi directory using the file:/// protocol. # To use the existing ref.yml and prevent fetching any openapi files, use the -B flag. # Syntax: # sh ./getswagger.sh # sh ./getswagger.sh -b # sh ./getswagger.sh -c -o -b # sh ./getswagger.sh -c -o -B # # Examples: # sh ./getswagger.sh cloud-serverless # sh ./getswagger.sh clustered -B # sh ./getswagger.sh cloud # sh ./getswagger.sh -c v2 -o v2.0 -b file:///Users/johnsmith/github/openapi versionDirs=($(ls -d */)) latestOSS=${versionDirs[${#versionDirs[@]}-1]} # Use openapi master branch as the default base URL. baseUrl="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/influxdata/openapi/master" # Use openapi docs-release/influxdb-oss branch for the OSS base URL. baseUrlOSS="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/influxdata/openapi/docs-release/influxdb-oss" ossVersion=${latestOSS%/} verbose="" product="" function showHelp { echo "Usage: ./getswagger.sh " echo " With optional arguments:" echo " ./getswagger.sh -b -V" echo " ./getswagger.sh cloud" echo " ./getswagger.sh cloud-dedicated" echo " ./getswagger.sh cloud-serverless" echo " ./getswagger.sh oss -o -V" echo " ./getswagger.sh all -o " echo "Commands:" echo "-b The base URL to fetch from." echo " ex. ./getswagger.sh -b file:///Users/yourname/github/openapi" echo " The default is the influxdata/openapi repo master branch." echo "-B Use the existing ref.yml and prevent fetching any openapi files." echo "-h Show this help." echo "-o The OSS Version to fetch." echo " ex. ./getswagger.sh oss -o v2.0" echo " The default is the latest OSS version directory in the api-docs directory." echo "-V Verbose. Print the processed arguments and verbose Curl output." } subcommand=$1 case "$subcommand" in cloud-dedicated-v2|cloud-dedicated-management|cloud-serverless-v2|clustered-v2|cloud-v2|v2|v1-compat|all) product=$1 shift while getopts ":o:b:BhV" opt; do case ${opt} in h) showHelp exit 0 ;; V) verbose="-v" ;; B) baseUrl="" baseUrlOSS="" ;; b) baseUrl=$OPTARG baseUrlOSS=$OPTARG ;; o) ossVersion=$OPTARG ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: $OPTARG" 1>&2 showHelp exit 22 ;; :) echo "Invalid option: $OPTARG requires an argument" 1>&2 showHelp exit 22 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND -1)) ;; esac function showArgs { echo "product: $product"; echo "baseUrl: $baseUrl"; echo "ossVersion: $ossVersion"; } function postProcess() { # Use npx to install and run the specified version of openapi-cli. # npm_config_yes=true npx overrides the prompt # and (vs. npx --yes) is compatible with npm@6 and npm@7. specPath="$1" configPath="$2" api="$3" openapiCLI=" @redocly/cli" currentPath=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) # TODO: Move some of this into the plugin: # Use Redoc's openapi-cli to regenerate the spec with custom decorations. # If you want to lint the source contract (before bundling), # pass `--lint` to the `bundle` command. # If you set environment variables (for example, INFLUXDB_PRODUCT=) # preceding the command name, you can then access the variables # in the NodeJS process.env global object. # INFLUXDB_API_VERSION=$apiVersion \ npx --version INFLUXDB_PRODUCT=$(dirname "$configPath") \ INFLUXDB_API_NAME=$(echo "$api" | sed 's/@.*//g;') \ API_DOCS_ROOT_PATH=$currentPath \ npm_config_yes=true \ npx $openapiCLI bundle $specPath \ -o $specPath \ --config=$configPath } function updateCloudV2 { outFile="influxdb/cloud/v2/ref.yml" if [[ -z "$baseUrl" ]]; then echo "Using existing $outFile" else curl $UPDATE_OPTIONS ${baseUrl}/contracts/ref/cloud.yml -o $outFile fi postProcess $outFile 'influxdb/cloud/.config.yml' v2@2 } function updateCloudDedicatedManagement { outFile="influxdb3/cloud-dedicated/management/openapi.yml" if [[ -z "$baseUrl" ]]; then echo "Using existing $outFile" else # Clone influxdata/granite and fetch the latest openapi.yaml file. echo "Fetching the latest openapi.yaml file from influxdata/granite" tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d) git clone --depth 1 --branch main https://github.com/influxdata/granite.git "$tmp_dir" cp "$tmp_dir/openapi.yaml" "$outFile" rm -rf "$tmp_dir" fi postProcess $outFile 'influxdb3/cloud-dedicated/.config.yml' management@0 } function updateCloudDedicatedV2 { outFile="influxdb3/cloud-dedicated/v2/ref.yml" if [[ -z "$baseUrl" ]]; then echo "Using existing $outFile" else curl $UPDATE_OPTIONS ${baseUrl}/contracts/ref/cloud.yml -o $outFile fi postProcess $outFile 'influxdb3/cloud-dedicated/.config.yml' v2@2 } function updateClusteredV2 { outFile="influxdb3/clustered/v2/ref.yml" if [[ -z "$baseUrl" ]]; then echo "Using existing $outFile" else curl $UPDATE_OPTIONS ${baseUrl}/contracts/ref/cloud.yml -o $outFile fi postProcess $outFile 'influxdb3/clustered/.config.yml' v2@2 } function updateCloudServerlessV2 { outFile="influxdb3/cloud-serverless/v2/ref.yml" if [[ -z "$baseUrl" ]]; then echo "Using existing $outFile" else curl $UPDATE_OPTIONS ${baseUrl}/contracts/ref/cloud.yml -o $outFile fi postProcess $outFile 'influxdb3/cloud-serverless/.config.yml' v2@2 } function updateOSSV2 { outFile="influxdb/v2/ref.yml" if [[ -z "$baseUrlOSS" ]]; then echo "Using existing $outFile" else curl $UPDATE_OPTIONS ${baseUrlOSS}/contracts/ref/oss.yml -o $outFile fi postProcess $outFile 'influxdb/v2/.config.yml' '@2' } function updateV1Compat { outFile="influxdb/cloud/v1-compatibility/swaggerV1Compat.yml" if [[ -z "$baseUrl" ]]; then echo "Using existing $outFile" else curl $UPDATE_OPTIONS ${baseUrl}/contracts/swaggerV1Compat.yml -o $outFile fi postProcess $outFile 'influxdb/cloud/.config.yml' 'v1-compatibility' outFile="influxdb/v2/v1-compatibility/swaggerV1Compat.yml" cp cloud/v1-compatibility/swaggerV1Compat.yml $outFile postProcess $outFile 'influxdb/v2/.config.yml' 'v1-compatibility' outFile="influxdb3/cloud-dedicated/v1-compatibility/swaggerV1Compat.yml" postProcess $outFile 'influxdb3/cloud-dedicated/.config.yml' 'v1-compatibility' outFile="influxdb3/cloud-serverless/v1-compatibility/swaggerV1Compat.yml" postProcess $outFile 'influxdb3/cloud-serverless/.config.yml' 'v1-compatibility' outFile="influxdb3/clustered/v1-compatibility/swaggerV1Compat.yml" postProcess $outFile 'influxdb3/clustered/.config.yml' 'v1-compatibility' } UPDATE_OPTIONS="--fail" if [ ! -z ${verbose} ]; then UPDATE_OPTIONS="-v $UPDATE_OPTIONS" showArgs echo "" fi if [ "$product" = "cloud-v2" ]; then updateCloudV2 elif [ "$product" = "cloud-dedicated-v2" ]; then updateCloudDedicatedV2 elif [ "$product" = "cloud-dedicated-management" ]; then updateCloudDedicatedManagement elif [ "$product" = "cloud-serverless-v2" ]; then updateCloudServerlessV2 elif [ "$product" = "clustered-v2" ]; then updateClusteredV2 elif [ "$product" = "v2" ]; then updateOSSV2 elif [ "$product" = "v1-compat" ]; then updateV1Compat elif [ "$product" = "all" ]; then updateCloudV2 updateCloudDedicatedV2 updateCloudDedicatedManagement updateCloudServerlessV2 updateClusteredV2 updateOSSV2 updateV1Compat else echo "Provide a product argument: cloud-v2, cloud-serverless-v2, cloud-dedicated-v2, clustered-v2, v2, v1-compat, or all." showHelp fi