- Adds basic support for core and enterprise in getswagger.sh
- Adds custom OpenAPI info for Core and Enterprise
- Validates as OpenAPI 3.0 (using Spectral)
- operationId
- tags
- Revises use of Legacy, v2
- TODO: need to check and validate in UI, adjust tags if nec.
- Add and remove components
- Update parameters
- Add examples
- Add tests for Core
- Updates Linux install instructions to reflect updates in the Downloads page.
- Uses curl, instead of wget, for examples.
- Reorg of download verification: moves expandable details before instructions, to encourage using verification.
Includes verification in instructions.
- All tests pass if not explicitly skipped (for Docker and different architectures).
- Run `docker compose build` to update the Go version and other dependencies used by the
test image.
- Updates Telegraf install instructions, adds more info to promote verifying downloads.
- Adds setup for tests.
- Makes tests pass in install and configuration docs.
- Adds Vale.sh exception to allow duration values inside code blocks.
- Adds Dockerfiles for convenience to test install procedures in CentOS and Ubuntu.
- Clarifies and fixes config file handling and specifying input and output plugins.
- Fix the http-write-timeout definition, which should be similar to https://pkg.go.dev/net/http#Server.WriteTimeout
- Add a Vale spelling config for v2 server options
- Add influxdb to the test container packages (for testing service influxdb...)
- Add Dockerfile config and test setup for testing some InfluxDB startup config options (using influxd)
- Pre-commit hook:
- Redo test harness so commands can run in parallel
- Cleanup Vale command args
- Replace lint-staged and husky with Lefthook.
- Pre-push hook:
- Scan for package vulnerabilities
- Tests
- Run tests on demand, in parallel, or debugged using docker compose up, run, exec, etc.
- Each test container (service) runs the prepare-content script before running tests.
- Return to using Python instead of Docker to provide environment variables so they don't get exposed in Docker inspect.
- Bind mount influxctl config.toml and .env.test files
- Bind mount scripts for faster builds while iterating on test scripts.
- Vale:
- Override Acronyms style def--ignore acronym if it's linked.
- For influxctl OAuth flow, add support for writing auth URLs to a container-shared file monitored by the host during the pre-commit hook.
- In prepare-content.sh, add Management API-associated placeholder substitutions.
- Update CONTRIBUTING.md with env.test requirements.
- Reconfigures prettier linting.
- Adds .editorconfig to help with consistent editor settings
- Refactors test runs:
- Removes test configuration from compose.yaml (not suited for this use case).
- Splits test runner into test content setup and pytest that can be run separately or together (and with other test runners in the future).
- Configuration is in Dockerfiles and command line (`.lintstagedrc.mjs`)
- Updates client library write examples in cloud-dedicated and clustered.