- Updates Telegraf install instructions, adds more info to promote verifying downloads.
- Adds setup for tests.
- Makes tests pass in install and configuration docs.
- Adds Vale.sh exception to allow duration values inside code blocks.
- Adds Dockerfiles for convenience to test install procedures in CentOS and Ubuntu.
- Clarifies and fixes config file handling and specifying input and output plugins.
- Fix the http-write-timeout definition, which should be similar to https://pkg.go.dev/net/http#Server.WriteTimeout
- Add a Vale spelling config for v2 server options
- Add influxdb to the test container packages (for testing service influxdb...)
- Add Dockerfile config and test setup for testing some InfluxDB startup config options (using influxd)
- Pre-commit hook:
- Redo test harness so commands can run in parallel
- Cleanup Vale command args
- Replace lint-staged and husky with Lefthook.
- Pre-push hook:
- Scan for package vulnerabilities
- Tests
- Run tests on demand, in parallel, or debugged using docker compose up, run, exec, etc.
- Each test container (service) runs the prepare-content script before running tests.
- Return to using Python instead of Docker to provide environment variables so they don't get exposed in Docker inspect.
- Bind mount influxctl config.toml and .env.test files
- Bind mount scripts for faster builds while iterating on test scripts.
- Vale:
- Override Acronyms style def--ignore acronym if it's linked.