added flux getting started docs
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
title: Query data in InfluxDB
seotitle: Query data stored in InfluxDB
description: placeholder
name: Query data
weight: 2
_Placeholder content for the query data page._
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
title: Introduction to Flux
description: >
Flux is InfluxData's functional data scripting language designed for querying,
analyzing, and acting on data.
parent: Query data
name: Flux
weight: 1
Flux is InfluxData's functional data scripting language designed for querying, analyzing, and acting on data.
## Flux design principles
Flux is designed to be usable, readable, flexible, composable, testable, contributable, and shareable.
Its syntax is largely inspired by [2018's most popular scripting language](,
Javascript, and takes a functional approach to data exploration and processing.
The following example illustrates querying data stored from the last five minutes,
filtering by the `cpu` measurement and the `cpu=cpu-usage` tag, windowing the data in 1 minute intervals,
and calculating the average of each window:
|> range(start:-1h)
|> filter(fn:(r) =>
r._measurement == "cpu" and
r.cpu == "cpu-total"
|> aggregateWindow(every: 1m, fn: mean)
## Get started with Flux
The best way to familiarize yourself with Flux is to walk through creating a simple Flux query.
[Get Started with Flux](/v2.0/query-data/flux/get-started)
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
title: Get started with Flux
description: >
Get started with Flux, InfluxData's functional data scripting language.
This step-by-step guide through the basics of writing a Flux query.
name: Get started
identifier: get-started
parent: Flux
weight: 2
Flux is InfluxData's new functional data scripting language designed for querying,
analyzing, and acting on data.
This multi-part getting started guide walks through important concepts related to Flux,
how to query time series data from InfluxDB using Flux, and introduces Flux syntax and functions.
## Key concepts
Flux introduces important new concepts you should understand as you get started.
### Pipe-forward operator
Flux uses pipe-forward operators (`|>`) extensively to chain operations together.
After each function or operation, Flux returns a table or collection of tables containing data.
The pipe-forward operator pipes those tables into the next function or operation where
they are further processed or manipulated.
### Tables
Flux structures all data in tables.
When data is streamed from data sources, Flux formats it as annotated
comma-separated values (CSV), representing tables.
Functions then manipulate or process them and output new tables.
#### Group keys
Every table has a **group key** which describes the contents of the table.
It's a list of columns for which every row in the table will have the same value.
Columns with unique values in each row are **not** part of the group key.
As functions process and transform data, each modifies the group keys of output tables.
Understanding how tables and group keys are modified by functions is key to properly
shaping your data for the desired output.
###### Example group key
[_start, _stop, _field, _measurement, host]
Note that `_time` and `_value` are excluded from the example group key because they
are unique to each row.
## Tools for working with Flux
You have multiple [options for writing and running Flux queries](/flux/v0.12/guides/executing-queries),
but as you're getting started, we recommend using the following:
### 1. Data Explorer
The InfluxDB user interface's (UI) Data Explorer makes it easy to build or write
your first Flux script and visualize the results.

The Data Explorer provides multiple ways to create Flux queries.
Toggle between the two with the button to the left of **Submit** in the Data Explorer.

#### Query Builder _(default)_
The Query Builder is a visual tool for building Flux Queries.
Select the organization and bucket from which you would like to query data.
Filter data by any columns available in the data.
Transform you data using using aggregate functions.
#### Script Editor
The Script Editor is an in-browser code editor where you can write raw Flux scripts.
### 2. influx CLI
The [`influx repl` command](/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/repl) opens an interactive
read-eval-print-loop (REPL) for querying data within an organization in InfluxDB with Flux.
influx repl --org org-name
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<a class="btn next" href="/v2.0/query-data/flux/get-started/query-influxdb/">Query InfluxDB with Flux</a>
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
title: Query InfluxDB with Flux
description: Learn the basics of using Flux to query data from InfluxDB.
name: Query InfluxDB
parent: get-started
weight: 1
This guide walks through the basics of using Flux to query data from InfluxDB.
Every Flux query needs the following:
1. [A data source](#1-define-your-data-source)
2. [A time range](#2-specify-a-time-range)
3. [Data filters](#3-filter-your-data)
## 1. Define your data source
Flux's [`from()`](#) function defines an InfluxDB data source.
It requires a [`bucket`](#) parameter.
The following examples use `example-bucket` as the bucket name.
## 2. Specify a time range
Flux requires a time range when querying time series data.
"Unbounded" queries are very resource-intensive and as a protective measure,
Flux will not query the database without a specified range.
Use the pipe-forward operator (`|>`) to pipe data from your data source into the [`range()`](/flux/v0.12/functions/transformations/range)
function, which specifies a time range for your query.
It accepts two properties: `start` and `stop`.
Ranges can be **relative** using negative [durations](/flux/v0.12/language/lexical-elements#duration-literals)
or **absolute** using [timestamps](/flux/v0.12/language/lexical-elements#date-and-time-literals).
###### Example relative time ranges
// Relative time range with start only. Stop defaults to now.
|> range(start: -1h)
// Relative time range with start and stop
|> range(start: -1h, stop: -10m)
> Relative ranges are relative to "now."
###### Example absolute time range
|> range(start: 2018-11-05T23:30:00Z, stop: 2018-11-06T00:00:00Z)
#### Use the following:
For this guide, use the relative time range, `-15m`, to limit query results to data from the last 15 minutes:
|> range(start: -15m)
## 3. Filter your data
Pass your ranged data into the `filter()` function to narrow results based on data attributes or columns.
The `filter()` function has one parameter, `fn`, which expects an anonymous function
with logic that filters data based on columns or attributes.
Flux's anonymous function syntax is similar to Javascript's.
Records or rows are passed into the `filter()` function as an object (`r`).
The anonymous function takes the object and evaluates it to see if it matches the defined filters.
Use the `and` relational operator to chain multiple filters.
// Pattern
(r) => (r.objectProperty comparisonOperator comparisonExpression)
// Example with single filter
(r) => (r._measurement == "cpu")
// Example with multiple filters
(r) => (r._measurement == "cpu") and (r._field != "usage_system" )
#### Use the following:
For this example, filter by the `cpu` measurement, the `usage_system` field, and the `cpu-total` tag value:
|> range(start: -15m)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == "cpu" and
r._field == "usage_system" and
r.cpu == "cpu-total"
## 4. Yield your queried data
Use Flux's `yield()` function to output the filtered tables as the result of the query.
|> range(start: -15m)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == "cpu" and
r._field == "usage_system" and
r.cpu == "cpu-total"
|> yield()
{{% note %}}
Flux automatically assume a `yield()` function at
the end of each script in order to output and visualize the data.
`yield()` is only necessary when including multiple queries in the same Flux query.
Each set of returned data needs to be named using the `yield()` function.
{{% /note %}}
## Congratulations!
You have now queried data from InfluxDB using Flux.
This is a barebones query that can be transformed in other ways.
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<a class="btn prev" href="/v2.0/query-data/flux/get-started/">Get started with Flux</a>
<a class="btn next" href="/v2.0/query-data/flux/get-started/transform-data/">Transform your data</a>
@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
title: Flux syntax basics
description: An introduction to the basic elements of the Flux syntax with real-world application examples.
name: Syntax basics
parent: get-started
weight: 3
Flux, at its core, is a scripting language designed specifically for working with data.
This guide walks through a handful of simple expressions and how they are handled in Flux.
## Use the influx CLI's REPL
Use the `influx repl` command to open the interactive read-eval-print-loop (REPL).
Run the commands provided in this guide in the REPL.
##### Start in the influx CLI in Flux mode
influx repl --org org-name
## Basic Flux syntax
The code blocks below provide commands that illustrate the basic syntax of Flux.
Run these commands in the REPL.
### Simple expressions
Flux is a scripting language that supports basic expressions.
For example, simple addition:
> 1 + 1
### Variables
Assign an expression to a variable using the assignment operator, `=`.
> s = "this is a string"
> i = 1 // an integer
> f = 2.0 // a floating point number
Type the name of a variable to print its value:
> s
this is a string
> i
> f
### Objects
Flux also supports objects. Each value in an object can be a different data type.
> o = {name:"Jim", age: 42}
Use dot notation to access a properties of an object:
> o.age
### Lists
Flux supports lists. List values must be the same type.
> n = 4
> l = [1,2,3,n]
> l
[1, 2, 3, 4]
### Functions
Flux uses functions for most of its heavy lifting.
Below is a simple function that squares a number, `n`.
> square = (n) => n * n
> square(n:3)
{{% note %}}
Flux does not support positional arguments or parameters.
Parameters must always be named when calling a function.
{{% /note %}}
### Pipe-forward operator
Flux uses the pipe-forward operator (`|>`) extensively to chain operations together.
After each function or operation, Flux returns a table or collection of tables containing data.
The pipe-forward operator pipes those tables into the next function where they are further processed or manipulated.
data |> someFunction() |> anotherFunction()
## Real-world application of basic syntax
This likely seems familiar if you've already been through through the other
[getting started guides](/v2.0/query-data/flux/get-started).
Flux's syntax is inspired by Javascript and other functional scripting languages.
As you begin to apply these basic principles in real-world use cases such as creating data stream variables,
custom functions, etc., the power of Flux and its ability to query and process data will become apparent.
The examples below provide both multi-line and single-line versions of each input command.
Carriage returns in Flux aren't necessary, but do help with readability.
Both single- and multi-line commands can be copied and pasted into the `influx` CLI running in Flux mode.
### Define data stream variables
A common use case for variable assignments in Flux is creating variables for one
or more input data streams.
{{< code-tabs-wrapper >}}
{{% code-tabs %}}
{{% /code-tabs %}}
{{% code-tab-content %}}
timeRange = -1h
cpuUsageUser =
|> range(start: timeRange)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == "cpu" and
r._field == "usage_user" and
r.cpu == "cpu-total"
memUsagePercent =
|> range(start: timeRange)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == "mem" and
r._field == "used_percent"
{{% /code-tab-content %}}
{{% code-tab-content %}}
timeRange = -1h
cpuUsageUser = from(bucket:"example-bucket") |> range(start: timeRange) |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "cpu" and r._field == "usage_user" and r.cpu == "cpu-total")
memUsagePercent = from(bucket:"example-bucket") |> range(start: timeRange) |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "mem" and r._field == "used_percent")
{{% /code-tab-content %}}
{{< /code-tabs-wrapper>}}
These variables can be used in other functions, such as `join()`, while keeping the syntax minimal and flexible.
### Define custom functions
Create a function that returns the `N` number rows in the input stream with the highest `_value`s.
To do this, pass the input stream (`tables`) and the number of results to return (`n`) into a custom function.
Then using Flux's `sort()` and `limit()` functions to find the top `n` results in the data set.
{{< code-tabs-wrapper >}}
{{% code-tabs %}}
{{% /code-tabs %}}
{{% code-tab-content %}}
topN = (tables=<-, n) =>
|> sort(desc: true)
|> limit(n: n)
{{% /code-tab-content %}}
{{% code-tab-content %}}
topN = (tables=<-, n) => tables |> sort(desc: true) |> limit(n: n)
{{% /code-tab-content %}}
{{< /code-tabs-wrapper >}}
_More information about creating custom functions is available in the [Custom functions](/flux/v0.12/functions/custom-functions) documentation._
Using the `cpuUsageUser` data stream variable defined above, find the top five data
points with the custom `topN` function and yield the results.
{{< code-tabs-wrapper >}}
{{% code-tabs %}}
{{% /code-tabs %}}
{{% code-tab-content %}}
|> topN(n:5)
|> yield()
{{% /code-tab-content %}}
{{% code-tab-content %}}
cpuUsageUser |> topN(n:5) |> yield()
{{% /code-tab-content %}}
{{< /code-tabs-wrapper>}}
This query will return the five data points with the highest user CPU usage over the last hour.
<div class="page-nav-btns">
<a class="btn prev" href="/v2.0/query-data/flux/get-started/transform-data/">Transform your data</a>
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
title: Transform data with Flux
description: Learn the basics of using Flux to transform data queried from InfluxDB.
name: Transform your data
parent: get-started
weight: 2
When [querying data from InfluxDB](/v2.0/query-data/flux/get-started/query-influxdb),
you often need to transform that data in some way.
Common examples are aggregating data into averages, downsampling data, etc.
This guide demonstrates using [Flux functions](/flux/v0.12/functions) to transform your data.
It walks through creating a Flux script that partitions data into windows of time,
averages the `_value`s in each window, and outputs the averages as a new table.
It's important to understand how the "shape" of your data changes through each of these operations.
## Query data
Use the query built in the previous [Query data from InfluxDB](/v2.0/query-data/flux/get-started/query-influxdb)
guide, but update the range to pull data from the last hour:
|> range(start: -1h)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == "cpu" and
r._field == "usage_system" and
r.cpu == "cpu-total"
## Flux functions
Flux provides a number of functions that perform specific operations, transformations, and tasks.
You can also [create custom functions](/flux/v0.12/functions/custom-functions) in your Flux queries.
_Functions are covered in detail in the [Flux functions](/flux/v0.12/functions) documentation._
A common type of function used when transforming data queried from InfluxDB is an aggregate function.
Aggregate functions take a set of `_value`s in a table, aggregate them, and transform
them into a new value.
This example uses the [`mean()` function](/flux/v0.12/functions/transformations/aggregates/mean)
to average values within each time window.
{{% note %}}
The following example walks through the steps required to window and aggregate data,
but there is a [`aggregateWindow()` helper function](#helper-functions) that does it for you.
It's just good to understand the steps in the process.
{{% /note %}}
## Window your data
Flux's [`window()` function](/flux/v0.12/functions/transformations/window) partitions records based on a time value.
Use the `every` parameter to define a duration of each window.
For this example, window data in five minute intervals (`5m`).
|> range(start: -1h)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == "cpu" and
r._field == "usage_system" and
r.cpu == "cpu-total"
|> window(every: 5m)
As data is gathered into windows of time, each window is output as its own table.
When visualized, each table is assigned a unique color.

## Aggregate windowed data
Flux aggregate functions take the `_value`s in each table and aggregate them in some way.
Use the [`mean()` function](/flux/v0.12/functions/transformations/aggregates/mean) to average the `_value`s of each table.
|> range(start: -1h)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == "cpu" and
r._field == "usage_system" and
r.cpu == "cpu-total"
|> window(every: 5m)
|> mean()
As rows in each window are aggregated, their output table contains only a single row with the aggregate value.
Windowed tables are all still separate and, when visualized, will appear as single, unconnected points.

## Add times to your aggregates
As values are aggregated, the resulting tables do not have a `_time` column because
the records used for the aggregation all have different timestamps.
Aggregate functions don't infer what time should be used for the aggregate value.
Therefore the `_time` column is dropped.
A `_time` column is required in the [next operation](#unwindow-aggregate-tables).
To add one, use the [`duplicate()` function](/flux/v0.12/functions/transformations/duplicate)
to duplicate the `_stop` column as the `_time` column for each windowed table.
|> range(start: -1h)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == "cpu" and
r._field == "usage_system" and
r.cpu == "cpu-total"
|> window(every: 5m)
|> mean()
|> duplicate(column: "_stop", as: "_time")
## Unwindow aggregate tables
Use the `window()` function with the `every: inf` parameter to gather all points
into a single, infinite window.
|> range(start: -1h)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == "cpu" and
r._field == "usage_system" and
r.cpu == "cpu-total"
|> window(every: 5m)
|> mean()
|> duplicate(column: "_stop", as: "_time")
|> window(every: inf)
Once ungrouped and combined into a single table, the aggregate data points will appear connected in your visualization.

## Helper functions
This may seem like a lot of coding just to build a query that aggregates data, however going through the
process helps to understand how data changes "shape" as it is passed through each function.
Flux provides (and allows you to create) "helper" functions that abstract many of these steps.
The same operation performed in this guide can be accomplished using the
[`aggregateWindow()` function](/flux/v0.12/functions/transformations/aggregates/aggregatewindow).
|> range(start: -1h)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == "cpu" and
r._field == "usage_system" and
r.cpu == "cpu-total"
|> aggregateWindow(every: 5m, fn: mean)
## Congratulations!
You have now constructed a Flux query that uses Flux functions to transform your data.
There are many more ways to manipulate your data using both Flux's primitive functions
and your own custom functions, but this is a good introduction into the basic syntax and query structure.
_For a deeper dive into windowing and aggregating data with example data output for each transformation,
view the [Windowing and aggregating data](/flux/v0.12/guides/windowing-aggregating) guide._
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<a class="btn prev" href="/v2.0/query-data/flux/get-started/query-influxdb/">Query InfluxDB</a>
<a class="btn next" href="/v2.0/query-data/flux/get-started/syntax-basics/">Syntax basics</a>
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