Fix menu error for notebooks (hot fix)

noramullen1 2020-12-07 17:15:56 -08:00
parent c6b975d5f0
commit c42a5c3c9f
2 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ description: >
weight: 102
name: Downsample data with notebooks
parent: Notebooks

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ menu:
Try changing the time range. You might have measurements prior to the time range you selected. For example, if the selected time range is `Past 1h` and the last write happened 16 hours ago, you'd need to change the time range to `Past 24h` (or more) to see your data.
### "No bucket exists" error message appears.
This error appears when the Buckets API endpoint returns a list of bucket and you dont have access to that bucket. Verify that you have access permissions to the bucket that you're trying to query or write to
This error appears when the Buckets API endpoint returns a list of bucket and you dont have access to that bucket. Verify that you have access permissions to the bucket that you're trying to query or write to.
### Metric selector crashes.
This can occur with high cardinality buckets when there's too much data for the browser. To decrease the amount of data in your bucket, see how to [resolve high series cardinality](/influxdb/cloud/write-data/best-practices/resolve-high-cardinality/).