Telegraf reorg (#3879)

* Reorg WIP

* misc updates

* updates

* Address PM feedback

* updates

* Add new troubleshoot page

* edits

* Address PR feedback

* Address PR feedback

* Update

* Update

* Telegraf 1.22 changelog (#3884)

* W

* Add changelog

* Fix yaml

* Update

* Whitespace should follow frontmatter

* Fix indenting

Co-authored-by: Kelly <>
Co-authored-by: kelseiv <>
Co-authored-by: Jason Stirnaman <>
noramullen1 2022-03-23 16:45:56 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 3dcda9150b
commit 9854c7bf0f
No known key found for this signature in database
46 changed files with 7038 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ more flexibility compared to internal Telegraf plugins. Benefits to using extern
- Using licensed software (not available to open source community)
- Including large dependencies that would otherwise bloat Telegraf
- Using your external plugin immediately without waiting for the Telegraf team to publish
- Easily convert plugins between internal and external using the [shim](/telegraf/latest/external_plugins/shim/)
- Easily convert plugins between internal and external using the [shim](/{{< latest "telegraf" >}}/external_plugins/shim/)

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
title: Telegraf 1.22 documentation
description: >
Documentation for Telegraf, the plugin-driven server agent of the InfluxData
time series platform, used to collect and report metrics. Telegraf supports four categories of plugins -- input, output, aggregator, and processor.
name: Telegraf v1.22
weight: 1
- /resources/videos/intro-to-telegraf/
Telegraf, a server-based agent, collects and sends metrics and events from databases, systems, and IoT sensors.
Written in Go, Telegraf compiles into a single binary with no external dependencies--requiring very minimal memory.
For an introduction to Telegraf and an overview of how it works, watch the following video:
{{< youtube vGJeo3FaMds >}}

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@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
title: Telegraf commands and flags
description: The `telegraf` command starts and runs all the processes necessary for Telegraf to function.
name: Commands
weight: 20
The `telegraf` command starts and runs all the processes necessary for Telegraf to function.
## Usage
telegraf [commands]
telegraf [flags]
## Commands
| Command | Description |
| :-------- | :--------------------------------------------- |
| `config` | Print out full sample configuration to stdout. |
| `version` | Print version to stdout. |
## Flags {id="telegraf-command-flags"}
| Flag | Description |
| :------------------------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `--aggregator-filter <filter>` | Filter aggregators to enable. Separator is `:`. |
| `--config <file>` | Configuration file to load. |
| `--config-directory <directory>` | Directory containing additional `*.conf` files. |
| `--deprecation-list` | Print all deprecated plugins or plugin options. |
| `--watch-config` | Restart Telegraf on local configuration changes. Use either fs notifications (`inotify`) or polling (`poll`). Disabled by default |
| `--plugin-directory <directory>` | Directory containing `*.so` files to search recursively for plugins. Found plugins are loaded, tagged, and identified. |
| `--debug` | Enable debug logging. |
| `--input-filter <filter>` | Filter input plugins to enable. Separator is `:`. |
| `--input-list` | Print available input plugins. |
| `--output-filter` | Filter output plugins to enable. Separator is `:`. |
| `--output-list` | Print available output plugins. |
| `--pidfile <file>` | File to write PID to. |
| `--pprof-addr <address>` | pprof address to listen on. Disabled by default. |
| `--processor-filter <filter>` | Filter processor plugins to enable. Separator is `:`. |
| `--quiet` | Run in quiet mode. |
| `--section-filter <filter>` | Filter configuration sections to output (`agent`, `global_tags`, `outputs`, `processors`, `aggregators` and `inputs`). Separator is `:`. |
| `--sample-config` | Print full sample configuration. |
| `--once` | Gather metrics once, write them, and exit. |
| `--test` | Gather metrics once and print them. |
| `--test-wait` | Number of seconds to wait for service inputs to complete in test or once mode. |
| `--usage <plugin>` | Print plugin usage (example: `telegraf --usage mysql`). |
| `--version` | Print Telegraf version. |
## Examples
### Generate a Telegraf configuration file
telegraf config > telegraf.conf
### Generate configuration with only CPU input and InfluxDB output plugins defined
telegraf --input-filter cpu --output-filter influxdb config
### Run a single Telegraf configuration, outputting metrics to stdout
telegraf --config telegraf.conf --test
### Run Telegraf with all plugins defined in configuration file**
telegraf --config telegraf.conf
### Run Telegraf, enabling the CPU and memory input plugins and InfluxDB output plugin**
telegraf --config telegraf.conf --input-filter cpu:mem --output-filter influxdb
### Run Telegraf with pprof
telegraf --config telegraf.conf --pprof-addr localhost:6060

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
title: Configure plugins
name: Configure plugins
weight: 50
Telegraf is a server-based agent for collecting and sending metrics and events from databases, systems, and IoT sensors.
{{< children hlevel="h2" >}}

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
title: Transform data with aggregator and processor plugins
description: |
Aggregator and processor plugins aggregate and process metrics.
name: Aggregator and processor plugins
weight: 50
parent: Configure plugins
In addition to input plugins and output plugins, Telegraf includes aggregator and processor plugins, which are used to aggregate and process metrics as they pass through Telegraf.
{{< diagram >}}
graph TD
Process[Process<br/> - transform<br/> - decorate<br/> - filter]
Aggregate[Aggregate<br/> - transform<br/> - decorate<br/> - filter]
CPU --> Process
Memory --> Process
MySQL --> Process
SNMP --> Process
Docker --> Process
Process --> Aggregate
Aggregate --> InfluxDB
Aggregate --> File
Aggregate --> Kafka
style Process text-align:left
style Aggregate text-align:left
{{< /diagram >}}
**Processor plugins** process metrics as they pass through and immediately emit
results based on the values they process. For example, this could be printing
all metrics or adding a tag to all metrics that pass through.
**Aggregator plugins**, on the other hand, are a bit more complicated. Aggregators
are typically for emitting new _aggregate_ metrics, such as a running mean,
minimum, maximum, quantiles, or standard deviation. For this reason, all _aggregator_
plugins are configured with a `period`. The `period` is the size of the window
of metrics that each _aggregate_ represents. In other words, the emitted
_aggregate_ metric will be the aggregated value of the past `period` seconds.
Since many users will only care about their aggregates and not every single metric
gathered, there is also a `drop_original` argument, which tells Telegraf to only
emit the aggregates and not the original metrics.
{{% note %}}
#### Behavior of processors and aggregators when used together
When using both aggregator and processor plugins in Telegraf v1.17, processor plugins
process data and then pass it to aggregator plugins.
After aggregator plugins aggregate the data, they pass it back to processor plugins.
This can have unintended consequences, such as executing mathematical operations twice.
_See [influxdata/telegraf#7993](
If using custom processor scripts, they must be idempotent (repeatable, without side-effects).
For custom processes that are not idempotent, use [namepass or namedrop](/telegraf/v1.17/administration/configuration/#input-config-namepass-and-namedrop) to avoid issues when aggregated data is processed a second time.
{{% /note %}}

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
title: Integrate with external plugins
description: |
External plugins are external programs that are built outside of Telegraf that can run through an `execd` plugin.
name: External plugins
weight: 50
parent: Configure plugins
[External plugins]( are external programs that are built outside
of Telegraf that can run through an `execd` plugin. These external plugins allow for
more flexibility compared to internal Telegraf plugins. Benefits to using external plugins include:
- Access to libraries not written in Go
- Using licensed software (not available to open source community)
- Including large dependencies that would otherwise bloat Telegraf
- Using your external plugin immediately without waiting for the Telegraf team to publish
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
- Easily convert plugins between internal and external using the [shim](/{{< latest "telegraf" >}}/external_plugins/shim/)
- Easily convert plugins between internal and external using the [shim](
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
{{< children hlevel="h2" >}}

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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
title: Use the `execd` shim
name: Use the `execd` shim
weight: 50
parent: External plugins
The shim makes it easy to extract an internal input,
processor, or output plugin from the main Telegraf repo out to a stand-alone repo. This allows anyone to build and run it as a separate app using one of the
`execd` plugins:
- [inputs.execd](
- [processors.execd](
- [outputs.execd](
## Extract a plugin using the shim wrapper
1. Move the project to an external repo. We recommend preserving the path
structure: for example, if your plugin was located at
`plugins/inputs/cpu` in the Telegraf repo, move it to `plugins/inputs/cpu`
in the new repo.
2. Copy [main.go]( into your project under the `cmd` folder.
This serves as the entry point to the plugin when run as a stand-alone program.
{{% note %}}
The shim isn't designed to run multiple plugins at the same time, so include only one plugin per repo.
{{% /note %}}
3. Edit the `main.go` file to import your plugin. For example,`_ ""`. See an example of where to edit `main.go` [here](
4. Add a [plugin.conf]( for configuration
specific to your plugin.
{{% note %}}
This config file must be separate from the rest of the config for Telegraf, and must not be in a shared directory with other Telegraf configs.
{{% /note %}}
## Test and run your plugin
1. Build the `cmd/main.go` using the following command with your plugin name: `go build -o plugin-name cmd/main.go`
1. Test the binary:
2. If you're building a processor or output, first feed valid metrics in on `STDIN`. Skip this step if you're building an input.
3. Test out the binary by running it (for example, `./project-name -config plugin.conf`).
Metrics will be written to `STDOUT`. You might need to hit enter or wait for your poll duration to elapse to see data.
4. Press `Ctrl-C` to end your test.
5. Configure Telegraf to call your new plugin binary. For an input, this would
look something like:
command = ["/path/to/rand", "-config", "/path/to/plugin.conf"]
signal = "none"
Refer to the `execd` plugin documentation for more information.
## Publish your plugin
Publishing your plugin to GitHub and open a Pull Request
back to the Telegraf repo letting us know about the availability of your
[external plugin](

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
title: Write an external plugin
name: Write an external plugin
weight: 50
parent: External plugins
Set up your plugin to use it with `execd`.
{{% note %}}
For listed [external plugins](/, the author of the external plugin is also responsible for the maintenance
and feature development of external plugins.
{{% /note %}}
1. Write your Telegraf plugin. Follow InfluxData's best practices:
- [Input plugins](
- [Processor plugins](
- [Aggregator plugins](
- [Output plugins](
2. If your plugin is written in Go, follow the steps for the [Execd Go Shim](/{{< latest "telegraf" >}}/external_plugins/shim).
3. Add usage and development instructions in the homepage of your repository for running your plugin with its respective `execd` plugin. Refer to [openvpn]( and [awsalarms]( for examples.
Include the following steps:
- How to download the release package for your platform or how to clone the binary for your external plugin
- Commands to build your binary
- Location to edit your `telegraf.conf`
- Configuration to run your external plugin with [inputs.execd](,
[processors.execd](/plugins/processors/execd) or [outputs.execd](
4. Submit your plugin by opening a PR to add your external plugin to the [/]( list. Include the plugin name, a link to the plugin repository and a short description of the plugin.

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
title: Collect data with input plugins
description: |
Collect data from a variety of sources with Telegraf input plugins.
name: Input plugins
weight: 10
parent: Configure plugins
For a complete list of input plugins and links to their detailed configuration options, see [input plugins](/{{< latest "telegraf" >}}/plugins/inputs/).
In addition to plugin-specific data formats, Telegraf supports a set of [common data formats](/{{< latest "telegraf" >}}/data_formats/input/) available when configuring many of the Telegraf input plugins.

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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
title: Using the HTTP input plugin with Citi Bike data
description: Collect live metrics on Citi Bike stations in New York City with the HTTP input plugin.
name: Using the HTTP plugin
weight: 30
parent: Input plugins
This example walks through using the Telegraf HTTP input plugin to collect live metrics on Citi Bike stations in New York City. Live station data is available in JSON format directly from [Citi Bike](
For the following example to work, configure [`influxdb_v2` output plugin](/{{< latest "telegraf" >}}/plugins/#influxdb_v2). This plugin is what allows Telegraf to write the metrics to InfluxDB.
## Configure the HTTP Input plugin in your Telegraf configuration file
To retrieve data from the Citi Bike URL endpoint, enable the `inputs.http` input plugin in your Telegraf configuration file.
Specify the following options:
### `urls`
One or more URLs to read metrics from. For this example, use ``.
### `data_format`
The format of the data in the HTTP endpoints that Telegraf will ingest. For this example, use JSON.
## Add parser information to your Telegraf configuration
Specify the following JSON-specific options. In this example, we use the objects subtable to gather
data from [JSON Objects](
### JSON
#### `path`
To parse a JSON object, set the `path` option with a [GJSON]( path. The result of the query should contain a JSON object or an array of objects. The [GJSON playground]( is a very helpful tool in checking your query.
#### `tags`
List of one or more JSON keys that should be added as tags. For this example, we'll use the tag key `station_id`.
#### `timestamp_key`
Key from the JSON file that creates the timestamp metric. In this case, we want to use the time that station data was last reported, or the `last_reported`. If you don't specify a key, the time that Telegraf reads the data becomes the timestamp.
#### `timestamp_format`
The format used to interpret the designated `timestamp_key`. The `last_reported` time in this example is reported in unix format.
#### Example configuration
# URL for NYC's Citi Bike station data in JSON format
urls = [""]
# Overwrite measurement name from default `http` to `citibikenyc`
name_override = "citibike"
# Exclude url and host items from tags
tagexclude = ["url", "host"]
# Data from HTTP in JSON format
data_format = "json_v2"
# Add a subtable to use the `json_v2` parser
# Add an object subtable for to parse a JSON object
# Parse data in `data.stations` path only
path = "data.stations"
#Set station metadata as tags
tags = ["station_id"]
# Latest station information reported at `last_reported`
timestamp_key = "last_reported"
# Time is reported in unix timestamp format
timestamp_format = "unix"
## Start Telegraf and verify data appears
[Start the Telegraf service](/{{< latest "telegraf" >}}/introduction/getting-started/#start-telegraf-service).
To test that the data is being sent to InfluxDB, run the following (replacing `telegraf.conf` with the path to your configuration file):
telegraf -config ~/telegraf.conf -test
This command should return line protocol that looks similar to the following:
citibike,station_id=4703 eightd_has_available_keys=false,is_installed=1,is_renting=1,is_returning=1,legacy_id="4703",num_bikes_available=6,num_bikes_disabled=2,num_docks_available=26,num_docks_disabled=0,num_ebikes_available=0,station_status="active" 1641505084000000000
citibike,station_id=4704 eightd_has_available_keys=false,is_installed=1,is_renting=1,is_returning=1,legacy_id="4704",num_bikes_available=10,num_bikes_disabled=2,num_docks_available=36,num_docks_disabled=0,num_ebikes_available=0,station_status="active" 1641505084000000000
citibike,station_id=4711 eightd_has_available_keys=false,is_installed=1,is_renting=1,is_returning=1,legacy_id="4711",num_bikes_available=9,num_bikes_disabled=0,num_docks_available=36,num_docks_disabled=0,num_ebikes_available=1,station_status="active" 1641505084000000000
Now, you can explore and query the Citi Bike data in InfluxDB. The example below is an Flux query and visualization showing the number of available bikes over the past 15 minutes.
![Citi Bike visualization](/img/telegraf/new-citibike_query.png)

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
title: Write data with output plugins
description: |
Output plugins define where Telegraf will deliver the collected metrics.
name: Output plugins
weight: 20
parent: Configure plugins
Output plugins define where Telegraf will deliver the collected metrics. Send metrics to InfluxDB or to a variety of other datastores, services, and message queues, including Graphite, OpenTSDB, Datadog, Librato, Kafka, MQTT, and NSQ.
For a complete list of output plugins and links to their detailed configuration options, see [output plugins](/{{< latest "telegraf" >}}/plugins/outputs/).
In addition to plugin-specific data formats, Telegraf supports a set of [common data formats](/{{< latest "telegraf" >}}/data_formats/output/) available when configuring many of the Telegraf output plugins.

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
title: Troubleshoot Telegraf
description: Resolve common issues with Telegraf.
name: Troubleshoot
Parent: Configure plugins
weight: 79
## Validate your Telegraf configuration with `--test`
Run a single telegraf collection, outputting metrics to stdout:
`telegraf --config telegraf.conf --test`
## Use the `--once` option to single-shot execute
Once tested, run `telegraf --config telegraf.conf --once` to perform a single-shot execution of all configured plugins. This sends output to partner systems specified in the `telegraf.conf` rather than writing to `stdout`.
## Add `outputs.file` to read to a file or STDOUT
The following step might be helpful if:
- You're encountering issues in your output and trying to determine if its an issue with your configuration or connection.
- `-test` outputs metrics to stdout as expected and your input, parsers, processors, and aggregators are configured correctly. Note that if it's a listener plugin, `-test` wouldn't output any metrics right away.
Add the `file` output plugin with the metrics reporting to STDOUT or to a file.
files = ["stdout"]
## Set `debug = true` in your settings
When you set `debug = true` in global settings, Telegraf runs with debug log messages.
2021-06-28T19:18:00Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.19.0
2021-06-28T19:18:00Z I! Loaded inputs: cpu disk diskio mem net processes swap system
2021-06-28T19:18:00Z I! Loaded aggregators:
2021-06-28T19:18:00Z I! Loaded processors:
2021-06-28T19:18:00Z I! Loaded outputs: influxdb_v2
2021-06-28T19:18:00Z I! Tags enabled: host=MBP15-INFLUX.local
2021-06-28T19:18:00Z I! [agent] Config: Interval:10s, Quiet:false, Hostname:"MBP15-INFLUX.local", Flush Interval:30s
2021-06-28T19:18:00Z D! [agent] Initializing plugins
2021-06-28T19:18:00Z D! [agent] Connecting outputs
2021-06-28T19:18:00Z D! [agent] Attempting connection to [outputs.influxdb_v2]
2021-06-28T19:18:00Z D! [agent] Successfully connected to outputs.influxdb_v2
-06-28T19:18:00Z D! [agent] Starting service inputs

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
title: Contribute to Telegraf
name: Contribute to Telegraf
weight: 80
To contribute to the Telegraf project, complete the following steps:
1. [Sign the InfluxData Contributor License Agreement (CLA)](#sign-influxdata-contributor-license-agreement-cla).
2. [Review contribution guidelines](#review-contribution-guidelines).
3. [Review the Telegraf open source license](#review-open-source-license).
## Sign InfluxData Contributor License Agreement (CLA)
Before contributing to the InfluxDB OSS project, you must complete and sign the [InfluxData Contributor License Agreement (CLA)](, available on the InfluxData website.
## Review contribution guidelines
To learn how you can contribute to the Telegraf project, see our [Contributing guidelines]( in the GitHub repository.
## Review open source license
See information about our [open source MIT license for Telegraf]( in GitHub.

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
title: Telegraf data formats
description: Telegraf supports input data formats and output data formats for converting input and output data.
name: Data formats
weight: 50
This section covers the input data formats and output data formats used in the Telegraf plugin-driven server agent component of the InfluxData time series platform.
{{< children hlevel="h2" >}}
<!-- add table: !-->

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
title: Telegraf input data formats
description: Telegraf supports parsing input data formats into Telegraf metrics.
name: Input data formats
weight: 1
parent: Data formats
Telegraf contains many general purpose plugins that support parsing input data
using a configurable parser into [metrics][]. This allows, for example, the
`kafka_consumer` input plugin to process messages in either InfluxDB Line
Protocol or in JSON format. Telegraf supports the following input data formats:
{{< children >}}
Any input plugin containing the `data_format` option can use it to select the
desired parser:
## Commands array
commands = ["/tmp/", "/usr/bin/mycollector --foo=bar"]
## measurement name suffix (for separating different commands)
name_suffix = "_mycollector"
## Data format to consume.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "json_v2"
[metrics]: /telegraf/v1.15/concepts/metrics/

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
title: Collectd input data format
description: Use the `collectd` input data format to parse the collectd network binary protocol to create tags for host, instance, type, and type instance.
name: collectd
weight: 10
parent: Input data formats
The collectd input data format parses the collectd network binary protocol to create tags for host, instance, type, and type instance. All collectd values are added as float64 fields.
For more information, see [binary protocol]( in the collectd Wiki.
You can control the cryptographic settings with parser options.
Create an authentication file and set `collectd_auth_file` to the path of the file, then set the desired security level in `collectd_security_level`.
For more information, including client setup, see
[Cryptographic setup]( in the collectd Wiki.
You can also change the path to the typesdb or add additional typesdb using
## Configuration
files = ["example"]
## Data format to consume.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "collectd"
## Authentication file for cryptographic security levels
collectd_auth_file = "/etc/collectd/auth_file"
## One of none (default), sign, or encrypt
collectd_security_level = "encrypt"
## Path of to TypesDB specifications
collectd_typesdb = ["/usr/share/collectd/types.db"]
## Multi-value plugins can be handled two ways.
## "split" will parse and store the multi-value plugin data into separate measurements
## "join" will parse and store the multi-value plugin as a single multi-value measurement.
## "split" is the default behavior for backward compatability with previous versions of influxdb.
collectd_parse_multivalue = "split"

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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
title: CSV input data format
description: Use the `csv` input data format to parse a document containing comma-separated values into Telegraf metrics.
name: CSV
weight: 20
parent: Input data formats
The CSV input data format parses documents containing comma-separated values into Telegraf metrics.
## Configuration
files = ["example"]
## Data format to consume.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "csv"
## Indicates how many rows to treat as a header. By default, the parser assumes
## there is no header and will parse the first row as data. If set to anything more
## than 1, column names will be concatenated with the name listed in the next header row.
## If `csv_column_names` is specified, the column names in header will be overridden.
csv_header_row_count = 0
## For assigning custom names to columns
## If this is specified, all columns should have a name
## Unnamed columns will be ignored by the parser.
## If `csv_header_row_count` is set to 0, this config must be used
csv_column_names = []
## Indicates the number of rows to skip before looking for header information.
csv_skip_rows = 0
## Indicates the number of columns to skip before looking for data to parse.
## These columns will be skipped in the header as well.
csv_skip_columns = 0
## The seperator between csv fields
## By default, the parser assumes a comma (",")
csv_delimiter = ","
## The character reserved for marking a row as a comment row
## Commented rows are skipped and not parsed
csv_comment = ""
## If set to true, the parser will remove leading whitespace from fields
## By default, this is false
csv_trim_space = false
## Columns listed here will be added as tags. Any other columns
## will be added as fields.
csv_tag_columns = []
## The column to extract the name of the metric from
csv_measurement_column = ""
## The column to extract time information for the metric
## `csv_timestamp_format` must be specified if this is used
csv_timestamp_column = ""
## The format of time data extracted from `csv_timestamp_column`
## this must be specified if `csv_timestamp_column` is specified
csv_timestamp_format = ""
### csv_timestamp_column, csv_timestamp_format
By default the current time will be used for all created metrics, to set the
time using the JSON document you can use the `csv_timestamp_column` and
`csv_timestamp_format` options together to set the time to a value in the parsed
The `csv_timestamp_column` option specifies the column name containing the
time value and `csv_timestamp_format` must be set to a Go "reference time"
which is defined to be the specific time: `Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST 2006`.
Consult the Go [time][time parse] package for details and additional examples
on how to set the time format.
## Metrics
One metric is created for each row with the columns added as fields. The type
of the field is automatically determined based on the contents of the value.
## Examples
files = ["example"]
data_format = "csv"
csv_header_row_count = 1
csv_timestamp_column = "time"
csv_timestamp_format = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
cpu cpu=cpu0,time_user=42,time_system=42,time_idle=42 1536869008000000000

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@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
title: Dropwizard input data format
description: Use the `dropwizard` input data format to parse Dropwizard JSON representations into Telegraf metrics.
name: Dropwizard
weight: 30
parent: Input data formats
The `dropwizard` data format can parse a [Dropwizard JSON representation][dropwizard] representation of a single metrics registry. By default, tags are parsed from metric names as if they were actual InfluxDB Line Protocol keys (`measurement<,tag_set>`) which can be overridden using custom [template patterns][templates]. All field value types are supported, including `string`, `number` and `boolean`.
[templates]: /telegraf/v1.15/data_formats/template-patterns/
## Configuration
files = ["example"]
## Data format to consume.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "dropwizard"
## Used by the templating engine to join matched values when cardinality is > 1
separator = "_"
## Each template line requires a template pattern. It can have an optional
## filter before the template and separated by spaces. It can also have optional extra
## tags following the template. Multiple tags should be separated by commas and no spaces
## similar to the line protocol format. There can be only one default template.
## Templates support below format:
## 1. filter + template
## 2. filter + template + extra tag(s)
## 3. filter + template with field key
## 4. default template
## By providing an empty template array, templating is disabled and measurements are parsed as influxdb line protocol keys (measurement<,tag_set>)
templates = []
## You may use an appropriate [gjson path](
## to locate the metric registry within the JSON document
# dropwizard_metric_registry_path = "metrics"
## You may use an appropriate [gjson path](
## to locate the default time of the measurements within the JSON document
# dropwizard_time_path = "time"
# dropwizard_time_format = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
## You may use an appropriate [gjson path](
## to locate the tags map within the JSON document
# dropwizard_tags_path = "tags"
## You may even use tag paths per tag
# [inputs.exec.dropwizard_tag_paths]
# tag1 = "tags.tag1"
# tag2 = "tags.tag2"
## Examples
A typical JSON of a dropwizard metric registry:
"version": "3.0.0",
"counters" : {
"measurement,tag1=green" : {
"count" : 1
"meters" : {
"measurement" : {
"count" : 1,
"m15_rate" : 1.0,
"m1_rate" : 1.0,
"m5_rate" : 1.0,
"mean_rate" : 1.0,
"units" : "events/second"
"gauges" : {
"measurement" : {
"value" : 1
"histograms" : {
"measurement" : {
"count" : 1,
"max" : 1.0,
"mean" : 1.0,
"min" : 1.0,
"p50" : 1.0,
"p75" : 1.0,
"p95" : 1.0,
"p98" : 1.0,
"p99" : 1.0,
"p999" : 1.0,
"stddev" : 1.0
"timers" : {
"measurement" : {
"count" : 1,
"max" : 1.0,
"mean" : 1.0,
"min" : 1.0,
"p50" : 1.0,
"p75" : 1.0,
"p95" : 1.0,
"p98" : 1.0,
"p99" : 1.0,
"p999" : 1.0,
"stddev" : 1.0,
"m15_rate" : 1.0,
"m1_rate" : 1.0,
"m5_rate" : 1.0,
"mean_rate" : 1.0,
"duration_units" : "seconds",
"rate_units" : "calls/second"
Would get translated into 4 different measurements:
measurement,metric_type=counter,tag1=green count=1
measurement,metric_type=meter count=1,m15_rate=1.0,m1_rate=1.0,m5_rate=1.0,mean_rate=1.0
measurement,metric_type=gauge value=1
measurement,metric_type=histogram count=1,max=1.0,mean=1.0,min=1.0,p50=1.0,p75=1.0,p95=1.0,p98=1.0,p99=1.0,p999=1.0
measurement,metric_type=timer count=1,max=1.0,mean=1.0,min=1.0,p50=1.0,p75=1.0,p95=1.0,p98=1.0,p99=1.0,p999=1.0,stddev=1.0,m15_rate=1.0,m1_rate=1.0,m5_rate=1.0,mean_rate=1.0
You may also parse a dropwizard registry from any JSON document which contains a dropwizard registry in some inner field.
Eg. to parse the following JSON document:
"time" : "2017-02-22T14:33:03.662+02:00",
"tags" : {
"tag1" : "green",
"tag2" : "yellow"
"metrics" : {
"counters" : {
"measurement" : {
"count" : 1
"meters" : {},
"gauges" : {},
"histograms" : {},
"timers" : {}
and translate it into:
measurement,metric_type=counter,tag1=green,tag2=yellow count=1 1487766783662000000
you simply need to use the following additional configuration properties:
dropwizard_metric_registry_path = "metrics"
dropwizard_time_path = "time"
dropwizard_time_format = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
dropwizard_tags_path = "tags"
## tag paths per tag are supported too, eg.
# tag1 = "tags.tag1"
# tag2 = "tags.tag2"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
title: Graphite input data format
description: Use the Graphite data format to translate Graphite dot buckets directly into Telegraf measurement names, with a single value field, and without any tags.
name: Graphite
weight: 40
parent: Input data formats
The Graphite data format translates Graphite *dot* buckets directly into
Telegraf measurement names, with a single value field, and without any tags.
By default, the separator is left as `.`, but this can be changed using the
`separator` argument. For more advanced options, Telegraf supports specifying
[templates](#templates) to translate graphite buckets into Telegraf metrics.
## Configuration
## Commands array
commands = ["/tmp/", "/usr/bin/mycollector --foo=bar"]
## measurement name suffix (for separating different commands)
name_suffix = "_mycollector"
## Data format to consume.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "graphite"
## This string will be used to join the matched values.
separator = "_"
## Each template line requires a template pattern. It can have an optional
## filter before the template and separated by spaces. It can also have optional extra
## tags following the template. Multiple tags should be separated by commas and no spaces
## similar to the line protocol format. There can be only one default template.
## Templates support below format:
## 1. filter + template
## 2. filter + template + extra tag(s)
## 3. filter + template with field key
## 4. default template
templates = [
"*.app env.service.resource.measurement",
"stats.* .host.measurement* region=eu-east,agent=sensu",
"stats2.* .host.measurement.field",
### templates
For information on creating templates, see [Template patterns](/telegraf/v1.15/data_formats/template-patterns/).

View File

@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
title: Grok input data format
description: Use the grok data format to parse line-delimited data using a regular expression-like language.
name: Grok
weight: 40
parent: Input data formats
The grok data format parses line delimited data using a regular expression-like
If you need to become familiar with grok patterns, see [Grok Basics](
in the Logstash documentation. The grok parser uses a slightly modified version of logstash "grok"
patterns, using the format:
The `capture_syntax` defines the grok pattern that is used to parse the input
line and the `semantic_name` is used to name the field or tag. The extension
`modifier` controls the data type that the parsed item is converted to or
other special handling.
By default, all named captures are converted into string fields.
Timestamp modifiers can be used to convert captures to the timestamp of the
parsed metric. If no timestamp is parsed the metric will be created using the
current time.
You must capture at least one field per line.
- Available modifiers:
- string (default if nothing is specified)
- int
- float
- duration (ie, 5.23ms gets converted to int nanoseconds)
- tag (converts the field into a tag)
- drop (drops the field completely)
- measurement (use the matched text as the measurement name)
- Timestamp modifiers:
- ts (This will auto-learn the timestamp format)
- ts-ansic ("Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006")
- ts-unix ("Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 MST 2006")
- ts-ruby ("Mon Jan 02 15:04:05 -0700 2006")
- ts-rfc822 ("02 Jan 06 15:04 MST")
- ts-rfc822z ("02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700")
- ts-rfc850 ("Monday, 02-Jan-06 15:04:05 MST")
- ts-rfc1123 ("Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST")
- ts-rfc1123z ("Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700")
- ts-rfc3339 ("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00")
- ts-rfc3339nano ("2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00")
- ts-httpd ("02/Jan/2006:15:04:05 -0700")
- ts-epoch (seconds since unix epoch, may contain decimal)
- ts-epochnano (nanoseconds since unix epoch)
- ts-syslog ("Jan 02 15:04:05", parsed time is set to the current year)
- ts-"CUSTOM"
CUSTOM time layouts must be within quotes and be the representation of the
"reference time", which is `Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006`.
To match a comma decimal point you can use a period. For example `%{TIMESTAMP:timestamp:ts-"2006-01-02 15:04:05.000"}` can be used to match `"2018-01-02 15:04:05,000"`
To match a comma decimal point you can use a period in the pattern string.
See for more details.
Telegraf has many of its own [built-in patterns](,
as well as support for most of
[logstash's builtin patterns](
_Golang regular expressions do not support lookahead or lookbehind.
logstash patterns that depend on these are not supported._
If you need help building patterns to match your logs, the
[Grok Debugger application]( might be helpful.
## Configuration
## Files to parse each interval.
## These accept standard unix glob matching rules, but with the addition of
## ** as a "super asterisk". ie:
## /var/log/**.log -> recursively find all .log files in /var/log
## /var/log/*/*.log -> find all .log files with a parent dir in /var/log
## /var/log/apache.log -> only tail the apache log file
files = ["/var/log/apache/access.log"]
## The dataformat to be read from files
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "grok"
## This is a list of patterns to check the given log file(s) for.
## Note that adding patterns here increases processing time. The most
## efficient configuration is to have one pattern.
## Other common built-in patterns are:
## %{COMMON_LOG_FORMAT} (plain apache & nginx access logs)
## %{COMBINED_LOG_FORMAT} (access logs + referrer & agent)
grok_patterns = ["%{COMBINED_LOG_FORMAT}"]
## Full path(s) to custom pattern files.
grok_custom_pattern_files = []
## Custom patterns can also be defined here. Put one pattern per line.
grok_custom_patterns = '''
## Timezone allows you to provide an override for timestamps that
## don't already include an offset
## e.g. 04/06/2016 12:41:45 data one two 5.43µs
## Default: "" which renders UTC
## Options are as follows:
## 1. Local -- interpret based on machine localtime
## 2. "Canada/Eastern" -- Unix TZ values like those found in
## 3. UTC -- or blank/unspecified, will return timestamp in UTC
grok_timezone = "Canada/Eastern"
### Timestamp examples
This example input and config parses a file using a custom timestamp conversion:
2017-02-21 13:10:34 value=42
grok_patterns = ['%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp:ts-"2006-01-02 15:04:05"} value=%{NUMBER:value:int}']
This example input and config parses a file using a timestamp in unix time:
1466004605 value=42
1466004605.123456789 value=42
grok_patterns = ['%{NUMBER:timestamp:ts-epoch} value=%{NUMBER:value:int}']
This example parses a file using a built-in conversion and a custom pattern:
Wed Apr 12 13:10:34 PST 2017 value=42
grok_patterns = ["%{TS_UNIX:timestamp:ts-unix} value=%{NUMBER:value:int}"]
grok_custom_patterns = '''
For cases where the timestamp itself is without offset, the `timezone` config var is available
to denote an offset. By default (with `timezone` either omit, blank or set to `"UTC"`), the times
are processed as if in the UTC timezone. If specified as `timezone = "Local"`, the timestamp
will be processed based on the current machine timezone configuration. Lastly, if using a
timezone from the list of Unix [timezones](,
grok will offset the timestamp accordingly.
### TOML escaping
When saving patterns to the configuration file, keep in mind the different TOML
[string]( types and the escaping
rules for each. These escaping rules must be applied in addition to the
escaping required by the grok syntax. Using the Multi-line line literal
syntax with `'''` may be useful.
The following config examples will parse this input file:
Since `|` is a special character in the grok language, we must escape it to
get a literal `|`. With a basic TOML string, special characters such as
backslash must be escaped, requiring us to escape the backslash a second time.
grok_patterns = ["\\|%{NUMBER:value:int}\\|%{UNICODE_ESCAPE:escape}\\|'%{WORD:name}'\\|"]
grok_custom_patterns = "UNICODE_ESCAPE (?:\\\\u[0-9A-F]{4})+"
We cannot use a literal TOML string for the pattern, because we cannot match a
`'` within it. However, it works well for the custom pattern.
grok_patterns = ["\\|%{NUMBER:value:int}\\|%{UNICODE_ESCAPE:escape}\\|'%{WORD:name}'\\|"]
grok_custom_patterns = 'UNICODE_ESCAPE (?:\\u[0-9A-F]{4})+'
A multi-line literal string allows us to encode the pattern:
grok_patterns = ['''
grok_custom_patterns = 'UNICODE_ESCAPE (?:\\u[0-9A-F]{4})+'
### Tips for creating patterns
Writing complex patterns can be difficult, here is some advice for writing a
new pattern or testing a pattern developed [online](
Create a file output that writes to stdout, and disable other outputs while
testing. This will allow you to see the captured metrics. Keep in mind that
the file output will only print once per `flush_interval`.
files = ["stdout"]
- Start with a file containing only a single line of your input.
- Remove all but the first token or piece of the line.
- Add the section of your pattern to match this piece to your configuration file.
- Verify that the metric is parsed successfully by running Telegraf.
- If successful, add the next token, update the pattern and retest.
- Continue one token at a time until the entire line is successfully parsed.

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
title: InfluxDB Line Protocol input data format
description: Use the InfluxDB Line Protocol input data format to parse InfluxDB metrics directly into Telegraf metrics.
name: InfluxDB Line Protocol input
weight: 60
parent: Input data formats
There are no additional configuration options for InfluxDB [line protocol][]. The
InfluxDB metrics are parsed directly into Telegraf metrics.
[line protocol]: /{{< latest "influxdb" "v1" >}}/write_protocols/line/
### Configuration
files = ["example"]
## Data format to consume.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "influx"

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@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
title: JSON input data format
description: Use the JSON input data format to parse [JSON][json] objects, or an array of objects, into Telegraf metric fields.
name: JSON input
weight: 70
parent: Input data formats
{{% note %}}
The following information applies to the legacy JSON input data format. For most cases, we recommend using the [JSON v2 input data format](/{{< latest "telegraf" >}}/data_formats/input/json_v2/) instead.
{{% /note %}}
The JSON input data format parses a [JSON][json] object or an array of objects
into Telegraf metric fields.
**NOTE:** All JSON numbers are converted to float fields. JSON String are
ignored unless specified in the `tag_key` or `json_string_fields` options.
## Configuration
files = ["example"]
## Data format to consume.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "json"
## Query is a GJSON path that specifies a specific chunk of JSON to be
## parsed, if not specified the whole document will be parsed.
## GJSON query paths are described here:
json_query = ""
## Tag keys is an array of keys that should be added as tags.
tag_keys = [
## String fields is an array of keys that should be added as string fields.
json_string_fields = []
## Name key is the key to use as the measurement name.
json_name_key = ""
## Time key is the key containing the time that should be used to create the
## metric.
json_time_key = ""
## Time format is the time layout that should be used to interprete the
## json_time_key. The time must be `unix`, `unix_ms` or a time in the
## "reference time".
## ex: json_time_format = "Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006"
## json_time_format = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
## json_time_format = "unix"
## json_time_format = "unix_ms"
json_time_format = ""
### `json_query`
The `json_query` is a [GJSON][gjson] path that can be used to limit the
portion of the overall JSON document that should be parsed. The result of the
query should contain a JSON object or an array of objects.
Consult the GJSON [path syntax][gjson syntax] for details and examples.
### json_time_key, json_time_format
By default the current time will be used for all created metrics, to set the
time using the JSON document you can use the `json_time_key` and
`json_time_format` options together to set the time to a value in the parsed
The `json_time_key` option specifies the key containing the time value and
`json_time_format` must be set to `unix`, `unix_ms`, or the Go "reference
time" which is defined to be the specific time: `Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST 2006`.
Consult the Go [time][time parse] package for details and additional examples
on how to set the time format.
## Examples
### Basic parsing
files = ["example"]
name_override = "myjsonmetric"
data_format = "json"
"a": 5,
"b": {
"c": 6
"ignored": "I'm a string"
myjsonmetric a=5,b_c=6
### Name, tags, and string fields
files = ["example"]
json_name_key = "name"
tag_keys = ["my_tag_1"]
json_string_fields = ["my_field"]
data_format = "json"
"a": 5,
"b": {
"c": 6,
"my_field": "description"
"my_tag_1": "foo",
"name": "my_json"
my_json,my_tag_1=foo a=5,b_c=6,my_field="description"
### Arrays
If the JSON data is an array, then each object within the array is parsed with
the configured settings.
files = ["example"]
data_format = "json"
json_time_key = "b_time"
json_time_format = "02 Jan 06 15:04 MST"
"a": 5,
"b": {
"c": 6,
"time":"04 Jan 06 15:04 MST"
"a": 7,
"b": {
"c": 8,
"time":"11 Jan 07 15:04 MST"
file a=5,b_c=6 1136387040000000000
file a=7,b_c=8 1168527840000000000
### Query
The `json_query` option can be used to parse a subset of the document.
files = ["example"]
data_format = "json_v2"
tag_keys = ["first"]
json_string_fields = ["last"]
json_query = "obj.friends"
"obj": {
"name": {"first": "Tom", "last": "Anderson"},
"children": ["Sara","Alex","Jack"],
"": "Deer Hunter",
"friends": [
{"first": "Dale", "last": "Murphy", "age": 44},
{"first": "Roger", "last": "Craig", "age": 68},
{"first": "Jane", "last": "Murphy", "age": 47}
file,first=Dale last="Murphy",age=44
file,first=Roger last="Craig",age=68
file,first=Jane last="Murphy",age=47
[gjson syntax]:
[time parse]:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
title: JSON v2 input data format
description: Use the JSON v2 input data format to parse [JSON][json] objects, or an array of objects, into Telegraf metric fields.
name: JSON v2 input
weight: 70
parent: Input data formats
The JSON v2 input data format parses a [JSON][json] object or an array of objects into Telegraf metric fields.
This parser takes valid JSON input and turns it into metrics.
The query syntax supported is [GJSON Path Syntax](,
Use to [this playground]( to test out your GJSON path.
You can find multiple examples [here]( in the Telegraf repository.
is this still true?
{{% note %}}
All JSON numbers are converted to float fields. JSON String are
ignored unless specified in the `tag_key` or `json_string_fields` options.
{{% /note %}}
## Configuration
Configure this parser by describing the metric you want by defining the fields and tags from the input.
The configuration is divided into config sub-tables called `field`, `tag`, and `object`.
In the example below you can see all the possible configuration keys you can define for each config table.
In the sections that follow these configuration keys are defined in more detail.
urls = []
data_format = "json_v2"
measurement_name = "" # A string that will become the new measurement name
measurement_name_path = "" # A string with valid GJSON path syntax, will override measurement_name
timestamp_path = "" # A string with valid GJSON path syntax to a valid timestamp (single value)
timestamp_format = "" # A string with a valid timestamp format (see below for possible values)
timestamp_timezone = "" # A string with with a valid timezone (see below for possible values)
path = "" # A string with valid GJSON path syntax
rename = "new name" # A string with a new name for the tag key
type = "int" # A string specifying the type (int,uint,float,string,bool)
path = "" # A string with valid GJSON path syntax
rename = "new name" # A string with a new name for the tag key
path = "" # A string with valid GJSON path syntax
timestamp_key = "" # A JSON key (for a nested key, prepend the parent keys with underscores) to a valid timestamp
timestamp_format = "" # A string with a valid timestamp format (see below for possible values)
timestamp_timezone = "" # A string with with a valid timezone (see below for possible values)
disable_prepend_keys = false (or true, just not both)
included_keys = [] # List of JSON keys (for a nested key, prepend the parent keys with underscores) that should be only included in result
excluded_keys = [] # List of JSON keys (for a nested key, prepend the parent keys with underscores) that shouldn't be included in result
tags = [] # List of JSON keys (for a nested key, prepend the parent keys with underscores) to be a tag instead of a field
[inputs.file.json_v2.object.renames] # A map of JSON keys (for a nested key, prepend the parent keys with underscores) with a new name for the tag key
key = "new name"
[inputs.file.json_v2.object.fields] # A map of JSON keys (for a nested key, prepend the parent keys with underscores) with a type (int,uint,float,string,bool)
key = "int"
### Root configuration options
* **measurement_name (OPTIONAL)**: Will set the measurement name to the provided string.
* **measurement_name_path (OPTIONAL)**: You can define a query with [GJSON Path Syntax]( to set a measurement name from the JSON input.
The query must return a single data value or it will use the default measurement name.
This takes precedence over `measurement_name`.
* **timestamp_path (OPTIONAL)**: You can define a query with [GJSON Path Syntax]( to set a timestamp from the JSON input.
The query must return a single data value or it will default to the current time.
* **timestamp_format (OPTIONAL, but REQUIRED when timestamp_query is defined**: Must be set to `unix`, `unix_ms`, `unix_us`, `unix_ns`, or
the Go "reference time" which is defined to be the specific time:
`Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST 2006`
* **timestamp_timezone (OPTIONAL, but REQUIRES timestamp_query**: This option should be set to a
[Unix TZ value](,
such as `America/New_York`, to `Local` to utilize the system timezone, or to `UTC`.
Defaults to `UTC`
## Arrays and Objects
The following describes the high-level approach when parsing arrays and objects:
- **Array**: Every element in an array is treated as a *separate* metric
- **Object**: Every key-value in a object is treated as a *single* metric
When handling nested arrays and objects, the rules above continue to apply as the parser creates metrics.
When an object has multiple arrays as values,
the arrays will become separate metrics containing only non-array values from the object.
Below you can see an example of this behavior,
with an input JSON containing an array of book objects that has a nested array of characters.
**Example JSON:**
"book": {
"title": "The Lord Of The Rings",
"chapters": [
"A Long-expected Party",
"The Shadow of the Past"
"author": "Tolkien",
"characters": [
"name": "Bilbo",
"species": "hobbit"
"name": "Frodo",
"species": "hobbit"
"random": [
**Example configuration:**
files = ["./testdata/multiple_arrays_in_object/input.json"]
data_format = "json_v2"
path = "book"
tags = ["title"]
disable_prepend_keys = true
**Expected metrics:**
file,title=The\ Lord\ Of\ The\ Rings author="Tolkien",chapters="A Long-expected Party"
file,title=The\ Lord\ Of\ The\ Rings author="Tolkien",chapters="The Shadow of the Past"
file,title=The\ Lord\ Of\ The\ Rings author="Tolkien",name="Bilbo",species="hobbit"
file,title=The\ Lord\ Of\ The\ Rings author="Tolkien",name="Frodo",species="hobbit"
file,title=The\ Lord\ Of\ The\ Rings author="Tolkien",random=1
file,title=The\ Lord\ Of\ The\ Rings author="Tolkien",random=2
You can find more complicated examples under the folder `testdata`.
## Types
For each field you have the option to define the types for each metric.
The following rules are in place for this configuration:
* If a type is explicitly defined, the parser will enforce this type and convert the data to the defined type if possible.
If the type can't be converted then the parser will fail.
* If a type isn't defined, the parser will use the default type defined in the JSON (int, float, string)
The type values you can set:
* `int`, bool, floats or strings (with valid numbers) can be converted to a int.
* `uint`, bool, floats or strings (with valid numbers) can be converted to a uint.
* `string`, any data can be formatted as a string.
* `float`, string values (with valid numbers) or integers can be converted to a float.
* `bool`, the string values "true" or "false" (regardless of capitalization) or the integer values `0` or `1` can be turned to a bool.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
title: Logfmt input data format
description: Use the `logfmt` input data format to parse logfmt data into Telegraf metrics.
name: logfmt
weight: 80
parent: Input data formats
The `logfmt` data format parses [logfmt] data into Telegraf metrics.
## Configuration
files = ["example"]
## Data format to consume.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "logfmt"
## Set the name of the created metric, if unset the name of the plugin will
## be used.
metric_name = "logfmt"
## Metrics
Each key-value pair in the line is added to a new metric as a field. The type
of the field is automatically determined based on the contents of the value.
## Examples
- method=GET ts=2018-07-24T19:43:40.275Z connect=4ms service=8ms status=200 bytes=1653
+ logfmt method="GET",host="",ts="2018-07-24T19:43:40.275Z",connect="4ms",service="8ms",status=200i,bytes=1653i

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
title: Nagios input data format
description: Use the Nagios input data format to parse the output of Nagios plugins into Telegraf metrics.
name: Nagios
weight: 90
parent: Input data formats
# Nagios
The Nagios input data format parses the output of
[Nagios plugins]( into
Telegraf metrics.
## Configuration
## Commands array
commands = ["/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_load -w 5,6,7 -c 7,8,9"]
## Data format to consume.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "nagios"

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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
title: Prometheus Remote Write input data format
description: |
Use the Prometheus Remote Write input data format to write samples directly into Telegraf metrics.
name: Prometheus Remote Write
weight: 40
parent: Input data formats
Use the Prometheus Remote Write plugin to convert [Prometheus Remote Write]( samples directly into Telegraf metrics.
{{% note %}}
If you are using InfluxDB 1.x and the [Prometheus Remote Write endpoint](
to write in metrics, you can migrate to InfluxDB 2.0 and use this parser.
For the metrics to completely align with the 1.x endpoint, add a Starlark processor as described [here](
{{% /note %}}
### Configuration
Use the [`inputs.http_listener_v2`](/telegraf/v1.22/plugins/#http_listener_v2) plug and set `data_format = "prometheusremotewrite"`
## Address and port to host HTTP listener on
service_address = ":1234"
## Path to listen to.
path = "/recieve"
## Data format to consume.
data_format = "prometheusremotewrite"
### Example
**Example Input**
Timeseries: []*prompb.TimeSeries{
Labels: []*prompb.Label{
{Name: "__name__", Value: "go_gc_duration_seconds"},
{Name: "instance", Value: "localhost:9090"},
{Name: "job", Value: "prometheus"},
{Name: "quantile", Value: "0.99"},
Samples: []prompb.Sample{
{Value: 4.63, Timestamp: time.Date(2020, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).UnixNano()},
**Example Output**
prometheus_remote_write,instance=localhost:9090,job=prometheus,quantile=0.99 go_gc_duration_seconds=4.63 1614889298859000000

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
title: Value input data format
description: Use the `value` input data format to parse single values into Telegraf metrics.
name: Value
weight: 100
parent: Input data formats
The "value" input data format translates single values into Telegraf metrics. This
is done by assigning a measurement name and setting a single field ("value")
as the parsed metric.
## Configuration
You **must** tell Telegraf what type of metric to collect by using the
`data_type` configuration option. Available data type options are:
1. integer
2. float or long
3. string
4. boolean
> **Note:** It is also recommended that you set `name_override` to a measurement
name that makes sense for your metric; otherwise, it will just be set to the
name of the plugin.
## Commands array
commands = ["cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail"]
## override the default metric name of "exec"
name_override = "entropy_available"
## Data format to consume.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "value"
data_type = "integer" # required

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
title: Wavefront input data format
description: Use the Wavefront input data format to parse Wavefront data into Telegraf metrics.
name: Wavefront
weight: 110
parent: Input data formats
The Wavefront input data format parses Wavefront data into Telegraf metrics.
For more information on the Wavefront native data format, see
[Wavefront Data Format]( in the Wavefront documentation.
## Configuration
There are no additional configuration options for Wavefront Data Format line-protocol.
files = ["example"]
## Data format to consume.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "wavefront"

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
title: XML input data format
description: Use the XML input data format to parse XML data into Telegraf metrics.
name: XML
weight: 110
parent: Input data formats
The XML input data format parses XML data into Telegraf metrics.
## Configuration
files = ["example.xml"]
## Data format to consume.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "xml"
## Multiple parsing sections are allowed
## Optional: XPath-query to select a subset of nodes from the XML document.
#metric_selection = "/Bus/child::Sensor"
## Optional: XPath-query to set the metric (measurement) name.
#metric_name = "string('example')"
## Optional: Query to extract metric timestamp.
## If not specified the time of execution is used.
#timestamp = "/Gateway/Timestamp"
## Optional: Format of the timestamp determined by the query above.
## This can be any of "unix", "unix_ms", "unix_us", "unix_ns" or a valid Golang
## time format. If not specified, a "unix" timestamp (in seconds) is expected.
#timestamp_format = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z"
## Tag definitions using the given XPath queries.
name = "substring-after(Sensor/@name, ' ')"
device = "string('the ultimate sensor')"
## Integer field definitions using XPath queries.
consumers = "Variable/@consumers"
## Non-integer field definitions using XPath queries.
## The field type is defined using XPath expressions such as number(), boolean() or string(). If no conversion is performed the field will be of type string.
temperature = "number(Variable/@temperature)"
power = "number(Variable/@power)"
frequency = "number(Variable/@frequency)"
ok = "Mode != 'ok'"

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
title: Telegraf output data formats
description: Telegraf serializes metrics into output data formats.
name: Output data formats
weight: 1
parent: Data formats
In addition to output-specific data formats, Telegraf supports the following set
of common data formats that may be selected when configuring many of the Telegraf
output plugins.
{{< children >}}
You will be able to identify the plugins with support by the presence of a
`data_format` configuration option, for example, in the File (`file`) output plugin:
## Files to write to, "stdout" is a specially handled file.
files = ["stdout"]
## Data format to output.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "influx"

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
title: Carbon2 output data format
description: Use the Carbon2 output data format (serializer) to convert Telegraf metrics into the Carbon2 format.
name: Carbon2
weight: 10
parent: Output data formats
The `carbon2` output data format (serializer) translates the Telegraf metric format to the [Carbon2 format](
### Configuration
## Files to write to, "stdout" is a specially handled file.
files = ["stdout", "/tmp/metrics.out"]
## Data format to output.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "carbon2"
Standard form:
metric=name field=field_1 host=foo 30 1234567890
metric=name field=field_2 host=foo 4 1234567890
metric=name field=field_N host=foo 59 1234567890
### Metrics
The serializer converts the metrics by creating `intrinsic_tags` using the combination of metric name and fields. So, if one Telegraf metric has 4 fields, the `carbon2` output will be 4 separate metrics. There will be a `metric` tag that represents the name of the metric and a `field` tag to represent the field.
### Example
If we take the following InfluxDB Line Protocol:
weather,location=us-midwest,season=summer temperature=82,wind=100 1234567890
After serializing in Carbon2, the result would be:
metric=weather field=temperature location=us-midwest season=summer 82 1234567890
metric=weather field=wind location=us-midwest season=summer 100 1234567890
### Fields and tags with spaces
When a field key or tag key-value have spaces, spaces will be replaced with `_`.
### Tags with empty values
When a tag's value is empty, it will be replaced with `null`.

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
title: Graphite output data format
description: Use the Graphite output data format to serialize data from Telegraf metrics.
name: Graphite output
weight: 20
parent: Output data formats
The Graphite data format is serialized from Telegraf metrics using either the
template pattern or tag support method. You can select between the two
methods using the [`graphite_tag_support`](#graphite-tag-support) option. When set, the tag support method is used,
otherwise the [template pattern][templates]) option is used.
## Configuration
## Files to write to, "stdout" is a specially handled file.
files = ["stdout", "/tmp/metrics.out"]
## Data format to output.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "graphite"
## Prefix added to each graphite bucket
prefix = "telegraf"
## Graphite template pattern
template = "host.tags.measurement.field"
## Support Graphite tags, recommended to enable when using Graphite 1.1 or later.
# graphite_tag_support = false
### graphite_tag_support
When the `graphite_tag_support` option is enabled, the template pattern is not
used. Instead, tags are encoded using
[Graphite tag support](,
added in Graphite 1.1. The `metric_path` is a combination of the optional
`prefix` option, measurement name, and field name.
The tag `name` is reserved by Graphite, any conflicting tags and will be encoded as `_name`.
**Example conversion**:
cpu,cpu=cpu-total,dc=us-east-1,host=tars usage_idle=98.09,usage_user=0.89 1455320660004257758
cpu.usage_user;cpu=cpu-total;dc=us-east-1;host=tars 0.89 1455320690
cpu.usage_idle;cpu=cpu-total;dc=us-east-1;host=tars 98.09 1455320690
### templates
For more information on templates and template patterns, see [Template patterns](/telegraf/v1.15/data_formats/template-patterns/).

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
title: InfluxDB Line Protocol output data format
description: The `influx` data format outputs metrics into the InfluxDB Line Protocol format.
name: InfluxDB Line Protocol
weight: 30
parent: Output data formats
The `influx` output data format outputs metrics into [InfluxDB Line Protocol][line protocol]. InfluxData recommends this data format unless another format is required for interoperability.
## Configuration
## Files to write to, "stdout" is a specially handled file.
files = ["stdout", "/tmp/metrics.out"]
## Data format to output.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "influx"
## Maximum line length in bytes. Useful only for debugging.
influx_max_line_bytes = 0
## When true, fields will be output in ascending lexical order. Enabling
## this option will result in decreased performance and is only recommended
## when you need predictable ordering while debugging.
influx_sort_fields = false
## When true, Telegraf will output unsigned integers as unsigned values,
## i.e.: `42u`. You will need a version of InfluxDB supporting unsigned
## integer values. Enabling this option will result in field type errors if
## existing data has been written.
influx_uint_support = false
[line protocol]: /{{< latest "influxdb" "v1" >}}/write_protocols/line_protocol_tutorial/

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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
title: JSON output data format
description: Telegraf's `json` output data format converts metrics into JSON documents.
name: JSON
weight: 40
parent: Output data formats
The `json` output data format serializes Telegraf metrics into JSON documents.
## Configuration
## Files to write to, "stdout" is a specially handled file.
files = ["stdout", "/tmp/metrics.out"]
## Data format to output.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "json"
## The resolution to use for the metric timestamp. Must be a duration string
## such as "1ns", "1us", "1ms", "10ms", "1s". Durations are truncated to
## the power of 10 less than the specified units.
json_timestamp_units = "1s"
## Examples
### Standard format
"fields": {
"field_1": 30,
"field_2": 4,
"field_N": 59,
"n_images": 660
"name": "docker",
"tags": {
"host": "raynor"
"timestamp": 1458229140
### Batch format
When an output plugin needs to emit multiple metrics at one time, it may use the
batch format. The use of batch format is determined by the plugin -- reference
the documentation for the specific plugin.
"metrics": [
"fields": {
"field_1": 30,
"field_2": 4,
"field_N": 59,
"n_images": 660
"name": "docker",
"tags": {
"host": "raynor"
"timestamp": 1458229140
"fields": {
"field_1": 30,
"field_2": 4,
"field_N": 59,
"n_images": 660
"name": "docker",
"tags": {
"host": "raynor"
"timestamp": 1458229140

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
title: MessagePack output data format
description: Use the MessagePack output data format (serializer) to convert Telegraf metrics into MessagePack format.
name: MessagePack
weight: 10
parent: Output data formats
The `msgpack` output data format (serializer) translates the Telegraf metric format to the [MessagePack]( MessagePack is an efficient binary serialization format that lets you exchange data among multiple languages like JSON.
### Configuration
## Files to write to, "stdout" is a specially handled file.
files = ["stdout", "/tmp/metrics.out"]
## Data format to output.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "msgpack"
### Example output
Output of this format is MessagePack binary representation of metrics with a structure identical to the below JSON:
"time": <TIMESTAMP>, //

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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
title: ServiceNow Metrics output data format
description: Use the ServiceNow Metrics output data format (serializer) to output metrics in the ServiceNow Operational Intelligence format.
name: ServiceNow Metrics
weight: 50
parent: Output data formats
The ServiceNow Metrics output data format (serializer) outputs metrics in the [ServiceNow Operational Intelligence format](
It can be used to write to a file using the File output plugin, or for sending metrics to a MID Server with Enable REST endpoint activated using the standard telegraf HTTP output.
If you're using the HTTP output plugin, this serializer knows how to batch the metrics so you don't end up with an HTTP POST per metric.
An example event looks like:
"metric_type": "Disk C: % Free Space",
"resource": "C:\\",
"node": "lnux100",
"value": 50,
"timestamp": 1473183012000,
"ci2metric_id": {
"node": "lnux100"
"source": “Telegraf”
## Using with the HTTP output plugin
To send this data to a ServiceNow MID Server with Web Server extension activated, you can use the HTTP output plugin, there are some custom headers that you need to add to manage the MID Web Server authorization, here's a sample config for an HTTP output:
## URL is the address to send metrics to
url = "http://<mid server fqdn or ip address>:9082/api/mid/sa/metrics"
## Timeout for HTTP message
# timeout = "5s"
## HTTP method, one of: "POST" or "PUT"
method = "POST"
## HTTP Basic Auth credentials
username = 'evt.integration'
password = 'P@$$w0rd!'
## Optional TLS Config
# tls_ca = "/etc/telegraf/ca.pem"
# tls_cert = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem"
# tls_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem"
## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
# insecure_skip_verify = false
## Data format to output.
## Each data format has it's own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "nowmetric"
## Additional HTTP headers
# # Should be set manually to "application/json" for json data_format
Content-Type = "application/json"
Accept = "application/json"
Starting with the London release, you also need to explicitly create event rule to allow binding of metric events to host CIs.
## Using with the File output plugin
You can use the File output plugin to output the payload in a file.
In this case, just add the following section to your telegraf configuration file.
## Files to write to, "stdout" is a specially handled file.
files = ["C:/Telegraf/metrics.out"]
## Data format to output.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "nowmetric"

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@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
title: SplunkMetric output data format
description: The SplunkMetric serializer formats and outputs data in a format that can be consumed by a Splunk metrics index.
name: SplunkMetric
weight: 60
parent: Output data formats
The SplunkMetric serializer formats and outputs the metric data in a format that can be consumed by a Splunk metrics index.
It can be used to write to a file using the file output, or for sending metrics to a HEC using the standard Telegraf HTTP output.
If you're using the HTTP output, this serializer knows how to batch the metrics so you don't end up with an HTTP POST per metric.
Th data is output in a format that conforms to the specified Splunk HEC JSON format as found here:
[Send metrics in JSON format](
An example event looks like:
"time": 1529708430,
"event": "metric",
"host": "patas-mbp",
"fields": {
"_value": 0.6,
"cpu": "cpu0",
"dc": "mobile",
"metric_name": "cpu.usage_user",
"user": "ronnocol"
In the above snippet, the following keys are dimensions:
* cpu
* dc
* user
## Using with the HTTP output
To send this data to a Splunk HEC, you can use the HTTP output, there are some custom headers that you need to add
to manage the HEC authorization, here's a sample config for an HTTP output:
## URL is the address to send metrics to
url = "https://localhost:8088/services/collector"
## Timeout for HTTP message
# timeout = "5s"
## HTTP method, one of: "POST" or "PUT"
# method = "POST"
## HTTP Basic Auth credentials
# username = "username"
# password = "pa$$word"
## Optional TLS Config
# tls_ca = "/etc/telegraf/ca.pem"
# tls_cert = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem"
# tls_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem"
## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
# insecure_skip_verify = false
## Data format to output.
## Each data format has it's own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "splunkmetric"
## Provides time, index, source overrides for the HEC
splunkmetric_hec_routing = true
## Additional HTTP headers
# Should be set manually to "application/json" for json data_format
Content-Type = "application/json"
Authorization = "Splunk xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
X-Splunk-Request-Channel = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
## Overrides
You can override the default values for the HEC token you are using by adding additional tags to the config file.
The following aspects of the token can be overriden with tags:
* index
* source
You can either use `[global_tags]` or using a more advanced configuration as documented [here](
Such as this example which overrides the index just on the cpu metric:
percpu = false
totalcpu = true
index = "cpu_metrics"
## Using with the File output
You can use the file output when running telegraf on a machine with a Splunk forwarder.
A sample event when `hec_routing` is false (or unset) looks like:
"_value": 0.6,
"cpu": "cpu0",
"dc": "mobile",
"metric_name": "cpu.usage_user",
"user": "ronnocol",
"time": 1529708430
Data formatted in this manner can be ingested with a simple `props.conf` file that
looks like this:
category = Metrics
description = Telegraf Metrics
pulldown_type = 1
disabled = false
KV_MODE = none
An example configuration of a file based output is:
# Send telegraf metrics to file(s)
## Files to write to, "stdout" is a specially handled file.
files = ["/tmp/metrics.out"]
## Data format to output.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "splunkmetric"
hec_routing = false

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@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
title: Telegraf template patterns
description: Use template patterns to describe how dot-delimited strings should map to and from Telegraf metrics.
name: Template patterns
weight: 30
parent: Data formats
Template patterns are a mini language that describes how a dot delimited
string should be mapped to and from [metrics][].
A template has the form:
Where the following keywords can be set:
1. `measurement`: specifies that this section of the graphite bucket corresponds
to the measurement name. This can be specified multiple times.
2. `field`: specifies that this section of the graphite bucket corresponds
to the field name. This can be specified multiple times.
3. `measurement*`: specifies that all remaining elements of the graphite bucket
correspond to the measurement name.
4. `field*`: specifies that all remaining elements of the graphite bucket
correspond to the field name.
Any part of the template that is not a keyword is treated as a tag key. This
can also be specified multiple times.
**NOTE:** `field*` cannot be used in conjunction with `measurement*`.
## Examples
### Measurement and tag templates
The most basic template is to specify a single transformation to apply to all
incoming metrics. So the following template:
templates = [
would result in the following Graphite -> Telegraf transformation.
us.west.cpu.load 100
=> cpu.load,region=us.west value=100
Multiple templates can also be specified, but these should be differentiated
using _filters_ (see below for more details)
templates = [
"*.*.* region.region.measurement", # <- all 3-part measurements will match this one.
"*.*.*.*", # <- all 4-part measurements will match this one.
### Field templates
The field keyword tells Telegraf to give the metric that field name.
So the following template:
separator = "_"
templates = [
would result in the following Graphite -> Telegraf transformation.
``` 100
=> cpu_usage,region=eu-east idle_percent=100
The field key can also be derived from all remaining elements of the graphite
bucket by specifying `field*`:
separator = "_"
templates = [
which would result in the following Graphite -> Telegraf transformation.
``` 100
=> cpu_usage,region=eu-east idle_percentage=100
### Filter templates
Users can also filter the template(s) to use based on the name of the bucket,
using glob matching, like so:
templates = [
"cpu.* measurement.measurement.region",
which would result in the following transformation:
``` 100
=> cpu_load,region=eu-east value=100
mem.cached.localhost 256
=> mem_cached,host=localhost value=256
### Adding Tags
Additional tags can be added to a metric that don't exist on the received metric.
You can add additional tags by specifying them after the pattern.
Tags have the same format as the line protocol.
Multiple tags are separated by commas.
templates = [
"measurement.measurement.field.region datacenter=1a"
would result in the following Graphite -> Telegraf transformation.
``` 100
=> cpu_usage,region=eu-east,datacenter=1a idle=100
[metrics]: /telegraf/v1.15/concepts/metrics/

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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
title: Get started
description: Configure and start Telegraf
name: Get started
weight: 25
After you've [downloaded and installed Telegraf](/{{< latest "telegraf" >}}/install/), you're ready to begin collecting and sending data. To collect and send data, do the following:
1. [Configure Telegraf](#configure-telegraf)
2. [Start Telegraf](#start-telegraf)
3. Use [plugins available in Telegraf](/{{< latest "telegraf" >}}/plugins/) to gather, transform, and output data.
## Configure Telegraf
Define which plugins Telegraf will use in the configuration file. Each configuration file needs at least one enabled [input plugin](/{{< latest "telegraf" >}}/plugins/inputs/) (where the metrics come from) and at least one enabled [output plugin](/{{< latest "telegraf" >}}/plugins/outputs/) (where the metrics go).
The following example generates a sample configuration file with all available plugins, then uses `filter` flags to enable specific plugins.
{{% note %}} For details on `filter` and other flags, see [Telegraf commands and flags](/{{< latest "telegraf" >}}/commands/). {{% /note %}}
1. Run the following command to create a configuration file:
telegraf --sample-config > telegraf.conf
2. Locate the configuration file. The location varies depending on your system:
* macOS [Homebrew]( `/usr/local/etc/telegraf.conf`
* Linux debian and RPM packages: `/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf`
* Standalone Binary: see the next section for how to create a configuration file
> **Note:** You can also specify a remote URL endpoint to pull a configuration file from. See [Configuration file locations](/telegraf/v1.15/administration/configuration/#configuration-file-locations).
3. Edit the configuration file using `vim` or a text editor. Because this example uses [InfluxDB V2 output plugin](, we need to add the InfluxDB URL, authentication token, organization, and bucket details to this section of the configuration file.
4. For this example, specify two inputs (`cpu` and `mem`) with the `--input-filter` flag.
Specify InfluxDB as the output with the `--output-filter` flag.
telegraf --sample-config --input-filter cpu:mem --output-filter influxdb_v2 > telegraf.conf
The resulting configuration will collect CPU and memory data and sends it to InfluxDB V2.
## Start Telegraf
Next, you need to start the Telegraf service and direct it to your configuration file:
### macOS [Homebrew](
telegraf --config telegraf.conf
### Linux (sysvinit and upstart installations)
sudo service telegraf start
### Linux (systemd installations)
systemctl start telegraf

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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
title: Telegraf glossary
description: This section includes definitions of important terms for related to Telegraf.
name: Glossary
weight: 79
## agent
An agent is the core part of Telegraf that gathers metrics from the declared input plugins and sends metrics to the declared output plugins, based on the plugins enabled by the given configuration.
Related entries: [input plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#input-plugin), [output plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#output-plugin)
## aggregator plugin
Aggregator plugins receive raw metrics from input plugins and create aggregate metrics from them.
The aggregate metrics are then passed to the configured output plugins.
Related entries: [input plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#input-plugin), [output plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#output-plugin), [processor plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#processor-plugin)
## batch size
The Telegraf agent sends metrics to output plugins in batches, not individually.
The batch size controls the size of each write batch that Telegraf sends to the output plugins.
Related entries: [output plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#output-plugin)
## collection interval
The default global interval for collecting data from each input plugin.
The collection interval can be overridden by each individual input plugin's configuration.
Related entries: [input plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#input-plugin)
## collection jitter
Collection jitter is used to prevent every input plugin from collecting metrics simultaneously, which can have a measurable effect on the system.
Each collection interval, every input plugin will sleep for a random time between zero and the collection jitter before collecting the metrics.
Related entries: [collection interval](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#collection-interval), [input plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#input-plugin)
## external plugin
Programs built outside of Telegraf that run through the `execd` plugin. Provides flexibility to add functionality that doesn't exist in internal Telegraf plugins.
## flush interval
The global interval for flushing data from each output plugin to its destination.
This value should not be set lower than the collection interval.
Related entries: [collection interval](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#collection-interval), [flush jitter](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#flush-jitter), [output plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#output-plugin)
## flush jitter
Flush jitter is used to prevent every output plugin from sending writes simultaneously, which can overwhelm some data sinks.
Each flush interval, every output plugin will sleep for a random time between zero and the flush jitter before emitting metrics.
This helps smooth out write spikes when running a large number of Telegraf instances.
Related entries: [flush interval](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#flush-interval), [output plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#output-plugin)
## input plugin
Input plugins actively gather metrics and deliver them to the core agent, where aggregator, processor, and output plugins can operate on the metrics.
In order to activate an input plugin, it needs to be enabled and configured in Telegraf's configuration file.
Related entries: [aggregator plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#aggregator-plugin), [collection interval](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#collection-interval), [output plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#output-plugin), [processor plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#processor-plugin)
## metric buffer
The metric buffer caches individual metrics when writes are failing for an output plugin.
Telegraf will attempt to flush the buffer upon a successful write to the output.
The oldest metrics are dropped first when this buffer fills.
Related entries: [output plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#output-plugin)
## output plugin
Output plugins deliver metrics to their configured destination. In order to activate an output plugin, it needs to be enabled and configured in Telegraf's configuration file.
Related entries: [aggregator plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#aggregator-plugin), [flush interval](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#flush-interval), [input plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#input-plugin), [processor plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#processor-plugin)
## precision
The precision configuration setting determines how much timestamp precision is retained in the points received from input plugins. All incoming timestamps are truncated to the given precision.
Telegraf then pads the truncated timestamps with zeros to create a nanosecond timestamp; output plugins will emit timestamps in nanoseconds.
Valid precisions are `ns`, `us` or `µs`, `ms`, and `s`.
For example, if the precision is set to `ms`, the nanosecond epoch timestamp `1480000000123456789` would be truncated to `1480000000123` in millisecond precision and then padded with zeroes to make a new, less precise nanosecond timestamp of `1480000000123000000`.
Output plugins do not alter the timestamp further. The precision setting is ignored for service input plugins.
Related entries: [aggregator plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#aggregator-plugin), [input plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#input-plugin), [output plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#output-plugin), [processor plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#processor-plugin), [service input plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#service-input-plugin)
## processor plugin
Processor plugins transform, decorate, and/or filter metrics collected by input plugins, passing the transformed metrics to the output plugins.
Related entries: [aggregator plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#aggregator-plugin), [input plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#input-plugin), [output plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#output-plugin)
## service input plugin
Service input plugins are input plugins that run in a passive collection mode while the Telegraf agent is running.
They listen on a socket for known protocol inputs, or apply their own logic to ingested metrics before delivering them to the Telegraf agent.
Related entries: [aggregator plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#aggregator-plugin), [input plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#input-plugin), [output plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#output-plugin), [processor plugin](/telegraf/v1.15/concepts/glossary/#processor-plugin)

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@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
title: Install Telegraf
description: Install Telegraf on your operating system.
name: Install
weight: 20
This page provides directions for installing, starting, and configuring Telegraf. To install Telegraf, do the following:
1. [Download Telegraf](#download)
2. [Review requirements](#requirements)
3. [Complete the installation](#installation)
## Download
Download the latest Telegraf release at the [InfluxData download page](
## Requirements
Installation of the Telegraf package may require `root` or administrator privileges in order to complete successfully. <!--check instruction for each one to clarify-->
### Networking
Telegraf offers multiple service [input plugins](/telegraf/v1.22/plugins/inputs/) that may
require custom ports.
Modify port mappings through the configuration file (`telegraf.conf`).
For Linux distributions, this file is located at `/etc/telegraf` for default installations.
For Windows distributions, the configuration file is located in the directory where you unzipped the Telegraf ZIP archive.
The default location is `C:\InfluxData\telegraf`.
### NTP
Telegraf uses a host's local time in UTC to assign timestamps to data.
Use the Network Time Protocol (NTP) to synchronize time between hosts. If hosts' clocks
aren't synchronized with NTP, the timestamps on the data might be inaccurate.
## Installation
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{{% tabs %}}
[Ubuntu & Debian](#)
[RedHat & CentOS](#)
[SLES & openSUSE](#)
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<!---------- BEGIN Ubuntu & Debian ---------->
{{% tab-content %}}
Debian and Ubuntu users can install the latest stable version of Telegraf using the `apt-get` package manager.
### Ubuntu & Debian
Install Telegraf from the InfluxData repository with the following commands:
{{< code-tabs-wrapper >}}
{{% code-tabs %}}
{{% /code-tabs %}}
{{% code-tab-content %}}
wget -qO- | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/influxdb.asc >/dev/null
source /etc/os-release
echo "deb${ID} ${VERSION_CODENAME} stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/influxdb.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install telegraf
{{% /code-tab-content %}}
{{% code-tab-content %}}
curl -s | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/influxdb.asc >/dev/null
source /etc/os-release
echo "deb${ID} ${VERSION_CODENAME} stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/influxdb.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install telegraf
{{% /code-tab-content %}}
{{< /code-tabs-wrapper >}}
**Install from a `.deb` file**:
To manually install the Debian package from a `.deb` file:
1. Download the latest Telegraf `.deb` release
from the Telegraf section of the [downloads page](
2. Run the following command (making sure to supply the correct version number for the downloaded file):
sudo dpkg -i telegraf_{{< latest-patch >}}-1_amd64.deb
{{% telegraf/verify %}}
## Configuration
### Create a configuration file with default input and output plugins.
Every plugin will be in the file, but most will be commented out.
telegraf config > telegraf.conf
### Create a configuration file with specific inputs and outputs
telegraf --input-filter <pluginname>[:<pluginname>] --output-filter <outputname>[:<outputname>] config > telegraf.conf
For more advanced configuration details, see the
[configuration documentation](/telegraf/v1.22/administration/configuration/).
{{% /tab-content %}}
<!---------- BEGIN RedHat & CentOS ---------->
{{% tab-content %}}
For instructions on how to manually install the RPM package from a file, please see the [downloads page](
**RedHat and CentOS:** Install the latest stable version of Telegraf using the `yum` package manager:
cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/influxdb.repo
name = InfluxDB Repository - RHEL \$releasever
baseurl =\$releasever/\$basearch/stable
enabled = 1
gpgcheck = 1
gpgkey =
Install telegraf once the repository is added to the `yum` configuration:
sudo yum install telegraf
{{% telegraf/verify %}}
## Configuration
### Create a configuration file with default input and output plugins
Every plugin will be in the file, but most will be commented out.
telegraf config > telegraf.conf
### Create a configuration file with specific inputs and outputs
telegraf --input-filter <pluginname>[:<pluginname>] --output-filter <outputname>[:<outputname>] config > telegraf.conf
For more advanced configuration details, see the
[configuration documentation](/telegraf/v1.22/administration/configuration/).
{{% /tab-content %}}
<!---------- BEGIN SLES & openSUSE ---------->
{{% tab-content %}}
There are RPM packages provided by openSUSE Build Service for SUSE Linux users:
# add go repository
zypper ar -f obs://devel:languages:go/ go
# install latest telegraf
zypper in telegraf
{{% telegraf/verify %}}
## Configuration
### Create a configuration file with default input and output plugins.
Every plugin will be in the file, but most will be commented out.
telegraf config > telegraf.conf
### Create a configuration file with specific inputs and outputs
telegraf --input-filter <pluginname>[:<pluginname>] --output-filter <outputname>[:<outputname>] config > telegraf.conf
For more advanced configuration details, see the
[configuration documentation](/telegraf/v1.22/administration/configuration/).
{{% /tab-content %}}
<!---------- BEGIN FreeBSD/PC-BSD ---------->
{{% tab-content %}}
Telegraf is part of the FreeBSD package system.
It can be installed by running:
sudo pkg install telegraf
The configuration file is located at `/usr/local/etc/telegraf.conf` with examples in `/usr/local/etc/telegraf.conf.sample`.
{{% telegraf/verify %}}
## Configuration
### Create a configuration file with default input and output plugins.
Every plugin will be in the file, but most will be commented out.
telegraf config > telegraf.conf
### Create a configuration file with specific inputs and outputs
telegraf --input-filter <pluginname>[:<pluginname>] --output-filter <outputname>[:<outputname>] config > telegraf.conf
For more advanced configuration details, see the
[configuration documentation](/telegraf/v1.22/administration/configuration/).
{{% /tab-content %}}
<!---------- BEGIN macOS ---------->
{{% tab-content %}}
Users of macOS 10.8 and higher can install Telegraf using the [Homebrew]( package manager.
Once `brew` is installed, you can install Telegraf by running:
brew update
brew install telegraf
To have launchd start telegraf at next login:
ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/telegraf/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
To load telegraf now:
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.telegraf.plist
Or, if you don't want/need launchctl, you can just run:
telegraf -config /usr/local/etc/telegraf.conf
{{% telegraf/verify %}}
## Configuration
### Create a configuration file with default input and output plugins.
Every plugin will be in the file, but most will be commented out.
telegraf config > telegraf.conf
### Create a configuration file with specific inputs and outputs
telegraf --input-filter <pluginname>[:<pluginname>] --output-filter <outputname>[:<outputname>] config > telegraf.conf
For more advanced configuration details, see the
[configuration documentation](/telegraf/v1.22/administration/configuration/).
{{% /tab-content %}}
<!---------- BEGIN Windows ---------->
{{% tab-content %}}
#### Download and run Telegraf as a Windows service
{{% note %}}
Installing a Windows service requires administrative permissions.
To run PowerShell as an administrator,
see [Launch PowerShell as administrator](
{{% /note %}}
In PowerShell _as an administrator_, do the following:
1. Use the following commands to download the Telegraf Windows binary
and extract its contents to `C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf\`:
> wget{{% latest-patch %}} -UseBasicParsing -OutFile telegraf-{{< latest-patch >}}
> Expand-Archive .\telegraf-{{% latest-patch %}} -DestinationPath 'C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf\'
2. Move the `telegraf.exe` and `telegraf.conf` files from
`C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf\telegraf-{{% latest-patch %}}`
up a level to `C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf`:
> cd "C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf"
> mv .\telegraf-{{% latest-patch %}}\telegraf.* .
Or create a [Windows symbolic link (Symlink)](
to point to this directory.
> The instructions below assume that either the `telegraf.exe` and `telegraf.conf` files are stored in `C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf`, or you've created a Symlink to point to this directory.
3. Install Telegraf as a service:
> .\telegraf.exe --service install --config "C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf\telegraf.conf"
Make sure to provide the absolute path of the `telegraf.conf` configuration file,
otherwise the Windows service may fail to start.
4. To test that the installation works, run:
> C:\"Program Files"\InfluxData\telegraf\telegraf.exe --config C:\"Program Files"\InfluxData\telegraf\telegraf.conf --test
5. To start collecting data, run:
telegraf.exe --service start
#### (Optional) Specify multiple configuration files
If you have multiple Telegraf configuration files, you can specify a `--config-directory` for the service to use:
1. Create a directory for configuration snippets at `C:\Program Files\Telegraf\telegraf.d`.
2. Include the `--config-directory` option when registering the service:
> C:\"Program Files"\Telegraf\telegraf.exe --service install --config C:\"Program Files"\Telegraf\telegraf.conf --config-directory C:\"Program Files"\Telegraf\telegraf.d
### Logging and troubleshooting
When Telegraf runs as a Windows service, Telegraf logs messages to Windows event logs.
If the Telegraf service fails to start, view error logs by selecting **Event Viewer**→**Windows Logs**→**Application**.
### Windows service commands
The following commands are available:
| Command | Effect |
| `telegraf.exe --service install` | Install telegraf as a service |
| `telegraf.exe --service uninstall` | Remove the telegraf service |
| `telegraf.exe --service start` | Start the telegraf service |
| `telegraf.exe --service stop` | Stop the telegraf service |
{{< /tab-content >}}
{{< /tabs-wrapper >}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
title: Telegraf metrics
description: Telegraf metrics are internal representations used to model data during processing and are based on InfluxDB's data model. Each metric component includes the measurement name, tags, fields, and timestamp.
name: Metrics
weight: 10
parent: Concepts
draft: true
Telegraf metrics are the internal representation used to model data during
processing. These metrics are closely based on InfluxDB's data model and contain
four main components:
- **Measurement name**: Description and namespace for the metric.
- **Tags**: Key/Value string pairs and usually used to identify the
- **Fields**: Key/Value pairs that are typed and usually contain the
metric data.
- **Timestamp**: Date and time associated with the fields.
This metric type exists only in memory and must be converted to a concrete
representation in order to be transmitted or viewed. Telegraf provides [output data formats][output data formats] (also known as *serializers*) for these conversions. Telegraf's default serializer converts to [InfluxDB Line
Protocol][line protocol], which provides a high performance and one-to-one
direct mapping from Telegraf metrics.
[output data formats]: /telegraf/v1.22/data_formats/output/
[line protocol]: /telegraf/v1.22/data_formats/output/influx/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
title: Plugin directory
description: >
Telegraf is a plugin-driven agent that collects, processes, aggregates, and writes metrics.
It supports four categories of plugins including input, output, aggregator, and processor.
View and search all available Telegraf plugins.
weight: 10
weight: 6
- /telegraf/v1.22/plugins/plugins-list/
- /telegraf/v1.22/plugins/aggregators/
- /telegraf/v1.22/plugins/inputs/
- /telegraf/v1.22/plugins/outputs/
- /telegraf/v1.22/plugins/processors/
- /telegraf/v1.21/plugins/plugins-list/
- /telegraf/v1.21/plugins/aggregators/
- /telegraf/v1.21/plugins/inputs/
- /telegraf/v1.21/plugins/outputs/
- /telegraf/v1.21/plugins/processors/
- /telegraf/v1.20/plugins/plugins-list/
- /telegraf/v1.20/plugins/aggregators/
- /telegraf/v1.20/plugins/inputs/
- /telegraf/v1.20/plugins/outputs/
- /telegraf/v1.20/plugins/processors/
- /telegraf/v1.19/plugins/plugins-list/
- /telegraf/v1.19/plugins/aggregators/
- /telegraf/v1.19/plugins/inputs/
- /telegraf/v1.19/plugins/outputs/
- /telegraf/v1.19/plugins/processors/
- /telegraf/v1.18/plugins/plugins-list/
- /telegraf/v1.18/plugins/aggregators/
- /telegraf/v1.18/plugins/inputs/
- /telegraf/v1.18/plugins/outputs/
- /telegraf/v1.18/plugins/processors/
- /telegraf/v1.17/plugins/plugins-list/
- /telegraf/v1.17/plugins/aggregators/
- /telegraf/v1.17/plugins/inputs/
- /telegraf/v1.17/plugins/outputs/
- /telegraf/v1.17/plugins/processors/
Telegraf is a plugin-driven agent that collects, processes, aggregates, and writes metrics.
It supports four categories of plugins including input, output, aggregator, processor, and external.
{{< list-filters >}}
**Jump to:**
- [Input plugins](#input-plugins)
- [Output plugins](#output-plugins)
- [Aggregator plugins](#aggregator-plugins)
- [Processor plugins](#processor-plugins)
- [External plugins](#external-plugins)
## Input plugins
Telegraf input plugins are used with the InfluxData time series platform to collect
metrics from the system, services, or third-party APIs.
{{< telegraf/plugins type="input" >}}
## Output plugins
Telegraf processor plugins write metrics to various destinations.
{{< telegraf/plugins type="output" >}}
## Aggregator plugins
Telegraf aggregator plugins create aggregate metrics (for example, mean, min, max, quantiles, etc.)
{{< telegraf/plugins type="aggregator" >}}
## Processor plugins
Telegraf output plugins transform, decorate, and filter metrics.
{{< telegraf/plugins type="processor" >}}
## External plugins
External plugins are external programs that are built outside of Telegraf that can run through an `execd` plugin.
{{< telegraf/plugins type="external" >}}

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -32,9 +32,10 @@ telegraf:
name: Telegraf
namespace: telegraf
list_order: 4
versions: [v1.9, v1.10, v1.11, v1.12, v1.13, v1.14, v1.15, v1.16, v1.17, v1.18, v1.19, v1.20, v1.21]
latest: v1.21
versions: [v1.9, v1.10, v1.11, v1.12, v1.13, v1.14, v1.15, v1.16, v1.17, v1.18, v1.19, v1.20, v1.21, v1.22]
latest: v1.22
"1.22": 0
"1.21": 4
"1.20": 4
"1.19": 3

View File

@ -616,6 +616,27 @@ input:
introduced: 0.1.5
tags: [linux, macos, windows, networking, web]
- name: Hashicorp Consul Agent
id: consul_agent
description: |
The Hashicorp Consul agent plugin grab metrics from every Nomad agent of the cluster.
introduced: 1.22.0
tags: [applications]
- name: Hashicorp Nomad
id: nomad
description: |
The Nomad plugin grabs metrics from every Nomad agent of the cluster.
introduced: 1.22.0
tags: [applications]
- name: Hashicorp Vault
id: nomad
description: |
The Vault plugin grabs metrics from every Nomad agent of the cluster.
introduced: 1.22.0
tags: [security]
- name: Hddtemp
id: hddtemp
description: |
@ -673,6 +694,13 @@ input:
introduced: 0.12.1
tags: [linux, macos, windows, servers, web]
- name: Huge Pages
id: hugepages
description: |
The Huge Pages input plugin gathers Huge pages measurements. Transparent Huge Pages (THP) is a Linux memory management system that reduces the overhead of Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) lookups on machines with large amounts of memory by using larger memory pages.
introduced: 1.22.0
tags: [linux]
- name: IBM DB2
id: db2
description: |
@ -1097,6 +1125,13 @@ input:
introduced: 1.4.0
tags: [linux, macos, windows, gaming]
- name: Mock
id: mock
description: |
The mock input plugin generates random data based on a selection of different algorithms.
introduced: 1.22.0
tags: [build-deploy]
- name: Modbus
id: modbus
description: |
@ -1700,6 +1735,13 @@ input:
introduced: 1.3.0
tags: [linux, macos, windows, networking]
- name: Socketstat
id: socketstat
description: |
The Socketstat input plugin gathers indicators from established socket connections.
introduced: 1.22.0
tags: [linux]
- name: SQL
id: sql
description: |
@ -1991,6 +2033,13 @@ input:
tags: [external]
external: true
- name: XtremIO
id: xtremio
description: |
The Xtremio plugin gathers metrics from Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Array.
introduced: 1.22.0
tags: [networking]
- name: YouTube
id: youtube
description: |
@ -2663,6 +2712,13 @@ processor:
introduced: 1.15.0
tags: [linux, macos, windows]
- name: Noise
id: noise
description: |
The noise processor plugin is used to add noise to numerical field values. This helps users to add some noise to sensitive data by anonymizing it and further prevent linkage attacks.
introduced: 1.22.0
tags: [security]
- name: Override
id: override
description: |