diff --git a/assets/js/content-interactions.js b/assets/js/content-interactions.js
index 74d1d9257..04662df32 100644
--- a/assets/js/content-interactions.js
+++ b/assets/js/content-interactions.js
@@ -29,6 +29,15 @@ function scrollToAnchor(target) {
     }, 400, 'swing', function () {
       window.location.hash = target;
+    // Unique accordion functionality
+    // If the target is an accordion element, open the accordion after scrolling
+    if ($target.hasClass('expand')) {
+      if ($(target + ' .expand-label .expand-toggle').hasClass('open')) {}
+      else {
+        $(target + '> .expand-label').trigger('click');
+      };
+    };
@@ -140,13 +149,36 @@ $(".truncate-toggle").click(function(e) {
-////////////////////////////// Expand Accordians ///////////////////////////////
+////////////////////////////// Expand Accordions ///////////////////////////////
 $('.expand-label').click(function() {
+// Expand accordions on load based on URL anchor
+function openAccordionByHash() {
+  var anchor = window.location.hash;
+  function expandElement() {
+    if ($(anchor).parents('.expand').length > 0) {
+      return $(anchor).closest('.expand').children('.expand-label');
+    } else if ($(anchor).hasClass('expand')){
+      return $(anchor).children('.expand-label');
+    }
+  };
+  if (expandElement() != null) {
+    if (expandElement().children('.expand-toggle').hasClass('open')) {}
+    else {
+      expandElement().children('.expand-toggle').trigger('click');
+    };
+  };
+// Open accordions by hash on page load.
 ////////////////////////// Inject tooltips on load //////////////////////////////
 $('.tooltip').each( function(){
diff --git a/content/influxdb/cloud/migrate-data/_index.md b/content/influxdb/cloud/migrate-data/_index.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d3cc29a0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/influxdb/cloud/migrate-data/_index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+title: Migrate data to InfluxDB
+description: >
+  Migrate data from InfluxDB OSS (open source) to InfluxDB Cloud or other InfluxDB OSS instances--or from InfluxDB Cloud to InfluxDB OSS.
+  influxdb_cloud:
+    name: Migrate data
+weight: 9
+Migrate data to InfluxDB from other InfluxDB instances including by InfluxDB OSS
+and InfluxDB Cloud.
+{{< children >}}
diff --git a/content/influxdb/cloud/migrate-data/migrate-cloud-to-cloud.md b/content/influxdb/cloud/migrate-data/migrate-cloud-to-cloud.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb1fdee51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/influxdb/cloud/migrate-data/migrate-cloud-to-cloud.md
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+title: Migrate data between InfluxDB Cloud organizations
+description: >
+  To migrate data from one InfluxDB Cloud organization to another, query the
+  data from time-based batches and write the queried data to a bucket in another
+  InfluxDB Cloud organization.
+  influxdb_cloud:
+    name: Migrate from Cloud to Cloud
+    parent: Migrate data
+weight: 102
+To migrate data from one InfluxDB Cloud organization to another, query the
+data from time-based batches and write the queried data to a bucket in another
+InfluxDB Cloud organization.
+Because full data migrations will likely exceed your organizations' limits and
+adjustable quotas, migrate your data in batches.
+The following guide provides instructions for setting up an InfluxDB task
+that queries data from an InfluxDB Cloud bucket in time-based batches and writes
+each batch to another InfluxDB Cloud bucket in another organization.
+{{% cloud %}}
+All query and write requests are subject to your InfluxDB Cloud organization's
+[rate limits and adjustable quotas](/influxdb/cloud/account-management/limits/).
+{{% /cloud %}}
+- [Set up the migration](#set-up-the-migration)
+- [Migration task](#migration-task)
+  - [Configure the migration](#configure-the-migration)
+  - [Migration Flux script](#migration-flux-script)
+  - [Configuration help](#configuration-help)
+- [Monitor the migration progress](#monitor-the-migration-progress)
+- [Troubleshoot migration task failures](#troubleshoot-migration-task-failures)
+## Set up the migration
+{{% note %}}
+The migration process requires two buckets in your destination InfluxDB
+organization—one bucket to store the migrated data and another bucket to store migration metadata.
+If the destination organization uses the [InfluxDB Cloud Free Plan](/influxdb/cloud/account-management/limits/#free-plan),
+any buckets in addition to these two will exceed the your plan's bucket limit.
+{{% /note %}}
+1.  **In the InfluxDB Cloud organization you're migrating data _from_**,
+    [create an API token](/influxdb/cloud/security/tokens/create-token/)
+    with **read access** to the bucket you want to migrate.
+2.  **In the InfluxDB Cloud organization you're migrating data _to_**:
+    1.  Add the **InfluxDB Cloud API token from the source organization** as a
+        secret using the key, `INFLUXDB_CLOUD_TOKEN`.
+        _See [Add secrets](/influxdb/cloud/security/secrets/add/) for more information._
+    2.  [Create a bucket](/influxdb/cloud/organizations/buckets/create-bucket/)
+        **to migrate data to**.
+    3.  [Create a bucket](/influxdb/cloud/organizations/buckets/create-bucket/)
+        **to store temporary migration metadata**.
+    4.  [Create a new task](/influxdb/cloud/process-data/manage-tasks/create-task/)
+        using the provided [migration task](#migration-task).
+        Update the necessary [migration configuration options](#configure-the-migration).
+    5.  _(Optional)_ Set up [migration monitoring](#monitor-the-migration-progress).
+    6.  Save the task.
+        {{% note %}}
+Newly-created tasks are enabled by default, so the data migration begins when you save the task.
+        {{% /note %}}
+**After the migration is complete**, each subsequent migration task execution
+will fail with the following error:
+error exhausting result iterator: error calling function "die" @41:9-41:86:
+Batch range is beyond the migration range. Migration is complete.
+## Migration task
+### Configure the migration
+1.  Specify how often you want the task to run using the `task.every` option.
+    _See [Determine your task interval](#determine-your-task-interval)._
+2.  Define the following properties in the `migration`
+    [record](/{{< latest "flux" >}}/data-types/composite/record/):
+    ##### migration
+    - **start**: Earliest time to include in the migration.
+      _See [Determine your migration start time](#determine-your-migration-start-time)._
+    - **stop**: Latest time to include in the migration.
+    - **batchInterval**: Duration of each time-based batch.
+      _See [Determine your batch interval](#determine-your-batch-interval)._
+    - **batchBucket**: InfluxDB bucket to store migration batch metadata in.
+    - **sourceHost**: [InfluxDB Cloud region URL](/influxdb/cloud/reference/regions)
+      to migrate data from.
+    - **sourceOrg**: InfluxDB Cloud organization to migrate data from.
+    - **sourceToken**: InfluxDB Cloud API token. To keep the API token secure, store
+      it as a secret in InfluxDB OSS.
+    - **sourceBucket**: InfluxDB Cloud bucket to migrate data from.
+    - **destinationBucket**: InfluxDB OSS bucket to migrate data to.
+### Migration Flux script
+import "array"
+import "experimental"
+import "influxdata/influxdb/secrets"
+// Configure the task
+option task = {every: 5m, name: "Migrate data from InfluxDB Cloud"}
+// Configure the migration
+migration = {
+    start: 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z,
+    stop: 2022-02-01T00:00:00Z,
+    batchInterval: 1h,
+    batchBucket: "migration",
+    sourceHost: "https://cloud2.influxdata.com",
+    sourceOrg: "example-cloud-org",
+    sourceToken: secrets.get(key: "INFLUXDB_CLOUD_TOKEN"),
+    sourceBucket: "example-cloud-bucket",
+    destinationBucket: "example-oss-bucket",
+// batchRange dynamically returns a record with start and stop properties for
+// the current batch. It queries migration metadata stored in the
+// `migration.batchBucket` to determine the stop time of the previous batch.
+// It uses the previous stop time as the new start time for the current batch
+// and adds the `migration.batchInterval` to determine the current batch stop time.
+batchRange = () => {
+    _lastBatchStop =
+        (from(bucket: migration.batchBucket)
+            |> range(start: migration.start)
+            |> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "batch_stop")
+            |> filter(fn: (r) => r.srcOrg == migration.sourceOrg)
+            |> filter(fn: (r) => r.srcBucket == migration.sourceBucket)
+            |> last()
+            |> findRecord(fn: (key) => true, idx: 0))._value
+    _batchStart =
+        if exists _lastBatchStop then
+            time(v: _lastBatchStop)
+        else
+            migration.start
+    return {start: _batchStart, stop: experimental.addDuration(d: migration.batchInterval, to: _batchStart)}
+// Define a static record with batch start and stop time properties
+batch = {start: batchRange().start, stop: batchRange().stop}
+// Check to see if the current batch start time is beyond the migration.stop
+// time and exit with an error if it is.
+finished =
+    if batch.start >= migration.stop then
+        die(msg: "Batch range is beyond the migration range. Migration is complete.")
+    else
+        "Migration in progress"
+// Query all data from the specified source bucket within the batch-defined time
+// range. To limit migrated data by measurement, tag, or field, add a `filter()`
+// function after `range()` with the appropriate predicate fn.
+data = () =>
+    from(host: migration.sourceHost, org: migration.sourceOrg, token: migration.sourceToken, bucket: migration.sourceBucket)
+        |> range(start: batch.start, stop: batch.stop)
+// rowCount is a stream of tables that contains the number of rows returned in
+// the batch and is used to generate batch metadata.
+rowCount =
+    data()
+        |> group(columns: ["_start", "_stop"])
+        |> count()
+// emptyRange is a stream of tables that acts as filler data if the batch is
+// empty. This is used to generate batch metadata for empty batches and is
+// necessary to correctly increment the time range for the next batch.
+emptyRange = array.from(rows: [{_start: batch.start, _stop: batch.stop, _value: 0}])
+// metadata returns a stream of tables representing batch metadata.
+metadata = () => {
+    _input =
+        if exists (rowCount |> findRecord(fn: (key) => true, idx: 0))._value then
+            rowCount
+        else
+            emptyRange
+    return
+        _input
+            |> map(
+                fn: (r) =>
+                    ({
+                        _time: now(),
+                        _measurement: "batches",
+                        srcOrg: migration.sourceOrg,
+                        srcBucket: migration.sourceBucket,
+                        dstBucket: migration.destinationBucket,
+                        batch_start: string(v: batch.start),
+                        batch_stop: string(v: batch.stop),
+                        rows: r._value,
+                        percent_complete:
+                            float(v: int(v: r._stop) - int(v: migration.start)) / float(
+                                    v: int(v: migration.stop) - int(v: migration.start),
+                                ) * 100.0,
+                    }),
+            )
+            |> group(columns: ["_measurement", "srcOrg", "srcBucket", "dstBucket"])
+// Write the queried data to the specified InfluxDB OSS bucket.
+    |> to(bucket: migration.destinationBucket)
+// Generate and store batch metadata in the migration.batchBucket.
+    |> experimental.to(bucket: migration.batchBucket)
+### Configuration help
+{{< expand-wrapper >}}
+<!----------------------- BEGIN Determine task interval ----------------------->
+{{% expand "Determine your task interval" %}}
+The task interval determines how often the migration task runs and is defined by
+the [`task.every` option](/influxdb/cloud/process-data/task-options/#every).
+InfluxDB Cloud rate limits and quotas reset every five minutes, so
+**we recommend a `5m` task interval**.
+You can do shorter task intervals and execute the migration task more often,
+but you need to balance the task interval with your [batch interval](#determine-your-batch-interval) 
+and the amount of data returned in each batch.
+If the total amount of data queried in each five-minute interval exceeds your
+InfluxDB Cloud organization's [rate limits and quotas](/influxdb/cloud/account-management/limits/),
+the batch will fail until rate limits and quotas reset.
+{{% /expand %}}
+<!------------------------ END Determine task interval ------------------------>
+<!---------------------- BEGIN Determine migration start ---------------------->
+{{% expand "Determine your migration start time" %}}
+The `migration.start` time should be at or near the same time as the earliest
+data point you want to migrate.
+All migration batches are determined using the `migration.start` time and
+`migration.batchInterval` settings.
+To find time of the earliest point in your bucket, run the following query:
+from(bucket: "example-cloud-bucket")
+    |> range(start: 0)
+    |> group()
+    |> first()
+    |> keep(columns: ["_time"])
+{{% /expand %}}
+<!----------------------- END Determine migration start ----------------------->
+<!----------------------- BEGIN Determine batch interval ---------------------->
+{{% expand "Determine your batch interval" %}}
+The `migration.batchInterval` setting controls the time range queried by each batch.
+The "density" of the data in your InfluxDB Cloud bucket and your InfluxDB Cloud
+organization's [rate limits and quotas](/influxdb/cloud/account-management/limits/)
+determine what your batch interval should be.
+For example, if you're migrating data collected from hundreds of sensors with
+points recorded every second, your batch interval will need to be shorter.
+If you're migrating data collected from five sensors with points recorded every
+minute, your batch interval can be longer.
+It all depends on how much data gets returned in a single batch.
+If points occur at regular intervals, you can get a fairly accurate estimate of
+how much data will be returned in a given time range by using the `/api/v2/query`
+endpoint to execute a query for the time range duration and then measuring the
+size of the response body.
+The following `curl` command queries an InfluxDB Cloud bucket for the last day
+and returns the size of the response body in bytes.
+You can customize the range duration to match your specific use case and
+data density.
+curl -so /dev/null --request POST \
+  https://cloud2.influxdata.com/api/v2/query?org=$INFLUXDB_CLOUD_ORG  \
+  --header "Authorization: Token $INFLUXDB_CLOUD_TOKEN" \
+  --header "Accept: application/csv" \
+  --header "Content-type: application/vnd.flux" \
+  --data "from(bucket:\"$INFLUXDB_CLOUD_BUCKET\") |> range(start: -1d, stop: now())" \
+  --write-out '%{size_download}'
+{{% note %}}
+You can also use other HTTP API tools like [Postman](https://www.postman.com/)
+that provide the size of the response body.
+{{% /note %}}
+Divide the output of this command by 1000000 to convert it to megabytes (MB).
+batchInterval = (write-rate-limit-mb / response-body-size-mb) * range-duration
+For example, if the response body of your query that returns data from one day 
+is 1 MB and you're using the InfluxDB Cloud Free Plan with a write limit of
+5 MB per five minutes:
+batchInterval = (5 / 1) * 1d
+// batchInterval = 5d
+You _could_ query 5 days of data before hitting your write limit, but this is just an estimate.
+We recommend setting the `batchInterval` slightly lower than the calculated interval
+to allow for variation between batches.
+So in this example, **it would be best to set your `batchInterval` to `4d`**.
+##### Important things to note
+- This assumes no other queries are running in your source InfluxDB Cloud organization.
+- This assumes no other writes are happening in your destination InfluxDB Cloud organization.
+{{% /expand %}}
+<!------------------------ END Determine batch interval ----------------------->
+{{< /expand-wrapper >}}
+## Monitor the migration progress
+The [InfluxDB Cloud Migration Community template](https://github.com/influxdata/community-templates/tree/master/influxdb-cloud-oss-migration/)
+installs the migration task outlined in this guide as well as a dashboard
+for monitoring running data migrations.
+{{< img-hd src="/img/influxdb/2-1-migration-dashboard.png" alt="InfluxDB Cloud migration dashboard" />}}
+<a class="btn" href="https://github.com/influxdata/community-templates/tree/master/influxdb-cloud-oss-migration/#quick-install">Install the InfluxDB Cloud Migration template</a>
+## Troubleshoot migration task failures
+If the migration task fails, [view your task logs](/influxdb/cloud/process-data/manage-tasks/task-run-history/)
+to identify the specific error. Below are common causes of migration task failures.
+- [Exceeded rate limits](#exceeded-rate-limits)
+- [Invalid API token](#invalid-api-token)
+- [Query timeout](#query-timeout)
+### Exceeded rate limits
+If your data migration causes you to exceed your InfluxDB Cloud organization's
+limits and quotas, the task will return an error similar to:
+too many requests
+**Possible solutions**:
+- Update the `migration.batchInterval` setting in your migration task to use
+  a smaller interval. Each batch will then query less data.
+### Invalid API token
+If the API token you add as the `INFLUXDB_CLOUD_SECRET` doesn't have read access to
+your InfluxDB Cloud bucket, the task will return an error similar to:
+unauthorized access
+**Possible solutions**:
+- Ensure the API token has read access to your InfluxDB Cloud bucket.
+- Generate a new InfluxDB Cloud API token with read access to the bucket you
+  want to migrate. Then, update the `INFLUXDB_CLOUD_TOKEN` secret in your
+  InfluxDB OSS instance with the new token.
+### Query timeout
+The InfluxDB Cloud query timeout is 90 seconds. If it takes longer than this to
+return the data from the batch interval, the query will time out and the
+task will fail.
+**Possible solutions**:
+- Update the `migration.batchInterval` setting in your migration task to use
+  a smaller interval. Each batch will then query less data and take less time
+  to return results.
diff --git a/content/influxdb/cloud/migrate-data/migrate-cloud-to-oss.md b/content/influxdb/cloud/migrate-data/migrate-cloud-to-oss.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1336208d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/influxdb/cloud/migrate-data/migrate-cloud-to-oss.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+title: Migrate data from InfluxDB Cloud to InfluxDB OSS
+description: >
+  To migrate data from InfluxDB Cloud to InfluxDB OSS, query the data from
+  InfluxDB Cloud in time-based batches and write the data to InfluxDB OSS.
+  influxdb_cloud:
+    name: Migrate from Cloud to OSS
+    parent: Migrate data
+weight: 103
+{{< duplicate-oss >}}
diff --git a/content/influxdb/cloud/migrate-data/migrate-oss.md b/content/influxdb/cloud/migrate-data/migrate-oss.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb3fcc962
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/influxdb/cloud/migrate-data/migrate-oss.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+title: Migrate data from InfluxDB OSS to InfluxDB Cloud
+description: >
+  To migrate data from an InfluxDB OSS bucket to an InfluxDB Cloud bucket, export
+  your data as line protocol and then write it to your InfluxDB Cloud bucket.
+  influxdb_cloud:
+    name: Migrate data from OSS
+    parent: Migrate data
+weight: 101
+{{< duplicate-oss >}}
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.1/influxdb-templates/_index.md b/content/influxdb/v2.1/influxdb-templates/_index.md
index 7dfde83ad..71f2e3886 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.1/influxdb-templates/_index.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.1/influxdb-templates/_index.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ description: >
   InfluxDB templates are prepackaged InfluxDB configurations that contain everything
   from dashboards and Telegraf configurations to notifications and alerts.
 menu: influxdb_2_1
-weight: 9
+weight: 10
 influxdb/v2.1/tags: [templates]
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7509d0345
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.1/migrate-data/_index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+title: Migrate data to InfluxDB
+description: >
+  Migrate data to InfluxDB from other InfluxDB instances including by InfluxDB OSS
+  and InfluxDB Cloud.
+  influxdb_2_1:
+    name: Migrate data
+weight: 9
+Migrate data to InfluxDB from other InfluxDB instances including by InfluxDB OSS
+and InfluxDB Cloud.
+{{< children >}}
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.1/migrate-data/migrate-cloud-to-oss.md b/content/influxdb/v2.1/migrate-data/migrate-cloud-to-oss.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b2373ffc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.1/migrate-data/migrate-cloud-to-oss.md
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+title: Migrate data from InfluxDB Cloud to InfluxDB OSS
+description: >
+  To migrate data from InfluxDB Cloud to InfluxDB OSS, query the data from
+  InfluxDB Cloud in time-based batches and write the data to InfluxDB OSS.
+  influxdb_2_1:
+    name: Migrate from Cloud to OSS
+    parent: Migrate data
+weight: 102
+To migrate data from InfluxDB Cloud to InfluxDB OSS, query the data
+from InfluxDB Cloud and write the data to InfluxDB OSS.
+Because full data migrations will likely exceed your organization's limits and
+adjustable quotas, migrate your data in batches.
+The following guide provides instructions for setting up an InfluxDB OSS task
+that queries data from an InfluxDB Cloud bucket in time-based batches and writes
+each batch to an InfluxDB OSS bucket.
+{{% cloud %}}
+All queries against data in InfluxDB Cloud are subject to your organization's
+[rate limits and adjustable quotas](/influxdb/cloud/account-management/limits/).
+{{% /cloud %}}
+- [Set up the migration](#set-up-the-migration)
+- [Migration task](#migration-task)
+  - [Configure the migration](#configure-the-migration)
+  - [Migration Flux script](#migration-flux-script)
+  - [Configuration help](#configuration-help)
+- [Monitor the migration progress](#monitor-the-migration-progress)
+- [Troubleshoot migration task failures](#troubleshoot-migration-task-failures)
+## Set up the migration
+1.  [Install and set up InfluxDB OSS](/influxdb/{{< current-version-link >}}/install/).
+2.  **In InfluxDB Cloud**, [create an API token](/influxdb/cloud/security/tokens/create-token/)
+        with **read access** to the bucket you want to migrate.
+3.  **In InfluxDB OSS**:
+    1.  Add your **InfluxDB Cloud API token** as a secret using the key,
+        _See [Add secrets](/influxdb/{{< current-version-link >}}/security/secrets/add/) for more information._
+    2.  [Create a bucket](/influxdb/{{< current-version-link >}}/organizations/buckets/create-bucket/)
+        **to migrate data to**.
+    3.  [Create a bucket](/influxdb/{{< current-version-link >}}/organizations/buckets/create-bucket/)
+        **to store temporary migration metadata**.
+    4.  [Create a new task](/influxdb/{{< current-version-link >}}/process-data/manage-tasks/create-task/)
+        using the provided [migration task](#migration-task).
+        Update the necessary [migration configuration options](#configure-the-migration).
+    5.  _(Optional)_ Set up [migration monitoring](#monitor-the-migration-progress).
+    6.  Save the task.
+        {{% note %}}
+Newly-created tasks are enabled by default, so the data migration begins when you save the task.
+        {{% /note %}}
+**After the migration is complete**, each subsequent migration task execution
+will fail with the following error:
+error exhausting result iterator: error calling function "die" @41:9-41:86:
+Batch range is beyond the migration range. Migration is complete.
+## Migration task
+### Configure the migration
+1.  Specify how often you want the task to run using the `task.every` option.
+    _See [Determine your task interval](#determine-your-task-interval)._
+2.  Define the following properties in the `migration`
+    [record](/{{< latest "flux" >}}/data-types/composite/record/):
+    ##### migration
+    - **start**: Earliest time to include in the migration.
+      _See [Determine your migration start time](#determine-your-migration-start-time)._
+    - **stop**: Latest time to include in the migration.
+    - **batchInterval**: Duration of each time-based batch.
+      _See [Determine your batch interval](#determine-your-batch-interval)._
+    - **batchBucket**: InfluxDB OSS bucket to store migration batch metadata in.
+    - **sourceHost**: [InfluxDB Cloud region URL](/influxdb/cloud/reference/regions)
+      to migrate data from.
+    - **sourceOrg**: InfluxDB Cloud organization to migrate data from.
+    - **sourceToken**: InfluxDB Cloud API token. To keep the API token secure, store
+      it as a secret in InfluxDB OSS.
+    - **sourceBucket**: InfluxDB Cloud bucket to migrate data from.
+    - **destinationBucket**: InfluxDB OSS bucket to migrate data to.
+### Migration Flux script
+import "array"
+import "experimental"
+import "influxdata/influxdb/secrets"
+// Configure the task
+option task = {every: 5m, name: "Migrate data from InfluxDB Cloud"}
+// Configure the migration
+migration = {
+    start: 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z,
+    stop: 2022-02-01T00:00:00Z,
+    batchInterval: 1h,
+    batchBucket: "migration",
+    sourceHost: "https://cloud2.influxdata.com",
+    sourceOrg: "example-cloud-org",
+    sourceToken: secrets.get(key: "INFLUXDB_CLOUD_TOKEN"),
+    sourceBucket: "example-cloud-bucket",
+    destinationBucket: "example-oss-bucket",
+// batchRange dynamically returns a record with start and stop properties for
+// the current batch. It queries migration metadata stored in the
+// `migration.batchBucket` to determine the stop time of the previous batch.
+// It uses the previous stop time as the new start time for the current batch
+// and adds the `migration.batchInterval` to determine the current batch stop time.
+batchRange = () => {
+    _lastBatchStop =
+        (from(bucket: migration.batchBucket)
+            |> range(start: migration.start)
+            |> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "batch_stop")
+            |> filter(fn: (r) => r.srcOrg == migration.sourceOrg)
+            |> filter(fn: (r) => r.srcBucket == migration.sourceBucket)
+            |> last()
+            |> findRecord(fn: (key) => true, idx: 0))._value
+    _batchStart =
+        if exists _lastBatchStop then
+            time(v: _lastBatchStop)
+        else
+            migration.start
+    return {start: _batchStart, stop: experimental.addDuration(d: migration.batchInterval, to: _batchStart)}
+// Define a static record with batch start and stop time properties
+batch = {start: batchRange().start, stop: batchRange().stop}
+// Check to see if the current batch start time is beyond the migration.stop
+// time and exit with an error if it is.
+finished =
+    if batch.start >= migration.stop then
+        die(msg: "Batch range is beyond the migration range. Migration is complete.")
+    else
+        "Migration in progress"
+// Query all data from the specified source bucket within the batch-defined time
+// range. To limit migrated data by measurement, tag, or field, add a `filter()`
+// function after `range()` with the appropriate predicate fn.
+data = () =>
+    from(host: migration.sourceHost, org: migration.sourceOrg, token: migration.sourceToken, bucket: migration.sourceBucket)
+        |> range(start: batch.start, stop: batch.stop)
+// rowCount is a stream of tables that contains the number of rows returned in
+// the batch and is used to generate batch metadata.
+rowCount =
+    data()
+        |> group(columns: ["_start", "_stop"])
+        |> count()
+// emptyRange is a stream of tables that acts as filler data if the batch is
+// empty. This is used to generate batch metadata for empty batches and is
+// necessary to correctly increment the time range for the next batch.
+emptyRange = array.from(rows: [{_start: batch.start, _stop: batch.stop, _value: 0}])
+// metadata returns a stream of tables representing batch metadata.
+metadata = () => {
+    _input =
+        if exists (rowCount |> findRecord(fn: (key) => true, idx: 0))._value then
+            rowCount
+        else
+            emptyRange
+    return
+        _input
+            |> map(
+                fn: (r) =>
+                    ({
+                        _time: now(),
+                        _measurement: "batches",
+                        srcOrg: migration.sourceOrg,
+                        srcBucket: migration.sourceBucket,
+                        dstBucket: migration.destinationBucket,
+                        batch_start: string(v: batch.start),
+                        batch_stop: string(v: batch.stop),
+                        rows: r._value,
+                        percent_complete:
+                            float(v: int(v: r._stop) - int(v: migration.start)) / float(
+                                    v: int(v: migration.stop) - int(v: migration.start),
+                                ) * 100.0,
+                    }),
+            )
+            |> group(columns: ["_measurement", "srcOrg", "srcBucket", "dstBucket"])
+// Write the queried data to the specified InfluxDB OSS bucket.
+    |> to(bucket: migration.destinationBucket)
+// Generate and store batch metadata in the migration.batchBucket.
+    |> experimental.to(bucket: migration.batchBucket)
+### Configuration help
+{{< expand-wrapper >}}
+<!----------------------- BEGIN Determine task interval ----------------------->
+{{% expand "Determine your task interval" %}}
+The task interval determines how often the migration task runs and is defined by
+the [`task.every` option](/influxdb/v2.1/process-data/task-options/#every).
+InfluxDB Cloud rate limits and quotas reset every five minutes, so
+**we recommend a `5m` task interval**.
+You can do shorter task intervals and execute the migration task more often,
+but you need to balance the task interval with your [batch interval](#determine-your-batch-interval) 
+and the amount of data returned in each batch.
+If the total amount of data queried in each five-minute interval exceeds your
+InfluxDB Cloud organization's [rate limits and quotas](/influxdb/cloud/account-management/limits/),
+the batch will fail until rate limits and quotas reset.
+{{% /expand %}}
+<!------------------------ END Determine task interval ------------------------>
+<!---------------------- BEGIN Determine migration start ---------------------->
+{{% expand "Determine your migration start time" %}}
+The `migration.start` time should be at or near the same time as the earliest
+data point you want to migrate.
+All migration batches are determined using the `migration.start` time and
+`migration.batchInterval` settings.
+To find time of the earliest point in your bucket, run the following query:
+from(bucket: "example-cloud-bucket")
+    |> range(start: 0)
+    |> group()
+    |> first()
+    |> keep(columns: ["_time"])
+{{% /expand %}}
+<!----------------------- END Determine migration start ----------------------->
+<!----------------------- BEGIN Determine batch interval ---------------------->
+{{% expand "Determine your batch interval" %}}
+The `migration.batchInterval` setting controls the time range queried by each batch.
+The "density" of the data in your InfluxDB Cloud bucket and your InfluxDB Cloud
+organization's [rate limits and quotas](/influxdb/cloud/account-management/limits/)
+determine what your batch interval should be.
+For example, if you're migrating data collected from hundreds of sensors with
+points recorded every second, your batch interval will need to be shorter.
+If you're migrating data collected from five sensors with points recorded every
+minute, your batch interval can be longer.
+It all depends on how much data gets returned in a single batch.
+If points occur at regular intervals, you can get a fairly accurate estimate of
+how much data will be returned in a given time range by using the `/api/v2/query`
+endpoint to execute a query for the time range duration and then measuring the
+size of the response body.
+The following `curl` command queries an InfluxDB Cloud bucket for the last day
+and returns the size of the response body in bytes.
+You can customize the range duration to match your specific use case and
+data density.
+curl -so /dev/null --request POST \
+  https://cloud2.influxdata.com/api/v2/query?org=$INFLUXDB_CLOUD_ORG  \
+  --header "Authorization: Token $INFLUXDB_CLOUD_TOKEN" \
+  --header "Accept: application/csv" \
+  --header "Content-type: application/vnd.flux" \
+  --data "from(bucket:\"$INFLUXDB_CLOUD_BUCKET\") |> range(start: -1d, stop: now())" \
+  --write-out '%{size_download}'
+{{% note %}}
+You can also use other HTTP API tools like [Postman](https://www.postman.com/)
+that provide the size of the response body.
+{{% /note %}}
+Divide the output of this command by 1000000 to convert it to megabytes (MB).
+batchInterval = (read-rate-limit-mb / response-body-size-mb) * range-duration
+For example, if the response body of your query that returns data from one day 
+is 8 MB and you're using the InfluxDB Cloud Free Plan with a read limit of
+300 MB per five minutes:
+batchInterval = (300 / 8) * 1d
+// batchInterval = 37d
+You could query 37 days of data before hitting your read limit, but this is just an estimate.
+We recommend setting the `batchInterval` slightly lower than the calculated interval
+to allow for variation between batches.
+So in this example, **it would be best to set your `batchInterval` to `35d`**.
+##### Important things to note
+- This assumes no other queries are running in your InfluxDB Cloud organization.
+- You should also consider your network speeds and whether a batch can be fully
+  downloaded within the [task interval](#determine-your-task-interval).
+{{% /expand %}}
+<!------------------------ END Determine batch interval ----------------------->
+{{< /expand-wrapper >}}
+## Monitor the migration progress
+The [InfluxDB Cloud Migration Community template](https://github.com/influxdata/community-templates/tree/master/influxdb-cloud-oss-migration/)
+installs the migration task outlined in this guide as well as a dashboard
+for monitoring running data migrations.
+{{< img-hd src="/img/influxdb/2-1-migration-dashboard.png" alt="InfluxDB Cloud migration dashboard" />}}
+<a class="btn" href="https://github.com/influxdata/community-templates/tree/master/influxdb-cloud-oss-migration/#quick-install">Install the InfluxDB Cloud Migration template</a>
+## Troubleshoot migration task failures
+If the migration task fails, [view your task logs](/influxdb/v2.1/process-data/manage-tasks/task-run-history/)
+to identify the specific error. Below are common causes of migration task failures.
+- [Exceeded rate limits](#exceeded-rate-limits)
+- [Invalid API token](#invalid-api-token)
+- [Query timeout](#query-timeout)
+### Exceeded rate limits
+If your data migration causes you to exceed your InfluxDB Cloud organization's
+limits and quotas, the task will return an error similar to:
+too many requests
+**Possible solutions**:
+- Update the `migration.batchInterval` setting in your migration task to use
+  a smaller interval. Each batch will then query less data.
+### Invalid API token
+If the API token you add as the `INFLUXDB_CLOUD_SECRET` doesn't have read access to
+your InfluxDB Cloud bucket, the task will return an error similar to:
+unauthorized access
+**Possible solutions**:
+- Ensure the API token has read access to your InfluxDB Cloud bucket.
+- Generate a new InfluxDB Cloud API token with read access to the bucket you
+  want to migrate. Then, update the `INFLUXDB_CLOUD_TOKEN` secret in your
+  InfluxDB OSS instance with the new token.
+### Query timeout
+The InfluxDB Cloud query timeout is 90 seconds. If it takes longer than this to
+return the data from the batch interval, the query will time out and the
+task will fail.
+**Possible solutions**:
+- Update the `migration.batchInterval` setting in your migration task to use
+  a smaller interval. Each batch will then query less data and take less time
+  to return results.
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.1/migrate-data/migrate-oss.md b/content/influxdb/v2.1/migrate-data/migrate-oss.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f6febc2a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.1/migrate-data/migrate-oss.md
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+title: Migrate data from InfluxDB OSS to other InfluxDB instances
+description: >
+  To migrate data from an InfluxDB OSS bucket to another InfluxDB OSS or InfluxDB
+  Cloud bucket, export your data as line protocol and write it to your other
+  InfluxDB bucket.
+  influxdb_2_1:
+    name: Migrate data from OSS
+    parent: Migrate data
+weight: 101
+To migrate data from an InfluxDB OSS bucket to another InfluxDB OSS or InfluxDB
+Cloud bucket, export your data as line protocol and write it to your other
+InfluxDB bucket.
+{{% cloud %}}
+#### InfluxDB Cloud write limits
+If migrating data from InfluxDB OSS to InfluxDB Cloud, you are subject to your
+[InfluxDB Cloud organization's rate limits and adjustable quotas](/influxdb/cloud/account-management/limits/).
+Consider exporting your data in time-based batches to limit the file size
+of exported line protocol to match your InfluxDB Cloud organization's limits.
+{{% /cloud %}}
+1.  [Find the InfluxDB OSS bucket ID](/influxdb/v2.1/organizations/buckets/view-buckets/)
+    that contains data you want to migrate.
+2.  Use the `influxd inspect export-lp` command to export data in your bucket as
+    [line protocol](/influxdb/v2.1/reference/syntax/line-protocol/).
+    Provide the following:
+    - **bucket ID**: ({{< req >}}) ID of the bucket to migrate.
+    - **engine path**: ({{< req >}}) Path to the TSM storage files on disk.
+      The default engine path [depends on your operating system](/influxdb/v2.1/reference/internals/file-system-layout/#file-system-layout),
+      If using a [custom engine-path](/influxdb/v2.1/reference/config-options/#engine-path)
+      provide your custom path.
+    - **output path**: ({{< req >}}) File path to output line protocol to.
+    - **start time**: Earliest time to export.
+    - **end time**: Latest time to export.
+    - **measurement**: Export a specific measurement. By default, the command
+      exports all measurements.
+    - **compression**: ({{< req text="Recommended" color="magenta" >}})
+      Use Gzip compression to compress the output line protocol file.
+    ```sh
+    influxd inspect export-lp \
+      --bucket-id 12ab34cd56ef \
+      --engine-path ~/.influxdbv2/engine \
+      --output-path path/to/export.lp
+      --start 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z \
+      --end 2022-01-31T23:59:59Z \
+      --compress
+    ```
+3.  Write the exported line protocol to your InfluxDB OSS or InfluxDB Cloud instance.
+    Do any of the following:
+    - Write line protocol in the **InfluxDB UI**:
+        - [InfluxDB Cloud UI](/influxdb/cloud/write-data/no-code/load-data/#load-csv-or-line-protocol-in-ui)
+        - [InfluxDB OSS {{< current-version >}} UI](/influxdb/v2.1/write-data/no-code/load-data/#load-csv-or-line-protocol-in-ui)
+    - [Write line protocol using the `influx write` command](/influxdb/v2.1/reference/cli/influx/write/)
+    - [Write line protocol using the InfluxDB API](/influxdb/v2.1/write-data/developer-tools/api/)
+    - [Bulk ingest data (InfluxDB Cloud)](/influxdb/cloud/write-data/bulk-ingest-cloud/)
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.1/write-data/_index.md b/content/influxdb/v2.1/write-data/_index.md
index 7a5f6be9f..4d80c817a 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.1/write-data/_index.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.1/write-data/_index.md
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ related:
   - /influxdb/v2.1/reference/syntax/line-protocol
   - /influxdb/v2.1/reference/syntax/annotated-csv
   - /influxdb/v2.1/reference/cli/influx/write
+  - /influxdb/v2.1/migrate-data/
   - /resources/videos/ingest-data/, How to Ingest Data in InfluxDB (Video)
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ related:
    - [Query and explore data](/influxdb/v2.1/query-data/)
    - [Process data](/influxdb/v2.1/process-data/)
    - [Visualize data](/influxdb/v2.1/visualize-data/)
+   - [Migrate data](/influxdb/v2.1/migrate-data/)
    - [Monitor and alert](/influxdb/v2.1/monitor-alert/)
 The following video discusses different ways to write data to InfluxDB:
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.1/write-data/developer-tools/api.md b/content/influxdb/v2.1/write-data/developer-tools/api.md
index 8fb5e2b66..aee349c25 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.1/write-data/developer-tools/api.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.1/write-data/developer-tools/api.md
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ The URL in the examples depends on the version and location of your InfluxDB {{<
 {{% /code-tab-content %}}
 {{% code-tab-content %}}
-{{< get-shared-text "api/v2.0/write/write.sh" >}}
+{{< get-shared-text "api/v2.0/write/write.mjs" >}}
 {{% /code-tab-content %}}
 {{< /code-tabs-wrapper >}}
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.1/write-data/no-code/load-data.md b/content/influxdb/v2.1/write-data/no-code/load-data.md
index 5ccb87a6d..fdd7745bb 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.1/write-data/no-code/load-data.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.1/write-data/no-code/load-data.md
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ menu:
 Load data from the following sources in the InfluxDB user interface (UI):
 - [CSV or line protocol file](#load-csv-or-line-protocol-in-ui)
-- [Line protocol](#load-data-using-line-protocol)
 - [Client libraries](#load-data-from-a-client-library-in-the-ui)
 - [Telegraf plugins](#load-data-from-a-telegraf-plugin-in-the-ui)
@@ -22,17 +21,17 @@ Load data from the following sources in the InfluxDB user interface (UI):
 Load CSV or line protocol data by uploading a file or pasting the data manually into the UI.
-1. In the navigation menu on the left, click **Data (Load Data)** > **Sources**.
+1. In the navigation menu on the left, click **Load Data** > **Sources**.
     {{< nav-icon "data" >}}
 2. Under **File Upload**, select the type of data to upload:
     - **Annotated CSV**. Verify your CSV file follows the supported [annotated CSV](/influxdb/cloud/reference/syntax/annotated-csv/) syntax.
     - **Line Protocol**. Verify your line protocol file adheres to the following conventions:  
        - Each line represents a data point.
-        - Each data point requires a:  
-          - [*measurement*](/influxdb/cloud/reference/syntax/line-protocol/#measurement)
-          - [*field set*](/influxdb/cloud/reference/syntax/line-protocol/#field-set)
-          - (Optional) [*tag set*](/influxdb/cloud/reference/syntax/line-protocol/#tag-set)
-          - [*timestamp*](/influxdb/cloud/reference/syntax/line-protocol/#timestamp)
+         - Each data point requires a:  
+         - [*measurement*](/influxdb/cloud/reference/syntax/line-protocol/#measurement)
+         - [*field set*](/influxdb/cloud/reference/syntax/line-protocol/#field-set)
+         - (Optional) [*tag set*](/influxdb/cloud/reference/syntax/line-protocol/#tag-set)
+         - [*timestamp*](/influxdb/cloud/reference/syntax/line-protocol/#timestamp)
           For more information, see supported [line protocol](/influxdb/cloud/reference/syntax/line-protocol/) syntax.
@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ Load CSV or line protocol data by uploading a file or pasting the data manually
 ### Load data from a client library in the UI
-1.  In the navigation menu on the left, click **Data (Load Data)** > **Sources**.
+1.  In the navigation menu on the left, click **Load Data** > **Sources**.
     {{< nav-icon "data" >}}
 2. Do one of the following:
    - Enter a specific client library to search for in the **Search data writing methods** field.
@@ -59,7 +58,7 @@ Load CSV or line protocol data by uploading a file or pasting the data manually
 ### Load data from a Telegraf plugin in the UI
-1. In the navigation menu on the left, click **Data (Load Data)** > **Sources**.
+1. In the navigation menu on the left, click **Load Data** > **Sources**.
     {{< nav-icon "data" >}}
 2. Do one of the following:
    - Enter a specific Telegraf plugin to search for in the **Search data writing methods** field.
diff --git a/layouts/shortcodes/current-version-link.html b/layouts/shortcodes/current-version-link.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..31e0973c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layouts/shortcodes/current-version-link.html
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+{{- $productPathData := findRE "[^/]+.*?" .Page.RelPermalink -}}
+{{- $currentVersion := index $productPathData 1 -}}
+{{- $currentVersionLink := replaceRE `\.` "%2e" $currentVersion  -}}
+{{ $currentVersionLink }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/img/influxdb/2-1-migration-dashboard.png b/static/img/influxdb/2-1-migration-dashboard.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a1a6b7b67
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/img/influxdb/2-1-migration-dashboard.png differ