added load data nav icon, removed orgs nav icon
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
@font-face {
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font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
@ -33,6 +33,9 @@
.icon-ui-nav-chat:before {
content: "\e941";
.icon-ui-disks:before {
content: "\e950";
.icon-ui-add-cell:before {
content: "\e91f";
@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ For details, see [Export a dashboard](v2.0/visualize-data/dashboards/export-dash
**To save a Telegraf configuration:**
1. Click in the **Organizations** icon in the navigation bar.
1. Click in the **Settings** icon in the navigation bar.
{{< nav-icon "orgs" >}}
{{< nav-icon "settings" >}}
2. Select the **Telegraf** tab. A list of existing Telegraf configurations appears.
3. Click on the name of a Telegraf configuration.
@ -25,33 +25,32 @@ for using Telegraf with InfluxDB v2.0._
## Create a Telegraf configuration
1. Open the InfluxDB UI _(default: [localhost:9999](http://localhost:9999))_.
2. Click **Organizations** in the left navigation menu.
2. Click **Load Data** in the left navigation menu.
{{< nav-icon "orgs" >}}
{{< nav-icon "load data" >}}
3. Click on the name of your organization.
4. Click the **Telegraf** tab.
5. Click **{{< icon "plus" >}} Create Configuration**.
6. In the **Bucket** dropdown, select the bucket where Telegraf will store collected data.
7. Select one or more of the available plugin groups
3. Click the **Telegraf** tab.
4. Click **{{< icon "plus" >}} Create Configuration**.
5. In the **Bucket** dropdown, select the bucket where Telegraf will store collected data.
6. Select one or more of the available plugin groups
(e.g. **System**, **Docker**, **Kubernetes**, **NGINX**, or **Redis**), and click **Continue**.
{{% note %}}
All Telegraf plugins are supported, but only a subset are configurable using the InfluxDB UI.
To use plugins other than those listed, you must [manually configure Telegraf](/v2.0/write-data/use-telegraf/manual-config).
{{% /note %}}
8. Review the list of **Plugins to Configure** for configuration requirements.
7. Review the list of **Plugins to Configure** for configuration requirements.
Plugins listed with a <span style="color:#32B08C">{{< icon "check" >}}</span>
require no additional configuration.
To configure a plugin or access plugin documentation, click the plugin name.
9. Provide a **Telegraf Configuration Name** and an optional **Telegraf Configuration Description**.
10. Click **Create and Verify**.
11. The **Test Your Configuration** page provides instructions for how to start
8. Provide a **Telegraf Configuration Name** and an optional **Telegraf Configuration Description**.
9. Click **Create and Verify**.
10. The **Test Your Configuration** page provides instructions for how to start
Telegraf using the generated configuration.
_See [Start Telegraf](#start-telegraf) below for detailed information about what each step does._
12. Once Telegraf is running, click **Listen for Data** to confirm Telegraf is successfully
11. Once Telegraf is running, click **Listen for Data** to confirm Telegraf is successfully
sending data to InfluxDB.
Once confirmed, a **Connection Found!** message appears.
13. Click **Finish**. Your configuration name and the associated bucket name appears
12. Click **Finish**. Your configuration name and the associated bucket name appears
in the list of Telegraf connections.
## Start Telegraf
@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
{{ else if eq $navIcon "tasks" }}
{{ .Scratch.Set "icon" "calendar" }}
{{ .Scratch.Set "title" "Tasks" }}
{{ else if or (eq $navIcon "organizations") (eq $navIcon "orgs") }}
{{ .Scratch.Set "icon" "organizations" }}
{{ .Scratch.Set "title" "Organizations" }}
{{ else if or (eq $navIcon "disks") (eq $navIcon "load data") (eq $navIcon "load-data") }}
{{ .Scratch.Set "icon" "disks" }}
{{ .Scratch.Set "title" "Load Data" }}
{{ else if eq $navIcon "settings" }}
{{ .Scratch.Set "icon" "wrench-2" }}
{{ .Scratch.Set "title" "Settings" }}
Binary file not shown.
@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
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