index 75449a14e..937bc39f4 100644
@@ -339,6 +339,19 @@ Easier to maintain being you update the version number in the `data/products.yml
 {{< latest-patch product="chronograf" version="1.7" >}}
+### Latest influx CLI version
+Use the `{{< latest-cli >}}` shortcode to add the latest version of the `influx`
+CLI supported by the minor version of InfluxDB.
+By default, this shortcode parses the minor version from the URL.
+To specify a specific minor version, use the `version` argument.
+Maintain CLI version numbers in the `data/products.yml` file instead of updating individual links and code examples.
+{{< latest-cli >}}
+{{< latest-cli version="2.1" >}}
 ### API endpoint
 Use the `{{< api-endpoint >}}` shortcode to generate a code block that contains
 a colored request method and a specified API endpoint.
diff --git a/content/influxdb/cloud/reference/cli/influx/apply/_index.md b/content/influxdb/cloud/reference/cli/influx/apply/_index.md
index 87ca9bd1c..47f43c82c 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/cloud/reference/cli/influx/apply/_index.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/cloud/reference/cli/influx/apply/_index.md
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ related:
   - /influxdb/cloud/reference/cli/influx/#flag-patterns-and-conventions, influx CLI—Flag patterns and conventions
-{{< duplicate-oss >}}
+{{< duplicate-oss >}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/influxdb/cloud/reference/release-notes/influx-cli.md b/content/influxdb/cloud/reference/release-notes/influx-cli.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..027ccaa96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/influxdb/cloud/reference/release-notes/influx-cli.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+title: influx CLI release notes
+description: Important changes and and what's new in each version of the influx command line interface (CLI).
+weight: 103
+  influxdb_cloud_ref:
+    parent: Release notes
+    name: influx CLI 
+## v2.1.0 [2021-07-29]
+## New repository
+This is the initial release of the `influx` CLI from the `influxdata/influx-cli` GitHub repository.
+## Breaking changes
+### `influx write` skip-header parsing
+To simplify the CLI parser, the `write` command no longer supports `--skipHeader`
+as short-hand for `--skipHeader 1`.
+### Stricter input validation for `influx template` commands
+The `apply`, `export`, and `stacks` commands now raise errors when CLI options fail to parse instead of silently discarding bad inputs.
+This change was made to help users debug when their commands fail to execute as expected.
+### Server-side template summarization and validation
+The `template` and `template validate` commands now use an API request to the server to perform their logic, instead of performing the work on the client-side.
+Offline summarization and validation is no longer supported.
+This change was made to avoid significant code duplication between `influxdb` and `influx CLI`, and to allow server-side template logic to evolve without requiring coordinated CLI changes.
+### `influx stacks --json` output conventions
+The output of `influx stacks --json` previously used an UpperCamelCase naming convention for most keys.
+The command now uses lowerCamelCase consistently for all objects keys, matching the schema returned by the API.
+## Features
+- Add global `--http-debug` flag to all `influx` commands to help inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.
+- Update [`bucket create`](/influxdb/cloud/reference/cli/influx/bucket/create/) to allow setting a schema type.
+- Update [`bucket list`](/influxdb/cloud/reference/cli/influx/bucket/list/) to display schema types.
+- Bind [`--skip-verify`](/influxdb/cloud/reference/cli/influx/org/members/add/#flags) flag to the `INFLUX_SKIP_VERIFY` environment variable.
+- (InfluxDB Cloud only) Add [`buck
+- (InfluxDB OSS only) Updates to `backup` and `restore`:
+  - Reimplement [`backup`](/influxdb/cloud/reference/cli/influx/backup/) to support downloading embedded SQL store from InfluxDB 2.0 or later.
+  - Add [`--compression`](/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/backup/_index.md) flag to support GZIP compression of downloaded files.
+  - Reimplement `restore` to support uploading embedded SQL store from InfluxDB v2.1.x.
+- (InfluxDB OSS only) Add [`--password`](/influxdb/cloud/reference/cli/influx/user/password/) flag to `user password` command to allow bypassing interactive prompt.
+## Bug fixes
+- Fix interactive password collection and color rendering in PowerShell.
+- `org members list` no longer hangs on organizations with more than 10 members.
+- Detect and warn when inputs to `write` contain standalone CR characters.
+- `dashboards` command now accepts `--org` flag, or falls back to default org in config.
+- Return a consistent error when responses fail to decode, including hints for OSS-only and Cloud-only commands.
diff --git a/content/influxdb/cloud/sign-up.md b/content/influxdb/cloud/sign-up.md
index d4010e984..40418cade 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/cloud/sign-up.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/cloud/sign-up.md
@@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ To see all available `influx` commands, type `influx -h` or check out [influx -
 Click one of the following buttons to download and install the `influx` CLI appropriate for your chipset.
-<a class="btn download" href="https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb2-client-{{< latest-patch >}}-linux-amd64.tar.gz" download >influx CLI (amd64)</a>
-<a class="btn download" href="https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb2-client-{{< latest-patch >}}-linux-arm64.tar.gz" download >influx CLI (arm)</a>
+<a class="btn download" href="https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb2-client-{{< latest-cli >}}-linux-amd64.tar.gz" download >influx CLI (amd64)</a>
+<a class="btn download" href="https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb2-client-{{< latest-cli >}}-linux-arm64.tar.gz" download >influx CLI (arm)</a>
 #### Step 2: Unpackage the influx binary
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ Click one of the following buttons to download and install the `influx` CLI appr
 # Unpackage contents to the current working directory
-tar xvfz influxdb-client-{{< latest-patch >}}-linux-amd64.tar.gz
+tar xvfz influxdb-client-{{< latest-cli >}}-linux-amd64.tar.gz
 #### Step 3: (Optional) Place the binary in your $PATH
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ prefix the executable with `./` to run in place. If the binary is on your $PATH,
 # Copy the influx and influxd binary to your $PATH
-sudo cp influxdb-client-{{< latest-patch >}}-linux-amd64/influx /usr/local/bin/
+sudo cp influxdb-client-{{< latest-cli >}}-linux-amd64/influx /usr/local/bin/
 {{% note %}}
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/apply/_index.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/apply/_index.md
index e5b7c7dc7..d17064e44 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/apply/_index.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/apply/_index.md
@@ -24,28 +24,29 @@ influx apply [flags]
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                           | Description                                                                                 | Input Type | {{< cli/mapped >}}   |
-|:---- |:---                       |:-----------------------------                                                               |:---------- |:------------------   |
-| `-c` | `--active-config`         | CLI configuration to use for command                                                        | string     |                      |
-|      | `--configs-path`          | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`)                       | string     |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
-|      | `--disable-color`         | Disable color in output                                                                     |            |                      |
-|      | `--disable-table-borders` | Disable table borders                                                                       |            |                      |
-| `-e` | `--encoding`              | Encoding of the input stream                                                                | string     |                      |
-|      | `--env-ref`               | Environment references to provide with the template (format: `--env-ref=REF_KEY=REF_VALUE`) | string     |                      |
-| `-f` | `--file`                  | Path to template file (supports HTTP(S) URLs or file paths)                                 | string     |                      |
-|      | `--filter`                | Resources to skip when applying the template (filter by `kind` or `resource`)               | string     |                      |
-|      | `--force`                 | Ignore warnings about destructive changes                                                   |            |                      |
-| `-h` | `--help`                  | Help for the `apply` command                                                                |            |                      |
-|      | `--host`                  | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)                                  | string     | `INFLUX_HOST`        |
-|      | `--json`                  | Output data as JSON                                                                         |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON` |
-| `-o` | `--org`                   | Organization name that owns the bucket (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                 | string     | `INFLUX_ORG`         |
-|      | `--org-id`                | Organization ID that owns the bucket (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                      | string     | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`      |
-| `-q` | `--quiet`                 | Disable output printing                                                                     |            |                      |
-| `-R` | `--recurse`               | Recurse through files in the directory specified in `-f`, `--file`                          |            |                      |
-|      | `--secret`                | Secrets to provide with the template (format: `--secret=SECRET_KEY=SECRET_VALUE`)           | string     |                      |
-|      | `--skip-verify`           | Skip TLS certificate verification                                                           |            |                      |
-|      | `--stack-id`              | Stack ID to associate when applying the template                                            | string     |                      |
-| `-t` | `--token`                 | Authentication token                                                                        | string     | `INFLUX_TOKEN`       |
+| Flag |                           | Description                                                                                 | Input Type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :------------------------ | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | :--------- | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config`         | CLI configuration to use for command                                                        | string     |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`          | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`)                       | string     | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+|      | `--disable-color`         | Disable color in output                                                                     |            |                       |
+|      | `--disable-table-borders` | Disable table borders                                                                       |            |                       |
+| `-e` | `--encoding`              | Encoding of the input stream                                                                | string     |                       |
+|      | `--env-ref`               | Environment references to provide with the template (format: `--env-ref=REF_KEY=REF_VALUE`) | string     |                       |
+| `-f` | `--file`                  | Path to template file (supports HTTP(S) URLs or file paths)                                 | string     |                       |
+|      | `--filter`                | Resources to skip when applying the template (filter by `kind` or `resource`)               | string     |                       |
+|      | `--force`                 | Ignore warnings about destructive changes                                                   |            |                       |
+| `-h` | `--help`                  | Help for the `apply` command                                                                |            |                       |
+|      | `--host`                  | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)                                  | string     | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`            | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                                                | string     |                       |
+|      | `--json`                  | Output data as JSON                                                                         |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
+| `-o` | `--org`                   | Organization name that owns the bucket (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                 | string     | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
+|      | `--org-id`                | Organization ID that owns the bucket (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                      | string     | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
+| `-q` | `--quiet`                 | Disable output printing                                                                     |            |                       |
+| `-R` | `--recurse`               | Recurse through files in the directory specified in `-f`, `--file`                          |            |                       |
+|      | `--secret`                | Secrets to provide with the template (format: `--secret=SECRET_KEY=SECRET_VALUE`)           | string     |                       |
+|      | `--skip-verify`           | Skip TLS certificate verification                                                           |            |                       |
+|      | `--stack-id`              | Stack ID to associate when applying the template                                            | string     |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`                 | Authentication token                                                                        | string     | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples: how to apply a template or stack
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/auth/active.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/auth/active.md
index bb0c4dd62..b781a1e9e 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/auth/active.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/auth/active.md
@@ -18,16 +18,17 @@ influx auth active [flags]
 ## Flags
 | Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------:|:------------------    |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string     |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string     |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
 | `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `active` command                                         |            |                       |
 |      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string     | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
-| `-i` | `--id`            | ({{< req >}}) Authentication token ID                                 | string     |                       |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+| `-i` | `--id`            | ({{< req >}}) Authentication token ID                                 |   string   |                       |
 |      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
 |      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string     | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Example
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/auth/create.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/auth/create.md
index 1206f2312..c66412f49 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/auth/create.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/auth/create.md
@@ -17,16 +17,17 @@ influx auth create [flags]
 ## Flags
 | Flag |                                 | Description                                                           | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:-----|:---------------------           |:----------------------------------------------------------------------|:-----------:|:----------------------|
-| `-c` | `--active-config`               | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string      |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`                | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string      | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
-| `-d` | `--description`                 | Authentication token description                                      | string      |                       |
+| :--- | :------------------------------ | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :---------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config`               | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string    |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`                | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string    | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-d` | `--description`                 | Authentication token description                                      |   string    |                       |
 | `-h` | `--help`                        | Help for the `create` command                                         |             |                       |
 |      | `--hide-headers`                | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`                        | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--host`                        | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string    | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`                  | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string    |                       |
 |      | `--json`                        | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-| `-o` | `--org`                         | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                | string      | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
-|      | `--org-id`                      | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     | string      | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
+| `-o` | `--org`                         | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                |   string    | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
+|      | `--org-id`                      | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     |   string    | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
 |      | `--read-bucket`                 | Grant permission to read a specified bucket ID                        | stringArray |                       |
 |      | `--read-buckets`                | Grant permission to read **all** organization buckets                 |             |                       |
 |      | `--read-checks`                 | Grant permission to read checks                                       |             |                       |
@@ -39,8 +40,8 @@ influx auth create [flags]
 |      | `--read-telegrafs`              | Grant permission to read Telegraf configurations                      |             |                       |
 |      | `--read-user`                   | Grant permission to read organization users                           |             |                       |
 |      | `--skip-verify`                 | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |             |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`                       | Authentication token                                                  | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
-| `-u` | `--user`                        | Username                                                              | string      |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`                       | Authentication token                                                  |   string    | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| `-u` | `--user`                        | Username                                                              |   string    |                       |
 |      | `--write-bucket`                | Grant permission to write to specified a bucket ID                    | stringArray |                       |
 |      | `--write-buckets`               | Grant permission to create and update **all** organization buckets    |             |                       |
 |      | `--write-checks`                | Grant permission to create checks                                     |             |                       |
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/auth/delete.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/auth/delete.md
index 4f2730115..1b0a8a45f 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/auth/delete.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/auth/delete.md
@@ -16,17 +16,18 @@ influx auth delete [flags]
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------: |:------------------    |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string      |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string      |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
-| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `delete` command                                         |             |                       |
-|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
-| `-i` | `--id`            | ({{< req >}}) Authentication token ID                                 | string      |                       |
-|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |             |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `delete` command                                         |            |                       |
+|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string   |                       |
+| `-i` | `--id`            | ({{< req >}}) Authentication token ID                                 |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/auth/inactive.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/auth/inactive.md
index 4daec8e9e..bea5651a3 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/auth/inactive.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/auth/inactive.md
@@ -24,17 +24,18 @@ influx auth inactive [flags]
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------: |:------------------    |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string      |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string      |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
-| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `inactive` command                                       |             |                       |
-|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
-| `-i` | `--id`            | ({{< req >}}) Authentication token ID                                 | string      |                       |
-|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |             |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `inactive` command                                       |            |                       |
+|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string   |                       |
+| `-i` | `--id`            | ({{< req >}}) Authentication token ID                                 |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/auth/list.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/auth/list.md
index e8cb7bd1e..6c2855171 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/auth/list.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/auth/list.md
@@ -21,21 +21,22 @@ influx auth list [flags]
 `list`, `ls`, `find`
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------: |:------------------    |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string      |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string      |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
-| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `list` command                                           |             |                       |
-|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
-| `-i` | `--id`            | Authentication token ID                                               | string      |                       |
-|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                | string      |                       |
-|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     | string      |                       |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |             |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
-| `-u` | `--user`          | Username                                                              | string      |                       |
-|      | `--user-id`       | User ID                                                               | string      |                       |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `list` command                                           |            |                       |
+|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string   |                       |
+| `-i` | `--id`            | Authentication token ID                                               |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
+| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| `-u` | `--user`          | Username                                                              |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--user-id`       | User ID                                                               |   string   |                       |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/backup/_index.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/backup/_index.md
index 274fc63af..1533e7511 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/backup/_index.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/backup/_index.md
@@ -22,20 +22,23 @@ influx backup [flags] path
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                                | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|------|-------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------               |------------|--------------------   |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                       | string     |                       |
-|      | `--bucket-id`     | ID of the bucket to back up from (mutually exclusive with `--bucket`)      | string     |                       |
-| `-b` | `--bucket`        | Name of the bucket to back up from (mutually exclusive with `--bucket-id`) | string     |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`)      | string     |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
-| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `backup` command                                              |            |                       |
-|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                       |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default: `http://localhost:8086`)                | string     | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
-|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                      |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                     | string     | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
-|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                          | string     | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                          | string     |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                       | string     | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                                                                | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| ---- | ----------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- | --------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                                                       | string     |                       |
+|      | `--bucket-id`     | ID of the bucket to back up from (mutually exclusive with `--bucket`)                                      | string     |                       |
+| `-b` | `--bucket`        | Name of the bucket to back up from (mutually exclusive with `--bucket-id`)                                 | string     |                       |
+|      | `--compression`   | By default, `gzip` argument enables compression on downloaded files. Set to `none` to disable compression. | string     |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`)                                      | string     | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `backup` command                                                                              |            |                       |
+|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                                                       |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default: `http://localhost:8086`)                                                | string     | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                                                               | string     |                       |
+|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                                                      |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
+| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                                                     | string     | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
+|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                                                          | string     | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                                                          | string     |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                                                       | string     | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
@@ -58,4 +61,4 @@ influx backup ./
 ##### Back up a specific bucket to a directory
 influx backup --bucket example-bucket /path/to/backup/dir/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/bucket/_index.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/bucket/_index.md
index e42d444f7..acfaeb0ff 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/bucket/_index.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/bucket/_index.md
@@ -36,5 +36,6 @@ influx bucket [command]
 |      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string     |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
 | `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `bucket` command                                         |            |                      |
 |      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string     | `INFLUX_HOST`        |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          | string     |                      |
 |      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                      |
 | `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string     | `INFLUX_TOKEN`       |
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/bucket/create.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/bucket/create.md
index 25f9c58b4..a8cb1987d 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/bucket/create.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/bucket/create.md
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ influx bucket create [flags]
 | `-h` | `--help`                 | Help for the `create` command                                         |            |                       |
 |      | `--hide-headers`         | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
 |      | `--host`                 | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`           | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string   |                       | 
 |      | `--json`                 | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
 | `-n` | `--name`                 | Bucket name                                                           |   string   | `INFLUX_BUCKET_NAME`  |
 | `-o` | `--org`                  | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/bucket/delete.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/bucket/delete.md
index 963c2e305..4e5f558f0 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/bucket/delete.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/bucket/delete.md
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ influx bucket delete [flags]
 | `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `delete` command                                         |             |                       |
 |      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
 |      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          | string      |                       |
 | `-i` | `--id`            | Bucket ID _(required if no `--name`)_                                 | string      |                       |
 |      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
 | `-n` | `--name`          | Bucket name _(requires `--org` or `org-id`)_                          | string      |                       |
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/bucket/list.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/bucket/list.md
index e64837dbf..ea9b28453 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/bucket/list.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/bucket/list.md
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ influx bucket list [flags]
 | `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `list` command                                           |             |                       |
 |      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
 |      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          | string      |                       |
 | `-i` | `--id`            | Bucket ID                                                             | string      |                       |
 |      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
 | `-n` | `--name`          | Bucket name                                                           | string      | `INFLUX_BUCKET_NAME`  |
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/bucket/update.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/bucket/update.md
index 0dd5c54c9..32ec1c7e9 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/bucket/update.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/bucket/update.md
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ influx bucket update [flags]
 | `-h` | `--help`                 | Help for the `update` command                                         |             |                       |
 |      | `--hide-headers`         | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
 |      | `--host`                 | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`           | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          | string      |                       |
 | `-i` | `--id`                   | ({{< req >}}) Bucket ID                                               | string      |                       |
 |      | `--json`                 | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
 | `-n` | `--name`                 | New bucket name                                                       | string      | `INFLUX_BUCKET_NAME`  |
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/config/create.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/config/create.md
index 3ba531307..2120c455d 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/config/create.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/config/create.md
@@ -17,16 +17,16 @@ influx config create [flags]
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                  | Description                                                  | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---              |:-----------                                                  |:----------: |:------------------    |
-| `-a` | `--active`       | Set the specified connection to be the active configuration. |             |                       |
-| `-n` | `--config-name`  | ({{< req >}}) Name of the new configuration.                | string      |                       |
-| `-h` | `--help`         | Help for the `create` command                                |             |                       |
-|      | `--hide-headers` | Hide table headers (default `false`)                         |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-| `-u` | `--host-url`     | ({{< req >}}) Connection URL for the new configuration.     | string      |                       |
-|      | `--json`         | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                        |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-| `-o` | `--org`          | Organization name                                            | string      |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`        | Authentication token                                         | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`         |
+| Flag |                  | Description                                                  | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :--------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-a` | `--active`       | Set the specified connection to be the active configuration. |            |                       |
+| `-n` | `--config-name`  | ({{< req >}}) Name of the new configuration.                 |   string   |                       |
+| `-h` | `--help`         | Help for the `create` command                                |            |                       |
+|      | `--hide-headers` | Hide table headers (default `false`)                         |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
+| `-u` | `--host-url`     | ({{< req >}}) Connection URL for the new configuration.      |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--json`         | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                        |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
+| `-o` | `--org`          | Organization name                                            |   string   |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`        | Authentication token                                         |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/config/list.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/config/list.md
index 1905379e3..4fa519652 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/config/list.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/config/list.md
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ influx config list [flags]
 `list`, `ls`
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                  | Description                           | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---              |:-----------                           |:------------------    |
-| `-h` | `--help`         | Help for the `list` command           |                       |
-|      | `--hide-headers` | Hide table headers (default `false`)  | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--json`         | Output data as JSON (default `false`) | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
+| Flag |                  | Description                                  | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :--------------- | :------------------------------------------- | :-------------------- |
+| `-h` | `--help`         | Help for the `list` command                  |                       |
+|      | `--hide-headers` | Hide table headers (default `false`)         | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
+|      | `--json`         | Output data as JSON (default `false`)        | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/config/rm.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/config/rm.md
index a6d9abb72..f54faa72b 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/config/rm.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/config/rm.md
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ influx config rm <config-name> [flags]
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                  | Description                                                        | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---              |:-----------                                                        |:----------: |:------------------    |
-| `-h` | `--help`         | Help for the `delete` command                                      |             |                       |
-|      | `--hide-headers` | Hide table headers (default `false`)                               |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--json`         | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                              |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
+| Flag |                  | Description                                  | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :--------------- | :------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-h` | `--help`         | Help for the `delete` command                |            |                       |
+|      | `--hide-headers` | Hide table headers (default `false`)         |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
+|      | `--json`         | Output data as JSON (default `false`)        |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/config/set.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/config/set.md
index 7e8b0db5d..41f49a413 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/config/set.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/config/set.md
@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ influx config set [flags]
 `set` , `update`
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                  | Description                                                     | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---              |:-----------                                                     |:----------: |:------------------    |
-| `-a` | --active`        | Set the specified connection to active                          |             |                       |
-| `-n` | --config-name`   | Name for the InfluxDB connection configuration to set or update | string      |                       |
-| `-h` | --help`          | Help for the `set` command                                      |             |                       |
-|      | `--hide-headers` | Hide table headers (default `false`)                            |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-| `-u` | --host-url`      | URL for InfluxDB connection configuration to set or update      | string      |                       |
-|      | `--json`         | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                           |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-| `-o` | `--org`          | Organization name for the connection configuration              | string      |                       |
+| Flag |                  | Description                                                     | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :--------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-a` | `--active`       | Set the specified connection to active                          |            |                       |
+| `-n` | `--config-name`  | Name for the InfluxDB connection configuration to set or update |   string   |                       |
+| `-h` | `--help`         | Help for the `set` command                                      |            |                       |
+|      | `--hide-headers` | Hide table headers (default `false`)                            |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
+| `-u` | `--host-url`     | URL for InfluxDB connection configuration to set or update      |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--json`         | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                           |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
+| `-o` | `--org`          | Organization name for the connection configuration              |   string   |                       |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/dashboards/_index.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/dashboards/_index.md
index 780c44656..870c8c444 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/dashboards/_index.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/dashboards/_index.md
@@ -22,18 +22,19 @@ influx dashboards [flags]
 ## Flags
 | Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------: |:------------------    |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string      |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string      |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :---------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string    |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string    | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
 | `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `dashboards` command                                     |             |                       |
 |      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers                                                    |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string      | `$INFLUX_HOST`        |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string    | `$INFLUX_HOST`        |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string    |                       |
 | `-i` | `--id`            | Dashboard ID to retrieve                                              | stringArray |                       |
 |      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON                                                   |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                | string      | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
-|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     | string      | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
+| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                |   string    | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
+|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     |   string    | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
 |      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |             |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string    | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/delete/_index.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/delete/_index.md
index 7c99fee62..1118ea392 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/delete/_index.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/delete/_index.md
@@ -24,21 +24,22 @@ Running `influx delete` without the `-p` or `--predicate` flag deletes all data
 {{% /warn %}}
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                                                               | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}   |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                                                               |:----------:|:------------------   |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                                                      | string     |                      |
-|      | `--bucket`        | Name of bucket to remove data from (mutually exclusive with `--bucket-id`)                                | string     | `INFLUX_BUCKET_NAME` |
-|      | `--bucket-id`     | Bucket ID (mutually exclusive with `--bucket`)                                                            | string     | `INFLUX_BUCKET_ID`   |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`)                                     | string     |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
-| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `delete` command                                                                             |            |                      |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)                                                | string     | `INFLUX_HOST`        |
-| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                                                    | string     | `INFLUX_ORG`         |
-|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                                                         | string     | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`      |
-| `-p` | `--predicate`     | InfluxQL-like predicate string (see [Delete predicate](/influxdb/v2.0/reference/syntax/delete-predicate)) | string     |                      |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                                                         |            |                      |
-|      | `--start`         | ({{< req >}}) Start time in RFC3339 format (i.e. `2009-01-02T23:00:00Z`)                                  | string     |                      |
-|      | `--stop`          | ({{< req >}}) Stop time in RFC3339 format (i.e. `2009-01-02T23:00:00Z`)                                   | string     |                      |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                                                      | string     | `INFLUX_TOKEN`       |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                                                               | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                                                      |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--bucket`        | Name of bucket to remove data from (mutually exclusive with `--bucket-id`)                                |   string   | `INFLUX_BUCKET_NAME`  |
+|      | `--bucket-id`     | Bucket ID (mutually exclusive with `--bucket`)                                                            |   string   | `INFLUX_BUCKET_ID`    |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`)                                     |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `delete` command                                                                             |            |                       |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)                                                |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                                                              |   string   |                       |
+| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                                                    |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
+|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                                                         |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
+| `-p` | `--predicate`     | InfluxQL-like predicate string (see [Delete predicate](/influxdb/v2.0/reference/syntax/delete-predicate)) |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                                                         |            |                       |
+|      | `--start`         | ({{< req >}}) Start time in RFC3339 format (i.e. `2009-01-02T23:00:00Z`)                                  |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--stop`          | ({{< req >}}) Stop time in RFC3339 format (i.e. `2009-01-02T23:00:00Z`)                                   |   string   |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                                                      |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/export/_index.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/export/_index.md
index 95494b55c..6116ab235 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/export/_index.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/export/_index.md
@@ -33,35 +33,36 @@ influx export [command]
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                           | Description                                                                      | Input Type | {{< cli/mapped >}}   |
-|:---- |:---                       |:-----------                                                                      |:---------- |:------------------   |
-| `-c` | `--active-config`         | CLI configuration to use for command                                             | string     |                      |
-|      | `--bucket-names`          | Comma-separated list of bucket names                                             | string     |                      |
-|      | `--buckets`               | Comma-separated list of bucket IDs                                               | string     |                      |
-|      | `--check-names`           | Comma-separated list of check names                                              | string     |                      |
-|      | `--checks`                | Comma-separated list of check IDs                                                | string     |                      |
-|      | `--configs-path`          | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`)            | string     |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
-|      | `--dashboard-names`       | Comma-separated list of dashboard names                                          | string     |                      |
-|      | `--dashboards`            | Comma-separated list of dashboard IDs                                            | string     |                      |
-|      | `--endpoint-names`        | Comma-separated list of notification endpoint names                              | string     |                      |
-|      | `--endpoints`             | Comma-separated list of notification endpoint IDs                                | string     |                      |
-| `-f` | `--file`                  | Template output file. Defaults to stdout. Use `.yml` or `.json` file extensions. | string     |                      |
-| `-h` | `--help`                  | Help for the `export` command                                                    |            |                      |
-|      | `--host`                  | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:9999`)                       | string     | `INFLUX_HOST`        |
-|      | `--label-names`           | Comma-separated list of label names                                              | string     |                      |
-|      | `--labels`                | Comma-separated list of label IDs                                                | string     |                      |
-|      | `--resource-type`         | Resource type associated with all IDs via stdin                                  | string     |                      |
-|      | `--rule-names`            | Comma-separated list of notification rule names                                  | string     |                      |
-|      | `--rules`                 | Comma-separated list of notification rule IDs                                    | string     |                      |
-|      | `--skip-verify`           | Skip TLS certificate verification                                                |            |                      |
-|      | `--stack-id`              | Stack ID to include resources from in export                                     | string     |                      |
-|      | `--task-names`            | Comma-separated list of task names                                               | string     |                      |
-|      | `--tasks`                 | Comma-separated list of task IDs                                                 | string     |                      |
-|      | `--telegraf-config-names` | Comma-separated list of Telegraf configuration names                             | string     |                      |
-|      | `--telegraf-configs`      | Comma-separated list of Telegraf configuration IDs                               | string     |                      |
-| `-t` | `--token`                 | Authentication token                                                             | string     | `INFLUX_TOKEN`       |
-|      | `--variable-names`        | Comma-separated list of variable names                                           | string     |                      |
-|      | `--variables`             | Comma-separated list of variable IDs                                             | string     |                      |
+| Flag |                           | Description                                                                      | Input Type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :------------------------ | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------- | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config`         | CLI configuration to use for command                                             | string     |                       |
+|      | `--bucket-names`          | Comma-separated list of bucket names                                             | string     |                       |
+|      | `--buckets`               | Comma-separated list of bucket IDs                                               | string     |                       |
+|      | `--check-names`           | Comma-separated list of check names                                              | string     |                       |
+|      | `--checks`                | Comma-separated list of check IDs                                                | string     |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`          | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`)            | string     | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+|      | `--dashboard-names`       | Comma-separated list of dashboard names                                          | string     |                       |
+|      | `--dashboards`            | Comma-separated list of dashboard IDs                                            | string     |                       |
+|      | `--endpoint-names`        | Comma-separated list of notification endpoint names                              | string     |                       |
+|      | `--endpoints`             | Comma-separated list of notification endpoint IDs                                | string     |                       |
+| `-f` | `--file`                  | Template output file. Defaults to stdout. Use `.yml` or `.json` file extensions. | string     |                       |
+| `-h` | `--help`                  | Help for the `export` command                                                    |            |                       |
+|      | `--host`                  | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:9999`)                       | string     | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`            | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                                     | string     |                       |
+|      | `--label-names`           | Comma-separated list of label names                                              | string     |                       |
+|      | `--labels`                | Comma-separated list of label IDs                                                | string     |                       |
+|      | `--resource-type`         | Resource type associated with all IDs via stdin                                  | string     |                       |
+|      | `--rule-names`            | Comma-separated list of notification rule names                                  | string     |                       |
+|      | `--rules`                 | Comma-separated list of notification rule IDs                                    | string     |                       |
+|      | `--skip-verify`           | Skip TLS certificate verification                                                |            |                       |
+|      | `--stack-id`              | Stack ID to include resources from in export                                     | string     |                       |
+|      | `--task-names`            | Comma-separated list of task names                                               | string     |                       |
+|      | `--tasks`                 | Comma-separated list of task IDs                                                 | string     |                       |
+|      | `--telegraf-config-names` | Comma-separated list of Telegraf configuration names                             | string     |                       |
+|      | `--telegraf-configs`      | Comma-separated list of Telegraf configuration IDs                               | string     |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`                 | Authentication token                                                             | string     | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+|      | `--variable-names`        | Comma-separated list of variable names                                           | string     |                       |
+|      | `--variables`             | Comma-separated list of variable IDs                                             | string     |                       |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/export/all.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/export/all.md
index ac4e0d69b..0c0b4f282 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/export/all.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/export/all.md
@@ -31,18 +31,19 @@ influx export all [flags]
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                                                     | Input Type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}   |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                                                     |:----------  |:------------------   |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                                            | string      |                      |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`)                           | string      |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
-| `-f` | `--file`          | Template output file. Defaults to stdout. Use `.yml` or `.json` file extensions.                | string      |                      |
-|      | `--filter`        | Specify resources to export by labelName or resourceKind (format: `--filter=labelName=example`) | stringArray |                      |
-| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `export all` command                                                               |             |                      |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)                                      | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`        |
-| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name that owns the resources (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                  | string      | `INFLUX_ORG`         |
-|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID that owns the resources (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                       | string      | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`      |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                                               |             |                      |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                                            | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`       |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                                                     | Input Type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :---------- | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                                            | string      |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`)                           | string      | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-f` | `--file`          | Template output file. Defaults to stdout. Use `.yml` or `.json` file extensions.                | string      |                       |
+|      | `--filter`        | Specify resources to export by labelName or resourceKind (format: `--filter=labelName=example`) | stringArray |                       |
+| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `export all` command                                                               |             |                       |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)                                      | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                                                    | string      |                       |
+| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name that owns the resources (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                  | string      | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
+|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID that owns the resources (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                       | string      | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                                               |             |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                                            | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/export/stack.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/export/stack.md
index 43d9c2001..87a9a28af 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/export/stack.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/export/stack.md
@@ -28,17 +28,18 @@ influx export stack <stack_id> [flags]
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                                      | Input Type | {{< cli/mapped >}}   |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                                      |:---------- |:------------------   |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                             | string     |                      |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`)            | string     |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
-| `-f` | `--file`          | Template output file. Defaults to stdout. Use `.yml` or `.json` file extensions. | string     |                      |
-| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `export stack` command                                              |            |                      |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)                       | string     | `INFLUX_HOST`        |
-| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name that owns the resources (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)   | string     | `INFLUX_ORG`         |
-|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID that owns the resources (mutually exclusive with `--org`)        | string     | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`      |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                                |            |                      |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                             | string     | `INFLUX_TOKEN`       |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                                      | Input Type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------- | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                             | string     |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`)            | string     | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-f` | `--file`          | Template output file. Defaults to stdout. Use `.yml` or `.json` file extensions. | string     |                       |
+| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `export stack` command                                              |            |                       |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)                       | string     | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                                     | string     |                       |
+| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name that owns the resources (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)   | string     | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
+|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID that owns the resources (mutually exclusive with `--org`)        | string     | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                                |            |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                             | string     | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/create.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/create.md
index 64a69329e..32cf7dbc8 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/create.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/create.md
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ influx org create [flags]
 | `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `create` command                                         |             |                       |
 |      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
 |      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          | string      |                       |
 |      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
 | `-n` | `--name`          | ({{< req >}}) Organization name                                       | string      |                       |
 |      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |             |                       |
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/delete.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/delete.md
index 891dc4ea6..66831292e 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/delete.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/delete.md
@@ -16,17 +16,18 @@ influx org delete [flags]
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------: |:------------------    |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string      |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string      |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
-| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `delete` command                                         |             |                       |
-|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
-| `-i` | `--id`            | ({{< req >}}) Organization ID                                         | string      | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
-|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |             |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `delete` command                                         |            |                       |
+|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string   |                       |
+| `-i` | `--id`            | ({{< req >}}) Organization ID                                         |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
+|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/list.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/list.md
index 260354288..42a47abeb 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/list.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/list.md
@@ -21,18 +21,19 @@ influx org list [flags]
 `list`, `ls`, `find`
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------: |:------------------    |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string      |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string      |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
-| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `list` command                                           |             |                       |
-|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
-| `-i` | `--id`            | Organization ID                                                       | string      | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
-|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-| `-n` | `--name`          | Organization name                                                     | string      | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |             |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `list` command                                           |            |                       |
+|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string   |                       |
+| `-i` | `--id`            | Organization ID                                                       |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
+|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
+| `-n` | `--name`          | Organization name                                                     |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/members/add.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/members/add.md
index 48cffa584..fa6b3eb43 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/members/add.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/members/add.md
@@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ influx org members add [flags]
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                 | Description                                                | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}} |
-|:---- |:---             |:-----------                                                |:----------: |:------------------ |
-| `-h` | `--help`        | Help for the `add` command                                 |             |                    |
-|      | `--host`        | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`) | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`      |
-| `-i` | `--id`          | Organization ID                                            | string      | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`    |
-| `-m` | `--member`      | User ID                                                    | string      |                    |
-| `-n` | `--name`        | Organization name                                          | string      | `INFLUX_ORG`       |
-|      | `--skip-verify` | Skip TLS certificate verification                          |             |                    |
-| `-t` | `--token`       | Authentication token                                       | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`     |
+| Flag |                 | Description                                                | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}   |
+|:---- |:---             |:-----------                                                |:----------: |:------------------   |
+| `-h` | `--help`        | Help for the `add` command                                 |             |                      |
+|      | `--host`        | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`) | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`        |
+| `-i` | `--id`          | Organization ID                                            | string      | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`      |
+| `-m` | `--member`      | User ID                                                    | string      |                      |
+| `-n` | `--name`        | Organization name                                          | string      | `INFLUX_ORG`         |
+|      | `--skip-verify` | Skip TLS certificate verification                          |             | `INFLUX_SKIP_VERIFY` |
+| `-t` | `--token`       | Authentication token                                       | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`       |
 ## Examples
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ influx org members add [flags]
 influx org members add \
   --member 00x0oo0X0xxxo000 \
   --name example-org
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/members/list.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/members/list.md
index 1bab6e902..78b1f612c 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/members/list.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/members/list.md
@@ -16,16 +16,17 @@ influx org members list [flags]
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                  | Description                                                | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---              |:-----------                                                |:----------: |:------------------    |
-| `-h` | `--help`         | Help for the `list` command                                |             |                       |
-|      | `--hide-headers` | Hide table headers (default `false`)                       |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`         | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`) | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
-| `-i` | `--id`           | Organization ID                                            | string      | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
-|      | `--json`         | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                      |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-| `-n` | `--name`         | Organization name                                          | string      | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
-|      | `--skip-verify`  | Skip TLS certificate verification                          |             |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`        | Authentication token                                       | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| Flag |                  | Description                                                | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :--------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-h` | `--help`         | Help for the `list` command                                |            |                       |
+|      | `--hide-headers` | Hide table headers (default `false`)                       |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
+|      | `--host`         | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`) |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`   | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.               |   string   |                       |
+| `-i` | `--id`           | Organization ID                                            |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
+|      | `--json`         | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                      |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
+| `-n` | `--name`         | Organization name                                          |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
+|      | `--skip-verify`  | Skip TLS certificate verification                          |            |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`        | Authentication token                                       |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/members/remove.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/members/remove.md
index 8cddacbb3..de42442d7 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/members/remove.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/members/remove.md
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ influx org members remove [flags]
 |:---- |:---             |:-----------                                                |:----------: |:------------------ |
 | `-h` | `--help`        | Help for the `remove` command                              |             |                    |
 |      | `--host`        | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`) | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`      |
+|      | `--http-debug`  | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.               | string      |                    |
 | `-i` | `--id`          | Organization ID                                            | string      | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`    |
 | `-m` | `--member`      | Member ID                                                  | string      |                    |
 | `-n` | `--name`        | Organization name                                          | string      | `INFLUX_ORG`       |
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/update.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/update.md
index 2c781e9b4..96e199121 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/update.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/org/update.md
@@ -17,18 +17,19 @@ influx org update [flags]
 ## Flags
 | Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}       |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------:|:------------------       |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string     |                          |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string     |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`     |
-| `-d` | `--description`   | New description for the organization                                  | string     | `INFLUX_ORG_DESCRIPTION` |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :----------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string   |                          |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`    |
+| `-d` | `--description`   | New description for the organization                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG_DESCRIPTION` |
 | `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `update` command                                         |            |                          |
 |      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS`    |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string     | `INFLUX_HOST`            |
-| `-i` | `--id`            | ({{< req >}}) Organization ID                                         | string     | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`          |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`            |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string   |                          |
+| `-i` | `--id`            | ({{< req >}}) Organization ID                                         |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`          |
 |      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`     |
-| `-n` | `--name`          | New organization name                                                 | string     | `INFLUX_ORG`             |
+| `-n` | `--name`          | New organization name                                                 |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG`             |
 |      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                          |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string     | `INFLUX_TOKEN`           |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`           |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/ping/_index.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/ping/_index.md
index caeec668a..8f516e577 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/ping/_index.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/ping/_index.md
@@ -24,10 +24,11 @@ influx ping [flags]
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}   |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:---------- |:-----------------    |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string     |                      |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string     |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
-| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `ping` command                                           |            |                      |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string     | `INFLUX_HOST`        |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                      |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------- | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string     |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string     | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `ping` command                                           |            |                       |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string     | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          | string     |                       |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                       |
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/query/_index.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/query/_index.md
index 6b4c83299..65dbc0d03 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/query/_index.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/query/_index.md
@@ -36,19 +36,20 @@ drop columns such as `_start` and `_stop` to optimize the download file size.
 {{% /note %}}
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}   |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------:|:------------------   |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string     |                      |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string     |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
-| `-f` | `--file`          | Path to Flux script file                                              | string     |                      |
-| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `query` command                                          |            |                      |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string     | `INFLUX_HOST`        |
-| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                | string     | `INFLUX_ORG`         |
-|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     | string     | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`      |
-| `-p` | `--profilers`     | Flux query profilers to enable (comma-separated)                      | string     |                      |
-| `-r` | `--raw`           | Output raw query results (annotated CSV)                              |            |                      |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                      |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string     | `INFLUX_TOKEN`       |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-f` | `--file`          | Path to Flux script file                                              |   string   |                       |
+| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `query` command                                          |            |                       |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string   |                       |
+| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
+|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
+| `-p` | `--profilers`     | Flux query profilers to enable (comma-separated)                      |   string   |                       |
+| `-r` | `--raw`           | Output raw query results (annotated CSV)                              |            |                       |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/repl/_index.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/repl/_index.md
index 325306dc4..56eee35be 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/repl/_index.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/repl/_index.md
@@ -31,13 +31,14 @@ Use **ctrl + d** to exit the REPL.
 To use the Flux REPL, you must first authenticate with a [token](/influxdb/v2.0/security/tokens/view-tokens/).
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}   |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------:|:------------------   |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string     |                      |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string     |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
-| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `repl` command                                           |            |                      |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string     | `INFLUX_HOST`        |
-| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                | string     | `INFLUX_ORG`         |
-|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     | string     | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`      |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                      |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string     | `INFLUX_TOKEN`       |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `repl` command                                           |            |                       |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string   |                       |
+| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
+|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/restore/index.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/restore/index.md
index 6e7b5f0f2..1e21d631a 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/restore/index.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/restore/index.md
@@ -42,23 +42,24 @@ influx restore [flags]
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------: |:------------------    |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string      |                       |
-| `-b` | `--bucket`        | Name of the bucket to restore (mutually exclusive with `--bucket-id`) | string      |                       |
-|      | `--bucket-id`     | ID of the bucket to restore (mutually exclusive with `--bucket`)      | string      |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string      |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
-|      | `--full`          | Fully restore and replace all data on server                          |             |                       |
-| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `restore` command                                        |             |                       |
-|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
-|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-|      | `--new-bucket`    | Name of the bucket to restore to                                      | string      |                       |
-|      | `--new-org`       | Name of the organization to restore to                                | string      |                       |
-| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                | string      |                       |
-|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     | string      |                       |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |             |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string   |                       |
+| `-b` | `--bucket`        | Name of the bucket to restore (mutually exclusive with `--bucket-id`) |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--bucket-id`     | ID of the bucket to restore (mutually exclusive with `--bucket`)      |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+|      | `--full`          | Fully restore and replace all data on server                          |            |                       |
+| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `restore` command                                        |            |                       |
+|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
+|      | `--new-bucket`    | Name of the bucket to restore to                                      |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--new-org`       | Name of the organization to restore to                                |   string   |                       |
+| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/secret/delete.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/secret/delete.md
index 19dd6200f..a2fd79e70 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/secret/delete.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/secret/delete.md
@@ -18,18 +18,19 @@ influx secret delete [flags]
 ## Flags
 | Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------:|:------------------    |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string     |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string     |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
 | `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `delete` command                                         |            |                       |
 |      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string     | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string   |                       |
 |      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-| `-k` | `--key`           | ({{< req >}}) Secret key                                              | string     |                       |
-| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                | string     | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
-|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     | string     | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
+| `-k` | `--key`           | ({{< req >}}) Secret key                                              |   string   |                       |
+| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
+|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
 |      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string     | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/secret/list.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/secret/list.md
index 38ca3598a..549b7fcba 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/secret/list.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/secret/list.md
@@ -21,17 +21,18 @@ influx secret list [flags]
 ## Flags
 | Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------:|:------------------    |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string     |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string     |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
 | `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `list` command                                           |            |                       |
 |      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string     | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string   |                       |
 |      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                | string     | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
-|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     | string     | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
+| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
+|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
 |      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string     | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/secret/update.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/secret/update.md
index 12a7e709c..0dd38294a 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/secret/update.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/secret/update.md
@@ -27,19 +27,20 @@ influx secret update [flags]
 ## Flags
 | Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------:|:------------------    |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string     |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string     |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
 | `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `update` command                                         |            |                       |
 |      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string     | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string   |                       |
 |      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-| `-k` | `--key`           | ({{< req >}}) Secret key                                              | string     |                       |
-| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                | string     | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
-|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     | string     | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
+| `-k` | `--key`           | ({{< req >}}) Secret key                                              |   string   |                       |
+| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
+|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
 |      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string     | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
-| `-v` | `--value`         | ({{< req >}}) Secret value                                            | string     |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| `-v` | `--value`         | ({{< req >}}) Secret value                                            |   string   |                       |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/setup/_index.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/setup/_index.md
index 1c23e7247..e36520eea 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/setup/_index.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/setup/_index.md
@@ -29,20 +29,21 @@ influx setup [flags]
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Data type | {{< cli/mapped >}}   |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:---------:|:------------------   |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string    |                      |
-| `-b` | `--bucket`        | Primary bucket name                                                   | string    |                      |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string    |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
-| `-f` | `--force`         | Skip confirmation prompt                                              |           |                      |
-| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `setup` command                                          |           |                      |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string    | `INFLUX_HOST`        |
-| `-o` | `--org`           | Primary organization name                                             | string    |                      |
-| `-p` | `--password`      | Password for primary user                                             | string    |                      |
-| `-r` | `--retention`     | Duration bucket will retain data (0 is infinite, default is 0)        | duration  |                      |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |           |                      |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Token for admin user (auto-generated by default)                      | string    | `INFLUX_TOKEN`       |
-| `-u` | `--username`      | Primary username                                                      | string    |                      |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Data type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :-------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |  string   |                       |
+| `-b` | `--bucket`        | Primary bucket name                                                   |  string   |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |  string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-f` | `--force`         | Skip confirmation prompt                                              |           |                       |
+| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `setup` command                                          |           |                       |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |  string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |  string   |                       |
+| `-o` | `--org`           | Primary organization name                                             |  string   |                       |
+| `-p` | `--password`      | Password for primary user                                             |  string   |                       |
+| `-r` | `--retention`     | Duration bucket will retain data (0 is infinite, default is 0)        | duration  |                       |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |           |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Token for admin user (auto-generated by default)                      |  string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| `-u` | `--username`      | Primary username                                                      |  string   |                       |
 {{% note %}}
 Valid `--retention` units are nanoseconds (`ns`), microseconds (`us` or `µs`),
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/stacks/_index.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/stacks/_index.md
index 4beb76844..96fb84888 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/stacks/_index.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/stacks/_index.md
@@ -35,19 +35,20 @@ influx stacks [command]
 ## Flags
 | Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------: |:------------------    |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string      |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string      |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :---------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string    |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string    | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
 | `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `stacks` command                                         |             |                       |
 |      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string    | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string    |                       |
 |      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                | string      | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
-|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     | string      | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
+| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                |   string    | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
+|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     |   string    | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
 |      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |             |                       |
 |      | `--stack-id`      | Stack IDs to filter by                                                | stringArray |                       |
 |      | `--stack-name`    | Stack names to filter by                                              | stringArray |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string    | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/stacks/init.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/stacks/init.md
index 16c92ca1d..0ca24a7b0 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/stacks/init.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/stacks/init.md
@@ -19,21 +19,22 @@ influx stacks init [flags]
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                       | Description                                                           | Input type      | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---                   |:-----------                                                           |:----------:     |:------------------    |
-| `-c` | `--active-config`     | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string          |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`      | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string          |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
+| Flag |                       | Description                                                           |   Input type    | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :-------------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :-------------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config`     | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |     string      |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`      | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |     string      | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
 | `-h` | `--help`              | Help for the `init` command                                           |                 |                       |
 |      | `--hide-headers`      | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |                 | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`              | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string          | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--host`              | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |     string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`        | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |     string      |                       |
 |      | `--json`              | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |                 | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-| `-o` | `--org`               | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                | string          | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
-|      | `--org-id`            | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     | string          | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
+| `-o` | `--org`               | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                |     string      | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
+|      | `--org-id`            | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     |     string      | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
 |      | `--skip-verify`       | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |                 |                       |
-| `-d` | `--stack-description` | Stack description                                                     | string          |                       |
-| `-n` | `--stack-name`        | Stack name                                                            | string          |                       |
+| `-d` | `--stack-description` | Stack description                                                     |     string      |                       |
+| `-n` | `--stack-name`        | Stack name                                                            |     string      |                       |
 | `-u` | `--template-url`      | Template URLs to associate with a stack                               | list of strings |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`             | Authentication token                                                  | string          | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| `-t` | `--token`             | Authentication token                                                  |     string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/stacks/remove.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/stacks/remove.md
index 8658231a2..22ebd5b71 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/stacks/remove.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/stacks/remove.md
@@ -22,20 +22,21 @@ influx stacks remove [flags]
 `remove`, `rm`, `uninstall`
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type      | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------:     |:------------------    |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string          |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string          |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                           |   Input type    | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :-------------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |     string      |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |     string      | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
 |      | `--force`         | Skip confirmation prompt.                                             |                 |                       |
 | `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `remove` command                                         |                 |                       |
 |      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |                 | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string          | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |     string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |     string      |                       |
 |      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |                 | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                | string          | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
-|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     | string          | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
+| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                |     string      | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
+|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     |     string      | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
 |      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |                 |                       |
 |      | `--stack-id`      | Stack IDs to remove                                                   | list of strings |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string          | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |     string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/stacks/update.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/stacks/update.md
index 3e304c603..1442aa57d 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/stacks/update.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/stacks/update.md
@@ -17,22 +17,23 @@ influx stacks update [flags]
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                       | Description                                                           | Input type      | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---                   |:-----------                                                           |:----------:     |:------------------    |
-|      | `--addResource`       | Associate an existing resource with a stack                           | string          |                       |
-| `-c` | `--active-config`     | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string          |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`      | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string          |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
-| `-f` | `--export-file`       | Destination for exported template                                     | string          |                       |
+| Flag |                       | Description                                                           |   Input type    | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :-------------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :-------------: | :-------------------- |
+|      | `--addResource`       | Associate an existing resource with a stack                           |     string      |                       |
+| `-c` | `--active-config`     | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |     string      |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`      | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |     string      | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-f` | `--export-file`       | Destination for exported template                                     |     string      |                       |
 | `-h` | `--help`              | Help for the `update` command                                         |                 |                       |
 |      | `--hide-headers`      | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |                 | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`              | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string          | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
-| `-i` | `--stack-id`          | The stack ID to update                                                | string          |                       |
+|      | `--host`              | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |     string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`        | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |     string      |                       |
+| `-i` | `--stack-id`          | The stack ID to update                                                |     string      |                       |
 |      | `--json`              | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |                 | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
 |      | `--skip-verify`       | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |                 |                       |
-| `-d` | `--stack-description` | Stack description                                                     | string          |                       |
-| `-n` | `--stack-name`        | Stack name                                                            | string          |                       |
+| `-d` | `--stack-description` | Stack description                                                     |     string      |                       |
+| `-n` | `--stack-name`        | Stack name                                                            |     string      |                       |
 | `-u` | `--template-url`      | Template URLs to associate with a stack                               | list of strings |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`             | Authentication token                                                  | string          | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| `-t` | `--token`             | Authentication token                                                  |     string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 {{% warn %}}
 #### Export an updated template
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/create.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/create.md
index 664639762..7c77fd7a5 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/create.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/create.md
@@ -17,18 +17,19 @@ influx task create [task literal] [flags]
 ## Flags
 | Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------:|:--------------------- |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string     |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string     |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
-| `-f` | `--file`          | Path to Flux script file                                              | string     |                       |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-f` | `--file`          | Path to Flux script file                                              |   string   |                       |
 | `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `create` command                                         |            |                       |
 |      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string     | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string   |                       |
 |      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                | string     | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
-|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     | string     | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
+| `-o` | `--org`           | Organization name (mutually exclusive with `--org-id`)                |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
+|      | `--org-id`        | Organization ID (mutually exclusive with `--org`)                     |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
 |      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string     | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Example
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/delete.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/delete.md
index 00cff7a18..80f26c0c6 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/delete.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/delete.md
@@ -16,17 +16,18 @@ influx task delete [flags]
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------: |:------------------    |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string      |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string      |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
-| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `delete` command                                         |             |                       |
-|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
-| `-i` | `--id`            | ({{< req >}}) Task ID                                                 | string      |                       |
-|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |             |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `delete` command                                         |            |                       |
+|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string   |                       |
+| `-i` | `--id`            | ({{< req >}}) Task ID                                                 |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/list.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/list.md
index 750bcfb26..62a52f341 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/list.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/list.md
@@ -21,21 +21,22 @@ influx task list [flags]
 `list`, `ls`, `find`
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------: |:------------------    |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string      |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string      |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
-| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `list` command                                           |             |                       |
-|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
-| `-i` | `--id`            | Task ID                                                               | string      |                       |
-|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-|      | `--limit`         | Number of tasks to find (default `100`)                               | integer     |                       |
-| `-o` | `--org`           | Task organization name                                                | string      | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
-|      | `--org-id`        | Task organization ID                                                  | string      | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |             |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
-| `-n` | `--user-id`       | Task owner ID                                                         | string      |                       |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `list` command                                           |            |                       |
+|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string   |                       |
+| `-i` | `--id`            | Task ID                                                               |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
+|      | `--limit`         | Number of tasks to find (default `100`)                               |  integer   |                       |
+| `-o` | `--org`           | Task organization name                                                |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
+|      | `--org-id`        | Task organization ID                                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| `-n` | `--user-id`       | Task owner ID                                                         |   string   |                       |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/log/list.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/log/list.md
index 9e7e7e4d5..be09bd453 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/log/list.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/log/list.md
@@ -21,18 +21,19 @@ influx task log list [flags]
 `list`, `ls`, `find`
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------: |:------------------    |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string      |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string      |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
-| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `list` command                                           |             |                       |
-|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
-|      | `--run-id`        | Run ID                                                                | string      |                       |
-|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |             |                       |
-|      | `--task-id`       | ({{< req >}}) Task ID                                                 | string      |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `list` command                                           |            |                       |
+|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--run-id`        | Run ID                                                                |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                       |
+|      | `--task-id`       | ({{< req >}}) Task ID                                                 |   string   |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/retry-failed.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/retry-failed.md
index 7c1a7da1f..394455f0f 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/retry-failed.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/retry-failed.md
@@ -15,24 +15,25 @@ influx task retry-failed [flags]
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                               | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                               |:----------: |:------------------    |
-|      | `--after`         | Retry task runs that occurred after this time (RFC3339 timestamp)         | string      |                       |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                      | string      |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`)     | string      |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
-|      | `--before`        | Retry task runs that occurred before this time (RFC3339 timestamp)        | string      |                       |
-|      | `--dry-run`       | Print information about task runs that would be retried                        |             |                       |
-| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `list` command                                               |             |                       |
-|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                      |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)                | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
-| `-i` | `--id`            | Task ID                                                                   | string      |                       |
-|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                     |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-| `-o` | `--org`           | Task organization name                                                    | string      | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
-|      | `--org-id`        | Task organization ID                                                      | string      | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
-|      | `--run-limit`     | Maximum number of failed runs to retry per task (`1-500`, default `100`)  | integer     |                       |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                         |             |                       |
-|      | `--task-limit`    | Maximum number of tasks to retry failed runs for (`1-500`, default `100`) | integer     |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                      | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                               | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------ | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+|      | `--after`         | Retry task runs that occurred after this time (RFC3339 timestamp)         |   string   |                       |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                      |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`)     |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+|      | `--before`        | Retry task runs that occurred before this time (RFC3339 timestamp)        |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--dry-run`       | Print information about task runs that would be retried                   |            |                       |
+| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `list` command                                               |            |                       |
+|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                      |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)                |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                              |   string   |                       |
+| `-i` | `--id`            | Task ID                                                                   |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                     |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
+| `-o` | `--org`           | Task organization name                                                    |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG`          |
+|      | `--org-id`        | Task organization ID                                                      |   string   | `INFLUX_ORG_ID`       |
+|      | `--run-limit`     | Maximum number of failed runs to retry per task (`1-500`, default `100`)  |  integer   |                       |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                         |            |                       |
+|      | `--task-limit`    | Maximum number of tasks to retry failed runs for (`1-500`, default `100`) |  integer   |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                      |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/run/list.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/run/list.md
index 11a2c4b34..22a937866 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/run/list.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/run/list.md
@@ -21,21 +21,22 @@ influx task run list [flags]
 `list`, `ls`, `find`
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------: |:------------------    |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string      |                       |
-|      | `--after`         | After-time for filtering                                              | string      |                       |
-|      | `--before`        | Before-time for filtering                                             | string      |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string      |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
-| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `list` command                                           |             |                       |
-|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
-|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-|      | `--limit`         | Limit the number of results                                           | integer     |                       |
-|      | `--run-id`        | Run ID                                                                | string      |                       |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |             |                       |
-|      | `--task-id`       | ({{< req >}}) Task ID                                                 | string      |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--after`         | After-time for filtering                                              |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--before`        | Before-time for filtering                                             |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `list` command                                           |            |                       |
+|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
+|      | `--limit`         | Limit the number of results                                           |  integer   |                       |
+|      | `--run-id`        | Run ID                                                                |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                       |
+|      | `--task-id`       | ({{< req >}}) Task ID                                                 |   string   |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/run/retry.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/run/retry.md
index b8b25d250..f4fc72e59 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/run/retry.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/run/retry.md
@@ -16,16 +16,17 @@ influx task run retry [flags]
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}   |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------: |:------------------   |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string      |                      |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string      |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
-| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `retry` command                                          |             |                      |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`        |
-| `-r` | `--run-id`        | ({{< req >}}) Run ID                                                  | string      |                      |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |             |                      |
-| `-i` | `--task-id`       | ({{< req >}}) Task ID                                                 | string      |                      |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`       |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `retry` command                                          |            |                       |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string   |                       |
+| `-r` | `--run-id`        | ({{< req >}}) Run ID                                                  |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                       |
+| `-i` | `--task-id`       | ({{< req >}}) Task ID                                                 |   string   |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Examples
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/update.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/update.md
index 3d941bf19..1323bbc03 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/update.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/task/update.md
@@ -16,19 +16,20 @@ influx task update [task literal] [flags]
 ## Flags
-| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type  | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
-|:---- |:---               |:-----------                                                           |:----------: |:------------------    |
-| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  | string      |                       |
-|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) | string      |`INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH`  |
-| `-f` | `--file`          | Path to Flux script file                                              | string      |                       |
-| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `update` command                                         |             |                       |
-|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |             | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
-|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
-| `-i` | `--id`            | ({{< req >}}) Task ID                                                 | string      |                       |
-|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |             | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |             |                       |
-|      | `--status`        | Update task status (`active` or `inactive`)                           | string      |                       |
-| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
+| Flag |                   | Description                                                           | Input type | {{< cli/mapped >}}    |
+| :--- | :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------------- |
+| `-c` | `--active-config` | CLI configuration to use for command                                  |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--configs-path`  | Path to `influx` CLI configurations (default `~/.influxdbv2/configs`) |   string   | `INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATH` |
+| `-f` | `--file`          | Path to Flux script file                                              |   string   |                       |
+| `-h` | `--help`          | Help for the `update` command                                         |            |                       |
+|      | `--hide-headers`  | Hide table headers (default `false`)                                  |            | `INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERS` |
+|      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            |   string   | `INFLUX_HOST`         |
+|      | `--http-debug`    | Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers.                          |   string   |                       |
+| `-i` | `--id`            | ({{< req >}}) Task ID                                                 |   string   |                       |
+|      | `--json`          | Output data as JSON (default `false`)                                 |            | `INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSON`  |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |            |                       |
+|      | `--status`        | Update task status (`active` or `inactive`)                           |   string   |                       |
+| `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  |   string   | `INFLUX_TOKEN`        |
 ## Example
diff --git a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/user/password.md b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/user/password.md
index 84c8df6f3..eba2d0136 100644
--- a/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/user/password.md
+++ b/content/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/user/password.md
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ influx user password [flags]
 |      | `--host`          | HTTP address of InfluxDB (default `http://localhost:8086`)            | string      | `INFLUX_HOST`        |
 | `-i` | `--id`            | User ID                                                               | string      |                      |
 | `-n` | `--name`          | Username                                                              | string      |                      |
-|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |             |                      |
+|      | `--password`      | Use `password` flag to send your password instead of typing it in     | string      |                      |
+|      | `--skip-verify`   | Skip TLS certificate verification                                     |             | `INFLUX_SKIP_VERIFY` |
 | `-t` | `--token`         | Authentication token                                                  | string      | `INFLUX_TOKEN`       |
 ## Examples
@@ -44,4 +45,4 @@ influx user password --name example-username
 influx user password --id 0Xx0oox00XXoxxoo1
 # Prompts for password
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/products.yml b/data/products.yml
index 8d6c5e2bc..9eff6d9dd 100644
--- a/data/products.yml
+++ b/data/products.yml
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ influxdb:
     "1.5": 5
     "1.4": 3
     "1.3": 9
+  latest_cli:
+    "2.0": 2.1.0
   name: InfluxDB Cloud
diff --git a/layouts/shortcodes/latest-cli.html b/layouts/shortcodes/latest-cli.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9eb55c48f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layouts/shortcodes/latest-cli.html
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+{{- $scratch := newScratch -}}
+{{- $productPathData := findRE "[^/]+.*?" .Page.RelPermalink -}}
+{{- $parsedVersion := replaceRE "v" "" (index $productPathData 1) -}}
+{{- $versionArg := .Get "version" | default "" -}}
+{{- $latestVersion := replaceRE "v" "" (index .Site.Data.products.influxdb "latest") -}}
+{{- $version := cond (gt (len $versionArg) 0) $versionArg $parsedVersion -}}
+{{- $cliVersions := index .Site.Data.products.influxdb "latest_cli" -}}
+{{- if eq $version "cloud" -}}
+  {{- $scratch.Set "cliVersion" (index $cliVersions $latestVersion) -}}
+{{- else -}}
+  {{- $scratch.Set "cliVersion" (index $cliVersions $version) -}}
+{{- end -}}
+{{- $scratch.Get "cliVersion" -}}
\ No newline at end of file