hotfix: added random sql function to math functions doc

Scott Anderson 2023-03-02 18:59:32 -07:00
parent 0fa5c0fcee
commit 6914ffe336
1 changed files with 33 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ performing mathematic operations:
- [log10](#log10)
- [log2](#log2)
- [power](#power)
- [random](#random)
- [round](#round)
- [signum](#signum)
- [sin](#sin)
@ -438,6 +439,38 @@ SELECT power(temp, hum * .1) AS power FROM home LIMIT 3
{{% /expand %}}
{{< /expand-wrapper >}}
## random
Returns a random float value.
The random seed is unique to each row.
{{< expand-wrapper >}}
{{% expand "View `random` query example" %}}
_The following example uses the sample data set provided in
[Get started with InfluxDB tutorial](/influxdb/cloud-iox/get-started/write/#construct-line-protocol)._
SELECT temp * random() AS random FROM home LIMIT 3
{{% note %}}
Due to the nature of the function, your results will not match the results below.
{{% /note %}}
| random |
| -----------------: |
| 0.5030770374815072 |
| 12.938847036567514 |
| 2.8204596545385385 |
{{% /expand %}}
{{< /expand-wrapper >}}
## round
Rounds a number to the nearest integer.