Updated tasks doc
@ -7,11 +7,36 @@ menu:
weight: 1
**To filter the list of tasks**:
* Enable the **Show Inactive** option to include inactive tasks on the list.
* Enter text in the **Filter tasks by name** field to search for tasks by name.
* Select an organization from the **All Organizations** dropdown to filter the list by organization.
* Click on the heading of any column to sort by that field.
**To import a task**:
1. Click the Tasks (calendar) icon in the left navigation menu.
2. Click **Import** in the upper right.
3. Drag and drop or select a file to upload.
4. !!!
**To create a task**:
1. Click **+ Create Task**.
2. In the left sidebar panel, enter the following details:
* **Name**: The name of your task.
* **Owner**: Select an organization from the drop-down menu.
* **Schedule Task**: Select **Interval** for !!!! or **Cron** to !!!. Also enter value below (interval window or Cron thing).
* **Offset**: Enter an offset time !!!
* **Retry Attempts**: The number of times the task should retry !!!
3. In the right panel, enter your task script.
4. Click **Save**.
* User can see all tasks they have access to
* User can filter list by task name, owner, or date modified
* User can delete tasks with confirmation
* Click name of task to edit
## Task (/organizations/taskname/taskID)
* Only show Flux script in Text Editor
Reference in New Issue