added flux 0.60.0 to flux release notes
@ -16,6 +16,34 @@ Though newer versions of Flux may be available, they will not be included with
InfluxDB until the next InfluxDB v2.0 release._
{{% /note %}}
## v0.60.0 [2020-02-19]
### Features
- Add experimental `query` package.
- Create a Docker environment for Flux releases.
- Validate there are no free type variables in prelude/stdlib build.
- Add formatter library.
### Bug fixes
- `derivative()` works properly across multiple buffers.
- Fix free type variable found in `tripleExponentialDerivative()`.
- Update type of `window()` function.
- Freshen row types using deterministic property order.
- Libflux JSON deserialization uses type properly.
- Expose the builtin polytypes when analyzing a `stdlib` package.
- Deserialize call expressions when arguments are missing.
- Handled malformed data as well as EOF.
- Allow unsigned integers to be subtractable.
- Link both `libflux` and `liblibstd` for flux-config.
- Link `libstd` into the `lib` directory instead of `libflux`.
- Flux-config correctly copies `stdlib` when using a module.
- Add 169.254/16 range to URL validator.
- Update `uuid` library to improve security.
- Handle invalid string literals.
- Remove 'tags' line from local tags.
## v0.59.6 [2020-02-13]
### Bug fixes
Reference in New Issue