* Export data from a shard to [InfluxDB line protocol](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/concepts/glossary/#influxdb-line-protocol) that can be inserted back into the database.
**Does not rebuild the index.** Compacts the existing series file, including offline series. Iterates series in each segment and rewrites non-tombstoned series in the index to a new .tmp file next to the segment. Once all segments are converted, the temporary files overwrite the original segments.
##### `[ -concurrency ]`
The number of workers to dedicate to shard index building.
Dumps low-level details about [TSM](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/concepts/glossary/#tsm-time-structured-merge-tree) files, including TSM (`.tsm`) files and WAL (`.wal`) files.
Path to the `.tsm` file, located by default in the `data` directory.
#### Options
Optional arguments are in brackets.
##### [ `-index` ]
Flag to dump raw index data.
Default value is `false`.
##### [ `-blocks` ]
Flag to dump raw block data.
Default value is `false`.
##### [ `-all` ]
Flag to dump all data. Caution: This may print a lot of information.
Default value is `false`.
##### [ `-filter-key <key_name>` ]
Display only index data and block data that match this key substring.
Default value is `""`.
### `dumptsmwal`
Dumps all entries from one or more WAL (`.wal`) files only and excludes TSM (`.tsm`) files.
#### Syntax
influx_inspect dumptsmwal [ options ] <wal_dir>
#### Options
Optional arguments are in brackets.
##### [ `-show-duplicates` ]
Flag to show keys which have duplicate or out-of-order timestamps.
If a user writes points with timestamps set by the client, then multiple points with the same timestamp (or with time-descending timestamps) can be written.
### `export`
Exports all TSM files in InfluxDB line protocol data format.
The flag to compress the output using gzip compression.
Default value is `false`.
##### [ `-database <db_name>` ]
The name of the database to export.
Default value is `""`.
##### `-datadir <data_dir>`
The path to the `data` directory.
Default value is `"$HOME/.influxdb/data"`.
##### [ `-end <timestamp>` ]
The timestamp for the end of the time range. Must be in [RFC3339 format](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339).
RFC3339 requires very specific formatting. For example, to indicate no time zone offset (UTC+0), you must include Z or +00:00 after seconds. Examples of valid RFC3339 formats include:
**No offset**
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.nnnnnnZ (fractional seconds (.nnnnnn) are optional)
**With offset**
> **Note:** With offsets, avoid replacing the + or - sign with a Z. It may cause an error or print Z (ISO 8601 behavior) instead of the time zone offset.
##### [ `-lponly` ]
Output data in line protocol format only.
Does not include comments or data definition language (DDL), like `CREATE DATABASE`.
Use the `report-disk` command to review TSM file disk usage per shard and measurement in a specified directory. Useful for capacity planning and identifying which measurement or shard is using the most disk space. The default directory path `~/.influxdb/data/`.
Calculates the total disk size by database (`db`), retention policy (`rp`), shard (`shard`), tsm file (`tsm_file`), and measurement (`measurement`).
Limits the results to the top specified number within each shard.
#### Performance
The `reporttsi` command uses simple slice/maps to store low cardinality measurements, which saves on the cost of initializing bitmaps.
For high cardinality measurements the tool uses [roaring bitmaps](https://roaringbitmap.org/), which means we don't need to store all series IDs on the heap while running the tool.
Conversion from low-cardinality to high-cardinality representations is done automatically while the tool runs.
### `verify`
Verifies the integrity of TSM files.
#### Syntax
influx_inspect verify [ options ]
#### Options
Optional arguments are in brackets.
##### `-dir <storage_root>`
The path to the storage root directory.
Default value is `"/root/.influxdb"`.
### `verify-seriesfile`
Verifies the integrity of series files.
#### Syntax
influx_inspect verify-seriesfile [ options ]
#### Options
Optional arguments are in brackets.
##### [ `-c <number>` ]
Specifies the number of concurrent workers to run for this command. Default is equal to the value of GOMAXPROCS. If performance is adversely impacted, you can set a lower value.
##### [ `-dir <path>` ]
Specifies the root data path. Defaults to `~/.influxdb/data`.
##### [ `-db <db_name>` ]
Restricts verifying series files to the specified database in the data directory.
##### [ `-series-file <path>` ]
Path to a specific series file; overrides `-db` and `-dir`.
##### [ `-v` ]
Enables verbose logging.
### `verify-tombstone`
Verifies the integrity of tombstones.
#### Syntax
influx_inspect verify-tombstone [ options ]
Finds and verifies all tombstones under the specified directory path (by default, `~/.influxdb/data`). Files are verified serially.
#### Options
Optional arguments are in brackets.
##### [ `-dir <path>` ]
Specifies the root data path. Defaults to `~/.influxdb/data`. This path can be arbitrary, for example, it doesn't need to be an InfluxDB data directory.
##### [ `-v` ]
Enables verbose logging. Confirms a file is being verified and displays progress every 5 million tombstone entries.
##### [ `-vv` ]
Enables very verbose logging. Displays progress for every series key and time range in the tombstone files. Timestamps are displayed in nanoseconds since the Epoch (`1970-01-01T00:00:00Z`).
##### [ `-vvv` ]
Enables very very verbose logging. Displays progress for every series key and time range in the tombstone files. Timestamps are displayed in [RFC3339 format](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339) with nanosecond precision.
As such, it always creates the [retention policy](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/concepts/glossary/#retention-policy-rp) with infinite duration and replication factor of 1. End users may want to change this prior to reimporting if they are importing to a cluster or want a different duration