| [Measurement](/influxdb/v1.5/concepts/glossary/#measurement) | Required | The measurement name. InfluxDB accepts one measurement per point. | String
| [Tag set](/influxdb/v1.5/concepts/glossary/#tag-set) | Optional | All tag key-value pairs for the point. | [Tag keys](/influxdb/v1.5/concepts/glossary/#tag-key) and [tag values](/influxdb/v1.5/concepts/glossary/#tag-value) are both strings.
| [Field set](/influxdb/v1.5/concepts/glossary/#field-set) | Required. Points must have at least one field. | All field key-value pairs for the point. | [Field keys](/influxdb/v1.5/concepts/glossary/#field-key) are strings. [Field values](/influxdb/v1.5/concepts/glossary/#field-value) can be floats, integers, strings, or Booleans.
| [Timestamp](/influxdb/v1.5/concepts/glossary/#timestamp) | Optional. InfluxDB uses the server's local nanosecond timestamp in UTC if the timestamp is not included with the point. | The timestamp for the data point. InfluxDB accepts one timestamp per point. | Unix nanosecond timestamp. Specify alternative precisions with the [HTTP API](/influxdb/v1.5/tools/api/#write).
> #### Performance and Setup Tips:
* Sort tags by key before sending them to the database.
| Float | Field values | IEEE-754 64-bit floating-point numbers. This is the default numerical type. Examples: `1`, `1.0`, `1.e+78`, `1.E+78`. |
| Integer | Field values | Signed 64-bit integers (-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807). Specify an integer with a trailing `i` on the number. Example: `1i`. |
| String | Measurements, tag keys, tag values, field keys, field values | Length limit 64KB. |
| Timestamp | Timestamps | Unix nanosecond timestamp. Specify alternative precisions with the [HTTP API](/influxdb/v1.5/tools/api/#write). The minimum valid timestamp is `-9223372036854775806` or `1677-09-21T00:12:43.145224194Z`. The maximum valid timestamp is `9223372036854775806` or `2262-04-11T23:47:16.854775806Z`. |
#### Boolean syntax for writes vs. queries
Acceptable Boolean syntax differs for data writes and data queries.
## Quoting, Special Characters, and Additional Naming Guidelines
### Quoting
| Element | Double quotes | Single quotes |
| :------ | :------------ |:------------- |
| Timestamp | Never | Never |
| Measurements, tag keys, tag values, field keys | Never* | Never* |
| Field values | Double quote string field values. Do not double quote floats, integers, or Booleans. | Never |
\* Line Protocol allows users to double and single quote measurement names, tag
keys, tag values, and field keys.
It will, however, assume that the double or single quotes are part of the name,
key, or value.
This can complicate query syntax (see the example below).
#### Examples
##### Example 1: Invalid Line Protocol - Double quote the timestamp
> INSERT mymeas value=9 "1466625759000000000"
ERR: {"error":"unable to parse 'mymeas value=9 \"1466625759000000000\"': bad timestamp"}
Double quoting (or single quoting) the timestamp yields a `bad timestamp`
##### Example 2: Semantic error - Double quote a Boolean field value
> INSERT mymeas value="true"
name: mymeas
fieldKey fieldType
value string
InfluxDB assumes that all double quoted field values are strings.
##### Example 3: Semantic error - Double quote a measurement name
> INSERT "mymeas" value=200
name: measurements
> SELECT * FROM mymeas
> SELECT * FROM "mymeas"
> SELECT * FROM "\"mymeas\""
name: "mymeas"
time value
2016-06-14T20:36:21.836131014Z 200
If you double quote a measurement in Line Protocol, any queries on that
measurement require both double quotes and escaped (`\`) double quotes in the
`FROM` clause.
### Special Characters
For tag keys, tag values, and field keys always use a backslash character `\`
to escape:
* commas `,`
* equal signs `=`
* spaces ` `
For measurements always use a backslash character `\` to escape:
* commas `,`
* spaces ` `
For string field values use a backslash character `\` to escape:
* double quotes `"`
Line Protocol does not require users to escape the backslash character `\`.
Users do not need to escape all other special characters.
#### Examples
##### Example 1: Write a point with special characters
> INSERT "measurement\ with\ quo⚡️es\ and\ emoji",tag\ key\ with\ sp🚀ces=tag\,value\,with"commas" field_k\ey="string field value, only \" need be esc🍭ped"
The system writes a point where the measurement is `"measurement with quo⚡️es and emoji"`, the tag key is `tag key with sp🚀ces`, the
tag value is `tag,value,with"commas"`, the field key is `field_k\ey` and the field value is `string field value, only " need be esc🍭ped`.
### Additional Naming Guidelines
`#` at the beginning of the line is a valid comment character for Line Protocol.
InfluxDB will ignore all subsequent characters until the next newline `\n`.
Measurement names, tag keys, tag values, field keys, and field values are