in your [InfluxDB Enterprise data node configuration file](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/administration/configure/config-data-nodes/).
{{% /note %}}
### Bug Fixes
- Prevent the retention service from creating orphaned shard files.
- Fix LDAP authentication and authorization issues.
### Other
- Upgrade Flux to v0.194.5.
## v1.11.4 {date="2023-12-14"}
{{% note %}}
#### Series file compaction
With InfluxDB Enterprise v1.11.4+, InfluxDB can be configured to optionally
[compact series files](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/tools/influx_inspect/#--compact-series-file-)
before data nodes are started.
Series files are stored in `_series` directories inside the
[InfluxDB data directory](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/concepts/file-system-layout/#data-node-file-system-layout).
Default: `/var/lib/data/<db-name>/_series`.
To compact series files on startup, set the [`compact-series-file` configuration option](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/administration/configure/config-data-nodes/#compact-series-file)
to `true` in your [InfluxDB Enterprise data node configuration file](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/administration/configure/config-data-nodes/).
- If any series files are corrupt, the `influx_inspect` or `influxd` processes on
the data node may fail to start. In both cases, delete the series file
directories before restarting the database. InfluxDB automatically
regenerates the necessary series directories and files when restarting.
- To check if series files are corrupt before starting the database, run the
`influxd_inspect -compact-series-file` command to [compact series files](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/tools/influx_inspect/#--compact-series-file-) before data nodes are started.
Series files are stored in `_series` directories inside the
[InfluxDB data directory](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/concepts/file-system-layout/#data-node-file-system-layout). Default: `/var/lib/data/<db-name>/_series`
- Add [/api/v2/buckets](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/tools/api/#apiv2buckets-http-endpoint) support for create, delete, list, retrieve, and update operations.
- Add `--start` and `--end` [backup options](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/administration/backup-and-restore/#backup-options) to specify the time to include in backup.
- Expose passive node feature to influxd-ctl and the API.
- Throttle inter-node data replication, both incoming writes and hinted hand-off, when errors are encountered.
- Add new `hh_node` measurement to the `/debug/vars` monitoring telemetry. This tracks more accurately with the `max-size` configuration setting for hinted handoff in data nodes.
- Enhancements to the following functions: [increase()](/flux/v0/stdlib/universe/increase/), [sort()](/flux/v0/stdlib/universe/sort/), [derivative()](/flux/v0/stdlib/universe/derivative/), [union()](/flux/v0/stdlib/universe/union/), [timeShift()](/flux/v0/stdlib/universe/timeshift/), vectorization to applicable functions such as [map()](/flux/v0/stdlib/universe/map/).
- Add TCP connection pooling to [mqtt.publish()](/flux/v0/stdlib/experimental/mqtt/publish/) function when called in a map() function.
An edge case regression was introduced into this version that may cause a constant build-up of hinted handoff if writes are rejected due to malformed requests. If you experience write errors and hinted hand-off growth, we recommend upgrading to 1.9.8 or the latest release.
- Enhancements to the following functions: [increase()](/flux/v0/stdlib/universe/increase/), [sort()](/flux/v0/stdlib/universe/sort/), [derivative()](/flux/v0/stdlib/universe/derivative/), [union()](/flux/v0/stdlib/universe/union/), [timeShift()](/flux/v0/stdlib/universe/timeshift/), vectorization to applicable functions such as [map()](/flux/v0/stdlib/universe/map/).
- Add TCP connection pooling to [mqtt.publish()](/flux/v0/stdlib/experimental/mqtt/publish/) function when called in a map() function.
{{% note %}} InfluxDB Enterprise offerings are no longer available on AWS, Azure, and GCP marketplaces. Please [contact Sales]( to request an license key to [install InfluxDB Enterprise in your own environment](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/introduction/installation/).
- **Revert damaged meta nodes to a previous state**: Add the `-meta-only-overwrite-force` option to [`influxd-ctl restore`](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/tools/influxd-ctl/restore/) to revert damaged meta nodes in an existing cluster to a previous state when restoring an InfluxDB Enterprise database.
- **Estimate the size of a backup** (full or incremental) and provide progress messages. Add `-estimate` option to [`influxd-ctl backup`](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/tools/influxd-ctl/backup/) to estimate the size of a backup (full or incremental) and provide progress messages. Prints the number of files to back up, the percentage of bytes transferred for each file (organized by shard), and the estimated time remaining to complete the backup.
- **Log active queries when a process is terminated**: Add the [`termination-query-log`](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/administration/configure/config-data-nodes/#termination-query-log--false) configuration option. When set to `true` all running queries are printed to the log when a data node process receives a `SIGTERM` (for example, a Kubernetes process exceeds the container memory limit or the process is terminated).
- **Log details of HTTP calls to meta nodes**. When [`cluster-tracing`](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/administration/configure/config-meta-nodes/#cluster-tracing--false) is enabled, all API calls to meta nodes are now logged with details providing an audit trail including IP address of caller, specific API being invoked, action being invoked, and more.
- Adjust shard start and end times to avoid overlaps in existing shards. This resolves issues with existing shards (truncated or not) that have a different shard duration than the current default.
#### Errors
- Fix panic when running `influxd config`.
- Ensure `influxd-ctl entropy` commands use the correct TLS settings.
- Allow specification and filtering of [`SHOW TAG VALUES`](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/query_language/explore-schema/#show-tag-values) by retention policy.
- Add `memUsage` metrics to [`/debug/vars`](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/tools/api/#debugvars-http-endpoint) endpoint
Add [license expiration date](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/features/clustering-features/#entitlements) to `debug/vars` metrics.
- Add improved [ingress metrics](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/administration/configure/config-data-nodes/#ingress-metric-by-measurement-enabled) to track points written by measurement and by login.
- **Enhanced Anti-Entropy (AE) logging**: When the [debug logging level](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/administration/config-data-nodes/#logging-settings) is set (`level="debug"`) in the data node configuration, the Anti-Entropy service reports reasons a shard is not idle, including:
- **Enhanced `copy-shard` logging**. Add information to log messages in `copy-shard` functions and additional error tests.
### Bug fixes
- Use the proper TLS configuration when a meta node makes an remote procedure call (RPC) to a data node. Addresses RPC call issues using the following influxd-ctl commands: `copy-shard``copy-shard-status``kill-copy-shard``remove-shard`
- Previously, the Anti-Entropy service would loop trying to copy an empty shard to a data node missing that shard. Now, an empty shard is successfully created on a new node.
- Check for previously ignored errors in `DiffIterator.Next()`. Update to check before possible function exit and ensure handles are closed on error in digest diffs.
- Allow out-of-order writes. This change adds a configuration option `allow-out-of-order-writes` to the `[cluster]` section of the data node configuration file. This setting defaults to `false` to match the existing behavior. There are some important operational considerations to review before turning this on. But, the result is enabling this option reduces the time required to drain the hinted handoff queue and increase throughput during recovery. See [`allow-out-of-order-writes`](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/administration/config-data-nodes#allow-out-of-order-writes--false) for more detail.
- Make the number of pending writes configurable. This change adds a configuration option in the `[hinted-handoff]` section called `max-pending-writes`, which defaults to `1024`. See [max-pending-writes](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/administration/config-data-nodes#max-pending-writes-1024) for more detail.
- Update the hinted handoff queue to ensure various entries to segment files occur atomically. Prior to this change, entries were written to disk in three separate writes (len, data, offset). If the process stopped in the middle of any of those writes, the hinted handoff segment file was left in an invalid state.
- In certain scenarios, the hinted-handoff queue would fail to drain. Upon node startup, the queue segment files are now verified and truncated if any are corrupted. Some additional logging has been added when a node starts writing to the hinted handoff queue as well.
- Add a verbose flag to [`influxd-ctl show-shards`](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/administration/cluster-commands/#show-shards). This option provides more information about each shard owner, including the state (hot/cold), last modified date and time, and size on disk.
- Resolve a cluster read service issue that caused a panic. Previously, if no tags keys or values were read, the cluster read service returned a nil cursor. Now, an empty cursor is returned.
- LDAP configuration: `GroupSearchBaseDNs`, `SearchFilter`, `GroupMembershipSearchFilter`, and `GroupSearchFilter` values in the LDAP section of the configuration file are now all escaped.
- Eliminate orphaned, temporary directories when an error occurs during `processCreateShardSnapshotRequest()` and provide useful log information regarding the reason a temporary directory is created.
- Add option to back up **meta data only** (users, roles, databases, continuous queries, and retention policies) using the new `-strategy` flag and `only meta` option: `influx ctl backup -strategy only meta </your-backup-directory>`.
> **Note:** To restore a meta data backup, use the `restore -full` command and specify your backup manifest: `influxd-ctl restore -full </backup-directory/backup.manifest>`.
For more information, see [Perform a metastore only backup](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/administration/backup-and-restore/#perform-a-metastore-only-backup).
The InfluxDB Enterprise 1.7.7 release builds on the InfluxDB OSS 1.7.7 release. For details on changes incorporated from the InfluxDB OSS release, see [InfluxDB OSS release notes](/influxdb/v1/about_the_project/release-notes/).
- The Flux Technical Preview was not advanced and remains at version 0.24.0. Next month's maintenance release will update the preview.
- After upgrading, customers have experienced an excessively large output additional lines due to a `Println` statement introduced in this release. For a possible workaround, see Next month's maintenance release will address this issue.
### Features
- Adds TLS to RPC calls. If verifying certificates, uses the TLS setting in the configuration passed in with -config.
### Bug fixes
- Ensure retry-rate-limit configuration value is used for hinted handoff.
This InfluxDB Enterprise release builds on the InfluxDB OSS 1.7.6 release. For details on changes incorporated from the InfluxDB OSS release, see [InfluxDB OSS release notes](/influxdb/v1/about_the_project/release-notes/).
- Reverts v1.7.5 InfluxQL regressions that removed parentheses and resulted in operator precedence causing changing results in complex queries and regular expressions.
This InfluxDB Enterprise release builds on the InfluxDB OSS 1.7.5 release. For details on changes incorporated from the InfluxDB OSS release, see [InfluxDB OSS release notes](/influxdb/v1/about_the_project/release-notes/).
This InfluxDB Enterprise release builds on the InfluxDB OSS 1.7.4 release. For details on changes incorporated from the InfluxDB OSS release, see [InfluxDB OSS release notes](/influxdb/v1/about_the_project/release-notes/).
This InfluxDB Enterprise release builds on the InfluxDB OSS 1.7.3 release. For details on changes incorporated from the InfluxDB OSS release, see the [InfluxDB OSS release notes](/influxdb/v1/about_the_project/release-notes/).
If you have not installed this release, then install the 1.7.4 release.
**If you are currently running this release, then upgrade to the 1.7.4 release as soon as possible.**
- A critical defect in the InfluxDB 1.7.3 release was discovered and our engineering team fixed the issue in the 1.7.4 release. Out of high concern for your data and projects, upgrade to the 1.7.4 release as soon as possible.
- **Critical defect:** Shards larger than 16GB are at high risk for data loss during full compaction. The full compaction process runs when a shard go "cold" – no new data is being written into the database during the time range specified by the shard.
- **Post-mortem analysis:** InfluxData engineering is performing a post-mortem analysis to determine how this defect was introduced. Their discoveries will be shared in a blog post.
- A small percentage of customers experienced data node crashes with segmentation violation errors. We fixed this issue in 1.7.4.
### Breaking changes
- Fix invalid UTF-8 bytes preventing shard opening. Treat fields and measurements as raw bytes.
### Features
#### Anti-entropy service disabled by default
Prior to v.1.7.3, the anti-entropy (AE) service was enabled by default. When shards create large digests with lots of time ranges (10s of thousands), some customers experienced significant performance issues, including CPU usage spikes. If your shards include a small number of time ranges (most have 1 to 10, some have up to several hundreds) and you can benefit from the AE service, then you can enable AE and watch to see if performance is significantly impacted.
- Add user authentication and authorization support for Flux HTTP requests.
- Add support for optionally logging Flux queries.
- Add support for LDAP StartTLS.
- Flux 0.7 support.
- Implement TLS between data nodes.
- Update to Flux 0.7.1.
- Add optional TLS support to meta node Raft port.
This release builds off of the InfluxDB OSS 1.6.0 through 1.6.5 releases. For details about changes incorporated from InfluxDB OSS releases, see [InfluxDB OSS release notes](/influxdb/v1/about_the_project/release-notes/).
This release builds off of the InfluxDB OSS 1.6.0 through 1.6.4 releases. For details about changes incorporated from InfluxDB OSS releases, see the [InfluxDB OSS release notes](/influxdb/v1/about_the_project/release-notes/).
#### Require `internal-shared-secret` if meta auth enabled
If `[meta] auth-enabled` is set to `true`, the `[meta] internal-shared-secret` value must be set in the configuration.
If it is not set, an error will be logged and `influxd-meta` will not start.
* Previously, authentication could be enabled without setting an `internal-shared-secret`. The security risk was that an unset (empty) value could be used for the `internal-shared-secret`, seriously weakening the JWT authentication used for internode communication.
#### Review production installation configurations
documentation has been updated to fix errors in configuration settings, including changing `shared-secret` to `internal-shared-secret` and adding missing steps for configuration settings of data nodes and meta nodes. All Enterprise users should review their current configurations to ensure that the configuration settings properly enable JWT authentication for internode communication.
The following summarizes the expected settings for proper configuration of JWT authentication for internode communication:
##### Data node configuration files (`influxdb.conf`)
**[http] section**
*`auth-enabled = true`
- Enables authentication. Default value is false.
**[meta] section**
-`meta-auth-enabled = true`
- Must match for meta nodes' `[meta] auth-enabled` settings.
- Must be the same pass phrase on all meta nodes' `[meta] internal-shared-secret` settings.
- Used by the internal API for JWT authentication. Default value is `""`.
- A long pass phrase is recommended for stronger security.
##### Meta node configuration files (`meta-influxdb.conf`)
**[meta]** section
-`auth-enabled = true`
- Enables authentication. Default value is `false` .
-`internal-shared-secret = "<long-pass-phrase>"`
- Must same pass phrase on all data nodes' `[meta] meta-internal-shared-secret`
- Used by the internal API for JWT authentication. Default value is
- A long pass phrase is recommended for better security.
>**Note:** To provide encrypted internode communication, you must enable HTTPS. Although the JWT signature is encrypted, the the payload of a JWT token is encoded, but is not encrypted.
### Bug fixes
- Only map shards that are reported ready.
- Fix data race when shards are deleted and created concurrently.
- Reject `influxd-ctl update-data` from one existing host to another.
- Require `internal-shared-secret` if meta auth enabled.
This release builds off of the InfluxDB OSS 1.6.0 through 1.6.2 releases. For details about changes incorporated from InfluxDB OSS releases, see the [InfluxDB OSS release notes](/influxdb/v1/about_the_project/release-notes/).
This release builds off of the InfluxDB OSS 1.5.4 release. Please see the [InfluxDB OSS release notes](/influxdb/v1/about_the_project/release-notes/) for more information about the InfluxDB OSS release.
This release builds off of the InfluxDB OSS 1.5.3 release. Please see the [InfluxDB OSS release notes](/influxdb/v1/about_the_project/release-notes/) for more information about the InfluxDB OSS release.
This release builds off of the InfluxDB OSS 1.5.2 release. Please see the [InfluxDB OSS release notes](/influxdb/v1/about_the_project/release-notes/) for more information about the InfluxDB OSS release.
If you have been using the TSI preview with 1.3.6 or earlier 1.3.x releases, you will need to follow the upgrade steps to continue using the TSI preview. Unfortunately, these steps cannot be executed while the cluster is operating --
so it will require downtime.
### Bugfixes
* Elide `stream closed` error from logs and handle `io.EOF` as remote iterator interrupt.
If you have been using the TSI preview with 1.3.6 or earlier 1.3.x releases, you will need to follow the upgrade steps to continue using the TSI preview. Unfortunately, these steps cannot be executed while the cluster is operating -- so it will require downtime.
### Bugfixes
- Updated `yamux` resolves race condition when SYN is successfully sent and a write timeout occurs.
- Resend authentication credentials on redirect.
- Fix wildcard when one shard has no data for a measurement with partial replication.
This release builds off of the 1.3.4 release of OSS InfluxDB. Please see the [OSS release notes](/influxdb/v1/about_the_project/release-notes/) for more information about the OSS releases.
This release builds off of the 1.3.3 release of OSS InfluxDB. Please see the [OSS release notes](/influxdb/v1/about_the_project/release-notes/) for more information about the OSS releases.
- Fix issue where the [`ALTER RETENTION POLICY` query](/influxdb/v1/query_language/database_management/#modify-retention-policies-with-alter-retention-policy) does not update the default retention policy.
This release builds off of the 1.2.1 release of OSS InfluxDB.
Please see the OSS [release notes]( for more information about the OSS release.
The following configuration changes may need to changed before [upgrading](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/administration/upgrading/) to 1.2.2 from prior versions.
The configuration option can be removed from the [data node configuration file](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/administration/configuration/#data-node-configuration).
In versions 1.2.0 and 1.2.1, the `retention-autocreate` setting appears in both the meta node and data node configuration files.
To disable retention policy auto-creation, users on version 1.2.0 and 1.2.1 must set `retention-autocreate` to `false` in both the meta node and data node configuration files.
In version 1.2.2, we’ve removed the `retention-autocreate` setting from the data node configuration file.
As of version 1.2.2, users may remove `retention-autocreate` from the data node configuration file.
To disable retention policy auto-creation, set `retention-autocreate` to `false` in the meta node configuration file only.
This change only affects users who have disabled the `retention-autocreate` option and have installed version 1.2.0 or 1.2.1.
- Fix issue where dropped writes were not recorded when the [hinted handoff](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/concepts/clustering/#hinted-handoff) queue reached the maximum size
- Return partial results for the [`SHOW TAG VALUES` query](/influxdb/v1/query_language/schema_exploration/#show-tag-values) even if the cluster includes an unreachable data node
- Return partial results for the [`SHOW MEASUREMENTS` query](/influxdb/v1/query_language/schema_exploration/#show-measurements) even if the cluster includes an unreachable data node
- Prevent `influxd-ctl`'s [`join` argument](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/features/cluster-commands/#join) from completing a join when the command also specifies the help flag (`-h`)
- Fix the `influxd-ctl`'s [force removal](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/features/cluster-commands/#remove-meta) of meta nodes
This release builds off of the 1.2.0 release of OSS InfluxDB.
Please see the OSS [release notes]( for more information about the OSS release.
* The `retention-autocreate` configuration option has moved from the meta node configuration file to the [data node configuration file](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/administration/configuration/#retention-autocreate-true).
* The previously deprecated `influxd-ctl force-leave` command has been removed. The replacement command to remove a meta node which is never coming back online is [`influxd-ctl remove-meta -force`](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/features/cluster-commands/).
- Drop points in the hinted handoff that (1) have field conflict errors (2) have [`max-values-per-tag`](/influxdb/v1/administration/config/#max-values-per-tag-100000) errors
- Delay when a node listens for network connections until after all requisite services are running. This prevents queries to the cluster from failing unnecessarily.
- Allow users to set the `GOMAXPROCS` environment variable.
This release builds off of the 1.1.1 release of OSS InfluxDB.
Please see the OSS [release notes]( for more information about the OSS release.
This release is built with Go (golang) 1.7.4.
It resolves a security vulnerability reported in Go (golang) version 1.7.3 which impacts all
users currently running on the macOS platform, powered by the Darwin operating system.
#### Cluster-specific bug fixes
- Fix hinted-handoff issue: Fix record size larger than max size
 If a Hinted Handoff write appended a block that was larger than the maximum file size, the queue would get stuck because the maximum size was not updated. When reading the block back out during processing, the system would return an error because the block size was larger than the file size -- which indicates a corrupted block.
This release builds off of the 1.1.0 release of InfluxDB OSS.
Please see the OSS [release notes]( for more information about the OSS release.
### Upgrading
* The 1.1.0 release of OSS InfluxDB has some important [configuration changes]( that may affect existing clusters.
* The `influxd-ctl join` command has been renamed to `influxd-ctl add-meta`. If you have existing scripts that use `influxd-ctl join`, they will need to use `influxd-ctl add-meta` or be updated to use the new cluster setup command.
#### Cluster setup
The `influxd-ctl join` command has been changed to simplify cluster setups. To join a node to a cluster, you can run `influxd-ctl join <meta:8091>`, and we will attempt to detect and add any meta or data node process running on the hosts automatically. The previous `join` command exists as `add-meta` now. If it's the first node of a cluster, the meta address argument is optional.
#### Logging
Switches to journald logging for on systemd systems. Logs are no longer sent to `/var/log/influxdb` on systemd systems.
#### Cluster-specific features
- Add a configuration option for setting gossiping frequency on data nodes
- Allow for detailed insight into the Hinted Handoff queue size by adding `queueBytes` to the hh\_processor statistics
- Add authentication to the meta service API
- Update Go (golang) dependencies: Fix Go Vet and update circle Go Vet command
- Simplify the process for joining nodes to a cluster
- Include the node's version number in the `influxd-ctl show` output
- Return and error if there are additional arguments after `influxd-ctl show`
 Fixes any confusion between the correct command for showing detailed shard information (`influxd-ctl show-shards`) and the incorrect command (`influxd-ctl show shards`)
#### Cluster-specific bug fixes
- Return an error if getting latest snapshot takes longer than 30 seconds
- Remove any expired shards from the `/show-shards` output
- Respect the [`pprof-enabled` configuration setting](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/administration/configuration/#pprof-enabled-true) and enable it by default on meta nodes
- Respect the [`pprof-enabled` configuration setting](/enterprise_influxdb/v1/administration/configuration/#pprof-enabled-true-1) on data nodes
This release builds off of the 1.0.2 release of OSS InfluxDB. Please see the OSS [release notes]( for more information about the OSS release.
#### Cluster-specific bug fixes
- Prevent double read-lock in the meta client
- Fix a panic around a corrupt block in Hinted Handoff
- Fix issue where `systemctl enable` would throw an error if the symlink already exists
This release builds off of the 1.0.0 release of OSS InfluxDB.
Please see the OSS [release notes]( for more information about the OSS release.
Breaking Changes:
* The keywords `IF`, `EXISTS`, and `NOT` were removed for this release. This means you no longer need to specify `IF NOT EXISTS` for `DROP DATABASE` or `IF EXISTS` for `CREATE DATABASE`. Using these keywords will return a query error.
*`max-series-per-database` was added with a default of 1M but can be disabled by setting it to `0`. Existing databases with series that exceed this limit will continue to load, but writes that would create new series will fail.
### Hinted handoff
A number of changes to hinted handoff are included in this release:
* Truncating only the corrupt block in a corrupted segment to minimize data loss
* Immediately queue writes in hinted handoff if there are still writes pending to prevent inconsistencies in shards
* Remove hinted handoff queues when data nodes are removed to eliminate manual cleanup tasks
### Performance
*`SHOW MEASUREMENTS` and `SHOW TAG VALUES` have been optimized to work better for multiple nodes and shards
*`DROP` and `DELETE` statements run in parallel and more efficiently and should not leave the system in an inconsistent state
### Security
The Cluster API used by `influxd-ctl` can not be protected with SSL certs.
### Cluster management
Data nodes that can no longer be restarted can now be forcefully removed from the cluster using `influxd-ctl remove-data -force <addr>`. This should only be run if a grace removal is not possible.
Backup and restore has been updated to fix issues and refine existing capabilities.
#### Cluster-specific features
- Add the Users method to control client
- Add a `-force` option to the `influxd-ctl remove-data` command
- Disable the logging of `stats` service queries
- Optimize the `SHOW MEASUREMENTS` and `SHOW TAG VALUES` queries
- Update the Go (golang) package library dependencies
- Minimize the amount of data-loss in a corrupted Hinted Handoff file by truncating only the last corrupted segment instead of the entire file
- Log a write error when the Hinted Handoff queue is full for a node
- Remove Hinted Handoff queues on data nodes when the target data nodes are removed from the cluster
- Add unit testing around restore in the meta store
- Add full TLS support to the cluster API, including the use of self-signed certificates
- Improve backup/restore to allow for partial restores to a different cluster or to a database with a different database name
- Update the shard group creation logic to be balanced
- Keep raft log to a minimum to prevent replaying large raft logs on startup
#### Cluster-specific bug fixes
- Remove bad connections from the meta executor connection pool
- Fix a panic in the meta store
- Fix a panic caused when a shard group is not found
- Fix a corrupted Hinted Handoff
- Ensure that any imported OSS admin users have all privileges in the cluster
- Ensure that `max-select-series` is respected
- Handle the `peer already known` error
- Fix Hinted handoff panic around segment size check
- Drop Hinted Handoff writes if they contain field type inconsistencies
# Web Console
## DEPRECATED: Enterprise Web Console
The Enterprise Web Console has officially been deprecated and will be eliminated entirely by the end of 2017.
No additional features will be added and no additional bug fix releases are planned.