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This script auto-populates Flux versions in data/flux_influxdb_versions.yml.
const axios = require('axios')
const yaml = require('js-yaml')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
// GitHub token to access files in the private InfluxDB Enterprise repo
const githubToken = process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN
if (typeof githubToken === 'undefined') {
A GitHub token is required for this operation. Please set a GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.
Use the GitHub token stored in the Docs Team vault in 1Password.
// Get the latest version of Flux
async function getLatestFlux() {
const { request } = await axios
.catch(error => console.error(error))
return request.path.match(/\/v(\d.*)$/)[1];
// Retrieve the dependency file for a specific InfluxDB version
async function getVersionDeps(minorVersion, repo) {
const url = `${repo}/${minorVersion}/go.mod`;
const data = axios.get(url, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Token ${githubToken}`
}).then(res => => console.log(error.toJSON));
return data
// Extract the Flux version from the InfluxDB dependency list
async function getFluxVersion(minorVersion, product='oss') {
const repo = (product === 'oss') ? 'influxdb' : 'plutonium';
const depsBody = await getVersionDeps(minorVersion, repo);
if (depsBody == null) {
console.error(`Could not find flux version for ${minorVersion} (${product})`)
} else {
const fluxVersion = depsBody.match(/\/influxdata\/flux v(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/)[1]
return fluxVersion
// Loop through an InfluxDB version array, retrieve the Flux version packaged with
// each version of InfluxDB, and update the base version object with the new
// key-value pair
async function getAllFluxVersions(versionArr, product='oss', baseObj) {
for (let index = 0; index < versionArr.length; index++) {
const influxdbVersion = versionArr[index]
const fluxVersion = await getFluxVersion(influxdbVersion, product)
baseObj[influxdbVersion] = fluxVersion
// Manually add a InfluxDB-version/Flux-version key-value pair to a versions object
function addVersion(versionObj, influxdbVer, fluxVer) {
versionObj[influxdbVer] = fluxVer
// Compare semantic minor versions
function isSemanticNewer(semverX, semverY) {
xMajor = parseInt(semverX.split(".")[0])
xMinor = parseInt(semverX.split(".")[1])
yMajor = parseInt(semverY.split(".")[0])
yMinor = parseInt(semverY.split(".")[1])
if (xMajor > yMajor) {return true}
else if (xMajor == yMajor) {
if (xMinor >= yMinor) {return true}
else {return false}
} else {return false}
// Load product data from the product data file
const influxdbMinorVersions = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname,'../data/flux_influxdb_minor_versions.yml'), 'utf8'))
// Filter out InfluxDB Enterprise versions that don't have a Flux dependency in their go.mod
const ossVersionArr = influxdbMinorVersions.influxdb;
const enterpriseVersionArr = influxdbMinorVersions.enterprise.filter(version => isSemanticNewer(version, '1.9'));
// Instantiate base Flux version variables
var ossVersions = {};
var enterpriseVersions = {};
var fluxVersions = {};
// Retrieve all Flux versions and write them to flux_influxdb_versions.yml
(async () => {
await getAllFluxVersions(ossVersionArr, 'oss', ossVersions);
await getAllFluxVersions(enterpriseVersionArr, 'enterprise', enterpriseVersions);
// Manually add versions that aren't included in the original versions arrays
await addVersion(ossVersions, 'nightly', await getFluxVersion('main-2.x'));
await addVersion(enterpriseVersions, '1.8', await getFluxVersion('1.8'));
await addVersion(enterpriseVersions, '1.7', await getFluxVersion('1.7'));
// Build the Flux versions object that contains all necessary flux version information
fluxVersions = {
flux: {latest: await getLatestFlux()},
cloud: {current: await getFluxVersion('master')},
oss: ossVersions,
enterprise: enterpriseVersions
const commentString = `# This file is auto-generated by flux-build-scripts/update-flux-versions.js.
# It is used to identify what versions of Flux are installed with each version
# of InfluxDB. You are welcome to make changes to this file, but they will be
# overwritten whenever flux-build-scripts/update-flux-versions.js runs in the
# build/deploy process.
fluxVersionsYAML = yaml.dump(fluxVersions)
// Write the comment and yaml to the flux_influxdb_versions.yml data file
fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname,'../data/flux_influxdb_versions.yml'), commentString + '\n' + fluxVersionsYAML)
})().then(data => console.log('Flux versions updated!'))