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2020-07-30 03:44:04 +00:00
title: Influx Inspect disk utility
description: Use the "influx_inspect" commands to manage InfluxDB disks and shards.
weight: 50
parent: Tools
Influx Inspect is an InfluxDB disk utility that can be used to:
* View detailed information about disk shards.
* Exporting data from a shard to [line protocol](/influxdb/v1.5/concepts/glossary/#line-protocol) that can be inserted back into the database.
* Converting TSM index shards to TSI shards.
## `influx_inspect` utility
### Syntax
influx_inspect [ [ command ] [ options ] ]`
`-help` is the default command and prints syntax and usage information for the tool.
### `influx_inspect` commands
The `influx_inspect` commands are summarized here, with links to detailed information on each of the commands.
* [`buildtsi`](#buildtsi): Convert in-memory (TSM-based) shards to TSI
* [`deletetsm`](#deletetsm): Bulk deletes a measurement from a raw TSM file.
* [`dumptsi`](#dumptsi): Dump low-level details about TSI files.
* [`dumptsm`](#dumptsm): Dump low-level details about TSM files.
* [`export`](#export): Export raw data from a shard in Line Protocol format.
* [`help`](#help): Display this help message format.
* [`report`](#report): Display a shard level report.
* [`verify`](#verify): Verify the integrity of TSM files.
### `buildtsi`
Builds TSI (Time Series Index) disk-based shard index files and associated series files.
The index is written to a temporary location until complete and then moved to a permanent location.
If an error occurs, then this operation will fall back to the original in-memory index.
> ***Note:*** **For offline conversion only.**
> When TSI is enabled, new shards use the TSI indexes.
> Existing shards continue as TSM-based shards until
> converted offline.
##### Syntax
influx_inspect buildtsi -datadir <data_dir> -waldir <wal_dir> [ options ]
> **Note:** Use the `buildtsi` command with the user account that you are going to run the database as,
> or ensure that the permissions match after running the command.
#### Options
Optional arguments are in brackets.
#### `[ -database <db_name> ]`
The name of the database.
#### `-datadir <data_dir>`
The path to the `data` directory.
#### `[ -retention <rp_name> ]`
The name of the retention policy.
#### `[ -shard <shard_ID> ]`
The identifier of the shard.
#### `[ -v ]`
Enable output in verbose mode.
#### `-waldir <wal_dir>`
The directory for the WAL (Write Ahead Log) files.
#### Examples
##### Converting all shards on a node
$ influx_inspect buildtsi -datadir ~/.influxdb/data -waldir ~/.influxdb/wal
##### Converting all shards for a database
$ influx_inspect buildtsi -database mydb -datadir ~/.influxdb/data -waldir ~/.influxdb/wal
##### Converting a specific shard
$ influx_inspect buildtsi -database stress -shard 1 -datadir ~/.influxdb/data -waldir ~/.influxdb/wal
### `deletetsm`
Bulk deletes a measurement from a raw TSM file.
{{% warn %}} **Warning:** Use the `deletetsm` command only when your InfluxDB instance is offline (`influxd` service is not running).{{% /warn %}}
#### Syntax
influx_inspect deletetsm -measurement <measurement_name> [ arguments ] <path>
##### `<path>`
Path to the `.tsm` file, located by default in the `data` directory.
When specifying the path, wildcards (`*`) can replace one or more characters.
###### Examples
Single shard:
./influx_inspect deletetsm -sanitize /influxdb/data/location/autogen/1384/*.tsm
All shards in the database:
./influx_inspect deletetsm -sanitize /influxdb/data/location/autogen/*/*.tsm
#### Arguments
Optional arguments are in brackets.
##### `-measurement`
The name of the measurement to delete from TSM files.
##### [ `-sanitize` ]
Flag to remove all keys containing non-printable Unicode characters.
##### [ `-v` ]
Flag to enable verbose logging.
### `dumptsi`
Dumps low-level details about TSI files, including `.tsl` log files and `.tsi` index files.
#### Syntax
influx_inspect dumptsi [ options ] <index_path>
If no options are specified, summary statistics are provided for each file.
#### Options
Optional arguments are in brackets.
##### `-series-file <series_path>`
Path to the `_series` directory under the database `data` directory. Required.
##### [ `-series` ]
Dump raw series data.
##### [ `-measurements` ]
Dump raw [measurement](/influxdb/v1.5/concepts/glossary/#measurement) data.
##### [ `-tag-keys` ]
Dump raw [tag keys](/influxdb/v1.5/concepts/glossary/#tag-key).
##### [ `-tag-values` ]
Dump raw [tag values](/influxdb/v1.5/concepts/glossary/#tag-value).
##### [ `-tag-value-series` ]
Dump raw series for each tag value.
##### [ `-measurement-filter` <regular_expression> ]
Filter data by measurement regular expression.
##### [ `-tag-key-filter <regular_expression>` ]
Filter data by tag key regular expression.
##### [ `-tag-value-filter <regular_expresssion>` ]
Filter data by tag value regular expression.
#### Examples
##### Specifying paths to the `_series` and `index` directories
$ influx_inspect dumptsi -series-file /path/to/db/_series /path/to/index
##### Specifying paths to the `_series` directory and an `index` file**
$ influx_inspect dumptsi -series-file /path/to/db/_series /path/to/index/file0
**Specifying paths to the `_series` directory and multiple `index` files**
$ influx_inspect dumptsi -series-file /path/to/db/_series /path/to/index/file0 /path/to/index/file1 ...
### `dumptsm`
Dumps low-level details about [TSM](/influxdb/v1.6/concepts/glossary/#tsm-time-structured-merge-tree) files, including TSM (`.tsm`) files and WAL (`.wal`) files.
#### Syntax
influx_inspect dumptsm [ options ] <path>
##### `<path>`
Path to the `.tsm` file, located by default in the `data` directory.
#### Options
Optional arguments are in brackets.
##### [ `-index` ]
Flag to dump raw index data.
Default value is `false`.
##### [ `-blocks` ]
Flag to dump raw block data.
Default value is `false`.
##### [ `-all` ]
Flag to dump all data. Caution: This may print a lot of information.
Default value is `false`.
##### [ `-filter-key <key_name>` ]
Display only index data and block data that match this key substring.
Default value is `""`.
### `export`
Exports all TSM files in Line Protocol format.
This output file can be imported using the
#### Syntax
influx_inspect export [ options ]
#### Options
Optional arguments are in brackets.
##### [ `-compress` ]
The flag to compress the output.
Default value is `false`.
##### [ `-database <db_name>` ]
The name of the database to export.
Default value is `""`.
##### `-datadir <data_dir>`
The path to the `data` directory.
Default value is `"$HOME/.influxdb/data"`.
#### [ `-end <timestamp>` ]
The timestamp for the end of the time range.
The timestamp string must be in [RFC3339 format](/influxdb/v1.6/query_language/data_exploration/#absolute-time).
#### [ `-out <export_dir>` ]
The location for the export file.
Default value is `"$HOME/.influxdb/export"`.
#### [ `-retention <rp_name> ` ]
The name of the [retention policy](/influxdb/v1.5/concepts/glossary/#retention-policy-rp) to export. Default value is `""`.
#### [ `-start <timestamp>` ]
The timestamp for the start of the time range.
The timestamp string must be in [RFC3339 format](/influxdb/v1.6/query_language/data_exploration/#absolute-time).
#### [ `-waldir <wal_dir>` ]
Path to the [write-ahead log (WAL)](/influxdb/v1.5/concepts/glossary/#wal-write-ahead-log). Default value is `"$HOME/.influxdb/wal"`.
#### Examples
##### Export entire database and compress the output
influx_inspect export -compress
##### Export data from a specific database and retention policy
influx_inspect export -database mydb -retention autogen
##### Example of output
randset value=97.9296104805 1439856000000000000
randset value=25.3849066842 1439856100000000000
### `report`
Displays series metadata for all shards.
The default location is `$HOME/.influxdb`.
#### Syntax
influx_inspect report [ options ]
#### Options
Optional arguments are in brackets.
##### [ `-pattern "<regular expression/wildcard>"` ]
The regular expression or wildcard pattern to match included files.
Default value is `""`.
#### [ `-detailed` ]
Report detailed cardinality estimates.
Default value is `false`.
### `verify`
Verifies the integrity of TSM files.
#### Syntax
influx_inspect verify [ options ]
#### Options
Optional arguments are in brackets.
#### `-dir <storage_root>`
The path to the storage root directory.
Default value is `"/root/.influxdb"`.
# Caveats
The system does not have access to the metastore when exporting TSM shards.
As such, it always creates the [retention policy](/influxdb/v1.5/concepts/glossary/#retention-policy-rp) with infinite duration and replication factor of 1. End users may want to change this prior to reimporting if they are importing to a cluster or want a different duration
for retention.