
32 lines
1.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

{{ $course := .Get 0 | default "influxdbu" }}
{{ $title := .Get "title" | default "Become an InfluxDB expert" }}
{{ $summary := .Get "summary" | default "InfluxDB University provides **free**, in-depth training courses for InfluxDB, Flux, Telegraf, and more." }}
{{ $action := .Get "action" | default "Sign up now" }}
{{ $link := .Get "link" | default "" }}
{{ $influxdb101 := dict "title" "InfluxDB Essentials" "summary" "Learn how to write, query, and visualize data in InfluxDB in this **free** InfluxDB University course." "action" "Take the course" "link" "" }}
{{ $telegraf102 := dict "title" "Data Collection with Telegraf" "summary" "Learn how to use Telegraf to make data time series data collection easy in this **free** InfluxDB University course." "action" "Take the course" "link" "" }}
{{ $flux103 := dict "title" "Beginner Flux" "summary" "Get a hands-on introduction to writing queries in the Flux language in this **free** InfluxDB University course." "action" "Take the course" "link" "" }}
{{ define "banner" }}
<div class="influxdbu-banner">
<div class="banner-content">
<img class="influxdbu-logo" src="/svgs/influxdbu-full-white.svg" alt="InfluxDB University">
<h4>{{ .title }}</h4>
<p>{{ .summary | markdownify }}</p>
<div class="banner-cta">
<a href="{{ .link }}" target="_blank">{{ .action }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ if eq $course "influxdb-101" }}
{{ template "banner" $influxdb101 }}
{{ else if eq $course "telegraf-102" }}
{{ template "banner" $telegraf102 }}
{{ else if eq $course "flux-103" }}
{{ template "banner" $flux103 }}
{{ else }}
{{ template "banner" dict "title" $title "summary" $summary "action" $action "link" $link }}
{{ end }}