
253 lines
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Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package internal;
message Source {
int64 ID = 1; // ID is the unique ID of the source
string Name = 2; // Name is the user-defined name for the source
string Type = 3; // Type specifies which kinds of source (enterprise vs oss)
string Username = 4; // Username is the username to connect to the source
string Password = 5;
string URL = 6; // URL are the connections to the source
bool Default = 7; // Flags an source as the default.
string Telegraf = 8; // Telegraf is the db telegraf is written to. By default it is "telegraf"
bool InsecureSkipVerify = 9; // InsecureSkipVerify accepts any certificate from the influx server
string MetaURL = 10; // MetaURL is the connection URL for the meta node.
string SharedSecret = 11; // SharedSecret signs the optional InfluxDB JWT Authorization
string Organization = 12; // Organization is the organization ID that resource belongs to
string Role = 13; // Role is the name of the miniumum role that a user must possess to access the resource
string DefaultRP = 14; // DefaultRP is the default retention policy used in database queries to this source
string Version = 15; // Version of the InfluxDB or Unknown
message Dashboard {
int64 ID = 1; // ID is the unique ID of the dashboard
string Name = 2; // Name is the user-defined name of the dashboard
repeated DashboardCell cells = 3; // a representation of all visual data required for rendering the dashboard
repeated Template templates = 4; // Templates replace template variables within InfluxQL
string Organization = 5; // Organization is the organization ID that resource belongs to
message DashboardCell {
int32 x = 1; // X-coordinate of Cell in the Dashboard
int32 y = 2; // Y-coordinate of Cell in the Dashboard
int32 w = 3; // Width of Cell in the Dashboard
int32 h = 4; // Height of Cell in the Dashboard
repeated Query queries = 5; // Time-series data queries for Dashboard
string name = 6; // User-facing name for this Dashboard
string type = 7; // Dashboard visualization type
string ID = 8; // id is the unique id of the dashboard. MIGRATED FIELD added in 1.2.0-beta6
map<string, Axis> axes = 9; // Axes represent the graphical viewport for a cell's visualizations
repeated Color colors = 10; // Colors represent encoding data values to color
Legend legend = 11; // Legend is summary information for a cell
TableOptions tableOptions = 12; // TableOptions for visualization of cell with type 'table'
repeated RenamableField fieldOptions = 13; // Options for each of the fields returned in a cell
string timeFormat = 14; // format for time
DecimalPlaces decimalPlaces = 15; // Represents how precise the values of this field should be
string note = 16; // arbitrary string for note-taking/making
string noteVisibility = 17; // config option for showing note
message DecimalPlaces {
bool isEnforced = 1; // whether decimal places should be enforced
int32 digits = 2; // the number of digits to display after decical point
message TableOptions {
reserved 1;
bool verticalTimeAxis = 2; // time axis should be a column not row
RenamableField sortBy = 3; // which column should a table be sorted by
string wrapping = 4; // option for text wrapping
reserved 5;
bool fixFirstColumn = 6; // first column should be fixed/frozen
message RenamableField {
string internalName = 1; // name of column
string displayName = 2; // what column is renamed to
bool visible = 3; // Represents whether RenamableField is visible
message Color {
string ID = 1; // ID is the unique id of the cell color
string Type = 2; // Type is how the color is used. Accepted (min,max,threshold)
string Hex = 3; // Hex is the hex number of the color
string Name = 4; // Name is the user-facing name of the hex color
string Value = 5; // Value is the data value mapped to this color
message Legend {
string Type = 1; // Type is how the legend is used
string Orientation = 2; // Orientation is the location of the legend on the cell
message Axis {
repeated int64 legacyBounds = 1; // legacyBounds are an ordered 2-tuple consisting of lower and upper axis extents, respectively
repeated string bounds = 2; // bounds are an arbitrary list of client-defined bounds.
string label = 3; // label is a description of this axis
string prefix = 4; // specifies the prefix for axis values
string suffix = 5; // specifies the suffix for axis values
string base = 6; // defines the base for axis values
string scale = 7; // represents the magnitude of the numbers on this axis
message Template {
string ID = 1; // ID is the unique ID associated with this template
string temp_var = 2;
repeated TemplateValue values = 3;
string type = 4; // Type can be fieldKeys, tagKeys, tagValues, CSV, constant, query, measurements, databases
string label = 5; // Label is a user-facing description of the Template
TemplateQuery query = 6; // Query is used to generate the choices for a template
string sourceID = 7; // Source is the id of the data source
message TemplateValue {
string type = 1; // Type can be tagKey, tagValue, fieldKey, csv, map, measurement, database, constant
string value = 2; // Value is the specific value used to replace a template in an InfluxQL query
bool selected = 3; // Selected states that this variable has been picked to use for replacement
string key = 4; // Key is the key for a specific Value if the Template Type is map (optional)
message TemplateQuery {
string command = 1; // Command is the query itself
string db = 2; // DB the database for the query (optional)
string rp = 3; // RP is a retention policy and optional;
string measurement = 4; // Measurement is the optinally selected measurement for the query
string tag_key = 5; // TagKey is the optionally selected tag key for the query
string field_key = 6; // FieldKey is the optionally selected field key for the query
string flux = 7; // Flux script content
message Server {
int64 ID = 1; // ID is the unique ID of the server
string Name = 2; // Name is the user-defined name for the server
string Username = 3; // Username is the username to connect to the server
string Password = 4;
string URL = 5; // URL is the path to the server
int64 SrcID = 6; // SrcID is the ID of the data source
bool Active = 7; // is this the currently active server for the source
string Organization = 8; // Organization is the organization ID that resource belongs to
bool InsecureSkipVerify = 9; // InsecureSkipVerify accepts any certificate from the client
string Type = 10; // Type is the kind of the server (e.g. flux)
string MetadataJSON = 11; // JSON byte representation of the metadata
message Layout {
string ID = 1; // ID is the unique ID of the layout.
string Application = 2; // Application is the user facing name of this Layout.
string Measurement = 3; // Measurement is the descriptive name of the time series data.
repeated Cell Cells = 4; // Cells are the individual visualization elements.
bool Autoflow = 5; // Autoflow indicates whether the frontend should layout the cells automatically.
message Cell {
int32 x = 1; // X-coordinate of Cell in the Layout
int32 y = 2; // Y-coordinate of Cell in the Layout
int32 w = 3; // Width of Cell in the Layout
int32 h = 4; // Height of Cell in the Layout
repeated Query queries = 5; // Time-series data queries for Cell.
string i = 6; // Unique identifier for the cell
string name = 7; // User-facing name for this cell
repeated int64 yranges = 8; // Limits of the y-axes
repeated string ylabels = 9; // Labels of the y-axes
string type = 10; // Cell visualization type
map<string, Axis> axes = 11; // Axes represent the graphical viewport for a cell's visualizations
message Query {
string Command = 1; // Command is the query itself
string DB = 2; // DB the database for the query (optional)
string RP = 3; // RP is a retention policy and optional;
repeated string GroupBys = 4; // GroupBys define the groups to combine in the query
repeated string Wheres = 5; // Wheres define the restrictions on the query
string Label = 6; // Label is the name of the Y-Axis
Range Range = 7; // Range is the upper and lower bound of the Y-Axis
string Source = 8; // Source is the optional URI to the data source
repeated TimeShift Shifts = 9; // TimeShift represents a shift to apply to an influxql query's time range
string Type = 10; // Type is the language used by the query (influxql or flux)
message TimeShift {
string Label = 1; // Label user facing description
string Unit = 2; // Unit influxql time unit representation i.e. ms, s, m, h, d
string Quantity = 3; // Quantity number of units
message Range {
int64 Upper = 1; // Upper is the upper-bound of the range
int64 Lower = 2; // Lower is the lower-bound of the range
message AlertRule {
string ID = 1; // ID is the unique ID of this alert rule
string JSON = 2; // JSON byte representation of the alert
int64 SrcID = 3; // SrcID is the id of the source this alert is associated with
int64 KapaID = 4; // KapaID is the id of the kapacitor this alert is associated with
message User {
uint64 ID = 1; // ID is the unique ID of this user
string Name = 2; // Name is the user's login name
string Provider = 3; // Provider is the provider that certifies and issues this user's authentication, e.g. GitHub
string Scheme = 4; // Scheme is the scheme used to perform this user's authentication, e.g. OAuth2 or LDAP
repeated Role Roles = 5; // Roles is set of roles a user has
bool SuperAdmin = 6; // SuperAdmin is bool that specifies whether a user is a super admin
message Role {
string Organization = 1; // Organization is the ID of the organization that this user has a role in
string Name = 2; // Name is the name of the role of this user in the respective organization
message Mapping {
string Provider = 1; // Provider is the provider that certifies and issues this user's authentication, e.g. GitHub
string Scheme = 2; // Scheme is the scheme used to perform this user's authentication, e.g. OAuth2 or LDAP
string ProviderOrganization = 3; // ProviderOrganization is the group or organizations that you are a part of in an auth provider
string ID = 4; // ID is the unique ID for the mapping
string Organization = 5; // Organization is the organization ID that resource belongs to
message Organization {
string ID = 1; // ID is the unique ID of the organization
string Name = 2; // Name is the organization's name
string DefaultRole = 3; // DefaultRole is the name of the role that is the default for any users added to the organization
message Config {
AuthConfig Auth = 1; // Auth is the configuration for options that auth related
message AuthConfig {
bool SuperAdminNewUsers = 1; // SuperAdminNewUsers configuration option that specifies which users will auto become super admin
message OrganizationConfig {
string OrganizationID = 1; // OrganizationID is the ID of the organization this config belogs to
LogViewerConfig LogViewer = 2; // LogViewer is the organization configuration for log viewer
message LogViewerConfig {
repeated LogViewerColumn Columns = 1; // Columns is the array of columns in the log viewer
message LogViewerColumn {
string Name = 1; // Name is the unique identifier of the log viewer column
int32 Position = 2; // Position is the position of the column in the log viewer's array of columns
repeated ColumnEncoding Encodings = 3; // Encodings is the array of encoded properties associated with a log viewer column
message ColumnEncoding {
string Type = 1; // Type is the purpose of the encoding, for example: severity color
string Value = 2; // Value is what the encoding corresponds to
string Name = 3; // Name is the optional encoding name
message BuildInfo {
string Version = 1; // Version is a descriptive git SHA identifier
string Commit = 2; // Commit is an abbreviated SHA
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