856 lines
23 KiB
856 lines
23 KiB
package main
import (
func TestParseNoRule(t *testing.T) {
g := &grammar{}
p := newParser("", []byte(""))
_, err := p.parse(g)
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("want error, got nil")
el, ok := err.(errList)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("want error type %T, got %T", errList{}, err)
if len(el) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("want 1 error, got %d", len(el))
pe, ok := el[0].(*parserError)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("want single error type %T, got %T", &parserError{}, el[0])
if pe.Inner != errNoRule {
t.Fatalf("want error %v, got %v", errNoRule, el[0])
func TestParseAnyMatcher(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
in string
out []byte
{"", nil},
{"a", []byte("a")},
{"\u2190", []byte("\u2190")},
{"ab", []byte("a")},
{"\u2190\U00001100", []byte("\u2190")},
{"\x0d", []byte("\x0d")},
{"\xfa", nil},
{"\nab", []byte("\n")},
for _, tc := range cases {
p := newParser("", []byte(tc.in))
// advance to the first rune
var want interface{}
var match bool
if tc.out != nil {
want = tc.out
match = true
got, ok := p.parseAnyMatcher(&anyMatcher{})
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%q: want %v, got %v", tc.in, tc.out, got)
if ok != match {
t.Errorf("%q: want match? %t, got %t", tc.in, match, ok)
if p.pt.offset != len(tc.out) {
t.Errorf("%q: want offset %d, got %d", tc.in, len(tc.out), p.pt.offset)
func TestParseLitMatcher(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
in string
lit string
ic bool
out []byte
{"", "", false, []byte{}}, // empty literal always matches
{"", "", true, []byte{}}, // empty literal always matches
{"a", "", false, []byte{}},
{"a", "", true, []byte{}},
{"a", "a", false, []byte("a")},
{"a", "a", true, []byte("a")},
{"a", "A", false, nil},
{"a", "a", true, []byte("a")}, // ignored case literal is always generated lowercase
{"A", "a", true, []byte("A")},
{"b", "a", false, nil},
{"b", "a", true, nil},
{"abc", "ab", false, []byte("ab")},
{"abc", "ab", true, []byte("ab")},
{"ab", "abc", false, nil},
{"ab", "abc", true, nil},
{"\u2190a", "\u2190", false, []byte("\u2190")},
{"\u2190a", "\u2190", true, []byte("\u2190")},
{"\n", "\n", false, []byte("\n")},
{"\n", "\n", true, []byte("\n")},
{"\na", "\n", false, []byte("\n")},
{"\na", "\n", true, []byte("\n")},
for _, tc := range cases {
p := newParser("", []byte(tc.in))
// advance to the first rune
var want interface{}
var match bool
if tc.out != nil {
match = true
want = tc.out
lbl := fmt.Sprintf("%q (%t): %q", tc.lit, tc.ic, tc.in)
got, ok := p.parseLitMatcher(&litMatcher{val: tc.lit, ignoreCase: tc.ic})
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%s: want %v, got %v", lbl, tc.out, got)
if ok != match {
t.Errorf("%s: want match? %t, got %t", lbl, match, ok)
if p.pt.offset != len(tc.out) {
t.Errorf("%s: want offset %d, got %d", lbl, len(tc.out), p.pt.offset)
func TestParseCharClassMatcher(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
in string
val string
chars []rune
ranges []rune
classes []string
ic bool
iv bool
out []byte
{in: "", val: "[]", out: nil}, // empty char class means no char matches
{in: "", val: "[^]", iv: true, out: nil}, // can't match EOF
{in: "", val: "[]i", ic: true, out: nil},
{in: "", val: "[^]i", ic: true, iv: true, out: nil}, // can't match EOF
{in: "a", val: "[]", out: nil},
{in: "a", val: "[^]", iv: true, out: []byte("a")},
{in: "a", val: "[]i", ic: true, out: nil},
{in: "a", val: "[^]i", ic: true, iv: true, out: []byte("a")},
{in: "a", val: "[a]", chars: []rune{'a'}, out: []byte("a")},
{in: "a", val: "[a]i", ic: true, chars: []rune{'a'}, out: []byte("a")},
{in: "A", val: "[a]i", ic: true, chars: []rune{'a'}, out: []byte("A")},
{in: "a", val: "[^a]", chars: []rune{'a'}, iv: true, out: nil},
{in: "A", val: "[^a]i", iv: true, ic: true, chars: []rune{'a'}, out: nil},
{in: "b", val: "[a]", chars: []rune{'a'}, out: nil},
{in: "b", val: "[a]i", ic: true, chars: []rune{'a'}, out: nil},
{in: "B", val: "[a]i", ic: true, chars: []rune{'a'}, out: nil},
{in: "b", val: "[^a]", chars: []rune{'a'}, iv: true, out: []byte("b")},
{in: "b", val: "[^a]i", iv: true, ic: true, chars: []rune{'a'}, out: []byte("b")},
{in: "B", val: "[^a]i", iv: true, ic: true, chars: []rune{'a'}, out: []byte("B")},
{in: "←", val: "[a]", chars: []rune{'a'}, out: nil},
{in: "←", val: "[a]i", ic: true, chars: []rune{'a'}, out: nil},
{in: "←", val: "[a]i", ic: true, chars: []rune{'a'}, out: nil},
{in: "←", val: "[^a]", chars: []rune{'a'}, iv: true, out: []byte("←")},
{in: "←", val: "[^a]i", iv: true, ic: true, chars: []rune{'a'}, out: []byte("←")},
{in: "←", val: "[^a]i", iv: true, ic: true, chars: []rune{'a'}, out: []byte("←")},
{in: "b", val: "[a-c]", ranges: []rune{'a', 'c'}, out: []byte("b")},
{in: "B", val: "[a-c]", ranges: []rune{'a', 'c'}, out: nil},
{in: "b", val: "[a-c]i", ic: true, ranges: []rune{'a', 'c'}, out: []byte("b")},
{in: "B", val: "[a-c]i", ic: true, ranges: []rune{'a', 'c'}, out: []byte("B")},
{in: "b", val: "[^a-c]", ranges: []rune{'a', 'c'}, iv: true, out: nil},
{in: "B", val: "[^a-c]", ranges: []rune{'a', 'c'}, iv: true, out: []byte("B")},
{in: "b", val: "[^a-c]i", iv: true, ic: true, ranges: []rune{'a', 'c'}, out: nil},
{in: "B", val: "[^a-c]i", iv: true, ic: true, ranges: []rune{'a', 'c'}, out: nil},
{in: "z", val: "[^a-c]i", iv: true, ic: true, chars: []rune{'a', 'c'}, out: []byte("z")},
{in: "∝", val: "[a-c]", ranges: []rune{'a', 'c'}, out: nil},
{in: "∝", val: "[a-c]", ranges: []rune{'a', 'c'}, out: nil},
{in: "∝", val: "[a-c]i", ic: true, ranges: []rune{'a', 'c'}, out: nil},
{in: "∝", val: "[a-c]i", ic: true, ranges: []rune{'a', 'c'}, out: nil},
{in: "∝", val: "[^a-c]", ranges: []rune{'a', 'c'}, iv: true, out: []byte("∝")},
{in: "∝", val: "[^a-c]", ranges: []rune{'a', 'c'}, iv: true, out: []byte("∝")},
{in: "∝", val: "[^a-c]i", iv: true, ic: true, ranges: []rune{'a', 'c'}, out: []byte("∝")},
{in: "∝", val: "[^a-c]i", iv: true, ic: true, ranges: []rune{'a', 'c'}, out: []byte("∝")},
{in: "∝", val: "[^a-c]i", iv: true, ic: true, chars: []rune{'a', 'c'}, out: []byte("∝")},
{in: "b", val: "[c-a]", ranges: []rune{'c', 'a'}, out: nil},
{in: "B", val: "[c-a]i", ic: true, ranges: []rune{'c', 'a'}, out: nil},
{in: "B", val: "[^c-a]", iv: true, ranges: []rune{'c', 'a'}, out: []byte("B")},
{in: "B", val: "[^c-a]i", ic: true, iv: true, ranges: []rune{'c', 'a'}, out: []byte("B")},
{in: "b", val: "[\\pL]", classes: []string{"L"}, out: []byte("b")},
{in: "b", val: "[\\pL]i", ic: true, classes: []string{"L"}, out: []byte("b")},
{in: "B", val: "[\\pL]i", ic: true, classes: []string{"L"}, out: []byte("B")},
{in: "b", val: "[^\\pL]", iv: true, classes: []string{"L"}, out: nil},
{in: "b", val: "[^\\pL]i", iv: true, ic: true, classes: []string{"L"}, out: nil},
{in: "B", val: "[^\\pL]i", iv: true, ic: true, classes: []string{"L"}, out: nil},
{in: "1", val: "[\\pL]", classes: []string{"L"}, out: nil},
{in: "1", val: "[\\pL]i", ic: true, classes: []string{"L"}, out: nil},
{in: "1", val: "[\\pL]i", ic: true, classes: []string{"L"}, out: nil},
{in: "1", val: "[^\\pL]", iv: true, classes: []string{"L"}, out: []byte("1")},
{in: "1", val: "[^\\pL]i", iv: true, ic: true, classes: []string{"L"}, out: []byte("1")},
{in: "1", val: "[^\\pL]i", iv: true, ic: true, classes: []string{"L"}, out: []byte("1")},
{in: "ƛ", val: "[\\pL]", classes: []string{"L"}, out: []byte("ƛ")},
{in: "ƛ", val: "[\\pL]i", ic: true, classes: []string{"L"}, out: []byte("ƛ")},
{in: "ƛ", val: "[\\pL]i", ic: true, classes: []string{"L"}, out: []byte("ƛ")},
{in: "ƛ", val: "[^\\pL]", iv: true, classes: []string{"L"}, out: nil},
{in: "ƛ", val: "[^\\pL]i", iv: true, ic: true, classes: []string{"L"}, out: nil},
{in: "ƛ", val: "[^\\pL]i", iv: true, ic: true, classes: []string{"L"}, out: nil},
{in: "←a", val: "[\\pL]", classes: []string{"L"}, out: nil},
{in: "←a", val: "[\\pL]i", ic: true, classes: []string{"L"}, out: nil},
{in: "←a", val: "[\\pL]i", ic: true, classes: []string{"L"}, out: nil},
{in: "←a", val: "[^\\pL]", iv: true, classes: []string{"L"}, out: []byte("←")},
{in: "←a", val: "[^\\pL]i", iv: true, ic: true, classes: []string{"L"}, out: []byte("←")},
{in: "←a", val: "[^\\pL]i", iv: true, ic: true, classes: []string{"L"}, out: []byte("←")},
{in: "b", val: "[\\p{Latin}]", classes: []string{"Latin"}, out: []byte("b")},
{in: "b", val: "[\\p{Latin}]i", ic: true, classes: []string{"Latin"}, out: []byte("b")},
{in: "B", val: "[\\p{Latin}]i", ic: true, classes: []string{"Latin"}, out: []byte("B")},
{in: "b", val: "[^\\p{Latin}]", iv: true, classes: []string{"Latin"}, out: nil},
{in: "b", val: "[^\\p{Latin}]i", ic: true, iv: true, classes: []string{"Latin"}, out: nil},
{in: "B", val: "[^\\p{Latin}]i", iv: true, ic: true, classes: []string{"Latin"}, out: nil},
{in: "", val: "[^<]", iv: true, chars: []rune{'<'}, out: nil},
for _, tc := range cases {
p := newParser("", []byte(tc.in))
// advance to the first rune
var want interface{}
var match bool
if tc.out != nil {
want = tc.out
match = true
lbl := fmt.Sprintf("%q (%t-%t): %q", tc.val, tc.ic, tc.iv, tc.in)
classes := make([]*unicode.RangeTable, len(tc.classes))
for i, c := range tc.classes {
classes[i] = rangeTable(c)
got, ok := p.parseCharClassMatcher(&charClassMatcher{
val: tc.val,
chars: tc.chars,
ranges: tc.ranges,
classes: classes,
ignoreCase: tc.ic,
inverted: tc.iv,
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%s: want %v, got %v", lbl, tc.out, got)
if ok != match {
t.Errorf("%s: want match? %t, got %t", lbl, match, ok)
if p.pt.offset != len(tc.out) {
t.Errorf("%s: want offset %d, got %d", lbl, len(tc.out), p.pt.offset)
func TestParseZeroOrOneExpr(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
in string
lit string
out []byte
{"", "", []byte{}},
{"", "a", nil},
{"a", "a", []byte("a")},
{"a", "b", nil},
{"abc", "ab", []byte("ab")},
{"ab", "abc", nil},
for _, tc := range cases {
p := newParser("", []byte(tc.in))
// advance to the first rune
var want interface{}
if tc.out != nil {
want = tc.out
lbl := fmt.Sprintf("%q: %q", tc.lit, tc.in)
got, ok := p.parseZeroOrOneExpr(&zeroOrOneExpr{expr: &litMatcher{val: tc.lit}})
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%q: want %v, got %v", lbl, tc.out, got)
// zero or one always matches
if !ok {
t.Errorf("%s: want match, got %t", lbl, ok)
if p.pt.offset != len(tc.out) {
t.Errorf("%s: want offset %d, got %d", lbl, len(tc.out), p.pt.offset)
func TestParseZeroOrMoreExpr(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
in string
lit string
out []string
// ""* is a pathological case - the empty string always matches, so this
// is an infinite loop. Not fixing it, because semantically this seems
// correct.
// {"", "", []byte{}},
{"", "a", nil},
{"a", "a", []string{"a"}},
{"a", "b", nil},
{"abc", "ab", []string{"ab"}},
{"ab", "abc", nil},
{"aab", "a", []string{"a", "a"}},
{"bba", "a", nil},
{"bba", "b", []string{"b", "b"}},
{"bba", "bb", []string{"bb"}},
{"aaaaab", "aa", []string{"aa", "aa"}},
{"aaaaab", "a", []string{"a", "a", "a", "a", "a"}},
for _, tc := range cases {
p := newParser("", []byte(tc.in))
// advance to the first rune
want := make([]interface{}, len(tc.out))
for i, v := range tc.out {
want[i] = []byte(v)
if tc.out == nil {
want = nil
lbl := fmt.Sprintf("%q: %q", tc.lit, tc.in)
got, ok := p.parseZeroOrMoreExpr(&zeroOrMoreExpr{expr: &litMatcher{val: tc.lit}})
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%s: want %#v, got %#v", lbl, want, got)
// zero or more always matches
if !ok {
t.Errorf("%s: want match, got %t", lbl, ok)
wantOffset := 0
for _, s := range tc.out {
wantOffset += len(s)
if p.pt.offset != wantOffset {
t.Errorf("%s: want offset %d, got %d", lbl, wantOffset, p.pt.offset)
func TestParseOneOrMoreExpr(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
in string
lit string
out []string
// ""+ is a pathological case - the empty string always matches, so this
// is an infinite loop. Not fixing it, because semantically this seems
// correct.
//{"", "", []string{}},
{"", "a", nil},
{"a", "a", []string{"a"}},
{"a", "b", nil},
{"abc", "ab", []string{"ab"}},
{"ab", "abc", nil},
{"aab", "a", []string{"a", "a"}},
{"bba", "a", nil},
{"bba", "b", []string{"b", "b"}},
{"bba", "bb", []string{"bb"}},
{"aaaaab", "aa", []string{"aa", "aa"}},
{"aaaaab", "a", []string{"a", "a", "a", "a", "a"}},
for _, tc := range cases {
p := newParser("", []byte(tc.in))
// advance to the first rune
var want interface{}
var match bool
if tc.out != nil {
vals := make([]interface{}, len(tc.out))
for i, v := range tc.out {
vals[i] = []byte(v)
want = vals
match = true
lbl := fmt.Sprintf("%q: %q", tc.lit, tc.in)
got, ok := p.parseOneOrMoreExpr(&oneOrMoreExpr{expr: &litMatcher{val: tc.lit}})
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%s: want %#v, got %#v", lbl, want, got)
if ok != match {
t.Errorf("%s: want match? %t, got %t", lbl, match, ok)
wantOffset := 0
for _, s := range tc.out {
wantOffset += len(s)
if p.pt.offset != wantOffset {
t.Errorf("%s: want offset %d, got %d", lbl, wantOffset, p.pt.offset)
func TestParseSeqExpr(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
in string
lits []string
out []string
{"", nil, []string{}}, // empty seq (impossible case via the parser) always matches
{"", []string{"a"}, nil},
{"a", []string{"a"}, []string{"a"}},
{"a", []string{"a", "b"}, nil},
{"abc", []string{"a", "b"}, []string{"a", "b"}},
{"abc", []string{"a", "b", "c"}, []string{"a", "b", "c"}},
{"ab", []string{"a", "b", "c"}, nil},
for _, tc := range cases {
p := newParser("", []byte(tc.in))
// advance to the first rune
var want interface{}
var match bool
if tc.out != nil {
var vals []interface{}
for _, v := range tc.out {
vals = append(vals, []byte(v))
want = vals
match = true
lbl := fmt.Sprintf("%v: %q", tc.lits, tc.in)
lits := make([]interface{}, len(tc.lits))
for i, l := range tc.lits {
lits[i] = &litMatcher{val: l}
got, ok := p.parseSeqExpr(&seqExpr{exprs: lits})
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%s: want %#v, got %#v", lbl, want, got)
if ok != match {
t.Errorf("%s: want match? %t, got %t", lbl, match, ok)
wantOffset := 0
for _, s := range tc.out {
wantOffset += len(s)
if p.pt.offset != wantOffset {
t.Errorf("%s: want offset %d, got %d", lbl, wantOffset, p.pt.offset)
func TestParseRuleRefExpr(t *testing.T) {
p := newParser("", []byte(""))
func() {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
t.Fatal("want panic, got none")
p.parseRuleRefExpr(&ruleRefExpr{name: "a"})
if p.errs.err() == nil {
t.Fatal("want error, got none")
func TestParseNotExpr(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
in string
lit string
match bool
{"", "", false},
{"", "a", true},
{"a", "a", false},
{"b", "a", true},
{"ab", "a", false},
{"ab", "ab", false},
{"ab", "abc", true},
{"abc", "abc", false},
{"abc", "ab", false},
{"abc", "ac", true},
for _, tc := range cases {
p := newParser("", []byte(tc.in))
// advance to the first rune
lbl := fmt.Sprintf("%q: %q", tc.lit, tc.in)
_, ok := p.parseNotExpr(¬Expr{expr: &litMatcher{val: tc.lit}})
if ok != tc.match {
t.Errorf("%s: want match? %t, got %t", lbl, tc.match, ok)
if p.pt.offset != 0 {
t.Errorf("%s: want offset %d, got %d", lbl, 0, p.pt.offset)
func TestParseAndExpr(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
in string
lit string
match bool
{"", "", true},
{"", "a", false},
{"a", "a", true},
{"b", "a", false},
{"ab", "a", true},
{"ab", "ab", true},
{"ab", "abc", false},
{"abc", "abc", true},
{"abc", "ab", true},
{"abc", "ac", false},
for _, tc := range cases {
p := newParser("", []byte(tc.in))
// advance to the first rune
lbl := fmt.Sprintf("%q: %q", tc.lit, tc.in)
_, ok := p.parseAndExpr(&andExpr{expr: &litMatcher{val: tc.lit}})
if ok != tc.match {
t.Errorf("%s: want match? %t, got %t", lbl, tc.match, ok)
if p.pt.offset != 0 {
t.Errorf("%s: want offset %d, got %d", lbl, 0, p.pt.offset)
func TestParseNotCodeExpr(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
in string
b bool
err error
{"", true, nil},
{"", true, io.EOF},
{"", false, nil},
{"", false, io.EOF},
{"a", true, nil},
{"a", true, io.EOF},
{"a", false, nil},
{"a", false, io.EOF},
for _, tc := range cases {
fn := func(_ *parser) (bool, error) {
return tc.b, tc.err
p := newParser("", []byte(tc.in))
// advance to the first rune
lbl := fmt.Sprintf("%q: %t-%t", tc.in, tc.b, tc.err == nil)
_, ok := p.parseNotCodeExpr(¬CodeExpr{run: fn})
if ok != !tc.b {
t.Errorf("%s: want match? %t, got %t", lbl, !tc.b, ok)
el := *p.errs
wantn := 0
if tc.err != nil {
wantn = 1
if len(el) != wantn {
t.Errorf("%s: want %d error, got %d", lbl, wantn, len(el))
} else if wantn == 1 {
ie := el[0].(*parserError).Inner
if ie != tc.err {
t.Errorf("%s: want error %v, got %v", lbl, tc.err, ie)
if p.pt.offset != 0 {
t.Errorf("%s: want offset %d, got %d", lbl, 0, p.pt.offset)
func TestParseAndCodeExpr(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
in string
b bool
err error
{"", true, nil},
{"", true, io.EOF},
{"", false, nil},
{"", false, io.EOF},
{"a", true, nil},
{"a", true, io.EOF},
{"a", false, nil},
{"a", false, io.EOF},
for _, tc := range cases {
fn := func(_ *parser) (bool, error) {
return tc.b, tc.err
p := newParser("", []byte(tc.in))
// advance to the first rune
lbl := fmt.Sprintf("%q: %t-%t", tc.in, tc.b, tc.err == nil)
_, ok := p.parseAndCodeExpr(&andCodeExpr{run: fn})
if ok != tc.b {
t.Errorf("%s: want match? %t, got %t", lbl, tc.b, ok)
el := *p.errs
wantn := 0
if tc.err != nil {
wantn = 1
if len(el) != wantn {
t.Errorf("%s: want %d error, got %d", lbl, wantn, len(el))
} else if wantn == 1 {
ie := el[0].(*parserError).Inner
if ie != tc.err {
t.Errorf("%s: want error %v, got %v", lbl, tc.err, ie)
if p.pt.offset != 0 {
t.Errorf("%s: want offset %d, got %d", lbl, 0, p.pt.offset)
func TestParseLabeledExpr(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
in string
lit string
out []byte
{"", "", []byte{}},
{"", "a", nil},
{"a", "a", []byte("a")},
{"a", "ab", nil},
{"ab", "a", []byte("a")},
{"ab", "ab", []byte("ab")},
{"ab", "abc", nil},
{"abc", "ab", []byte("ab")},
for _, tc := range cases {
p := newParser("", []byte(tc.in))
// advance to the first rune
var want interface{}
var match bool
if tc.out != nil {
match = true
want = tc.out
lbl := fmt.Sprintf("%q: %q", tc.lit, tc.in)
got, ok := p.parseLabeledExpr(&labeledExpr{label: "l", expr: &litMatcher{val: tc.lit}})
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%s: want %v, got %v", lbl, tc.out, got)
if ok != match {
t.Errorf("%s: want match? %t, got %t", lbl, match, ok)
} else {
// must be 1 var set on the stack
if len(p.vstack) != 1 {
t.Errorf("%s: want %d var sets on the stack, got %d", lbl, 1, len(p.vstack))
} else {
vs := p.vstack[0]
if !reflect.DeepEqual(vs["l"], got) {
t.Errorf("%s: want %v on the stack for this label, got %v", lbl, got, vs["l"])
if p.pt.offset != len(tc.out) {
t.Errorf("%s: want offset %d, got %d", lbl, len(tc.out), p.pt.offset)
func TestParseChoiceExpr(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
in string
lits []string
out []byte
{"", nil, nil}, // empty choice (impossible case via the parser)
{"", []string{"a"}, nil},
{"a", []string{"a"}, []byte("a")},
{"a", []string{"b"}, nil},
{"ab", []string{"b"}, nil},
{"ba", []string{"b"}, []byte("b")},
{"a", []string{"a", "b"}, []byte("a")},
{"a", []string{"b", "a"}, []byte("a")},
{"ab", []string{"a", "b"}, []byte("a")},
{"ab", []string{"b", "a"}, []byte("a")},
{"cb", []string{"a", "b"}, nil},
{"cb", []string{"b", "a"}, nil},
{"abcd", []string{"abc", "ab", "a"}, []byte("abc")},
{"abcd", []string{"a", "ab", "abc"}, []byte("a")},
{"bcd", []string{"a", "ab", "abc"}, nil},
for _, tc := range cases {
p := newParser("", []byte(tc.in))
// advance to the first rune
var want interface{}
var match bool
if tc.out != nil {
want = tc.out
match = true
lbl := fmt.Sprintf("%v: %q", tc.lits, tc.in)
lits := make([]interface{}, len(tc.lits))
for i, l := range tc.lits {
lits[i] = &litMatcher{val: l}
got, ok := p.parseChoiceExpr(&choiceExpr{alternatives: lits})
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%s: want %#v, got %#v", lbl, want, got)
if ok != match {
t.Errorf("%s: want match? %t, got %t", lbl, match, ok)
if p.pt.offset != len(tc.out) {
t.Errorf("%s: want offset %d, got %d", lbl, len(tc.out), p.pt.offset)
func TestParseActionExpr(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
in string
lit string
v interface{}
err error
{"", "", 1, nil}, // empty string always matches
{"", "", 1, io.EOF},
{"", "a", nil, nil},
{"a", "a", 1, nil},
{"a", "a", 1, io.EOF},
{"ab", "a", 1, nil},
{"ab", "a", 1, io.EOF},
{"ba", "a", nil, nil},
for _, tc := range cases {
called := false
fn := func(_ *parser) (interface{}, error) {
called = true
return tc.v, tc.err
p := newParser("", []byte(tc.in))
// advance to the first rune
lbl := fmt.Sprintf("%q: %q", tc.in, tc.lit)
match := tc.v != nil
got, ok := p.parseActionExpr(&actionExpr{run: fn, expr: &litMatcher{val: tc.lit}})
if ok != match {
t.Errorf("%s: want match? %t, got %t", lbl, match, ok)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tc.v) {
t.Errorf("%s: want %#v, got %#v", lbl, tc.v, got)
if match != called {
t.Errorf("%s: want action code to be called? %t, got %t", lbl, match, called)
el := *p.errs
wantn := 0
if tc.err != nil {
wantn = 1
if len(el) != wantn {
t.Errorf("%s: want %d error, got %d", lbl, wantn, len(el))
} else if wantn == 1 {
ie := el[0].(*parserError).Inner
if ie != tc.err {
t.Errorf("%s: want error %v, got %v", lbl, tc.err, ie)
wantOffset := 0
if match {
wantOffset = len(tc.lit)
if p.pt.offset != wantOffset {
t.Errorf("%s: want offset %d, got %d", lbl, wantOffset, p.pt.offset)