345 lines
10 KiB
345 lines
10 KiB
import buildInfluxQLQuery, {buildQuery} from 'utils/influxql'
import defaultQueryConfig from 'src/utils/defaultQueryConfig'
import {NONE, NULL_STRING} from 'shared/constants/queryFillOptions'
import {TYPE_QUERY_CONFIG} from 'src/dashboards/constants'
function mergeConfig(options) {
return Object.assign({}, defaultQueryConfig(123), options)
describe('buildInfluxQLQuery', () => {
let config, timeBounds
describe('when information is missing', () => {
it('returns a null select statement', () => {
expect(buildInfluxQLQuery({}, mergeConfig())).toBe(null)
let merged = mergeConfig({database: 'db1'})
let actual = buildInfluxQLQuery({}, merged)
expect(actual).toBe(null) // no measurement
merged = mergeConfig({database: 'db1', measurement: 'm1'})
actual = buildInfluxQLQuery({}, merged)
expect(actual).toBe(null) // no fields
describe('with a database, measurement, field, and NO retention policy', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
config = mergeConfig({
database: 'db1',
measurement: 'm1',
fields: [{value: 'f1', type: 'field'}],
it('builds the right query', () => {
expect(buildInfluxQLQuery({}, config)).toBe(
'SELECT "f1" FROM "db1".."m1"'
describe('with a database, measurement, retention policy, and field', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
config = mergeConfig({
database: 'db1',
measurement: 'm1',
retentionPolicy: 'rp1',
fields: [{value: 'f1', type: 'field'}],
timeBounds = {lower: 'now() - 1hr'}
it('builds the right query', () => {
expect(buildInfluxQLQuery({}, config)).toBe(
'SELECT "f1" FROM "db1"."rp1"."m1"'
it('builds the right query with a time range', () => {
expect(buildInfluxQLQuery(timeBounds, config)).toBe(
'SELECT "f1" FROM "db1"."rp1"."m1" WHERE time > now() - 1hr'
describe('when the field is *', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
config = mergeConfig({
database: 'db1',
measurement: 'm1',
retentionPolicy: 'rp1',
fields: [{value: '*', type: 'field'}],
it('does not quote the star', () => {
expect(buildInfluxQLQuery({}, config)).toBe(
'SELECT * FROM "db1"."rp1"."m1"'
describe('with a measurement and one field, an aggregate, and a GROUP BY time()', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
config = mergeConfig({
database: 'db1',
measurement: 'm0',
retentionPolicy: 'rp1',
fields: [
value: 'min',
type: 'func',
alias: 'min_value',
args: [{value: 'value', type: 'field'}],
groupBy: {time: '10m', tags: []},
timeBounds = {lower: 'now() - 12h'}
it('builds the right query', () => {
const expected =
'SELECT min("value") AS "min_value" FROM "db1"."rp1"."m0" WHERE time > now() - 12h GROUP BY time(10m) FILL(null)'
expect(buildInfluxQLQuery(timeBounds, config)).toBe(expected)
describe('with a measurement and one field, an aggregate, and a GROUP BY tags', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
config = mergeConfig({
database: 'db1',
measurement: 'm0',
retentionPolicy: 'rp1',
fields: [
value: 'min',
type: 'func',
alias: 'min_value',
args: [{value: 'value', type: 'field'}],
groupBy: {time: null, tags: ['t1', 't2']},
timeBounds = {lower: 'now() - 12h'}
it('builds the right query', () => {
const expected = `SELECT min("value") AS "min_value" FROM "db1"."rp1"."m0" WHERE time > now() - 12h GROUP BY "t1", "t2"`
expect(buildInfluxQLQuery(timeBounds, config)).toBe(expected)
describe('with a measurement, one field, and an upper / lower absolute time range', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
config = mergeConfig({
database: 'db1',
retentionPolicy: 'rp1',
measurement: 'm0',
fields: [{value: 'value', type: 'field'}],
timeBounds = {
lower: "'2015-07-23T15:52:24.447Z'",
upper: "'2015-07-24T15:52:24.447Z'",
it('builds the right query', () => {
const expected =
'SELECT "value" FROM "db1"."rp1"."m0" WHERE time > \'2015-07-23T15:52:24.447Z\' AND time < \'2015-07-24T15:52:24.447Z\''
expect(buildInfluxQLQuery(timeBounds, config)).toBe(expected)
describe('with a measurement and one field, an aggregate, and a GROUP BY time(), and tags', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
config = mergeConfig({
database: 'db1',
retentionPolicy: 'rp1',
measurement: 'm0',
fields: [
value: 'min',
type: 'func',
alias: 'min_value',
args: [{value: 'value', type: 'field'}],
groupBy: {time: '10m', tags: ['t1', 't2']},
timeBounds = {lower: 'now() - 12h'}
it('builds the right query', () => {
const expected =
'SELECT min("value") AS "min_value" FROM "db1"."rp1"."m0" WHERE time > now() - 12h GROUP BY time(10m), "t1", "t2" FILL(null)'
expect(buildInfluxQLQuery(timeBounds, config)).toBe(expected)
describe('with a measurement and two fields', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
config = mergeConfig({
database: 'db1',
retentionPolicy: 'rp1',
measurement: 'm0',
fields: [{value: 'f0', type: 'field'}, {value: 'f1', type: 'field'}],
timeBounds = {upper: "'2015-02-24T00:00:00Z'"}
it('builds the right query', () => {
expect(buildInfluxQLQuery({}, config)).toBe(
'SELECT "f0", "f1" FROM "db1"."rp1"."m0"'
it('builds the right query with a time range', () => {
const expected = `SELECT "f0", "f1" FROM "db1"."rp1"."m0" WHERE time < '2015-02-24T00:00:00Z'`
expect(buildInfluxQLQuery(timeBounds, config)).toBe(expected)
describe('with multiple tag pairs', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
config = mergeConfig({
database: 'db1',
measurement: 'm0',
retentionPolicy: 'rp1',
fields: [{value: 'f0', type: 'field'}],
tags: {
k1: ['v1', 'v3', 'v4'],
k2: ['v2'],
timeBounds = {lower: 'now() - 6h'}
it('correctly uses AND/OR to combine pairs', () => {
const expected = `SELECT "f0" FROM "db1"."rp1"."m0" WHERE time > now() - 6h AND ("k1"='v1' OR "k1"='v3' OR "k1"='v4') AND "k2"='v2'`
expect(buildInfluxQLQuery(timeBounds, config)).toBe(expected)
describe('with GROUP BY time()', () => {
describe('and no explicit fill', () => {
it('makes fill(null) explicit', () => {
config = mergeConfig({
database: 'db1',
retentionPolicy: 'rp1',
measurement: 'm0',
fields: [
value: 'min',
type: 'func',
alias: 'min_value',
args: [{value: 'value', type: 'field'}],
groupBy: {time: '10m', tags: []},
timeBounds = {lower: 'now() - 12h'}
const expected =
'SELECT min("value") AS "min_value" FROM "db1"."rp1"."m0" WHERE time > now() - 12h GROUP BY time(10m) FILL(null)'
expect(buildInfluxQLQuery(timeBounds, config)).toBe(expected)
describe('and explicit fills', () => {
it('includes those explicit fills', () => {
// Test fill null
config = mergeConfig({
database: 'db1',
retentionPolicy: 'rp1',
measurement: 'm0',
fields: [
value: 'min',
type: 'func',
alias: 'min_value',
args: [{value: 'value', type: 'field'}],
groupBy: {time: '10m', tags: []},
timeBounds = {lower: 'now() - 12h'}
let expected =
'SELECT min("value") AS "min_value" FROM "db1"."rp1"."m0" WHERE time > now() - 12h GROUP BY time(10m) FILL(null)'
expect(buildInfluxQLQuery(timeBounds, config)).toBe(expected)
// Test fill another option
config = mergeConfig({
database: 'db1',
retentionPolicy: 'rp1',
measurement: 'm0',
fields: [
value: 'min',
type: 'func',
alias: 'min_value',
args: [{value: 'value', type: 'field'}],
groupBy: {time: '10m', tags: []},
fill: NONE,
timeBounds = {lower: 'now() - 12h'}
expected =
'SELECT min("value") AS "min_value" FROM "db1"."rp1"."m0" WHERE time > now() - 12h GROUP BY time(10m) FILL(none)'
expect(buildInfluxQLQuery(timeBounds, config)).toBe(expected)
// Test fill number
config = mergeConfig({
database: 'db1',
retentionPolicy: 'rp1',
measurement: 'm0',
fields: [
value: 'min',
type: 'func',
alias: 'min_value',
args: [{value: 'value', type: 'field'}],
groupBy: {time: '10m', tags: ['t1', 't2']},
fill: '1337',
timeBounds = {lower: 'now() - 12h'}
expected =
'SELECT min("value") AS "min_value" FROM "db1"."rp1"."m0" WHERE time > now() - 12h GROUP BY time(10m), "t1", "t2" FILL(1337)'
expect(buildInfluxQLQuery(timeBounds, config)).toBe(expected)
describe('build query', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
config = mergeConfig({
database: 'db1',
measurement: 'm1',
retentionPolicy: 'rp1',
fields: [{value: 'f1', type: 'field'}],
groupBy: {time: '10m', tags: []},
it('builds an influxql relative time bound query', () => {
const timeRange = {upper: null, lower: 'now() - 15m'}
const expected =
'SELECT "f1" FROM "db1"."rp1"."m1" WHERE time > now() - 15m GROUP BY time(10m) FILL(null)'
const actual = buildQuery(TYPE_QUERY_CONFIG, timeRange, config)