import reducer from 'src/data_explorer/reducers/queryConfigs' import defaultQueryConfig from 'src/utils/defaultQueryConfig' import { chooseNamespace, chooseMeasurement, toggleField, applyFuncsToField, chooseTag, groupByTag, groupByTime, toggleTagAcceptance, updateRawQuery, editQueryStatus, } from 'src/data_explorer/actions/view' const fakeAddQueryAction = (panelID, queryID) => { return { type: 'ADD_QUERY', payload: {panelID, queryID}, } } function buildInitialState(queryId, params) { return Object.assign({}, defaultQueryConfig(queryId), params) } describe('Chronograf.Reducers.queryConfig', () => { const queryId = 123 it('can add a query', () => { const state = reducer({}, fakeAddQueryAction('blah', queryId)) const actual = state[queryId] const expected = defaultQueryConfig(queryId) expect(actual).to.deep.equal(expected) }) describe('choosing db, rp, and measurement', () => { let state beforeEach(() => { state = reducer({}, fakeAddQueryAction('any', queryId)) }) it('sets the db and rp', () => { const newState = reducer(state, chooseNamespace(queryId, { database: 'telegraf', retentionPolicy: 'monitor', })) expect(newState[queryId].database).to.equal('telegraf') expect(newState[queryId].retentionPolicy).to.equal('monitor') }) it('sets the measurement', () => { const newState = reducer(state, chooseMeasurement(queryId, 'mem')) expect(newState[queryId].measurement).to.equal('mem') }) }) describe('a query has measurements and fields', () => { let state beforeEach(() => { const one = reducer({}, fakeAddQueryAction('any', queryId)) const two = reducer(one, chooseNamespace(queryId, { database: '_internal', retentionPolicy: 'daily', })) const three = reducer(two, chooseMeasurement(queryId, 'disk')) state = reducer(three, toggleField(queryId, {field: 'a great field', funcs: []})) }) describe('choosing a new namespace', () => { it('clears out the old measurement and fields', () => { // what about tags? expect(state[queryId].measurement).to.exist expect(state[queryId].fields.length).to.equal(1) const newState = reducer(state, chooseNamespace(queryId, { database: 'newdb', retentionPolicy: 'newrp', })) expect(newState[queryId].measurement) expect(newState[queryId].fields.length).to.equal(0) }) }) describe('choosing a new measurement', () => { it('leaves the namespace and clears out the old fields', () => { // what about tags? expect(state[queryId].fields.length).to.equal(1) const newState = reducer(state, chooseMeasurement(queryId, 'newmeasurement')) expect(state[queryId].database).to.equal(newState[queryId].database) expect(state[queryId].retentionPolicy).to.equal(newState[queryId].retentionPolicy) expect(newState[queryId].fields.length).to.equal(0) }) }) describe('when the query is part of a kapacitor rule', () => { it('only allows one field', () => { expect(state[queryId].fields.length).to.equal(1) const isKapacitorRule = true const newState = reducer(state, toggleField(queryId, {field: 'a different field', funcs: []}, isKapacitorRule)) expect(newState[queryId].fields.length).to.equal(1) expect(newState[queryId].fields[0].field).to.equal('a different field') }) }) }) describe('APPLY_FUNCS_TO_FIELD', () => { it('applies functions to a field without any existing functions', () => { const initialState = { [queryId]: { id: 123, database: 'db1', measurement: 'm1', fields: [ {field: 'f1', funcs: ['fn1', 'fn2']}, {field: 'f2', funcs: ['fn1']}, ], }, } const action = applyFuncsToField(queryId, { field: 'f1', funcs: ['fn3', 'fn4'], }) const nextState = reducer(initialState, action) expect(nextState[queryId].fields).to.eql([ {field: 'f1', funcs: ['fn3', 'fn4']}, {field: 'f2', funcs: ['fn1']}, ]) }) it('removes all functions and group by time when one field has no funcs applied', () => { const initialState = { [queryId]: { id: 123, database: 'db1', measurement: 'm1', fields: [ {field: 'f1', funcs: ['fn1', 'fn2']}, {field: 'f2', funcs: ['fn3', 'fn4']}, ], groupBy: { time: '1m', tags: [], }, }, } const action = applyFuncsToField(queryId, { field: 'f1', funcs: [], }) const nextState = reducer(initialState, action) expect(nextState[queryId].fields).to.eql([ {field: 'f1', funcs: []}, {field: 'f2', funcs: []}, ]) expect(nextState[queryId].groupBy.time).to.equal(null) }) }) describe('CHOOSE_TAG', () => { it('adds a tag key/value to the query', () => { const initialState = { [queryId]: buildInitialState(queryId, { tags: { k1: ['v0'], k2: ['foo'], }, }), } const action = chooseTag(queryId, { key: 'k1', value: 'v1', }) const nextState = reducer(initialState, action) expect(nextState[queryId].tags).to.eql({ k1: ['v0', 'v1'], k2: ['foo'], }) }) it('creates a new entry if it\'s the first key', () => { const initialState = { [queryId]: buildInitialState(queryId, { tags: {}, }), } const action = chooseTag(queryId, { key: 'k1', value: 'v1', }) const nextState = reducer(initialState, action) expect(nextState[queryId].tags).to.eql({ k1: ['v1'], }) }) it('removes a value that is already in the list', () => { const initialState = { [queryId]: buildInitialState(queryId, { tags: { k1: ['v1'], }, }), } const action = chooseTag(queryId, { key: 'k1', value: 'v1', }) const nextState = reducer(initialState, action) // TODO: this should probably remove the `k1` property entirely from the tags object expect(nextState[queryId].tags).to.eql({}) }) }) describe('GROUP_BY_TAG', () => { it('adds a tag key/value to the query', () => { const initialState = { [queryId]: { id: 123, database: 'db1', measurement: 'm1', fields: [], tags: {}, groupBy: {tags: [], time: null}, }, } const action = groupByTag(queryId, 'k1') const nextState = reducer(initialState, action) expect(nextState[queryId].groupBy).to.eql({ time: null, tags: ['k1'], }) }) it('removes a tag if the given tag key is already in the GROUP BY list', () => { const initialState = { [queryId]: { id: 123, database: 'db1', measurement: 'm1', fields: [], tags: {}, groupBy: {tags: ['k1'], time: null}, }, } const action = groupByTag(queryId, 'k1') const nextState = reducer(initialState, action) expect(nextState[queryId].groupBy).to.eql({ time: null, tags: [], }) }) }) describe('TOGGLE_TAG_ACCEPTANCE', () => { it('it toggles areTagsAccepted', () => { const initialState = { [queryId]: buildInitialState(queryId), } const action = toggleTagAcceptance(queryId) const nextState = reducer(initialState, action) expect(nextState[queryId].areTagsAccepted).to.equal(!initialState[queryId].areTagsAccepted) }) }) describe('GROUP_BY_TIME', () => { it('applys the appropriate group by time', () => { const time = '100y' const initialState = { [queryId]: buildInitialState(queryId), } const action = groupByTime(queryId, time) const nextState = reducer(initialState, action) expect(nextState[queryId].groupBy.time).to.equal(time) }) }) it('updates a query\'s raw text', () => { const initialState = { [queryId]: buildInitialState(queryId), } const text = 'foo' const action = updateRawQuery(queryId, text) const nextState = reducer(initialState, action) expect(nextState[queryId].rawText).to.equal('foo') }) it('updates a query\'s raw status', () => { const initialState = { [queryId]: buildInitialState(queryId), } const status = 'your query was sweet' const action = editQueryStatus(queryId, status) const nextState = reducer(initialState, action) expect(nextState[queryId].status).to.equal(status) }) })