# Builds Builds are run from a docker build image that is configured with the node and go we support. Our circle.yml uses this docker container to build, test and create release packages. ## Updating new node/go versions Versions can be updated in `Dockerfile_build`. A new docker must be then built, published and used in CI. ### Step 1: Build New Docker Image and Save It to Quay Having logged to quay.io with push permissions run: ```sh cd $CHRONOGRAF_REPOSITORY_ROOT ./etc/scripts/docker/build.sh ``` ### OPTIONAL Step 2: Check the build image Run the image with: ```sh export DOCKER_TAG="chronograf-$(date +%Y%m%d)" ./etc/scripts/docker/run.sh ``` ### Step 3: Update script and CircleCI 1. Modify default tag in `etc/docker/run.sh`, replace with new one. 2. Change DOCKER_TAG in `.circleci/config.yml`.