ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT) VERSION := $(shell git describe --exact-match --tags 2>nil) else VERSION := $(shell git describe --exact-match --tags 2>/dev/null) endif COMMIT ?= $(shell git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD) YARN := $(shell command -v yarn 2> /dev/null) SOURCES := $(shell find . -name '*.go' ! -name '*_gen.go' -not -path "./vendor/*" ) UISOURCES := $(shell find ui -type f -not \( -path ui/build/\* -o -path ui/node_modules/\* -o -path ui/cypress/\* -prune \) ) unexport LDFLAGS ifdef VERSION TMP_BUILD_VERSION = -X main.version=$(VERSION) endif LDFLAGS=-ldflags "-s -X main.commit=${COMMIT} ${TMP_BUILD_VERSION}" unexport TMP_BUILD_VERSION BINARY=chronograf CTLBINARY=chronoctl .DEFAULT_GOAL := all .PHONY: assets dep clean test gotest gotestrace jstest run run-dev ctags all: dep build build: assets ${BINARY} ${BINARY}: $(SOURCES) .bindata .jsdep .godep go build -o ${BINARY} ${LDFLAGS} ./cmd/chronograf/main.go go build -o ${CTLBINARY} ${LDFLAGS} ./cmd/chronoctl define CHRONOGIRAFFE ._ o o \_`-)|_ ,"" _\_ ," ## | 0 0. ," ## ,-\__ `. ," / `--._;) - "HAI, I'm Chronogiraffe. Let's be friends!" ," ## / ," ## / endef export CHRONOGIRAFFE chronogiraffe: ${BINARY} @echo "$$CHRONOGIRAFFE" docker-${BINARY}: $(SOURCES) CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -installsuffix cgo -o ${BINARY} ${LDFLAGS} \ ./cmd/chronograf/main.go docker: dep assets docker-${BINARY} docker build -t chronograf . assets: .jssrc .bindata .bindata: server/swagger.json canned/*.json protoboards/*.json $(UISOURCES) @touch .bindata .jssrc: $(UISOURCES) cd ui && yarn run clean && yarn run build @touch .jssrc dep: .jsdep .godep .godep: go get @touch .godep .jsdep: ./yarn.lock ifndef YARN $(error Please install yarn 1.19.1+) else cd ui && yarn --no-progress --no-emoji @touch .jsdep endif gen: internal.pb.go internal.pb.go: kv/internal/internal.proto go generate -x ./kv/internal test: gochecktidy gocheckfmt jstest gotest gotestrace lint-ci gochecktidy: go version go mod tidy if ! git --no-pager diff --exit-code -- go.mod go.sum; then\ echo Modules are not tidy, please run \`go mod tidy\` ! ;\ exit 1;\ fi gocheckfmt: NOFMTFILES=`go fmt './...'` ; \ if [ ! -z "$$NOFMTFILES" ] ; then\ echo Unformatted files: $$NOFMTFILES ;\ echo Run \`go fmt ./...\` to fix it ! ;\ exit 1;\ fi gotest: go test -timeout 10s ./... gotestrace: go test -race ./... jstest: cd ui && yarn test --runInBand lint: cd ui && yarn run lint lint-ci: cd ui && yarn run eslint && yarn run tsc # fail fast for ci process run: ${BINARY} ./chronograf run-dev: chronogiraffe mkdir -p ui/build ./chronograf -d --log-level=debug e2e-prepare: ./ui/cypress/local-chronograf-influxdb-enterprise.sh e2e: cd ui && yarn test:e2e clean: if [ -f ${BINARY} ] ; then rm ${BINARY} ; fi cd ui && yarn run clean rm -rf node_modules cd ui && rm -rf node_modules @rm -f .godep .jsdep .jssrc .bindata ctags: ctags -R --languages="Go" --exclude=.git --exclude=ui .