* Update Children components of DisplayOptions to use props instead of individually connecting to redux and CEO visualization actions updated in prep for DE Vis
* Update DataExplorer to have visualization options
* Update timeSeriesToDygraph to not treat data explorer differently from ceo
* Remove featureflag from vis options in DE
* Update failing tests and rename cellNote to Note
* Update columns for table graph if in ceo or de, but not in dashboard
* Update Changelog
* Remove unnecessary getters from DisplayOptions
* Update Visualization to get props from parent and not redux
* Update DataExplorer to use TimeMachine component and function like CEO
* Change dataExplorer to use time range from under dataExplorer in redux
* Change order of template variables
* Move shared actions/thunks between CEO and DE into one shared actions file
* Update tests with new reducers
* Fix types for editQueryStatus
* Remove unused components
* Fix typo
* Add Flux script to dataExplorer
* Update dataexplorer to persist what type of source its using
* Fix failing tests
* Change DE to use autorefresh dropdown from TimeMachineControls
* Update ChangeLog
* Fix failing test
* Remove unnecessary comment
* Provide default data explorer state for flux features
Co-authored-by: Iris Scholten <ischolten.is@gmail.com>