* Update Children components of DisplayOptions to use props instead of individually connecting to redux and CEO visualization actions updated in prep for DE Vis
* Update DataExplorer to have visualization options
* Update timeSeriesToDygraph to not treat data explorer differently from ceo
* Remove featureflag from vis options in DE
* Update failing tests and rename cellNote to Note
* Update columns for table graph if in ceo or de, but not in dashboard
* Update Changelog
* Remove unnecessary getters from DisplayOptions
* feat: add Note string field to dashboard cells
* wip feat: html escape cell note to help prevent XSS attack
Requires further input to make sure this is effective at its
* Add ability to view a cell's note from the cell header
* Make styles less brittle
* Add "chat" icon for use in notes
* Position note using cell X & Y
Avoid overlap with associated cell whenever possible
* New notes are empty strings by default
* Overflow note when contents are large
* Add react-markdown package for displaying markdown
* Display markdown in cell note
* Add a cell note text editor into the CEO
* Improve cell note editor
* Use codemirror placeholder addon
* Add placeholder to note field & foundation of markdown theme
* Add Markdown Cell
* Add initial styles for markdown cell contents
* Add graphic for Note type cell
* feat: add NoteVisibility to DashboardCell
* Add basic markdown syntax highlighting in editor
* Remove comment
* Show note in cell when queries return no data
* Make exception for rule graph
* Update fixtures and resources to fix tests
* Update changelog
* feat: sanitize xss-vulnerable note html
* Polish appearance of code samples in notes and note cells
* Replace ascii with plaintext before passing to markdown renderers
* Move "display when no results toggle" above text field
Less likely to go undiscovered
Update Source & SourceLinks types to be current with all fields.
Properly mocked hosts & env mock api fns for spying.
Add note about kapacitors field on Source type differing
between client and server.
Co-authored-by Iris Scholten <ischolten.is@gmail.com>