Update Makefile continuous build to restart chronograf

Chris Goller 2017-02-19 12:22:16 -06:00
parent af50e96fe0
commit 6494ddd751
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -104,5 +104,5 @@ clean:
@rm -f .godep .jsdep .jssrc .dev-jssrc .bindata
while true; do if fswatch -r --one-event .; then echo "#-> Starting build: `date`"; make dev; echo "#-> Build complete."; fi; sleep 0.5; done
while true; do if fswatch -r --one-event .; then echo "#-> Starting build: `date`"; make dev; pkill chronograf; ./chronograf -d --log-level=debug & echo "#-> Build complete."; fi; sleep 0.5; done