"note":"This dashboard gives you an overview of your MySQL Server and includes metrics from the `mysql_*` measurement populated by the [Telegraf MySQL Input Plugin](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/mysql).",
"query":"SELECT non_negative_derivative(mean(\"innodb_data_writes\")) AS \"writes\", non_negative_derivative(mean(\"innodb_data_reads\")) AS \"reads\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql\" WHERE host =:host: AND time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"rawText":"SELECT non_negative_derivative(mean(\"innodb_data_writes\")) AS \"writes\", non_negative_derivative(mean(\"innodb_data_reads\")) AS \"reads\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql\" WHERE host =:host: AND time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `mysql` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf MySQL plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/mysql).",
"query":"SELECT mean(\"threads_connected\") AS \"mean_threads_connected\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql\" WHERE host=:host: AND time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"rawText":"SELECT mean(\"threads_connected\") AS \"mean_threads_connected\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql\" WHERE host=:host: AND time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `mysql` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf MySQL plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/mysql).",
"query":"SELECT mean(\"threads_connected\") AS \"open\", mean(\"threads_running\") AS \"running\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql\" WHERE host = :host: AND time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"rawText":"SELECT mean(\"threads_connected\") AS \"open\", mean(\"threads_running\") AS \"running\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql\" WHERE host = :host: AND time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `mysql` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf MySQL plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/mysql).",
"query":"SELECT (mean(\"innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total\") * mean(\"innodb_page_size\"))/1024/1024 AS \"buffer total size\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql\" WHERE host = :host: AND time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"rawText":"SELECT (mean(\"innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total\") * mean(\"innodb_page_size\"))/1024/1024 AS \"buffer total size\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql\" WHERE host = :host: AND time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `mysql` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf MySQL plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/mysql).",
"query":"SELECT (mean(\"innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total\") - mean(\"innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free\")) / mean(\"innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total\") * 100 AS \"mean_innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql\" WHERE host = :host: AND time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"rawText":"SELECT (mean(\"innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total\") - mean(\"innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free\")) / mean(\"innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total\") * 100 AS \"mean_innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql\" WHERE host = :host: AND time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `mysql` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf MySQL plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/mysql).",
"query":"SELECT non_negative_derivative(mean(\"queries\"),1s) AS \"queries\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql\" WHERE host = :host: AND time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"rawText":"SELECT non_negative_derivative(mean(\"queries\"),1s) AS \"queries\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql\" WHERE host = :host: AND time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `mysql` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf MySQL plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/mysql).",
"query":"SELECT non_negative_derivative(max(\"bytes_sent\"),1s) AS \"bytes sent\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql\" WHERE host = :host: AND time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"rawText":"SELECT non_negative_derivative(max(\"bytes_sent\"),1s) AS \"bytes sent\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql\" WHERE host = :host: AND time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `mysql` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf MySQL plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/mysql).",
"query":"SELECT mean(\"connections\") AS \"Connections\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql_users\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host = :host: GROUP BY time(:interval:), \"user\"",
"rawText":"SELECT mean(\"connections\") AS \"Connections\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql_users\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host = :host: GROUP BY time(:interval:), \"user\"",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `mysql` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf MySQL plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/mysql).",
"query":"SELECT non_negative_derivative(mean(\"slow_queries\")) AS \"slow_queries\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql\" WHERE host=:host: AND time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"rawText":"SELECT non_negative_derivative(mean(\"slow_queries\")) AS \"slow_queries\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql\" WHERE host=:host: AND time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `mysql` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf MySQL plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/mysql).",
"query":"SELECT non_negative_derivative(max(\"bytes_received\"),1s) AS \"bytes received\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql\" WHERE host = :host: AND time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"rawText":"SELECT non_negative_derivative(max(\"bytes_received\"),1s) AS \"bytes received\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql\" WHERE host = :host: AND time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `mysql` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf MySQL plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/mysql).",
"query":"SELECT non_negative_derivative(max(\"bytes_recv\"), 1s) AS \"received\", non_negative_derivative(max(\"bytes_sent\"), 1s) AS \"sent\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"net\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"rawText":"SELECT non_negative_derivative(max(\"bytes_recv\"), 1s) AS \"received\", non_negative_derivative(max(\"bytes_sent\"), 1s) AS \"sent\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"net\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `net` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf Net plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/blob/master/plugins/inputs/net/NET_README.md).",
"query":"SELECT last(\"total\")/1024/1024/1024 AS \"last_total\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mem\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: FILL(null)",
"rawText":"SELECT last(\"total\")/1024/1024/1024 AS \"last_total\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mem\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: FILL(null)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `mem` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf Mem plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/mem).",
"query":"SELECT last(\"uptime\")/86400 AS \"mean_uptime\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"system\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: FILL(null)",
"rawText":"SELECT last(\"uptime\")/86400 AS \"mean_uptime\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"system\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: FILL(null)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `system` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf System plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/system).",
"query":"SELECT non_negative_derivative(max(\"read_bytes\"),1s) AS \"read bytes\", non_negative_derivative(max(\"write_bytes\"),1s) AS \"write bytes\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"diskio\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"rawText":"SELECT non_negative_derivative(max(\"read_bytes\"),1s) AS \"read bytes\", non_negative_derivative(max(\"write_bytes\"),1s) AS \"write bytes\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"diskio\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `diskio` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf DiskIO plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/diskio).",
"query":"SELECT mean(\"load1\") AS \"load1\", mean(\"load5\") AS \"load5\", mean(\"load15\") AS \"load15\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"system\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"rawText":"SELECT mean(\"load1\") AS \"load1\", mean(\"load5\") AS \"load5\", mean(\"load15\") AS \"load15\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"system\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `system` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf System plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/system).",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `system` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf System plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/system).",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `mysql` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf MySQL plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/mysql).",
"query":"SELECT mean(\"used_percent\") AS \"last_used_percent\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mem\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\"=:host: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"rawText":"SELECT mean(\"used_percent\") AS \"last_used_percent\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mem\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\"=:host: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `mem` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf Mem plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/mem).",
"query":"SELECT mean(\"max_connections\") AS \"mean_max_connections\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql_variables\" WHERE host = :host: AND time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"rawText":"SELECT mean(\"max_connections\") AS \"mean_max_connections\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mysql_variables\" WHERE host = :host: AND time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `mysql` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf MySQL plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/mysql).",
"influxql":"SHOW TAG VALUES ON :database: FROM :measurement: WITH KEY=:tagKey:",