"query":"SELECT max(\"value\") AS \"Go Routines\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"consul_ip-172-31-6-247_runtime_num_goroutines\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: GROUP BY time(:interval:)"
"name":"Consul Agent – Runtime Alloc Bytes",
"query":"SELECT max(\"value\") AS \"Runtime Alloc Bytes\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"consul_ip-172-31-6-247_runtime_alloc_bytes\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: GROUP BY time(:interval:)"
"name":"Consul Agent – Heap Objects",
"query":"SELECT max(\"value\") AS \"Heap Objects\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"consul_ip-172-31-6-247_runtime_heap_objects\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: GROUP BY time(:interval:)"
"name":"Consul – Number of Agents",
"query":"SELECT min(\"value\") AS \"num_agents\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"consul_memberlist_msg_alive\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: GROUP BY time(:interval:)",
"name":"Consul – Leadership Election",
"query":"SELECT max(\"value\") AS \"max_value\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"consul_raft_state_candidate\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: GROUP BY time(:interval:)",
"name":"Consul – HTTP Request Time (ms)",
"query":"SELECT max(\"upper\") AS \"GET_health_state\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"consul_consul_http_GET_v1_health_state__\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: GROUP BY time(:interval:)",
"name":"Consul – Leadership Change",
"query":"SELECT max(\"value\") as \"change\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"consul_raft_state_leader\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: GROUP BY time(:interval:)",
"name":"Consul – Number of serf events",
"query":"SELECT max(\"value\") AS \"serf_events\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"consul_serf_events\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: GROUP BY time(:interval:)",
"influxql":"SHOW TAG VALUES ON :database: FROM :measurement: WITH KEY=:tagKey:",