2017-07-21 16:09:49 +00:00
package server_test
import (
2017-07-27 19:57:04 +00:00
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2017-07-27 19:57:04 +00:00
2017-07-21 16:09:49 +00:00
2017-07-27 19:57:04 +00:00
2017-07-21 16:09:49 +00:00
func Test_Cells_CorrectAxis ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
axisTests := [ ] struct {
name string
cell * chronograf . DashboardCell
shouldFail bool
} {
"correct axes" ,
& chronograf . DashboardCell {
Axes : map [ string ] chronograf . Axis {
"x" : chronograf . Axis {
2017-07-26 19:45:17 +00:00
Bounds : [ ] string { "0" , "100" } ,
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} ,
"y" : chronograf . Axis {
2017-07-26 19:45:17 +00:00
Bounds : [ ] string { "0" , "100" } ,
2017-07-21 16:09:49 +00:00
} ,
"y2" : chronograf . Axis {
2017-07-26 19:45:17 +00:00
Bounds : [ ] string { "0" , "100" } ,
2017-07-21 16:09:49 +00:00
} ,
} ,
} ,
false ,
} ,
"invalid axes present" ,
& chronograf . DashboardCell {
Axes : map [ string ] chronograf . Axis {
"axis of evil" : chronograf . Axis {
2017-07-26 19:45:17 +00:00
Bounds : [ ] string { "666" , "666" } ,
2017-07-21 16:09:49 +00:00
} ,
"axis of awesome" : chronograf . Axis {
2017-07-26 19:45:17 +00:00
Bounds : [ ] string { "1337" , "31337" } ,
2017-07-21 16:09:49 +00:00
} ,
} ,
} ,
true ,
} ,
for _ , test := range axisTests {
t . Run ( test . name , func ( tt * testing . T ) {
if err := server . HasCorrectAxes ( test . cell ) ; err != nil && ! test . shouldFail {
t . Errorf ( "%q: Unexpected error: err: %s" , test . name , err )
} else if err == nil && test . shouldFail {
t . Errorf ( "%q: Expected error and received none" , test . name )
} )
2017-07-27 19:57:04 +00:00
func Test_Service_DashboardCells ( t * testing . T ) {
cellsTests := [ ] struct {
name string
reqURL * url . URL
ctxParams map [ string ] string
mockResponse [ ] chronograf . DashboardCell
expected [ ] chronograf . DashboardCell
expectedCode int
} {
"happy path" ,
& url . URL {
Path : "/chronograf/v1/dashboards/1/cells" ,
} ,
map [ string ] string {
"id" : "1" ,
} ,
[ ] chronograf . DashboardCell { } ,
[ ] chronograf . DashboardCell { } ,
http . StatusOK ,
} ,
"cell axes should always be \"x\", \"y\", and \"y2\"" ,
& url . URL {
Path : "/chronograf/v1/dashboards/1/cells" ,
} ,
map [ string ] string {
"id" : "1" ,
} ,
[ ] chronograf . DashboardCell {
ID : "3899be5a-f6eb-4347-b949-de2f4fbea859" ,
X : 0 ,
Y : 0 ,
W : 4 ,
H : 4 ,
Name : "CPU" ,
Queries : [ ] chronograf . DashboardQuery { } ,
Axes : map [ string ] chronograf . Axis { } ,
} ,
} ,
[ ] chronograf . DashboardCell {
ID : "3899be5a-f6eb-4347-b949-de2f4fbea859" ,
X : 0 ,
Y : 0 ,
W : 4 ,
H : 4 ,
Name : "CPU" ,
Queries : [ ] chronograf . DashboardQuery { } ,
Axes : map [ string ] chronograf . Axis {
2017-07-27 20:03:24 +00:00
"x" : chronograf . Axis {
Bounds : [ ] string { } ,
} ,
"y" : chronograf . Axis {
Bounds : [ ] string { } ,
} ,
"y2" : chronograf . Axis {
Bounds : [ ] string { } ,
} ,
2017-07-27 19:57:04 +00:00
} ,
} ,
} ,
http . StatusOK ,
} ,
for _ , test := range cellsTests {
t . Run ( test . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
// setup context with params
ctx := context . Background ( )
params := httprouter . Params { }
for k , v := range test . ctxParams {
params = append ( params , httprouter . Param { k , v } )
ctx = httprouter . WithParams ( ctx , params )
// setup response recorder and request
rr := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( "GET" , test . reqURL . RequestURI ( ) , strings . NewReader ( "" ) ) . WithContext ( ctx )
// setup mock DashboardCells store and logger
tlog := & mocks . TestLogger { }
svc := & server . Service {
DashboardsStore : & mocks . DashboardsStore {
GetF : func ( ctx context . Context , id chronograf . DashboardID ) ( chronograf . Dashboard , error ) {
return chronograf . Dashboard {
ID : chronograf . DashboardID ( 1 ) ,
Cells : test . mockResponse ,
Templates : [ ] chronograf . Template { } ,
Name : "empty dashboard" ,
} , nil
} ,
} ,
Logger : tlog ,
// invoke DashboardCell handler
svc . DashboardCells ( rr , req )
// setup frame to decode response into
respFrame := [ ] struct {
chronograf . DashboardCell
Links json . RawMessage ` json:"links" ` // ignore links
} { }
// decode response
resp := rr . Result ( )
if resp . StatusCode != test . expectedCode {
tlog . Dump ( t )
t . Fatalf ( "%q - Status codes do not match. Want %d (%s), Got %d (%s)" , test . name , test . expectedCode , http . StatusText ( test . expectedCode ) , resp . StatusCode , http . StatusText ( resp . StatusCode ) )
if err := json . NewDecoder ( resp . Body ) . Decode ( & respFrame ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "%q - Error unmarshaling response body: err: %s" , test . name , err )
// extract actual
actual := [ ] chronograf . DashboardCell { }
for _ , rsp := range respFrame {
actual = append ( actual , rsp . DashboardCell )
// compare actual and expected
if ! cmp . Equal ( actual , test . expected ) {
t . Fatalf ( "%q - Dashboard Cells do not match: diff: %s" , test . name , cmp . Diff ( actual , test . expected ) )
} )