"query":"SELECT mean(\"Percent_Processor_Time\") AS \"percent_processor_time\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"win_cpu\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: GROUP BY time(:interval:)"
"name":"System - Available Bytes",
"query":"SELECT mean(\"Available_Bytes\") AS \"available_bytes\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"win_mem\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: GROUP BY time(:interval:)"
"name":"System - TX Bytes/Second",
"query":"SELECT mean(\"Bytes_Sent_persec\") AS \"bytes_sent\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"win_net\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: GROUP BY time(:interval:)"
"name":"RX Bytes/Second",
"query":"SELECT mean(\"Bytes_Received_persec\") AS \"bytes_received\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"win_net\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: GROUP BY time(:interval:)"
"name":"System - Load",
"query":"SELECT mean(\"Processor_Queue_Length\") AS \"load\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"win_system\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND \"host\" = :host: GROUP BY time(:interval:)"
"influxql":"SHOW TAG VALUES ON :database: FROM :measurement: WITH KEY=:tagKey:",