"query":"SELECT last(\"ReqPerSec\") AS \"ReqPerSec\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"apache\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(1s) FILL(previous)",
"rawText":"SELECT last(\"ReqPerSec\") AS \"ReqPerSec\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"apache\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(1s) FILL(previous)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `apache` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf Apache plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/apache).",
"query":"SELECT \"auth\", \"ident\", \"http_version\", \"client_ip\", \"request\", \"resp_bytes\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"apache_access_log\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: GROUP BY \"host\", \"path\", \"resp_code\", \"verb\"",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `logparser` plugin to read your Apache Access Logs. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf Logparser plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/logparser).",
"query":"SELECT mean(\"BytesPerReq\")/1024 AS \"AvgBytesPerReq\", mean(\"BytesPerSec\")/1024 AS \"AvgBytesPerSec\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"apache\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"rawText":"SELECT mean(\"BytesPerReq\")/1024 AS \"AvgBytesPerReq\", mean(\"BytesPerSec\")/1024 AS \"AvgBytesPerSec\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"apache\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `apache` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf Apache plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/apache).",
"query":"SELECT count(\"request\") AS \"Requests\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"apache_access_log\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:), \"resp_code\" FILL(null)",
"rawText":"SELECT count(\"request\") AS \"Requests\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"apache_access_log\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:), \"resp_code\" FILL(null)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `logparser` plugin to read your Apache Access Logs. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf Logparser plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/logparser).",
"query":"SELECT mean(\"CPULoad\") AS \"CPULoad\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"apache\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"rawText":"SELECT mean(\"CPULoad\") AS \"CPULoad\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"apache\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `apache` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf Apache plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/apache).",
"query":"SELECT last(\"Uptime\")/60/60 AS \"Uptime\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"apache\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(30s) FILL(previous)",
"rawText":"SELECT last(\"Uptime\")/60/60 AS \"Uptime\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"apache\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(30s) FILL(previous)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `apache` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf Apache plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/apache).",
"query":"SELECT mean(\"scboard_closing\") AS \"Closing\", mean(\"scboard_dnslookup\") AS \"DNSLookup\", mean(\"scboard_finishing\") AS \"Finishing\", mean(\"scboard_idle_cleanup\") AS \"IdleCleanup\", mean(\"scboard_keepalive\") AS \"KeepAlive\", mean(\"scboard_logging\") AS \"Logging\", mean(\"scboard_open\") AS \"Open\", mean(\"scboard_reading\") AS \"Reading\", mean(\"scboard_sending\") AS \"Sending\", mean(\"scboard_starting\") AS \"Starting\", mean(\"scboard_waiting\") AS \"Waiting\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"apache\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"rawText":"SELECT mean(\"scboard_closing\") AS \"Closing\", mean(\"scboard_dnslookup\") AS \"DNSLookup\", mean(\"scboard_finishing\") AS \"Finishing\", mean(\"scboard_idle_cleanup\") AS \"IdleCleanup\", mean(\"scboard_keepalive\") AS \"KeepAlive\", mean(\"scboard_logging\") AS \"Logging\", mean(\"scboard_open\") AS \"Open\", mean(\"scboard_reading\") AS \"Reading\", mean(\"scboard_sending\") AS \"Sending\", mean(\"scboard_starting\") AS \"Starting\", mean(\"scboard_waiting\") AS \"Waiting\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"apache\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `apache` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf Apache plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/apache).",
"query":"SELECT mean(\"BusyWorkers\") AS \"Busy\", mean(\"IdleWorkers\") AS \"Idle\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"apache\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"rawText":"SELECT mean(\"BusyWorkers\") AS \"Busy\", mean(\"IdleWorkers\") AS \"Idle\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"apache\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `apache` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf Apache plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/apache).",
"note":"This dashboard is designed to give you an overview of your Apache servers and includes metrics from `system`, `mem`, `diskio`, `net`, `apache` and `apache_access_log` measurements.",
"query":"SELECT derivative(mean(\"bytes_recv\"),10s)/1024/1024 AS \"Received_MB\", derivative(mean(\"bytes_sent\"),10s)/1024/1024 AS \"Sent_MB\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"net\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"rawText":"SELECT derivative(mean(\"bytes_recv\"),10s)/1024/1024 AS \"Received_MB\", derivative(mean(\"bytes_sent\"),10s)/1024/1024 AS \"Sent_MB\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"net\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `net` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf Net plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/blob/master/plugins/inputs/net/NET_README.md).",
"query":"SELECT derivative(mean(\"read_bytes\"),10s)/1024/1024 AS \"Reads_MB\", derivative(mean(\"write_bytes\"),10s)/1024/1024 AS \"Writes_MB\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"diskio\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"rawText":"SELECT derivative(mean(\"read_bytes\"),10s)/1024/1024 AS \"Reads_MB\", derivative(mean(\"write_bytes\"),10s)/1024/1024 AS \"Writes_MB\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"diskio\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `diskio` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf Disk IO plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/diskio).",
"query":"SELECT mean(\"load1\") AS \"Short\", mean(\"load5\") AS \"Medium\", mean(\"load15\") AS \"Long\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"system\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"rawText":"SELECT mean(\"load1\") AS \"Short\", mean(\"load5\") AS \"Medium\", mean(\"load15\") AS \"Long\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"system\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `system` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf System plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/system).",
"query":"SELECT mean(\"used_percent\") AS \"Used\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mem\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"rawText":"SELECT mean(\"used_percent\") AS \"Used\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mem\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `mem` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf Mem plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/mem).",
"query":"SELECT mean(\"total\")/1024/1024/1024 AS \"Total RAM (GB)\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mem\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"rawText":"SELECT mean(\"total\")/1024/1024/1024 AS \"Total RAM (GB)\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"mem\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `mem` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf Mem plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/mem).",
"query":"SELECT last(\"n_cpus\") AS \"CPUs\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"system\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"rawText":"SELECT last(\"n_cpus\") AS \"CPUs\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"system\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `system` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf System plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/system).",
"query":"SELECT last(\"uptime\")/60/60/24 AS \"System Uptime\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"system\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"rawText":"SELECT last(\"uptime\")/60/60/24 AS \"System Uptime\" FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"system\" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND host =~ /^:host:$/ GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(previous)",
"note":"To enable this graph, you will need to configure the Telegraf `system` plugin. For more information, please visit the [Telegraf System plugin documentation](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/system).",