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177 lines
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Support for HomematicIP components.
For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at
import logging
from socket import timeout
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.core import callback
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import (dispatcher_send,
from homeassistant.helpers.discovery import load_platform
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity
REQUIREMENTS = ['homematicip==0.8']
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DOMAIN = 'homematicip_cloud'
CONF_NAME = 'name'
CONF_ACCESSPOINT = 'accesspoint'
CONF_AUTHTOKEN = 'authtoken'
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({
vol.Optional(DOMAIN): [vol.Schema({
vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=''): cv.string,
vol.Required(CONF_ACCESSPOINT): cv.string,
vol.Required(CONF_AUTHTOKEN): cv.string,
}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA)
EVENT_HOME_CHANGED = 'homematicip_home_changed'
EVENT_DEVICE_CHANGED = 'homematicip_device_changed'
EVENT_GROUP_CHANGED = 'homematicip_group_changed'
EVENT_SECURITY_CHANGED = 'homematicip_security_changed'
EVENT_JOURNAL_CHANGED = 'homematicip_journal_changed'
ATTR_HOME_ID = 'home_id'
ATTR_HOME_LABEL = 'home_label'
ATTR_DEVICE_ID = 'device_id'
ATTR_DEVICE_LABEL = 'device_label'
ATTR_STATUS_UPDATE = 'status_update'
ATTR_FIRMWARE_STATE = 'firmware_state'
ATTR_LOW_BATTERY = 'low_battery'
ATTR_SABOTAGE = 'sabotage'
ATTR_RSSI = 'rssi'
ATTR_TYPE = 'type'
def setup(hass, config):
"""Set up the HomematicIP component."""
# pylint: disable=import-error, no-name-in-module
from homematicip.home import Home
hass.data.setdefault(DOMAIN, {})
homes = hass.data[DOMAIN]
accesspoints = config.get(DOMAIN, [])
def _update_event(events):
"""Handle incoming HomeMaticIP events."""
for event in events:
etype = event['eventType']
edata = event['data']
if etype == 'DEVICE_CHANGED':
dispatcher_send(hass, EVENT_DEVICE_CHANGED, edata.id)
elif etype == 'GROUP_CHANGED':
dispatcher_send(hass, EVENT_GROUP_CHANGED, edata.id)
elif etype == 'HOME_CHANGED':
dispatcher_send(hass, EVENT_HOME_CHANGED, edata.id)
elif etype == 'JOURNAL_CHANGED':
dispatcher_send(hass, EVENT_SECURITY_CHANGED, edata.id)
return True
for device in accesspoints:
name = device.get(CONF_NAME)
accesspoint = device.get(CONF_ACCESSPOINT)
authtoken = device.get(CONF_AUTHTOKEN)
home = Home()
if name.lower() == 'none':
name = ''
home.label = name
if home.get_current_state():
_LOGGER.info("Connection to HMIP established")
_LOGGER.warning("Connection to HMIP could not be established")
return False
except timeout:
_LOGGER.warning("Connection to HMIP could not be established")
return False
homes[home.id] = home
home.onEvent += _update_event
_LOGGER.info('HUB name: %s, id: %s', home.label, home.id)
for component in ['sensor']:
load_platform(hass, component, DOMAIN, {'homeid': home.id}, config)
return True
class HomematicipGenericDevice(Entity):
"""Representation of an HomematicIP generic device."""
def __init__(self, home, device):
"""Initialize the generic device."""
self._home = home
self._device = device
async def async_added_to_hass(self):
"""Register callbacks."""
self.hass, EVENT_DEVICE_CHANGED, self._device_changed)
def _device_changed(self, deviceid):
"""Handle device state changes."""
if deviceid is None or deviceid == self._device.id:
_LOGGER.debug('Event device %s', self._device.label)
def _name(self, addon=''):
"""Return the name of the device."""
name = ''
if self._home.label != '':
name += self._home.label + ' '
name += self._device.label
if addon != '':
name += ' ' + addon
return name
def name(self):
"""Return the name of the generic device."""
return self._name()
def should_poll(self):
"""No polling needed."""
return False
def available(self):
"""Device available."""
return not self._device.unreach
def _generic_state_attributes(self):
"""Return the state attributes of the generic device."""
laststatus = ''
if self._device.lastStatusUpdate is not None:
laststatus = self._device.lastStatusUpdate.isoformat()
return {
ATTR_HOME_LABEL: self._home.label,
ATTR_DEVICE_LABEL: self._device.label,
ATTR_HOME_ID: self._device.homeId,
ATTR_DEVICE_ID: self._device.id.lower(),
ATTR_FIRMWARE_STATE: self._device.updateState.lower(),
ATTR_LOW_BATTERY: self._device.lowBat,
ATTR_RSSI: self._device.rssiDeviceValue,
ATTR_TYPE: self._device.modelType
def device_state_attributes(self):
"""Return the state attributes of the generic device."""
return self._generic_state_attributes()