
461 lines
16 KiB

"config": {
"step": {
"user": {
"description": "Enter your Roborock email address.",
"data": {
"username": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::email%]"
"code": {
"description": "Type the verification code sent to your email",
"data": {
"code": "Verification code"
"reauth_confirm": {
"title": "[%key:common::config_flow::title::reauth%]",
"description": "The Roborock integration needs to re-authenticate your account"
"error": {
"invalid_code": "The code you entered was incorrect, please check it and try again.",
"invalid_email": "There is no account associated with the email you entered, please try again.",
"invalid_email_format": "There is an issue with the formatting of your email - please try again.",
"too_frequent_code_requests": "You have attempted to request too many codes. Try again later.",
"unknown_roborock": "There was an unknown Roborock exception - please check your logs.",
"unknown_url": "There was an issue determining the correct URL for your Roborock account - please check your logs.",
"unknown": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::unknown%]"
"abort": {
"already_configured_account": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_account%]",
"reauth_successful": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::reauth_successful%]"
"options": {
"step": {
"drawables": {
"description": "Specify which features to draw on the map.",
"data": {
"charger": "Charger",
"cleaned_area": "Cleaned area",
"goto_path": "Go-to path",
"ignored_obstacles": "Ignored obstacles",
"ignored_obstacles_with_photo": "Ignored obstacles with photo",
"mop_path": "Mop path",
"no_carpet_zones": "No carpet zones",
"no_go_zones": "No-go zones",
"no_mopping_zones": "No mopping zones",
"obstacles": "Obstacles",
"obstacles_with_photo": "Obstacles with photo",
"path": "Path",
"predicted_path": "Predicted path",
"room_names": "Room names",
"vacuum_position": "Vacuum position",
"virtual_walls": "Virtual walls",
"zones": "Zones"
"entity": {
"binary_sensor": {
"in_cleaning": {
"name": "Cleaning"
"mop_attached": {
"name": "Mop attached"
"mop_drying_status": {
"name": "Mop drying"
"water_box_attached": {
"name": "Water box attached"
"water_shortage": {
"name": "Water shortage"
"button": {
"reset_sensor_consumable": {
"name": "Reset sensor consumable"
"reset_air_filter_consumable": {
"name": "Reset air filter consumable"
"reset_side_brush_consumable": {
"name": "Reset side brush consumable"
"reset_main_brush_consumable": {
"name": "Reset main brush consumable"
"number": {
"volume": {
"name": "Volume"
"sensor": {
"a01_error": {
"name": "Error",
"state": {
"none": "[%key:component::roborock::entity::sensor::vacuum_error::state::none%]",
"dirty_tank_full": "Dirty tank full",
"water_level_sensor_stuck": "Water level sensor stuck.",
"clean_tank_empty": "Clean tank empty",
"clean_head_entangled": "Cleaning head entangled",
"clean_head_too_hot": "Cleaning head too hot.",
"fan_protection_e5": "Fan protection",
"cleaning_head_blocked": "Cleaning head blocked",
"temperature_protection": "Temperature protection",
"fan_protection_e4": "[%key:component::roborock::entity::sensor::a01_error::state::fan_protection_e5%]",
"fan_protection_e9": "[%key:component::roborock::entity::sensor::a01_error::state::fan_protection_e5%]",
"battery_temperature_protection_e0": "[%key:component::roborock::entity::sensor::a01_error::state::temperature_protection%]",
"battery_temperature_protection": "Battery temperature protection",
"battery_temperature_protection_2": "[%key:component::roborock::entity::sensor::a01_error::state::battery_temperature_protection%]",
"power_adapter_error": "Power adapter error",
"dirty_charging_contacts": "Clean charging contacts",
"low_battery": "[%key:component::roborock::entity::sensor::vacuum_error::state::low_battery%]",
"battery_under_10": "Battery under 10%"
"a01_status": {
"name": "Status",
"state": {
"unknown": "[%key:component::roborock::entity::sensor::status::state::unknown%]",
"fetching": "Fetching",
"fetch_failed": "Fetch failed",
"updating": "[%key:component::roborock::entity::sensor::status::state::updating%]",
"washing": "Washing",
"ready": "Ready",
"charging": "[%key:common::state::charging%]",
"mop_washing": "Washing mop",
"self_clean_cleaning": "Self clean cleaning",
"self_clean_deep_cleaning": "Self clean deep cleaning",
"self_clean_rinsing": "Self clean rinsing",
"self_clean_dehydrating": "Self clean drying",
"drying": "Drying",
"ventilating": "Ventilating",
"reserving": "Reserving",
"mop_washing_paused": "Mop washing paused",
"dusting_mode": "Dusting mode"
"brush_remaining": {
"name": "Roller left"
"cleaning_area": {
"name": "Cleaning area"
"cleaning_time": {
"name": "Cleaning time"
"clean_percent": {
"name": "Cleaning progress"
"countdown": {
"name": "Countdown"
"dock_error": {
"name": "Dock error",
"state": {
"ok": "Ok",
"duct_blockage": "Duct blockage",
"water_empty": "Water empty",
"waste_water_tank_full": "Waste water tank full",
"dirty_tank_latch_open": "Dirty tank latch open",
"no_dustbin": "No dustbin",
"cleaning_tank_full_or_blocked": "Cleaning tank full or blocked"
"main_brush_time_left": {
"name": "Main brush time left"
"mop_drying_remaining_time": {
"name": "Mop drying remaining time"
"last_clean_start": {
"name": "Last clean begin"
"last_clean_end": {
"name": "Last clean end"
"side_brush_time_left": {
"name": "Side brush time left"
"filter_time_left": {
"name": "Filter time left"
"sensor_time_left": {
"name": "Sensor time left"
"status": {
"name": "Status",
"state": {
"starting": "Starting",
"charger_disconnected": "Charger disconnected",
"idle": "[%key:common::state::idle%]",
"remote_control_active": "Remote control active",
"cleaning": "Cleaning",
"returning_home": "Returning home",
"manual_mode": "Manual mode",
"charging": "[%key:common::state::charging%]",
"charging_problem": "Charging problem",
"paused": "[%key:common::state::paused%]",
"spot_cleaning": "Spot cleaning",
"error": "Error",
"shutting_down": "Shutting down",
"updating": "Updating",
"docking": "Docking",
"going_to_target": "Going to target",
"zoned_cleaning": "Zoned cleaning",
"segment_cleaning": "Segment cleaning",
"emptying_the_bin": "Emptying the bin",
"washing_the_mop": "Washing the mop",
"going_to_wash_the_mop": "Going to wash the mop",
"charging_complete": "Charging complete",
"device_offline": "Device offline",
"unknown": "Unknown",
"locked": "Locked",
"air_drying_stopping": "Air drying stopping",
"egg_attack": "Cupid mode",
"mapping": "Mapping"
"total_cleaning_time": {
"name": "Total cleaning time"
"total_cleaning_area": {
"name": "Total cleaning area"
"total_cleaning_count": {
"name": "Total cleaning count"
"vacuum_error": {
"name": "Vacuum error",
"state": {
"none": "None",
"lidar_blocked": "Lidar blocked",
"bumper_stuck": "Bumper stuck",
"wheels_suspended": "Wheels suspended",
"cliff_sensor_error": "Cliff sensor error",
"main_brush_jammed": "Main brush jammed",
"side_brush_jammed": "Side brush jammed",
"wheels_jammed": "Wheels jammed",
"robot_trapped": "Robot trapped",
"no_dustbin": "No dustbin",
"low_battery": "Low battery",
"charging_error": "Charging error",
"battery_error": "Battery error",
"wall_sensor_dirty": "Wall sensor dirty",
"robot_tilted": "Robot tilted",
"side_brush_error": "Side brush error",
"fan_error": "Fan error",
"vertical_bumper_pressed": "Vertical bumper pressed",
"dock_locator_error": "Dock locator error",
"return_to_dock_fail": "Return to dock fail",
"nogo_zone_detected": "No-go zone detected",
"vibrarise_jammed": "VibraRise jammed",
"robot_on_carpet": "Robot on carpet",
"filter_blocked": "Filter blocked",
"invisible_wall_detected": "Invisible wall detected",
"cannot_cross_carpet": "Cannot cross carpet",
"internal_error": "Internal error",
"strainer_error": "Filter is wet or blocked",
"compass_error": "Strong magnetic field detected",
"dock": "Dock not connected to power",
"visual_sensor": "Camera error",
"light_touch": "Wall sensor error",
"collect_dust_error_3": "Clean auto-empty dock",
"collect_dust_error_4": "Auto empty dock voltage error",
"mopping_roller_1": "Wash roller may be jammed",
"mopping_roller_error_2": "Wash roller not lowered properly",
"clear_water_box_hoare": "Check the clean water tank",
"dirty_water_box_hoare": "Check the dirty water tank",
"sink_strainer_hoare": "Reinstall the water filter",
"clear_water_box_exception": "Clean water tank empty",
"clear_brush_exception": "Check that the water filter has been correctly installed",
"clear_brush_exception_2": "Positioning button error",
"filter_screen_exception": "Clean the dock water filter",
"mopping_roller_2": "[%key:component::roborock::entity::sensor::vacuum_error::state::mopping_roller_1%]",
"temperature_protection": "Unit temperature protection"
"washing_left": {
"name": "Washing left"
"zeo_error": {
"name": "Error",
"state": {
"none": "[%key:component::roborock::entity::sensor::vacuum_error::state::none%]",
"refill_error": "Refill error",
"drain_error": "Drain error",
"door_lock_error": "Door lock error",
"water_level_error": "Water level error",
"inverter_error": "Inverter error",
"heating_error": "Heating error",
"temperature_error": "Temperature error",
"communication_error": "Communication error",
"drying_error": "Drying error",
"drying_error_e_12": "Drying error E12",
"drying_error_e_13": "Drying error E13",
"drying_error_e_14": "Drying error E14",
"drying_error_e_15": "Drying error E15",
"drying_error_e_16": "Drying error E16",
"drying_error_water_flow": "Check water flow",
"drying_error_restart": "Restart the washer",
"spin_error": "Re-arrange clothes"
"zeo_state": {
"name": "State",
"state": {
"standby": "Standby",
"weighing": "Weighing",
"soaking": "Soaking",
"washing": "Washing",
"rinsing": "Rinsing",
"spinning": "Spinning",
"drying": "Drying",
"cooling": "Cooling",
"under_delay_start": "Delayed start",
"done": "Done"
"select": {
"mop_mode": {
"name": "Mop mode",
"state": {
"standard": "Standard",
"deep": "Deep",
"deep_plus": "Deep+",
"custom": "Custom",
"fast": "Fast",
"smart_mode": "SmartPlan"
"mop_intensity": {
"name": "Mop intensity",
"state": {
"off": "[%key:common::state::off%]",
"low": "Low",
"mild": "Mild",
"medium": "Medium",
"moderate": "Moderate",
"max": "Max",
"high": "High",
"intense": "Intense",
"custom": "[%key:component::roborock::entity::select::mop_mode::state::custom%]",
"custom_water_flow": "Custom water flow",
"smart_mode": "[%key:component::roborock::entity::select::mop_mode::state::smart_mode%]"
"selected_map": {
"name": "Selected map"
"switch": {
"child_lock": {
"name": "Child lock"
"dnd_switch": {
"name": "Do not disturb"
"off_peak_switch": {
"name": "Off-peak charging"
"status_indicator": {
"name": "Status indicator light"
"time": {
"dnd_start_time": {
"name": "Do not disturb begin"
"dnd_end_time": {
"name": "Do not disturb end"
"off_peak_start": {
"name": "Off-peak start"
"off_peak_end": {
"name": "Off-peak end"
"vacuum": {
"roborock": {
"state_attributes": {
"fan_speed": {
"state": {
"auto": "Auto",
"balanced": "Balanced",
"custom": "[%key:component::roborock::entity::select::mop_mode::state::custom%]",
"gentle": "Gentle",
"off": "[%key:common::state::off%]",
"max": "[%key:component::roborock::entity::select::mop_intensity::state::max%]",
"max_plus": "Max plus",
"medium": "Medium",
"quiet": "Quiet",
"silent": "Silent",
"standard": "[%key:component::roborock::entity::select::mop_mode::state::standard%]",
"turbo": "Turbo",
"smart_mode": "[%key:component::roborock::entity::select::mop_mode::state::smart_mode%]"
"exceptions": {
"command_failed": {
"message": "Error while calling {command}"
"home_data_fail": {
"message": "Failed to get Roborock home data"
"invalid_credentials": {
"message": "Invalid credentials."
"map_failure": {
"message": "Something went wrong creating the map"
"no_coordinators": {
"message": "No devices were able to successfully setup"
"update_options_failed": {
"message": "Failed to update Roborock options"
"invalid_user_agreement": {
"message": "User agreement must be accepted again. Open your Roborock app and accept the agreement."
"no_user_agreement": {
"message": "You have not valid user agreement. Open your Roborock app and accept the agreement."
"services": {
"get_maps": {
"name": "Get maps",
"description": "Retrieves the map and room information of your device."
"set_vacuum_goto_position": {
"name": "Go to position",
"description": "Sends the vacuum to a specific position.",
"fields": {
"x": {
"name": "X-coordinate",
"description": "Coordinates are relative to the dock. x=25500,y=25500 is the dock position."
"y": {
"name": "Y-coordinate",
"description": "[%key:component::roborock::services::set_vacuum_goto_position::fields::x::description%]"
"get_vacuum_current_position": {
"name": "Get current position",
"description": "Retrieves the current position of the vacuum."