234 lines
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234 lines
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"""Test helpers."""
from collections.abc import Generator
from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, Mock, patch
import pytest
from homeassistant.components.fibaro import CONF_IMPORT_PLUGINS, DOMAIN
from homeassistant.const import CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_URL, CONF_USERNAME
from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant
from tests.common import MockConfigEntry
TEST_NAME = "my_fibaro_home_center"
TEST_PASSWORD = "password"
TEST_VERSION = "4.360"
def mock_setup_entry() -> Generator[AsyncMock]:
"""Override async_setup_entry."""
with patch(
"homeassistant.components.fibaro.async_setup_entry", return_value=True
) as mock_setup_entry:
yield mock_setup_entry
def mock_scene() -> Mock:
"""Fixture for an individual scene."""
scene = Mock()
scene.fibaro_id = 1
scene.name = "Test scene"
scene.room_id = 1
scene.visible = True
return scene
def mock_room() -> Mock:
"""Fixture for an individual room."""
room = Mock()
room.fibaro_id = 1
room.name = "Room 1"
return room
def mock_power_sensor() -> Mock:
"""Fixture for an individual power sensor without value."""
sensor = Mock()
sensor.fibaro_id = 1
sensor.parent_fibaro_id = 0
sensor.name = "Test sensor"
sensor.room_id = 1
sensor.visible = True
sensor.enabled = True
sensor.type = "com.fibaro.powerMeter"
sensor.base_type = "com.fibaro.device"
sensor.properties = {
"zwaveCompany": "Goap",
"endPointId": "2",
"manufacturer": "",
"power": "6.60",
sensor.actions = {}
sensor.has_central_scene_event = False
value_mock = Mock()
value_mock.has_value = False
value_mock.is_bool_value = False
sensor.value = value_mock
return sensor
def mock_cover() -> Mock:
"""Fixture for a cover."""
cover = Mock()
cover.fibaro_id = 3
cover.parent_fibaro_id = 0
cover.name = "Test cover"
cover.room_id = 1
cover.dead = False
cover.visible = True
cover.enabled = True
cover.type = "com.fibaro.FGR"
cover.base_type = "com.fibaro.device"
cover.properties = {"manufacturer": ""}
cover.actions = {"open": 0, "close": 0}
cover.supported_features = {}
value_mock = Mock()
value_mock.has_value = True
value_mock.int_value.return_value = 20
cover.value = value_mock
value2_mock = Mock()
value2_mock.has_value = False
cover.value_2 = value2_mock
state_mock = Mock()
state_mock.has_value = True
state_mock.str_value.return_value = "opening"
cover.state = state_mock
return cover
def mock_light() -> Mock:
"""Fixture for a dimmmable light."""
light = Mock()
light.fibaro_id = 3
light.parent_fibaro_id = 0
light.name = "Test light"
light.room_id = 1
light.dead = False
light.visible = True
light.enabled = True
light.type = "com.fibaro.FGD212"
light.base_type = "com.fibaro.device"
light.properties = {"manufacturer": ""}
light.actions = {"setValue": 1, "on": 0, "off": 0}
light.supported_features = {}
value_mock = Mock()
value_mock.has_value = True
value_mock.int_value.return_value = 20
light.value = value_mock
return light
def mock_thermostat() -> Mock:
"""Fixture for a thermostat."""
climate = Mock()
climate.fibaro_id = 4
climate.parent_fibaro_id = 0
climate.name = "Test climate"
climate.room_id = 1
climate.dead = False
climate.visible = True
climate.enabled = True
climate.type = "com.fibaro.thermostatDanfoss"
climate.base_type = "com.fibaro.device"
climate.properties = {"manufacturer": ""}
climate.actions = {"setThermostatMode": 1}
climate.supported_features = {}
climate.has_supported_thermostat_modes = True
climate.supported_thermostat_modes = ["Off", "Heat", "CustomerSpecific"]
climate.has_operating_mode = False
climate.has_thermostat_mode = True
climate.thermostat_mode = "CustomerSpecific"
value_mock = Mock()
value_mock.has_value = True
value_mock.int_value.return_value = 20
climate.value = value_mock
return climate
def mock_thermostat_with_operating_mode() -> Mock:
"""Fixture for a thermostat."""
climate = Mock()
climate.fibaro_id = 4
climate.parent_fibaro_id = 0
climate.name = "Test climate"
climate.room_id = 1
climate.dead = False
climate.visible = True
climate.enabled = True
climate.type = "com.fibaro.thermostatDanfoss"
climate.base_type = "com.fibaro.device"
climate.properties = {"manufacturer": ""}
climate.actions = {"setOperationMode": 1}
climate.supported_features = {}
climate.has_supported_operating_modes = True
climate.supported_operating_modes = [0, 1, 15]
climate.has_operating_mode = True
climate.operating_mode = 15
climate.has_thermostat_mode = False
value_mock = Mock()
value_mock.has_value = True
value_mock.int_value.return_value = 20
climate.value = value_mock
return climate
def mock_config_entry(hass: HomeAssistant) -> MockConfigEntry:
"""Return the default mocked config entry."""
mock_config_entry = MockConfigEntry(
return mock_config_entry
def mock_fibaro_client() -> Generator[Mock]:
"""Return a mocked FibaroClient."""
info_mock = Mock()
info_mock.serial_number = TEST_SERIALNUMBER
info_mock.hc_name = TEST_NAME
info_mock.current_version = TEST_VERSION
info_mock.platform = TEST_MODEL
with patch(
"homeassistant.components.fibaro.FibaroClient", autospec=True
) as fibaro_client_mock:
client = fibaro_client_mock.return_value
client.set_authentication.return_value = None
client.connect.return_value = True
client.read_info.return_value = info_mock
client.read_rooms.return_value = []
client.read_scenes.return_value = []
client.read_devices.return_value = []
client.register_update_handler.return_value = None
client.unregister_update_handler.return_value = None
yield client
async def init_integration(
hass: HomeAssistant, mock_config_entry: MockConfigEntry
) -> None:
"""Set up the fibaro integration for testing."""
assert await hass.config_entries.async_setup(mock_config_entry.entry_id)
await hass.async_block_till_done()