189 lines
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189 lines
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"""Trusted Networks auth provider.
It shows list of users if access from trusted network.
Abort login flow if not access from trusted network.
from ipaddress import ip_network, IPv4Address, IPv6Address, IPv4Network,\
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union, cast
import voluptuous as vol
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.core import callback
from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError
from . import AuthProvider, AUTH_PROVIDER_SCHEMA, AUTH_PROVIDERS, LoginFlow
from ..models import Credentials, UserMeta
IPAddress = Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address]
IPNetwork = Union[IPv4Network, IPv6Network]
CONF_TRUSTED_NETWORKS = 'trusted_networks'
CONF_TRUSTED_USERS = 'trusted_users'
CONF_GROUP = 'group'
CONF_ALLOW_BYPASS_LOGIN = 'allow_bypass_login'
vol.Required(CONF_TRUSTED_NETWORKS): vol.All(
cv.ensure_list, [ip_network]
vol.Optional(CONF_TRUSTED_USERS, default={}): vol.Schema(
# we only validate the format of user_id or group_id
{ip_network: vol.All(
vol.Schema({vol.Required(CONF_GROUP): cv.uuid4_hex}),
vol.Optional(CONF_ALLOW_BYPASS_LOGIN, default=False): cv.boolean,
}, extra=vol.PREVENT_EXTRA)
class InvalidAuthError(HomeAssistantError):
"""Raised when try to access from untrusted networks."""
class InvalidUserError(HomeAssistantError):
"""Raised when try to login as invalid user."""
class TrustedNetworksAuthProvider(AuthProvider):
"""Trusted Networks auth provider.
Allow passwordless access from trusted network.
DEFAULT_TITLE = 'Trusted Networks'
def trusted_networks(self) -> List[IPNetwork]:
"""Return trusted networks."""
return cast(List[IPNetwork], self.config[CONF_TRUSTED_NETWORKS])
def trusted_users(self) -> Dict[IPNetwork, Any]:
"""Return trusted users per network."""
return cast(Dict[IPNetwork, Any], self.config[CONF_TRUSTED_USERS])
def support_mfa(self) -> bool:
"""Trusted Networks auth provider does not support MFA."""
return False
async def async_login_flow(self, context: Optional[Dict]) -> LoginFlow:
"""Return a flow to login."""
assert context is not None
ip_addr = cast(IPAddress, context.get('ip_address'))
users = await self.store.async_get_users()
available_users = [user for user in users
if not user.system_generated and user.is_active]
for ip_net, user_or_group_list in self.trusted_users.items():
if ip_addr in ip_net:
user_list = [user_id for user_id in user_or_group_list
if isinstance(user_id, str)]
group_list = [group[CONF_GROUP] for group in user_or_group_list
if isinstance(group, dict)]
flattened_group_list = [group for sublist in group_list
for group in sublist]
available_users = [
user for user in available_users
if (user.id in user_list or
any([group.id in flattened_group_list
for group in user.groups]))
return TrustedNetworksLoginFlow(
user.id: user.name for user in available_users
async def async_get_or_create_credentials(
self, flow_result: Dict[str, str]) -> Credentials:
"""Get credentials based on the flow result."""
user_id = flow_result['user']
users = await self.store.async_get_users()
for user in users:
if (not user.system_generated and
user.is_active and
user.id == user_id):
for credential in await self.async_credentials():
if credential.data['user_id'] == user_id:
return credential
cred = self.async_create_credentials({'user_id': user_id})
await self.store.async_link_user(user, cred)
return cred
# We only allow login as exist user
raise InvalidUserError
async def async_user_meta_for_credentials(
self, credentials: Credentials) -> UserMeta:
"""Return extra user metadata for credentials.
Trusted network auth provider should never create new user.
raise NotImplementedError
def async_validate_access(self, ip_addr: IPAddress) -> None:
"""Make sure the access from trusted networks.
Raise InvalidAuthError if not.
Raise InvalidAuthError if trusted_networks is not configured.
if not self.trusted_networks:
raise InvalidAuthError('trusted_networks is not configured')
if not any(ip_addr in trusted_network for trusted_network
in self.trusted_networks):
raise InvalidAuthError('Not in trusted_networks')
class TrustedNetworksLoginFlow(LoginFlow):
"""Handler for the login flow."""
def __init__(self, auth_provider: TrustedNetworksAuthProvider,
ip_addr: IPAddress,
available_users: Dict[str, Optional[str]],
allow_bypass_login: bool) -> None:
"""Initialize the login flow."""
self._available_users = available_users
self._ip_address = ip_addr
self._allow_bypass_login = allow_bypass_login
async def async_step_init(
self, user_input: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) \
-> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Handle the step of the form."""
cast(TrustedNetworksAuthProvider, self._auth_provider)\
except InvalidAuthError:
return self.async_abort(
if user_input is not None:
return await self.async_finish(user_input)
if self._allow_bypass_login and len(self._available_users) == 1:
return await self.async_finish({
'user': next(iter(self._available_users.keys()))
return self.async_show_form(
data_schema=vol.Schema({'user': vol.In(self._available_users)}),