
300 lines
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A module containing drop in replacements for core parts that will interface
with a remote instance of home assistant.
If a connection error occurs while communicating with the API a
HomeAssistantError will be raised.
import threading
import logging
import json
import urlparse
import requests
import homeassistant as ha
import homeassistant.components.httpinterface as hah
METHOD_GET = "get"
METHOD_POST = "post"
def _setup_call_api(host, port, api_password):
""" Helper method to setup a call api method. """
port = port or hah.SERVER_PORT
base_url = "http://{}:{}".format(host, port)
def _call_api(method, path, data=None):
""" Makes a call to the Home Assistant api. """
data = data or {}
data['api_password'] = api_password
url = urlparse.urljoin(base_url, path)
if method == METHOD_GET:
return requests.get(url, params=data)
return requests.request(method, url, data=data)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
logging.getLogger(__name__).exception("Error connecting to server")
raise ha.HomeAssistantError("Error connecting to server")
return _call_api
class JSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
""" JSONEncoder that supports Home Assistant objects. """
def default(self, obj): # pylint: disable=method-hidden
""" Checks if Home Assistat object and encodes if possible.
Else hand it off to original method. """
if isinstance(obj, ha.State):
return obj.as_dict()
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
class Bus(ha.Bus):
""" Drop-in replacement for a normal bus that will forward interaction to
a remote bus.
def __init__(self, host, api_password, port=None):
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self._call_api = _setup_call_api(host, port, api_password)
def services(self):
""" List the available services. """
req = self._call_api(METHOD_GET, hah.URL_API_SERVICES)
if req.status_code == 200:
data = req.json()
return data['services']
raise ha.HomeAssistantError(
"Got unexpected result (3): {}.".format(req.text))
except ValueError: # If req.json() can't parse the json
self.logger.exception("Bus:Got unexpected result")
raise ha.HomeAssistantError(
"Got unexpected result: {}".format(req.text))
except KeyError: # If not all expected keys are in the returned JSON
self.logger.exception("Bus:Got unexpected result (2)")
raise ha.HomeAssistantError(
"Got unexpected result (2): {}".format(req.text))
def event_listeners(self):
""" List of events that is being listened for. """
req = self._call_api(METHOD_GET, hah.URL_API_EVENTS)
if req.status_code == 200:
data = req.json()
return data['event_listeners']
raise ha.HomeAssistantError(
"Got unexpected result (3): {}.".format(req.text))
except ValueError: # If req.json() can't parse the json
self.logger.exception("Bus:Got unexpected result")
raise ha.HomeAssistantError(
"Got unexpected result: {}".format(req.text))
except KeyError: # If not all expected keys are in the returned JSON
self.logger.exception("Bus:Got unexpected result (2)")
raise ha.HomeAssistantError(
"Got unexpected result (2): {}".format(req.text))
def call_service(self, domain, service, service_data=None):
""" Calls a service. """
if service_data:
data = {'service_data': json.dumps(service_data)}
data = None
req = self._call_api(METHOD_POST,
domain, service),
if req.status_code != 200:
error = "Error calling service: {} - {}".format(
req.status_code, req.text)
if req.status_code == 400:
raise ha.ServiceDoesNotExistError(error)
raise ha.HomeAssistantError(error)
def register_service(self, domain, service, service_callback):
""" Not implemented for remote bus.
Will throw NotImplementedError. """
raise NotImplementedError
def fire_event(self, event_type, event_data=None):
""" Fire an event. """
if event_data:
data = {'event_data': json.dumps(event_data, cls=JSONEncoder)}
data = None
req = self._call_api(METHOD_POST,
if req.status_code != 200:
error = "Error firing event: {} - {}".format(
req.status_code, req.text)
raise ha.HomeAssistantError(error)
def listen_event(self, event_type, listener):
""" Not implemented for remote bus.
Will throw NotImplementedError. """
raise NotImplementedError
def listen_once_event(self, event_type, listener):
""" Not implemented for remote bus.
Will throw NotImplementedError. """
raise NotImplementedError
def remove_event_listener(self, event_type, listener):
""" Not implemented for remote bus.
Will throw NotImplementedError. """
raise NotImplementedError
class StateMachine(ha.StateMachine):
""" Drop-in replacement for a normal statemachine that communicates with a
remote statemachine.
def __init__(self, host, api_password, port=None):
ha.StateMachine.__init__(self, None)
self._call_api = _setup_call_api(host, port, api_password)
self.lock = threading.Lock()
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def entity_ids(self):
""" List of entity ids which states are being tracked. """
req = self._call_api(METHOD_GET, hah.URL_API_STATES)
return req.json()['entity_ids']
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
self.logger.exception("StateMachine:Error connecting to server")
return []
except ValueError: # If req.json() can't parse the json
self.logger.exception("StateMachine:Got unexpected result")
return []
except KeyError: # If 'entity_ids' key not in parsed json
self.logger.exception("StateMachine:Got unexpected result (2)")
return []
def remove_entity(self, entity_id):
""" This method is not implemented for remote statemachine.
Throws NotImplementedError. """
raise NotImplementedError
def set_state(self, entity_id, new_state, attributes=None):
""" Set the state of a entity, add entity if it does not exist.
Attributes is an optional dict to specify attributes of this state. """
attributes = attributes or {}
data = {'new_state': new_state,
'attributes': json.dumps(attributes)}
req = self._call_api(METHOD_POST,
if req.status_code != 201:
error = "Error changing state: {} - {}".format(
req.status_code, req.text)
raise ha.HomeAssistantError(error)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
self.logger.exception("StateMachine:Error connecting to server")
raise ha.HomeAssistantError("Error connecting to server")
def get_state(self, entity_id):
""" Returns the state of the specified entity. """
req = self._call_api(METHOD_GET,
if req.status_code == 200:
data = req.json()
return ha.State.from_dict(data)
elif req.status_code == 422:
# Entity does not exist
return None
raise ha.HomeAssistantError(
"Got unexpected result (3): {}.".format(req.text))
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
self.logger.exception("StateMachine:Error connecting to server")
raise ha.HomeAssistantError("Error connecting to server")
except ValueError: # If req.json() can't parse the json
self.logger.exception("StateMachine:Got unexpected result")
raise ha.HomeAssistantError(
"Got unexpected result: {}".format(req.text))
except KeyError: # If not all expected keys are in the returned JSON
self.logger.exception("StateMachine:Got unexpected result (2)")
raise ha.HomeAssistantError(
"Got unexpected result (2): {}".format(req.text))