237 lines
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237 lines
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"""HTTP view that converts audio from a URL to a preferred format."""
import asyncio
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from http import HTTPStatus
import logging
import secrets
from aiohttp import web
from aiohttp.abc import AbstractStreamWriter, BaseRequest
from homeassistant.components.ffmpeg import FFmpegManager
from homeassistant.components.http import HomeAssistantView
from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant
from .const import DATA_FFMPEG_PROXY
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def async_create_proxy_url(
hass: HomeAssistant,
device_id: str,
media_url: str,
media_format: str,
rate: int | None = None,
channels: int | None = None,
width: int | None = None,
) -> str:
"""Create a one-time use proxy URL that automatically converts the media."""
data: FFmpegProxyData = hass.data[DATA_FFMPEG_PROXY]
return data.async_create_proxy_url(
device_id, media_url, media_format, rate, channels, width
class FFmpegConversionInfo:
"""Information for ffmpeg conversion."""
url: str
"""Source URL of media to convert."""
media_format: str
"""Target format for media (mp3, flac, etc.)"""
rate: int | None
"""Target sample rate (None to keep source rate)."""
channels: int | None
"""Target number of channels (None to keep source channels)."""
width: int | None
"""Target sample width in bytes (None to keep source width)."""
class FFmpegProxyData:
"""Data for ffmpeg proxy conversion."""
# device_id -> convert_id -> info
conversions: dict[str, dict[str, FFmpegConversionInfo]] = field(
default_factory=lambda: defaultdict(dict)
# device_id -> process
processes: dict[str, asyncio.subprocess.Process] = field(default_factory=dict)
def async_create_proxy_url(
device_id: str,
media_url: str,
media_format: str,
rate: int | None,
channels: int | None,
width: int | None,
) -> str:
"""Create a one-time use proxy URL that automatically converts the media."""
convert_id = secrets.token_urlsafe(16)
self.conversions[device_id][convert_id] = FFmpegConversionInfo(
media_url, media_format, rate, channels, width
_LOGGER.debug("Media URL allowed by proxy: %s", media_url)
return f"/api/esphome/ffmpeg_proxy/{device_id}/{convert_id}.{media_format}"
class FFmpegConvertResponse(web.StreamResponse):
"""HTTP streaming response that uses ffmpeg to convert audio from a URL."""
def __init__(
manager: FFmpegManager,
convert_info: FFmpegConversionInfo,
device_id: str,
proxy_data: FFmpegProxyData,
chunk_size: int = 2048,
) -> None:
"""Initialize response.
manager: FFmpegManager
ffmpeg manager
convert_info: FFmpegConversionInfo
Information necessary to do the conversion
device_id: str
ESPHome device id
proxy_data: FFmpegProxyData
Data object to store ffmpeg process
chunk_size: int
Number of bytes to read from ffmpeg process at a time
self.hass = manager.hass
self.manager = manager
self.convert_info = convert_info
self.device_id = device_id
self.proxy_data = proxy_data
self.chunk_size = chunk_size
async def prepare(self, request: BaseRequest) -> AbstractStreamWriter | None:
"""Stream url through ffmpeg conversion and out to HTTP client."""
writer = await super().prepare(request)
assert writer is not None
command_args = [
if self.convert_info.rate is not None:
# Sample rate
command_args.extend(["-ar", str(self.convert_info.rate)])
if self.convert_info.channels is not None:
# Number of channels
command_args.extend(["-ac", str(self.convert_info.channels)])
if self.convert_info.width == 2:
# 16-bit samples
command_args.extend(["-sample_fmt", "s16"])
# Output to stdout
_LOGGER.debug("%s %s", self.manager.binary, " ".join(command_args))
proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
assert proc.stdout is not None
assert proc.stderr is not None
# Only one conversion process per device is allowed
self.proxy_data.processes[self.device_id] = proc
# Pull audio chunks from ffmpeg and pass them to the HTTP client
while (
and (request.transport is not None)
and (not request.transport.is_closing())
and (proc.returncode is None)
and (chunk := await proc.stdout.read(self.chunk_size))
await writer.write(chunk)
await writer.drain()
# Close connection
await writer.write_eof()
# Terminate hangs, so kill is used
if proc.returncode != 0:
# Process did not exit successfully
stderr_text = ""
while line := await proc.stderr.readline():
stderr_text += line.decode()
_LOGGER.error("Error shutting down ffmpeg: %s", stderr_text)
_LOGGER.debug("Conversion completed: %s", self.convert_info)
return writer
class FFmpegProxyView(HomeAssistantView):
"""FFmpeg web view to convert audio and stream back to client."""
requires_auth = False
url = "/api/esphome/ffmpeg_proxy/{device_id}/{filename}"
name = "api:esphome:ffmpeg_proxy"
def __init__(self, manager: FFmpegManager, proxy_data: FFmpegProxyData) -> None:
"""Initialize an ffmpeg view."""
self.manager = manager
self.proxy_data = proxy_data
async def get(
self, request: web.Request, device_id: str, filename: str
) -> web.StreamResponse:
"""Start a get request."""
# {id}.mp3 -> id
convert_id = filename.rsplit(".")[0]
convert_info = self.proxy_data.conversions[device_id].pop(convert_id)
except KeyError:
"Unrecognized convert id %s for device: %s", convert_id, device_id
return web.Response(
body="Convert id not recognized", status=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
# Stop any existing process
proc = self.proxy_data.processes.pop(device_id, None)
if (proc is not None) and (proc.returncode is None):
_LOGGER.debug("Stopping existing ffmpeg process for device: %s", device_id)
# Terminate hangs, so kill is used
# Stream converted audio back to client
return FFmpegConvertResponse(
self.manager, convert_info, device_id, self.proxy_data